These idiots are able to control absolutely everything except for what they should be controlling - LA fires, viruses escaping from the lab, child porn, illegal immigrants.

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That’s exactly what they want you to believe Angelina. The only problem is, they are controlling, as you wrote,

“LA fires, viruses escaping from the lab, child porn, illegal immigrants.”

Don’t be fooled, Covid-Mind-Virus: a DoD planned and executed attack with a “Weapon of Mass Destruction!”

Child Porn, 100% controlled by this “Illegitimate Government / sniffing grifter of a despicable clump of cell-mass installed as President!

And illegal border invaders, all planned and payed for by our, the American people’s tax dollars!

Virtually everything is controlled by and or a public / private partnership, which can ultimately be our demise!

Including the LA Wide-Fires one can make the case as being controlled, simply because of poor leadership and ill-prepared preparations made in advance. Every year, the Santa Ana Winds!

This is yet another despicable example of “D.E.I-Prioritized” over proper funding and staffing of all Fire Departments and the proper water supply management! Indecently, the water supply shortage was due to a “public /private partnership. Nobody is responsible when this is the case. Very disturbing and extremely dangerous! Why did Newsom tell the reporter, “talk to the locals?” Now you know why.

Overwhelmingly, our government controls everything Angelina, literally everything.


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I was being sarcastic:-)

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Don't leave out Trump canoodling with his fine friends Epstein and Maxwell and all those wonderful private flights he took on the Lolita Express.

Be fair! You know how Trump hates being left out!

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I doubt Trump was on St Jeffrey's island, or used Lolita Express. It would have been already leaked by now. And I think he broke off with Epstein after he saw Epstein harassing Trump's staff.

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Sorry, but that's crazy talk. Trump is listed as a passenger on flight logs that have been publicly published and has spoken about flying on the plane. You can find it. I will not find it for you.

Epstein didn't just harass girls at Mar-A-Lago. Epstein recruited underage girls at Trump's resort and then abused them.

So...you think all those cozy photos and videos of Trump and Epstein mean nothing?

Tell that to the little girls whose lives were ruined.

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Source, please? Virginia Giuffre was recruited by Maxwell from Mar-a-Lago where she worked as a spa attendant and later she sued Epstein, Maxwell and Prince Andrew, but never Trump. In fact, Newsweek stated on 02 Jan 2024:

" There is no evidence that Trump visited Epstein's notorious Little St. James island, where the late financier is alleged to have trafficked and sexually abused young women and girls. Trump has also never been implicated in the offenses committed by Epstein or Maxwell."


"Trump flew 4 times in 1993, as well as once in 1994, 1995 and 1997. The flights were between Palm Beach, Florida, and New York City airports, with one 1994 flight stopping at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. In another June 1994 flight, Trump traveled with a woman named "Marla"—presumably then-wife Marla Maples—and his then-infant daughter, Tiffany, along with a nanny." Trump's son Eric is also listed on a flight in August 1995 from Palm Beach to New York, and would have been 11 at the time of the flight."

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Newsweek is your source? Main Stream Media? Project Mockingbird? Propaganda?

Crazy willful ignorance.

Trump knew Epstein and Maxwell well enough to host them at Mar-A-Lago and fly on Epstein's private jet.

Are you trying to imply he was so ignorant of who and what Epstein was/is that he subjected his children to that pedophile?

Like Operation Warp Speed? Trump was so ignorant and stupid he couldn't see the vaccination was poison like I and millions more people with no access to the information Trump had could see it for what it was?

He's that stupid? That's the line on Trump you're taking? That Trump is such and idiot and so stupid he didn't know Epstein was running one of the largest known pedophile rings in the world and that the vaccination was poison that would kill and disable millions of Americans and their children for untold generations?

Is that what you honestly believe and want others to believe?

Marie Antionette had nothing on the level of delusion you claim.

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“ People under "my side" mind control think that if anyone is criticizing the red political party, then they must have loyalty to the blue party....and vice versa. My political beliefs are simple. You deserve to rule yourself (as long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process) and you deserve all your money in your own pocket, to spend as you wish. You certainly don't deserve someone stealing your money and then trying to murder you with it, by purposely poisoning your air, water, food and medicine. If you believe in politics today, that's all you're getting back for your belief. That's it.

Now, if that doesn't land well with you, it means you're under the same intense forms of mind control that I've talked about while speaking on this subject in the US Senate, the EU Parliament, while visiting the Japanese Parliament, The Romanian Palace of the Parliament and at CPAC. (in a breakout room) No offense is intended by this comment whatsoever. If you believe that your life wouldn't get better with all your freedom and all your money, we're not really going to have the common ground needed to connect on any level. If you need someone to boss you around and steal your money (so you can feel a form of fake safety that doesn't exist in reality), then there's actually something wrong with you. That's not an insult; it's a fact that you need to keep processing until you break your mind control.” Jason Christoff~ Mind Control Expert

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Thank you for your comment and your work to bring this into the light. You are stating simple truths.

The mind-controlled people like some in these comments are dragging all of us over the cliff with them and I am no longer sparing my words.

I feel it's the least I can do. If they want to plunge to their untimely deaths so be it but they have no right to take everyone with them.

That's manslaughter.

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You got that right Pirate.

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@Pirate; I wonder if you are using the same false propaganda they used on Marie Antoinette's fake, “Let Them Eat Cake” & rumors of sexual perversion, to help promote that blood bath/ genocide French Revolution? Is Donald Trump responsible for the sins of sick Epstein? Should Trump not associate with sinners? Remember that was one of the charges against Jesus Christ that got him hung!

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That's such an ignorant comment this is the only comment I can make about your comment -

It's disgusting that you compare Trump to Jesus Christ and Trump's affiliation with a VERY WELL KNOWN PEDOPHILE as the kind of ministering to sinners Jesus did.

Let them eat cake? I'm so nauseated from reading your comment I've lost my appetite for anything. Revolting.

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As many flights as Bill Clinton? There's an elephant in your room.

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That's stupid. The discussion is about what Trump did. Not Clinton.

What you're saying is it's okay for Trump to diddle around with Epstein a little bit because he didn't diddle as much as Clinton.

Sick. I'm no fan of any politician and have no elephants in my room.

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These idiots are able to control the dumb-down "educated" idiots/ or Cogs as John Gatto's book, Dumbing Us Down best explains!

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I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my car spying on me. And I never forgot the famous reporter, Michael Hastings, who outed the top General [Stanley McChrystal] in Afghanistan. Then said reporter came back to the US and some months later his car acted funny—he tried to borrow another car but couldn’t, and then his Mercedes started traveling 100 miles an hour, hit something and the young reporter died in a ball of flames in the middle of the night in the middle of Los Angeles. Long before the fires. It seemed obvious the car was being controlled wirelessly from elsewhere. Which raises the issue: can this be done to anyone? >> Hastings was murdered close enough to my neighborhood for me to collect some debris from the crash site in the hopes of finding metal melted that should not have melted in a hydrocarbon fire but there was none such among the pieces I collected.

Hastings was headed south on Highland Ave in the middle lane toward Melrose Ave where the middle parkway juts out and requires turning to the right to avoid a collision as you cross Melrose. Eyewitness statements and videos show that he had already lost control of the speed and brakes—a muffler or the like had descended from the car and was sparking the street. The impression I got was that Michael could steer the car but had no control over how fast it went. Thus, most remarkably—aside from the fact that the engine flew 100 feet or so from the car when it hit a huge palm tree nearly head on—there were no brake or skid marks on Highland. None, nada. This is entirely consistent with the autopsy report that showed Hastings died instantaneously from a concussion from a force that went directly up his rigidly extended leg through his spinal column to his brain. In other words, he was going 80 or so mph Courtesy of the Deep State operatives and could point the car where he wanted but not brake it. He had his foot fully extended smashing the brake pedal into the floor. He turned the car away from the central parkway going south on Highland in order to avoid it, probably turned too sharply—the jut comes as a surprise when you are headed south—then over-steered in correction and hit the tree head on after smashing an elevated water pipe. We cannot rule out that the steering was also compromised.

A few days before his murder Michael messaged friends that he was working on a big story and had to go “off the grid.” Just to make sure that the meaning of his passing was not lost on the rest of the independent media, a few days later the Huffington Post for some reason saw fit to interview Richard A Clarke who opined that the intelligence agencies of any advanced countries had the means to hack and take over control of the electrical system of any modern cars. You may remember Richard: he’s the guy who according to his autobiographical legend (Against All Enemies) at 9:05 a.m. of 9/11/2001 was asked by co-conspirator Dick Cheney in the Situation Room who could have done such a thing as this and Richard replied right out of the box—“Al-Qaeda!” Clarke had spent the prior few years hyping Al-Qaeda as the foremost "existential threat" to the USA. Al-Qaeda in turn was “The Base” short for “the data-base” which was the CIA computer data-base of jihadists for hire for covert ops. A French intelligence officer revealed this fact, then was framed for some crime he didn’t commit and sentenced to prison for five years. Global Research has a good write-up of the details but I am a bit too weary to search the citation. So the answer to your question whether it can be done to anyone is, yes, of course it can.

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I don't question that cars can potentially be controlled remotely. However, I don't believe the evidence shows remote control caused Hasting's death (and his widow came to the same conclusion after hiring an investigator). If anyone's interested, back in 2013, I wrote extensively about his death and his legacy at my Feral Firefighter blog:




You can also use the Scribd link to view/download pdf for free.

Hastings was a great journalist, whom the NYT besmirched in their obituary, who refused to carry water for the powers that be: "Fearless ... a dick to those in power."

P.S. There's a lot of BS out there about his death. For example, Hastings did not die from a concussion. The autopsy showed that his heart was torn loose by the impact. Take a look at the first link for my analysis.

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No offense but I don't download anything if possible. Can you give us a synopsis? I ran through the first link and didn't see anything written definitively. It looked like quotes from other people.

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Here's the link to Elise Jordan's (Hasting's widow) conclusion that it was an accident: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/reporter-michael-hastings-life-after-death-62724/ that I just looked after my previous comment.

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Ah! Excellent! Thank you. The final paragraph indicates that Hastings had become paranoid and believed himself under constant surveillance. This tactic is used in many cases. Look at Bill Cooper's demise. They say that he pointed a gun at county deputies who opened fire, but prior to that final incident, he had sent his wife and daughter far away; had interacted bizarrely with a local resident; spoke erratically; had barricaded himself inside his home; and quotes directly attributed to him appear to indicate that he was "ready to go."

I think paranoia grips people who whistleblow because the enormity of what they've uncovered is usually horrifically truth-telling. Blows normal conceptions apart. I think very likely certain factors (late-night anonymous calls; being followed; etc.) occur which encourage them to think in this manner. The unfortunate state of paranoia is that the individual ultimately can't distinguish between "reality" and imagined threats.

Bill Cooper, in my estimation, died "suicide by cops." The sheriff and deputies' reports seem creditable. I don't think they were involved in any conspiracy. I think Cooper could have been intimidated in other ways only he **recognized.** Maybe the same occurred for Hastings. In any case, Cooper opened fire on the deputies which ended his life.

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What were you looking for "written definitively'? If about cause of death, there is a link to his autopsy report on p. 76.

No "synopsis" (I never finished a final draft) but I'd suggest looking at my Q & A with Hasting's brother starting on p. 179. Also, his widow later spoke about the "no foul play" results of her own investigation (at "Rolling Stone" magazine?; not included in my document).

You can read on-line, without downloading, by clicking the Scribd link.

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Thanks for your reply!

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Well, this was fun. I loved the Corbett Report interview with Eric Peters. It made me really appreciate my pre-airbag1994 Isuzu Trooper with manual door locks and windows (which I specially ordered back then). I hope it's not spying on me; it still runs like a top.

Reworked the sandwich for meat. Maybe I'll keep pickled vegetables in the fridge as a relish for chicken.

PS Did anyone follow the link on the Corbett site to the story about the Amish building 100 houses for the victims of Hurricane Helene? Bet you know the ending: FEMA kicked them out of the houses and sent them back to their tents. Makes my blood boil.

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I just told my hubby yesterday that driving a computer at 70 mph seems risky considering how frequently the other computers in my life act quirky seemingly for no reason and in no particular pattern.

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1) My mouth is watering, but I cooked dinner with garden veggies and Jenny will be home soon so we can eat.

2) 2008 and earlier Toyota Matrix with good maintenance record and lowish (under 150k) miles is a good bet. We took one over 300k miles before giving it away, and it ran 2-3 more years. until it was t-boned by an Audi. I got a 2006 Matrix with a manual transmission in good condition recently.

It's not a status symbol, but it won't run away with you, though the 2009 and later Matrices have a radio-controlled throttle from the gas pedal, not a wire to the intake throttle-body, and they can do that suddenly-run-full-throttle thing sometimes, so I don't like them nearly as well.

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Always love a GREAT recipe tip!!

and some one needs to make just a very basic car, NO digital, NO wifi, Gas only

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9,000 degree fireball, blew the engine/transmission one football field away labeled an accident, right up there with Gary Webb, Dark Alliance, two gunshot wounds back of the head, suicide

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My 30 year old Geo Prism is in good condition and it has nothing electrical. I have had people offer to buy it number of times, but i am attached to it. I have not used it much since we moved here in 2019, because my daughter likes to drive her car. I bought it in 2005, when it waa 11 years old...and took a 7000 mile trip across the United States without one problem. It was manufactured by Chevrolet and Toyota. I took really good care of it...and it passed smog inspection every time.

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Interesting problems with cars. Having a trustworthy mechanic is perhaps the best way to chose a vehicle. What do they want to fix? Buying an older mint vehicle makes a lot of sense if you know someone trusted who specializes in them.

Became a Volvo specialist in the 80's. Learned dealers are incredibly, hit or miss.

I had 4 Volvo 122s cars. Know in Europe as Amazons. Kick myself for letting the last one go. From California put a modified engine in it. Had guts and got 30 mpg.

My ex worked miracles with Tempeh. Could I use rib eye instead? No actually love Tempeh and

Rosanne too, still.

Who does your retiring mechanic recommend?

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I just tried out the replacement mechanic for a simple brake job. One needs to find people who love Saabs. Maybe next will be an old Toyota, as John Day suggests. Easier to find mechanics.

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Meryl, I have a 2009 Toyota Sienna that has almost 355k miles with no replacement of major parts. It’s the best car I have ever owned although not attractive. It drives like a dream.

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You can't beat a Toyota for reliability & semi cheep parts!

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Always had good luck with Toyotas. Wound up with a free Honda Civic and somewhat stunned by how cheap parts are and not too bad to fix. Very common vehicle. Not quite finished but feels like a keeper.

Richest guy I knew avoided flashy cars that crooks and cops notice. Always drove strong, fast, plain jane vehicles.

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frankly, ..."strong, fast, plain jane vehicles." Such as??

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Oh this goes pretty far back. Realizing the fact he owned built and raced race cars accounts for the fast part. They weren't inherently fast he just drove anything quickly.

Strong in that he knew cars and nothing mechanical ailed the ones he liked for long, he fixed it. Plain Jane. No flashy wheels, rust free or undented.

So must have been a late 70's to early 80's VW GTI he fancied for a year or so. That was the thing, they were nondescript, that's the only one I can actually picture in my mind.

I had a flashy car, won't even say what as many will scoff, no way man. Anyway it got stolen. Lesson learned.

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LOL, I did, too. Several. I think it is a stage of development many of us work our way through...

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This is true, I think older Saabs (and Volvos!) need special love from their mechanics. Thank you for sharing the lovely recipe tonight!

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On to our 4th Volvo now - we kick ourselves as well to have given up a 2004 V70R with a beautiful caramel-y interior…

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Really the mechanic is key. Volvos were always overbuilt, have long since lost track if that is still true. If your mechanic is honest he will guide you. If they are crooked the best car will turn into a lemon.

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The Runaway General- The Profile That Brought Down McChrystal by Michael Hastings

June 22, 2010


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A couple of years later, Hasting's article was expanded into a book, "The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan." I annotated "the [Untold] Pat Tillman story " in my 2012 blog post "Something to Die For." http://feralfirefighter.blogspot.com/2012/04/something-to-die-for-untold-tillman.html

In 2017, Netflix's first home-grown movie was "War Machine" starring Brad Pitt that was based on the book (not the greatest adaption, but it has its' moments).

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Hi Meryl! Thanks so much for giving my recipe a shout-out and sharing your own prep tips. I'm glad it worked out for you :)

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Thank you Meryl! I am learning about meat alternatives and now know about tempeh after watching a video. I look forward to making this sandwich, maybe open faced to cut carbs for my husband and I hope he likes it too. The car news... he said our cell phone battery is always on, even when turned off and the powers that be can hear anything they want. Phone batteries used to be outside the phone (Nokia), but someone insisted the battery be put inside. We know why.

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Wrap the phone in aluminum foil to prevent transmission.

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I did some tests recently with my GoDark bag and tin foil. The bag worked (when closed as directed; the tinfoil did not.

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Coriander and tofu are wonderful additions…I don’t think anyone is going to hack my 1986 Toyota Coaster 😂

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I think of the movie, "Enemy of the State." Gene Hackman's character, a former NSA employee and surveillance whiz, chose an 80s era El Camino as his vehicle. No transponders there.

I truly lament the fate of the Swedish auto industry. Never owned a Saab or Volvo, but always found them interesting. Saab Automotive is no longer with us. Geely Holding, a Chinese company, reportedly owns 79% of Volvo now. What a coup! As has occurred with a few European automakers, the Chinese were able swoop in late in the game, with bags of cash, and gain the benefits of decades (generations) of R&D and expensive trial and error, probably for pennies on the dollar.

I think old Volvos have a charm. A new Volvo? I'd be concerned about a digital dash display showing my actively updated social credit score. It could drop precipitously if I pulled into the parking lot for Taiwanese-style cuisine. Hypothetically.

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The Tesla Cyber Truck and Ford Lighting used in the recent attacks have built in autonomous driving. That makes them easier to control remotely than most advanced feature autos today. Most vehicles including newer bikes, boats, etc have an electronic "drive by wire" accelerator not the old style cables and linkage. Most have electronic steering too. With just those, if the ECU could be accessed gives a would be hacker lots of ability.

A driver could be drugged or dead already, buckled in and the vehicle sent on its way.

No proof and not suggesting that's what happen but in the subject context it's very possible.

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Two things: 1) I wonder if I could substitute tofu for tempeh in that recipe? 2) I bought a 2021 model used SUV recently. It has all the bells and whistles on it that my 2015 Camry did not have, one of which is a navigation system. Unlike my phone where I have a VPN and I keep the location services turned off, I see no way to turn the SUV navi system off. Anyone have any ideas?

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I have used tofu. I would use a very firm tofu, and bake it to dehydrate it so it will absorb the marinade when you take it out of the oven

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Got it, thank-you!

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