Nazi Germany is back, disguised as Woke.

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How 'bout Nazi US?

For our PhD friend who disagrees (well, he has Permanent head Damage" after all):

Fascism is the fusion of corporations with the state... something like "private public partnership"... Where did I heard this before?

YES, the Nazis lost the war only in Germany and Japan - their supporters thrived in the US and in the City of London; Germany and Japan are STILL an occupied countries. Fascist Germany was the Anglo-American proxy against the Soviet Union, pretty much like Ukraine is now the proxy of the same interests against Russia!

The "leftists" "Democrats" are extreme far right, NOT lefties... their interest do NOT align with the interests of the working class but with the corporations exclusively -> fascism!

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Nailed it! Private corporate gov merger.

It’s really autocracy sprinkled with communism for the peasants.

THe same families are behind the scenes with their minions running the show.

The same bankers who funded Hitlers war.

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I agree except for the last part. Leftists are ALWAYS for more government control. They may decorate it with deceptive language, but they ALWAYS want the government to have it's nose in everyone's lives.

The Nazis were extreme far leftists. They've only been labeled as far right because they opposed communism.

An easy way to look at is, what are people in America labeled who simply want the government to leave them alone?

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In a leftist dictatorship, the political is deeply in control of the economic; in fascism, the economic leads the government...

We are in the seconds case, thus we are fascists... not to mention that we support "in-your-face" Nazis in 404... (that should give it away).

Fair enough, there are many commonalities between the two.

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It's totalitarian control. Or, as I recognized it years ago, it's really a return to feudalism.

The rulers, the enforcers and the stepped on.

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That too. Serfdom.

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Excuse me, I resemble that remark. There's a bunch of us hillbillies in my state and others. Not fascists, though.

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Left, right, commie, democracy, monarchy, dictator, national socialist, fascism, republicanism...etc....etc..... ALL of it falls under the umbrella of 'collectivism'

Collectivist always use enFORCEment to make the people obedient, the only difference is the degrees of brutality amongst the violent collectivist state.

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Correct. Nazis are often labeled as "Right" when they are in fact "Left."

We see the Left here going for "normalizing" criminal and civil depraved conduct, while seeking to ram it down our throats and impose said conduct upon our children. They always seek control and destroying individual rights, every time.

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Aug 28, 2023
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Spot on!

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Nah. To deny that Leftists are overwhelmingly the problem throughout the entire motherfucking West is to gaslight.

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If you are left or right you are a collectivist and collectivist suck!

The problem is people like yourself that believe in this two party b/s at all.

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Collectivist like Stalin and Mao?

"Left" and "Right" are not "parties" -- they are world-views and attitudes. I don't care what you call them -- call them "Purple Kangaroos" and "Maroon Giraffes". All I know is, one side promotes sawing off girls' breasts and wearing masks in the park and submitting to the State when the State trots out its dubious "Experts" to tell you you need experimental chemicals injected in your own body -- and the other side is OPPOSED to this batshit horeshit.

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The current political system in the United States has been most accurately described as an Inverted Totalitarian Technocracy. That is when bureaucrats are appointed to agencies such as DOT, NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA and HHS, then give out marching orders from the billionaire corporatists who pull their strings due to their "largesse," so to speak. Witness Fauci and Bill Gates. The recommendations they make essentially run the policy-making machinery of the government. It is the tail wagging the dog if ever there was.

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It's more evil than inverted totalitarianism, and it has a lot to do with eugenics.

They don't like it that the yellow vests protested in France, and they don't like it that people everywhere might rise up against them. There are too many people. With their massive wealth and power, the club at the very top has decided that they must do what they must do, and if the people under them want their good jobs and vacation homes then they'd better do what they're told and not ask too many questions.

The way to keep the rest of the population in line is through censorship of opinions that oppose the desired narratives. Or, censorship of jobs for those unlucky enough to speak their minds in opposition to the evil.

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And now the BIG GUY is going to try to mandate the gene therapy shots for everyone... We all must refuse.... They cannot take control if most of us stand up. The uni-party/Military/bioppharmaceutical/globalist Nexus is beginning to pull out all the stops. They are worried about all of us we stood up the first time and that their plans and actions were so obviously nefarious and totalitarian that they are doubling and tripling down now. Glad I live in the country and do grow my own food and can process without any electricity or fossil fuels which our stupid state is rapidly making scarce and illegal ( VT ).

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I was just thinking: The PRESIDENT is now practicing medicine? W..T...F....? Can we SUE??

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...and they're doing it all via "inverted totalitarian technocracry," which is namely the FORM it takes, which does not take into account the AIMS and lNTENTIONS, or its various levels of depravity, both of the bullying billionaires and those charged with administering their authoritarian aims.

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That, too.

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As I've often observed, the Blue-pilled Dems have gone so far to the Left that their heads are coming out the right side of their a$$ ;-)

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OPERATION PAPERCLIP! Explains why we are so fascist here, right now.

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"Permanent head damage." Cute.

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It is never about left and right;

Either up to light, liberty, and LIFE,


Down into darkness, slavery, and DEATH.

There is mo left or right, that is a misdirection, a lie, told by the rulers, to create a false reality prison for us.

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American Nazis are better known as fascists.

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American fascists occupy every space from communism on the left to conservatism on the right.

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@Hubris Did you mean "Piled High and Deep"?

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This is a stupid comment. Stop it with the Nazi nonsense already. This just feeds Leftist/Antifa insanity.

What IS here is totalitarianism. This is a totalitarianism that is in a purer form than has ever existed. THIS is what needs to be focused on.

I apologize if this seems harsh, but we really need to quite [quit] it with the old tropes which, like "democracy," "far right," and other terms from the past only are tools of manipulation, appropriation and confusion.

The use of terms like "Nazi" [removed comma] does not help our cause.

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Apparently, you are either thin skinned, or irritable this evening. Jpeach's comment is not a "stupid" comment. It's not "nonsense" to use the term "Nazi." There is over a century of history that led into Nazi Germany and ongoing processes that bred organized Fascism and Stalinism and Maoism. Yes, we are at a "purer" (one term that can be used) form perhaps, breaking out into totalitarianism, in that there are additional means of intruding and surveilling. The basics are the same.

Right out of the box, you used ad hominem, then with a non-apology apology said there are words we need to quit using., and then labeled them as words and terms from the past as tools of manipulation, etc.

My experience is "leftism" includes throwing out "terms from the past" and regulating people's speech. Those are hallmarks of totalitarianism.

I find your comment ironic, at least.

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Alright, but I disagree. Nazism is a long defunct political movement. It was a response to Bolshevik Communism and it was located in a particular era, ca. 80 years ago. It had brutal, police-state character. It is doubtful that it sought "world domination," however bad it may have been.

Today's tyrants are quite set on domination and annihilation of most people in the world.

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So what word is worse than Nazi? “Totalitarian” just doesn’t have the same evil image of our current picture. We ARE in the middle of a holocaust! Our DOD and gov. agencies are pretty intent on killing us within the next decade. What term suites you? When I think of Nazi, I think of a controlled regime that doesn’t give a shizmo about its citizens. Surveillance, control, and power are current driving goals of our attackers. Sounds similar to me. The big difference is Hitler was a pacifist compared to Anthony Fauci. If you compare numbers of disabled and murdered alone, there’s no comparison.

Masks have hurt our children physically & psychologically. They get headaches and are behind in speech usage and learning. The masks end up being woven petri cloth, full of bacteria & dirt. And social distancing is a joke. What a nightmare for parents and teachers.

There isn’t a strong enough word to describe this kind of incompetent & unnecessary evil. It’s unethical & immoral to force our youth to participate in unscientific propaganda, all in the name of control. Hopefully parents pull their kids from these schools. I’d go off-grid to save my kids from this repulsive evilness.

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I actually fear Bolsheviks quite a bit. They are very insidious. But let's focus on today's totalitarians, the so-called Anti-fascists, the self-appointed protectors of "democracy," who make a mockery of democracy.

These pharmaco-tyrants have inserted their tentacles into everything. We have never seen anything like this except, perhaps, for the evil Bolsheviks-Communists, Maoist Communists and Communists just about everywhere we found them and still find them today.

Do not let the Communists divert your attention from themselves with their misdirection to, to what? Nazis? How about Confederates? And who next, the Carthaginians? These people are masters of deflection and stealing language.

If I have accomplished anything tonight I hope that I have managed to help people think about using language precisely and about seeing that these tyrants are primarily people of the LEFT. Thus, they are most akin to the Communists of the early 20th Century.

If you do not get that correct, you do not understand their tactics.

God bless everybody tonight, and thanks to Dr. Nass for thought provoking articles.

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The Leftists have been really busy hijacking our vocabulary and replacing commonly understood words with their "newspeak.." Drives me nuts.

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Bret Weinstein said we are in the part of the library where these past atrocities occurred though it doesn't match any of them specifically. You are totally right that they are masters of deflection and stealing language. Absolutely. The way they've managed to get everyone focused on slavery in the past and reparations totally saturates the category "slavery" when human trafficking and technological slavery is their end. I know what you are saying, but I think finding patterns from the past as partly applicable furthers understanding. This can also inspire people to resistance. I just finished a novel on Iran about executions and people imprisoned for dissidence. We are not there YET. Or at the Rape of Nanking, the next novel I've begun, but we could get there as as much as we don't want to think so, we are all capable of the worst and the best in humanity. We must pull towards Dylan's

highway of diamonds," goodness, truth and beauty, actively.

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I disagree with everything except your last sentence.

Nazis are alive and thriving - see Ukraine.

Communism goes back to the earlier-mid 1800s.

Captured Nazis in WWII had the U.S. mapped out by town, they had an encyclopedic knowledge base about every community, its geography, its demographics. I am aware of one German explaining to his captor about a small town in CT that was one of his assignments. Detailed knowledge. (His captor ended up punching his lights out, the information was so granular).

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[science city] the Soviets had the USA mapped out ! They meticulously had towns modeled after ours and spoke learned to speak (Americanese) ! etc etc. . Russia could not rebuild the (Soviets) after the War with the Large Part of their mil. taken from Russian Catholics/ E.orthodox Christian’s all !! So [they{ Came Here ! Let this think’ give You a hint !

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Who whipped up these Ukrainians? (Hint: go back to 2014 and the Obama Administration.) Do a bit of digging is what I would respectfully suggest.

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Oh yeah, I have. Maddening.

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Aboma had his vision ! remember who his mom was and who his dad was… you’ll have to do a deep search if you want to know.. then you might get a hint ‘

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Nazi is slang!

You utilize that term not because you researched it or investigated its origins. You repeat it due to programming. It has been beat into the heads of americans.....No?

The correct term is 'National Socialist'

Did National Socialist Party members call themselves Nazi?

and don't you find it odd that Republicans/Conservatives will align with 'nationalism'

and Democrats/Liberals will align with 'socialism'

It is ridiculous to use this term Nazi unless you want to look like an idiot to one group or another, nevertheless i agree with your assessment that there is a lot more that leads up to the history of National Socialist Germany.....More than most americans will ever know.

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You seem to know a little with what you have said ! but kno secret is safe and certainly Not in this ‘Time’ !

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Aug 28, 2023
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Mr. Groves, regarding "my experience," are you referring then to Potatodots comment, I presume, not mine?

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You’re splitting hairs and being too literal. The thrust of the comment is clear, which I read as a generalisation not only applicable to Germany. All the 20th century tyrannies are “back”, because they never went away. Same Dark Triads, same despots, same psychopathology. We just upgraded the names. Woke, technocratic-fascism, neo-Marxist, globalist-communist, globohomo pathocracy,, transhuman-eugenicist dipshits, iatrogenic democide... Take your pick, and keep over-intellectualising. That’s really what we need to combat the body count.

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I’ll apply your rant as ( i ) interpret it ! 0k ?

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What was fascism? Per Wiki

forcible suppression of opposition,

subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race…

Anti conservatism, governed by DICTATORSHIP.

Which two leaders were fascists (per Wiki)and how do they describe them:

Benito Mussolini (left) and Adolf Hitler (right),

the leaders of Fascist Italy and …. *** Nazi Germany, ***respectively

So…. Nazi Germany = Fascist DICTATOR

Nazi’s were the brutal enforcers, and by the way, they didn’t only murder Jews.

They murdered anyone who disobeyed them. Including Italians opposed to Mussolini (my grandfather was in the rebellion against that monster), homosexuals, gypsies, the disabled , Germans who helped Germans with Jewish heritage … among others.

It’s the SPIRIT of the conduct by the oppressive Nazi’s that the comment above was made in regards to the heavy handed nature against the judge -

as a warning of learning from the past to NOT make the same mistake in the present or future. Hitler started with censorship, then switched to public shaming the Jews accusing them of carrying disease . Have a look at the many newspaper articles on the awful disparaging cartoons mocking them .

The playbook of public shaming is the same one being used against those dissenters against the vaccine right now, and against anyone voicing objection to men dressing as women and being allowed to enter female change rooms, and women sports. Same blueprint.

It will escalate if we don’t call it out for what it is now collectively.

Let’s NOT keep quiet this time in history.

It is totalitarianism , it is Dictatorship . It must not be accepted or permitted.

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Fascism: the unison of all powers: state, military, industry. We see even more institutions (specifically, all of them) consolidated in to a 'fascio', or bundle. Although Leftists things like Wikipedia like to link it to "far right" movements, the truth is that Leftists can be fascistic too, perhaps even better than rightists or conservative.

And lets not forget the evils of Bolshevism and Communism while we are thinking of fascism, as someone else aptly pointed out. Okay, that done, let's get back to work on our present-day tyrants.on

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Jordan Peterson has been going on about some recent research (of his, I believe) that describes Leftist Totalitarianism and the traits associated with it. fascinating stuff.

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And it would be good if Dr. Peterson were more open to learning a thing or two, just as he recommends for his audience, rather angrily and emotionally -- and seemingly uncontrollably -- at times. His package of ideas does not seem to me to fit together well. That is sad. I like Dr. Peterson.

I promoted him among my recipients when he first came on the scene, but then he blew it in my opinion. I tried [strike: to] contacting him multiple times before and after his psychological and emotional breakdown, and that has never been successful. Instead he, at least as I see it, apparently lets himself be guided around by some folks -- I am not sure who -- behind the scenes. To me it appears palpable. I do not see that it has had a good effect.

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interesting. I like listening to him (only began fairly recently). yeah, he is certainly very opinionated and steadfast into defending his right to state his opinions. to be honest, if I went through what he has gone through, I would be emotional too. he doesn't sound like the type of person who would allow anyone to 'lead him around' but who knows with people in the public eye. you never really know, I have no illusions about that.

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Chris said: "Nazi’s were the brutal enforcers"

What enforcer is not brutal?

An 'enFORCEr' initiates 'FORCE' ....who likes force initiated on themselves???

It matters not the political ideology, communism, national socialism, republicanism, monarchy, dictator, socialist, democracy, fascism...etc...etc.... they ALL require enFORCEment, this leads to a truth that cannot be rebuked, repudiated or impugned and that is the aforementioned political ideologies all fall under the umbrella of collectivism......with the only difference being the degrees of brutality.

All political states utilize censorship daily, it is how all governments maintain control.

Are you trying to say the country you live in is governed by a government that does not utilize propaganda?

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Agree, except I believe what we’re seeing here is “Satan’s short season”.

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The "Loosed for a short season" you referred to has been explicitly explained as a time when he will be allowed by God to try and persuade the resurrected evil persons, AFTER Christ has come, taken all the resurrected saints and those which are alive at that time, to heaven for that "millennium" (thousand year period) which will be spent in Heaven (temporarily) to review and justify God's Executive Judgement. If you seek light in the matter, please read "The Great Controversy" by E.G. White, an end time prophet of the Most High God. Cross-examine with the Word of God to be certain of all that she puts forth. The book is not new. It's about 150 years old now, so it's not like it has never undergone scrutiny. It stands firm and boldly as the Truth of God so does.

Many, if not most have been sold a bad bill of goods, by the false preachers in sheep's clothing. "To the LAW and the TESTIMONY, If they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no 'light' in them." Isa. 8:20

One will hear of false doctrines, such as "A thousand year reign of Christ here on earth, where the erring will be given a second chance to repent. This is a lie of the Serpent's divining. Many, many false doctrines have been formulated to mislead and confuse to the detriment of souls everywhere.

The world is in massive trouble, being deceived and unwilling to repent of any wrong-doing. The civilizations from Babylon to the present are Pagan to the core, and the false religions thereof are a disgrace and an affront to the God of Creation. He will not strive with mankind over this for ever. There WILL be a reconning coming our way in the not too distant future. It's called "The Time of Jacob's Trouble" when the Patriarch wrestled with God and prevailed, just as it signifies how we, believers, must wrestle with the circumstances, and pray earnestly during a time to come when things will be extremely unsavory and seemingly unbearable. But there is hope in Christ!


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Hi Ray, thanks for your thoughtful reply 🙏 There is Hope in Christ, amen!

Yes, I believe we are in Satan’s short season. I believe the Bible supports that. I believe Jesus’ first resurrection has already happened which means tribulation and Armageddon has already occurred. (Emperor Nero being the Antichrist)

We are in the last days, like the days of Noah (Satan and his fallen angels have returned and are once again creating chimeric species and beings in an attempt to destroy Man [God’s Seed] - its always been a “seed war”).

The Bible tells us the satanists will do a lot of damage, but they will not win, they lose. Then comes the final judgement and the eternal reign of Christ. Amen 🙏

Onward! ❤️

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No argument from me at all, at all.

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Aug 28, 2023
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I think I agree, but to make sure, please disambiguate your second clause: are you recommending, or not recommending, wearing that shirt in front of the tyrants?

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That T-shirt would probably make the perps believe they'd succeeded in brainwashing the wearer... but if I had one, I'd probably wear it anyway.

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That's right. Drive them nuts.

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To each his or her own opinion. No shutting down peoples speech/opinions. That would be Totalitarian.

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Notice that I am not "shutting down" anyone by force. I am not asking Dr. Nass or Substack to "shut him down." So, no, I am not a totalitarian. Do not be confused. No, I am asking this commenter (jpeach) to not use that term. I have no means of stopping this person other than appealing to reason.

Further, "to each his own" is not a very good idea. It does not count as a principle in my world of intellectual discourse. This is the stuff that got us to this awful state in America, the West and the world. This is basically how many women and Liberals think. I reject it.

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The objection to the term Nazi implies you would probably think the regime in western Ukraine is just hunky dory and object to the accurate use of Nazi to describe them as well. Can't be bothered to go to your stack to even find out what else you've spewed. My faith in academia has never been so low, your projection certainly took it down even further. A documented dummy, like we don't have enough already.

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Completely agree. “ Count as a principle in my world of intellectual discourse”, is the most ignorant statement I’ve heard here in awhile. How can you “ appeal to reason” by not allowing someone their opinion? Even if it’s completely neutral, it doesn’t make it less of a comment to that person. And your comment about women and liberals is ridiculous. I am a woman & very conservative but still would fight for another’s freedom of speech. ( even if I don’t agree or find it unintelligent, etc.) Your head may be too big for this app. to accommodate. Your world is a place I wouldn’t want to live. Judge on, if you must. But know that readers here, will stand & defend themselves & others with a vengeance.

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AlmostLAstRepublicaninSeattle, how did I not allow jpeach his or her opinion? There is a difference between rebuttals and criticism and formal or mechanistic control. I have no formal or mechanistic control that would permit me to police this site or any other Substack site --- other than my own I suppose. But I am not inclined to block people, even disagreeable people unless they are merely, recognizably insane. That has only happened a couple time in, say, fifteen years.

I am a big boy. People can criticize me if they like. These make some of the most interesting interlocutors sometimes. I have benefited from some of of the criticism and even changed my mind on occasion.

"Judge on, if you must. But know that readers here, will stand & defend themselves & others with a vengeance." Oh, how heroic.

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You conjecture is completely without foundation.

Besides, no, I have been a staunch and outspoken opponent of the U.S./NATO fiasco and crime involving the Ukraine.

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And Frank, were you are going to school me on something? Would it be politeness? Academia?

No of course you could not be bothered to go to my Substack because it seems that you are neither a disciplined nor a clear thinker. We need clear thinkers Frank.

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So we get you, a queer thinker. frankly leading with nastiness is bound to bring out everyone's worst. If you aren't a bot you may as well be, same affect. Chaos not growth.

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All you had to do was type, "I shouldn't have reflexively labeled it a stupid comment. I certainly didn't mean to imply anything negative about you. I do think Totalitarian would be a more effective term." And stick the "this is basically how many women think" comment right up your priggish nose. Don't make broad judgments based on your wife, your old girlfriends, and your blood relatives, please.

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Thank you, Victoria. I see I wasn't the only one who caught that..

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What do you think that you caught?

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Thanks, Victoria. Actually, my wife is very intelligent. So were my old girlfriends and so were and are my blood relatives (including a female cousin who is a nuclear engineer).

No, I am basing my criticism on the women who took over academia, governmental bureaucracies and corporations --- and I do know them very much up close and their works. Many have written extensively about how the insertion of women into these leadership roles in government, the military and academic institutions have ruined them. I merely concur.

Women are extremely intelligent and talented. Who knows, maybe even more than males in important ways. However, steering the ships of state, industry, culture, and the churches has been a disaster. And as for being voices of peace as we were promised in the 1960s, I submit to you Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nudelman.

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Hmmmm, but can you name some men who've been successful steerers of the ships of state, industry, culture and the churches?

The rug has been pulled out completely from my confidence in the system, I'm struggling to think of any genuinely positive leaders.

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Your original comment did not refer to women's intelligence or lack thereof but rather that "many women and Liberals" have a "To Each His Own" mindset. That is not true. Liberals in 2023 follow "Our Way or the Highway," including Nulan and Clinton. (And I don't agree with your blanket statement "Women are extremely intelligent and talented," nor with the pandering "maybe even more than males in important ways." Just don't insult me by lumping me in with abusive and idiotic Leftists.)

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Fascism, neo nazi, socialists, Marxist, black and white supremacists, today's liberals, antifa are all schisms of authoritarianism. They all wish to force and enslave. No matter how much lipstick and frills and lace you put on any of those pigs they are all still pigs. If we are going to beat then we must put them all under that banner, their is no difference in their end game

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David, 42 people and counting disagree with your assessment.

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Good. Forty -two people need to grow up.

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Totalitarian may be the preferable term, but more insults won't encourage people to adopt it.

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Miss Victoria, it is not an insult. The general quality of responses that are in disagreement with mine are beyond opposing, they are hostile and many are filled with slurs. Notice, if you will, I reserved my initial remark for the comment of another person ["jpeach"], not the person. We all can make stupid comments. I have. My reply was not directed at the person. Consider some of the things said about me.

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Unless you are autistic, you should recognize that many of your comments are direct or indirect insults to other posters.

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‘The use of terms like “Nazi,” does not help our cause...’

Right- it helps their cause, just ask C.J. Hopkins- (or is that just more kayfabe flavored icing on the sh*tcake that we’ve been served/lapped up...?)

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the swastika is still in use today by individuals and groups. Notably in the Ukraine war zone. The most recent mass killer had it painted on his weapon.

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I liked you remark Mr. Bernayssauce. Notice, few of the people's remarks posted here indicating their anger regarding mine, go off on a rant about Communism and it Bolshevik roots. Most, if not all, no doubt do not understand the programming that they have undergone and from which they are acting with robotic conditioning. They are helping to perpetuate the insidiously evil idea that somehow Nazism in Germany started brewing in that nation just out of nothing. It just sprung up out of nowhere. No, it is worse than that, it just sprung up out of some darkness in the European soul, some illiberal, racist (particularly anti-Jewish, anti-Gypsy, anti-Communist, anti-Slavic, etc.) ugliness that wanted to send tanks to every nation in the globe. This is truly a childish dissection of that period if left at this one-sided stage. It completely ignores half of the story, it ignores the evils of the cultural degradation occurring during the Wiemar period and the very real threat of Communism that was sweeping European nations.

Back to my point, in 2023, we are increasingly able to see true totalitarian desire for control of the world. It is dressed up in an outfit about "saving the planet" and saving "democracy." The thing is that the people driving this really do believe this. I recall being exposed to the zeal of the depopulators in the 1970s in one of my college courses in particular. We were assigned a text by the Club of Rome.

The problem is that these people do not understand how to achieve a just and peaceful world that is well-balanced with regard to populations, the economy and the natural environment. Like some of the slur tossers here, through a failure to resort to imagination or well-articulated expression based on The Good, all of us possess the propensity to simply default towards force and abuse. The oligarchs today are no different.


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Too many “ism’s” in a society will lead to cataclysm....

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The use of the term "Nazi" helps us to understand that our current situation really is analogous to Nazism, and especially in the forced medical procedures that were the real horrors of the Nazi regime.

Nazism was a biomedical program to purify the race: eugenics. To cull the bad seed. Eugenics and the Nazi narrative of medical procedures (and experiments) for the greater good, trumping individual freedom, are again raising their ugly heads.

In Nazi Germany, the medical profession was enlisted to further their eugenics program. And now? Now the medical profession is once again being enlisted for dark deeds, is it not?

As for the left ... no, I agree with a recent writer who pointed out that the left are becoming fanatics aligned with the government's censorship program against wrong-think. Many of them are certain of their opinions and thus believe that those of us who disagree must be wrong, and therefore-- to protect society-- must be censored. I'd say this manipulation of the left is deliberate.

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No, aj, the current situation is analogous to Bolshevik Communism.

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@XX, PhD Oh yes it does. The same factions, from the same country, are at it again. They were called "Nazis". That type of action is typical of the Nazi regime.

If you are not able to see it, or not able to handle it, then look again with different eyes.

I feel sorry for the German people who are good, they must be very frightened to see it. ..Again..

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Linda Ray, no, as I have remarked elsewhere, what we are seeing in Germany is not Nazism, it solidly akin to the Communist purges during the oppression of the Russian people by the Communists.

Perhaps you might consider some "seeing" as well.

Comments about people's ability to "handle" something are presumptuous.

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The repetition is the dominance of this tyrannical personality type and of the social submissives who permit it.

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I am not sure to what "repetition," that you cite here refers. I certainly concur, to put it another way, that tyranny and -- on the other side of the coin -- malignant obedience and passivity define the same bad penny.

The revolutionary spirit in its various forms, including but not limited to, Bolshevism, Marxism, Communism, the Frankfurt School, BLM, Antifa, are the same, original poison in societies. Their focus is on European, Christian societies --- but they have had their obvious run in Asian, African and South American societies as well.

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I believe it was the Nazis who imposed the yellow star on the Jews. I wonder if there were any judges that dared oppose it?

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No sorry its not nationalsozialists, its the power of pharma and medicine lobby, what has this todo with rightwing, there is nothing rightwing left here in germany, it is the power of pharma. I am tired of hearing i am nationalsozialist again when there is nothing here but its pharma pushing their agenda and the ceo of pharma are no nationalsozialists.

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Pharma and the medical lobby are serving the state, which is itself serving a dark agenda. Isn't this exactly what happened in Nazi Germany? It is.

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Were there any German judges who ruled against the yellow star? Were there any attorneys who brought such a case in front of the German legal system? What happened to them?

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These were purged from the system at the beginning, much like doctors who opposed the eugenicist bent (euthanizing the 'unfit,' for example) were purged from the system at the beginning.

And today? Today, which doctors are being purged from the system?

The Nazi analogy is appropriate. It helps us to understand what's happening today.

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Boomer, stop it.

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Forgive me, but what does this mean?

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I don't know if you're being sarcastic (which would make your reply quite humorous).

It's a slang term for older people, supposedly of the boomer generation, but it's applied to most anyone who is "old and out of touch with current day", usually tech stuff.

I'm not of the boomer generation, but I still happily embrace not being in touch with most aspects of modern culture. I'll take my 1980's & 1990's culture over the current insanity everyday and twice on Sunday.

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No kidding, the 80’s! Ahhh! The best. I was young & dumb but life was great. Best music & stellar economy! Only wish I would’ve started distrusting gov. then. Older generation always knows best. We should’ve listened. Too busy wearing my “ sunglasses at night”. Thanks for the flashback😎

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"Best economy?" Hmmm. Well, we would agree that this is bad economy now, very bad. But the fix in the economy was already in in the 70s: they were packing the U-Haul trucks for China, rolling up American factories and agriculture.

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I agree, it is a category that younger people like to toss out there and make maladaptive judgements by. They cut themselves off from those of us who have been in the trenches for decades.

"Youth, wasted on the young," is the old saying. But I very much support young people who are coming up. Many are much more advanced at their stage than I was. I learned much only by experience.

We are going to need this next generation of young men and women to be TOUGH. Many of them are.

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I agree. All the slang and smears do not help our case. In a climate of growing totalitarianism, we need to be all the more mindful of words and their meanings. We don't want to be the unwitting perpetrators of Newspeak (1984).

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Spot on Miss Longworth. Thanks.

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Totalitarianism begins in censorship. Period. A planned, deliberate conspiracy to censor views contrary to state-sanctioned views.

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You want your judges overturning unjust laws, it's what's supposed to stop Nazi Germany returning... And if you are reading this and you wore a mask, you are part of the problem, think on that.

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NS Germany is gone ! it is the Deep State Germany which is Scary !!

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"Disguised?" Not much of a disguise.

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Nothing has changed but the mask.

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Very similar to the Trump indictments, in character and validity, anyway.

A large part of the focus Is on legalizing their criminal conduct, and criminalizing ordinary citizens legal conduct.

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It's all the same eight steps used again and again!

1*Distance yourself from wrong doing

2*Deny all accusations

3*Discredit any dissenting views

4*Delay important information

5*Deceive the public opinion

6*Distort the data with stats

7*Divide any opposition

8*And let disarray muddy the facts

If you do these steps correctly

You can turn it all around

Until the sky is far below us

And stars are underground

Wrong is suddenly honest

Right is full of pain

They use these dastardly tactics

To drive us all insane

And so we have a clown world

Filled with double speak

Unjust courts

Corrupt officials

And leaders soft and weak

Integrity is dying

Commitment comes and goes

Courage something to shy from

Friends become your foes

The clown world

The circus

The transfolk cabaret

Just chaos and confusion

Every f*cking day.

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All too painfully true - but nicely laid out!

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"This text, first published in 1941, provides a comprehensive analysis of the rise and nature of National-Socialism, and is the only such analysis written from within Hitler’s Germany. Its central thesis is that two states co-existed in National-Socialist Germany—hence, Fraenkel’s invention of the concept of the dual state. This was comprised of a normative state (which protected the legal order as expressed in legislation, decisions of the courts, and decisions of administrative bodies) and a prerogative state (governed by the ruling party, and unrestrained by legal guarantees). The relationship and conflict between these states is analyzed through decisions of the German courts and the development of judicial practice. The book is divided into three parts. The first part describes the existing legal order. The second part attempts to show that the parallel structures within Germany radically affected German politics and society. The third part delves into the relationship between the dual Nazi state and German capitalism. It asks whether the rise of the dual state was a consequence of a crisis in capitalism. While this book is primarily a first-hand account and analysis of the dual state’s operation in National-Socialist Germany, it retains its vital relevance for the theory of democracy in the twenty-first century."


The dual state: A contribution to the theory of dictatorship


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The Deep State and the Potemkin village state?

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Yes! The normative state and the prerogative state. So for example you might have a tax case pending while you're in covid quarantine.

I have to admit I have not yet read "The Dual State" by Ernst Fraenkel but I plan to soon.

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When the heart foundation is heartless

And the courts are all unjust

When the leaders of the free world enslave us

And the hospitals crumble to dust

We are doing this for your benefit

Screams irony and deceit

Those who fail to learn from history

Are doomed to see it repeat

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Dark Times ahead! ANYONE who tries to take a stand against the Evil infesting the Earth is going to get attacked. Does that mean we will cower in fear and acquiesce to their insanity? No, NO, and HELL NO!!! We CANNOT! The very survival of the human race is at stake here!!! Thousands upon thousands of generations yet to be born! We CANNOT be the "weak link in the chain" and let humanity be destroyed on OUR WATCH!!!!! No matter the personal cost to ourselves and our families, we MUST make sure that this horror of a Totalitarian Takeover of the planet GETS STOPPED! And THIS TIME when we say "NEVER AGAIN", we have to really MEAN IT!!!!!!!

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I love the New Hamshire State Motto, Live free or die!

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"Live free or die!"

And the time is rapidly approaching when that will not be just a nice motto. The sh*t is close to hitting the you-know-what. It's going to be the Alamo, figuratively speaking, all over again—time to draw the line in the sand and STAND OUR GROUND! But THIS TIME, WE outnumber the bad guys! After running roughshod over the human race for centuries, the super-wealthy Psychos are about to get put in their place! Just don't expect it to be pretty. They want blood (they ARE damned Vampires!) and blood they will get— but this time it's going to be THEIRS! They have gone 'way too far and have finally awakened enough of us to make a difference. The newly-awakened are just coming to figure out what is really going on. And as they witness the carnage, they will become more ready and willing to resist this final move by the Globalists — their "Great Reset" Great FLOP! The Globalists thought it would be easy to herd the dumbed-down masses into the slaughterhouse, but they are learning that they have BADLY miscalculated!

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The most terrifying aspect of this, to me, is that (according to the best of my understanding) he correctly interpreted the law - the government did NOT have the right to impose these mandates, just like they did not have the right to quarantine healthy citizens or censor free speech.

They're making an example of him to ensure that no one dares to challenge their illegal flagrant violations of law & liberty.

The criminals are in power, and they are persecuting the just with the laws intended to prevent injustice.

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Like what Biden's doing to Trump.

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Germany of all countries, should know better than this:(

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For some reason, Germany is one of the main leaders in all of this.

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@Rehabsmom I thought so too. Apparently not.

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I never really understood the second amendment until about 3 years ago. Now it makes sense.

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Biden's "Alcohol Czar" is encouraging a two beer or other alcohol drink limited to two per week for men and one for women because alcohol is a health hazard. Of course, you can take as many vaccines per week as you like. I believe this also going to further the decline in birth rate - just sayin'.

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Or their meds they prefer you take.

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I would agree wholeheartedly Meryl. From the beginning of this rouse some 4 years ago, it was immediately clear that Germany was one of those countries, like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, that were being used as test cases for the sharper end of the crimes & tyranny being trialed globally. Indeed it could be argued that the brutal & disturbing past of Germany is indeed alive...

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Yeah blow the gas pipeline and hardly a peep out of em. Eerie

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Yes, I saw that earlier and thought it was absolutely terrifying.

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The justice system is only there to protect the system.

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Frankly, everyone should have the sh*t scared out of them. We are at an inflection point in human history.

Will this bill prevail? Over my dead body!

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Anyone who ever wondered what would THEY have done if they had been there in NAZI Germany late 1930's and WWII era . . . would they have taken a stand against Hitler and the Holocaust? Well, guess what . . . we no longer have to hypothesize because THAT is precisely where WE are RIGHT NOW! What are WE, THIS generation, going to do about it????: 2023 REPLAY— NAZI 2.0!

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As totalitarian as it gets! Disgusting!! There has to be a way out of this!

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There is more of us then them

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Yes but unfortunately this has always been the case, but the subhumans have always held the cards. Something must change in our methods in fighting back. They've bought and paid for our leaders. I believe that Kennedy is a "no holds barred" defender of truth, freedom and social justice! Supporting him is a move in the right direction.

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I heard chatter that "they" have decided Biden will be the Democrat nominee. Just FYI.

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Aug 28, 2023
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Last I heard was they decided on Biden, instead of Big Mike.

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Some convincing speculations that Obamas have been running things way more than Biden.

Ultimately we are well past a functional democracy and Fascism is here. The Nazis like the mob just got better PR managers, they are certainly still with us.

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It is not the law that has been perverted...

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