I'm still confused because we did get rid of the measles and polio, right? All I know is after the Covid vaccine nightmare, I'm not giving, taking or recommending anymore vaccines. I was prepared to be fired, but at the last minute all religious exemptions were accepted. I think the hospital didn't want to loose 30% of their nurses and a bunch had already quit too. Hoping more people wake up - if we don't stand together for our rights (religious freedom and informed choice), we will loose them.

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measles is no longer endemic in the western hemisphere, but it has a long incubation period so people arrive from overseas carrying it and start small outbreaks. Or perhaps it reappears from their earlier live vaccinations.

polio is gone from the US. One case of vaccine strain polio in NY around 2019, presumably due to a vaccine recipient still leaking it in stool--a well known occurrence. otherwise no cases in 25 years, when the US stopped using the live polio vaccines.

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If you look at the timelines, it appears to show that these diseases were eradicated before any vaccines came into play. Some doctors thinking it may be due to increased sanitation efforts.

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Dee Dee - watch the interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries for the truth surrounding polio vaccines:

The Polio Paradox


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Also read Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's book on vaccines. She tells all about the polio shot or sugar cube. Somebody should send this book to Trump and get him to watch Dr. Humphries video. If you are on TruthSocial, please send to him.

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Gotta love a renegade MD. If you think DJT is unaware your assessment is inaccurate. The most hated person on earth is so hated for a very very good reason. They fear him! RFK has been tasked with the takedown. The Medical Cartel hates him. Patel will be exposing the deep state FBI criminals, they hate him // etc etc etc

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If he is so aware then he should act like that and tell people not to worry about getting any shots again. I say so what if the Medical Cartel and pHarma hates it! It's really all about the death of useless eaters and money.

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Forrest Maready's done an excellent expose on polio entitled "The Moth in the Iron Lung", his subsequent research has led to two more books. Tons of interviews of him out there. It would seem that the rise of new 'diseases' in the 20th and 21st centuries correlate to mass vaccination campaigns, most begin with mass vax of military personnel. Spanish Flu traced to the British Military and subsequently a mass campaign to vax soldiers and civilians, then an 'outbreak' of whooping cough emerged. Temporal Correlation does not indicate causation, but it's one hell of a coincidence.

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the fraud has been outed by many

The Medical Cartel has offered only the virus fraud and the ever expanding "schedule" Due to Covidiocy, commoners no longer look to the "experts" for answers. That is a very very good thing, as the Cartels become irrelevant.

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welcome to the first tenet of health, now dispense with confusion

No confidence in Big P and the Medical Cartel, with regard to the virus hoax and the never ending always expanding schedule. Along with waking up is the admission of rank stupidity, Now lets move on.

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Let's go Ca, NY, Ct and Maine!

Time to take this momentum and run!

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Connecticut ended its religious exemption and I don't see them restoring it....

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Our idiot legislators and guvnr did the same out here in California.

I have always seen the overturning of that overreach as inevitable. Now I see it as certain to happen soon.

I believe Ct will do the same

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This seems so crazy that anyone would need an exemption from injecting their kids with anything at all...for any reason at all. It should be none of anyones businesses what vaccinations if any your kids have. Absolutely disturbing.

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Yes. And that is the bottom line!

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No Merle they did not "gain" anything. You cannot gain what you already have.

This document known as the constitution matters. Not a state by state monkey show.

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No Truth Seeker, theoretical truth doesn't cancel reality.

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Dog Roberts, nothing said was theoretical. There is no such entity as theoretical truth.

As Joe Friday famously said, Just the facts mam, just the facts.

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To be clear, you — alone — have authority over your own body. It belongs to you. Unless you have delegated decision making power to the state or another entity, you have bodily autonomy. You do not need to get permission from anyone to decline a medical intervention of any kind. People, STOP BEGGING FOR PERMISSIONS FROM PEOPLE WHO NEVER HAD AUTHORITY OVER YOUR BODY TO BEGIN WITH.

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That's nice, but why not keep it simple and eliminate all medical mandates for these toxic jabs? No exemption needed.

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You have no idea how annoying it is for an anarchist like myself to read the word 'Allowed' four freaking times in your opening paragraph... we unconsciously fight to protect the system that abuses us and cover for their neurolinguistic trapdoors. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely belieave they are free." [Goethe] More extinction rebellion please...

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Appreciate your feelings, but I am simply telling it like it is. If you, like me, don't like the way it is, it behooves you to fight for freedom. Clearly the state should not mandate injections into your body. But it does. The public has "allowed" state and federal governments to do this to us. Finally (and too late) everyone gets it. Time to end this now.

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Dr Merle, Thank you for posting this information and your hard work. I have followed you from the beginning and as for West Virginia this was HUGE for our New Governor Patrick Morrissey! I praise God first for my decision to read and follow you and others. I am caretaker for my 80 year old mom and she has a Pace maker Defibrillator and I have an aneurysm! Pre-existing health conditions and there was No way in hell we were taking this crap. My mom is a retired medical transcriptionist! We have never taken the flu shots etc. The rest of my elderly family members did not follow or read my shared articles. They all took the Bioweapons and all have very serious health problems now. This past Oct 2024, we lost a cousin 63 to Turbo Pancreatic Cancer. She was diagnosed in Mar and gone by Oct at the hands of MODERNA.

I did not support TRUMP-BIDEN then Harris and Trump absolutely was NOT LIED TO! What Trump did with his Executive ORDER Influenza Modernization ACT Sept 19, 2019 at the behest of Psychopath EUGENICS POS Bill Gates was unforgivable to me. He will NEVER Disavow this crap due to his deceased mentor Roy Cohn. I feel he has FOOLED the people and is simply delivering us into the New World Order. Trump knew these were NOT VACCINES and the buck stopped with him.

He also in declaration of a National Emergency turned our country over to FEMA under the Dept of Homeland Security created by BUSH after 911! And he NEVER REVOKED THIS POWER!


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Vaccines are nothing but poisons to maim, sicken and/or kill us. They were never meant to help and/or protect us. Look into "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" as it talks about how they will poison us among other nefarious acts.

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ahhh a truth teller, congrats

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HOPE for Today ...

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Yea! People in West Virgina have a way to opt out of being poisoned! Why aren't all other governors and members of Congress aware of the toxic components in all vaccines?? This information is available...Otherwise those who impose mandates on people to take these deadly vaccines are responsible for the injuries and deaths they cause.

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Religious exemptions? How about we own our bodies and F-off. The level of anti-american thinking in the US is shocking.


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Country Roads take me home to the place I belong West Virginia Mountain momma take me Home

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Dr Nass, the two issues probative of any crime are Motive and Opportunity. The corruption of which you write at great length, derives from a Reagan-backed statute that shield vaccine makers from malpractice and personal injury suits. That federal statute provides Opportunity for drug makers to endanger the public. All they need to use the Opportunity, is a way to label something a vaccine and compel people to consume it.

The Motive for the crime is, of course, to get paid by the public for doing in some cases a public disservice, and be shielded from paying any damages.

We saw this in the nuclear industry. Anyone involved in creating chemicals used for nuclear weapons or power had a $50,000 damage cap for any personal injuries they caused. Competition to win the contracts that got the damage cap became fierce. Controlled opposition sought to shut the entire industry rather than free litigants to make their cases. Result: the Navy exports nuclear waste to Russia where it is recycled for plutonium to heat cities in winter. Civilian power plants, whose nuclear waste has less plutonium in it, keep accumulating it on premises as Congress repeatedly refuses to hear the many proposed solutions: There's more payola in mining uranium than in recycling the waste. Investors went 50 years without starting another civilian nuclear power plant owing to this uncertainty.

110,000 Americans died in our hospitals in 2022 from drug reactions to medication given them in the hospital. Precision Medicine...the use of genetics to identify why some people have adverse reactions during clinical trials and the creation of biomarker tests for who should get a different medicine because this one will be toxic to them...has been possible since the Ford Administration but was originally very expensive. Costs keep dropping to where it is now entirely feasible and affordable.

The problem we now face is that Pharma wants the entitlement to kill 110.000 hospital patients annually by calling every drug a "vaccine" and each daily dose we take a "booster". They want no obligation to protect people from adverse drug reactions.

It appears that at the C Suite level of Pharma, the leadership are 90 years behind the science.

Genetics has conclusively proven there are no perfect people. We get sick in diverse ways because of our genes, but we all get sick.

So creating a medicine that's safe for "perfect" people to take, is impossible.

90 years ago when Eugenics was fashionable and the myth of perfection was believed, there were those who saw drug reaction deaths as a form of Evolution: the perfect would survive and the imperfect would die out.

There has never been a single scientific finding that supported this myth. But beyond a doubt it is part of the calculus by which these bad decisions are repeatedly made.

Do we need a De-Nazification Panel to investigate the Pharma lobby?

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It is worth noting that Eugenics began as an American obsession in 1877 that reached Germany 5 decades later. In 1876 the Ku Klux Klan used terrorism and vote fraud to seize power in the former Confederate states. Because ex-slaves had all been Lincoln men and kept voting Republican, the Klan needed a way to hold power after seizing it, and that meant keeping ex-slaves out of voting booths in subsequent elections. What the Klan did is enact Public Health laws and find some junk science to push the notion that it would be a health hazard for Black Republicans to hold meetings with White Republicans. It got rickety a few times but the structure of structural racism held intact from 1877-1965, when the Voting Rights Act passed. Given that Public Health was initially a power grab, the laws fail to protect our right to due process of law. So inconvenient facts got buried.

The ultimate irony was that when the Nazi Party took power in Germany, a great many physical anthropologists, ethnographers, and geneticists disbelieved the Eugenic theories for lack of evidence. The Party found some Harvard graduates and brought them to Germany to replace the professors who disagreed with Party ideology.

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West Virginia’s previous two-term GOP Governor Jim Justice, now off to the US Senate, vetoed any legislative attempts by his own party to relax draconian state vaccination laws and allow at least religious exemptions. He also awarded covid “vaccination” recipients with savings bonds and held fancy new pickup truck lotteries in which only the suckers—er receivers could participate.

The day after the new governor announced his EO to allow religious exemptions for vaccines, the state’s leading newspaper printed a scathing editorial rebuke of his intentions, also going out of its way to hurl ad hominem attacks at anyone who dare question these long proven “safe and effective” potions, demonizing any parents who might have the (ignorant) audacity to refuse shots for their children.

I seriously doubt that anyone at that newspaper has ever perused a copy of “Turtles All the Way Down.”

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