I pray he will stop the posioning of our meat and produce with mrna or any vaccine or chemical we do not know they added.

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Get rid of Big Ag! it has poisoned the soil with Glyphosate and other pesticides, which wiped out the organisms in the soil, which provides nutrients to the food crops. People are paying for food that has no nutritional value! Sick soil! Sick people. People must demand all food to be grown as it was grown in the past. All food was grown organically. Plants are like people...fed right they have a strong immune system which fights off pests. Killing pests with pesticides, kills the soil, too. Conventionally grown plants have little... to no nutritional value. Big AG knows nothing about agriculture...its another agency that is taking Americans for a ride.

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Glyphosates also kill your good gut bacteria!

Wonder why ulcerative colitis and gut issues have shot up.

It’s insanity, or depop.

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We need not wonder, however colon cancer is the greater concern.

Ulcerative colitis is both a genetic issue and and worsened by chemicals.

Healthy gut equals healthy host. It has never been different.

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Glyphosate gave me major acid reflux and colon issues. Soon as I found CERTIFIED glyphosate free organic OATS and grains my reflux completely disappeared

I also recently began making my own cultured probiotics to improve gut biome.

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They cause leaky gut. Open up the tight junctions allowing intestinal fluids to enter the abdomen, leading to auto-immune disorders.

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Yep, Wonderful…

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Yes! And there was a time when most people who had any property at all were growing some of their own food. We should have never gotten to the place where everyone expected these huge, destructive corporate farms to provide everything they eat! Everyone who has even a balcony or a kitchen window should be growing at least one thing they eat, when possible. Even if it's just a basil plant.

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Eminent domain to recover the gigantic acreage of Bill Gates and convert to regenerative agriculture--LOTS of employment then.

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What a good idea!

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Bless you for your kind thoughts. 🙏

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Unfortunatly Barbara, a huge percentage of people are stupid.

Therefore those who understand the issues must carry forth.

Big Ag is not an agency. They are privately held corporations and very very evil.

If the chemicals they use (and shoot into your arms) by Pharm are banned, then by default clean food will arise. The very sustenance some of us have always insisted be on the table,

and in our gardens...

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Yes, Pharma are not do gooders -

do bits of green monkey, aborted fetal kidneys, and ecoli injected as adjuvants sound healthy for you?

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Not all food in the past was grown healthfully. It depends on how far back in the past you look, as well as the specific crops and areas.

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True. My mom's old gardening book called for spraying arsenate of lead.

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Maybe he will address Chemtrails.

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He is aware of them, so let’s hope he does. I’m sick of the poisons raining down on us, and them pretending it’s in our imagination. I’ve filmed the criss crossing planes and the chemical SPREADING HORIZONTALLY daily in San Diego.

And the runny nose you get afterwards…it’s NOT your imagination or conspiracy paranoia it’s documented from years ago and it needs to STOP!

And we need to KNOW who is responsible for this and what they are up to.

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They do that generally 1-2 days before precipitation is forecast., at least here on the East Coast.

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Cloud seeding should not be necessary to produce rain,

if they stopped interfering constantly in toxic chemical spraying daily .

Www.geoengineeringwatch.org. Dan Wiggington has been tracking this problem and exposing it for years. He says they are creating a HEAT dome.

They spray us constantly overhead all day and night in Southern California daily until we can no longer see any blue in the sky and it is WHITE cloud of poison.

It’s truly criminal.

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Same up here in Ontario Canada. Only we don't have an RFK Jr. we have a Globalist Puppet government that is closely following the WEF directives. An election up here cannot come soon enough!

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hint: its the gubmint and the well paid gubmint employees including pilots

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atmosphereic aerosol ;-) Chemtrails triggers the "experts" invoking practiced response.

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Cynical displays of their own ignorance when they use the CIA term "conspiracy theory" See my link in another comment herein.

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It MUST happen, but give him sometime. We citizens can force the matter

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Sadly the author of this article is still stuck head first in the sandpit of vaccines causing Autism being debunked.

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My thoughts too - tremendous frustration. "Kennedy has in the past questioned whether depression medication might be linked to school shootings, though research has suggested there is no connection." Why won't the author quote the research? Why not talk about the CDC whistleblower on MMR? This trash journalism is exasperating.

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My nephew's first child was just fine until he got his first vax, then he was unresponsive and unattative..... autism.

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I've been watching this happen, over and over and over, for the past 18 years. my 20 yr old with autism has no fewer than 2 first cousins and 3 second-cousins, all on the spectrum. his younger brother was well on his way also, as his vax injury was a LOT more apparent as an infant, then his! thank goodness he was brought back from the brink, when I stopped vaxxing him after 12 month jabs. only difference between my son with autism and the one without: 18 month jabs. :( :(

Comparing vax records between my younger two and their 11 yr older half-brother, I see that my youngest got the same number of jabs by 12 months, that his brother (born in '93) had up until age 18!!!

my 'research' of N=3, is all the proof I need. you'll not ever convince me otherwise, what I saw with my OWN eyes.

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Your sentence composure needs help. It is well known that vaccines are one of the causes of Autism for many decades. Unweld thyself.

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Thanks for the help

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Did you notice that the article was published in STAT? That's a professional publication for doctors, which is funded by Pharma. Of course they will call that causal link debunked!

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I did not notice, but certainly suspected that it was written in the style of someone wanting to be published in more mainstream media.

I remember some studies adding in a line about the risk of Covid19 being more than the vaccine, just to be published. Even though the line was irrelevant to the study.

Strangely I then noticed the same study referenced by another in citing that the vax was safer than the C19.

No accounting for what journalists will do for publication.

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I pray that they Repeal the 1986 Act

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Yes, you do the crime, you should do the time.

And pay the bill for injury and death.

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yes, "pay the bill", we should clean them out.

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As I watched the ceremony, I realized that it is RFK who will be the one to open a national conversation about "aerial particulate dispersal"--chemtrails-- and the compounds they release. So much to love about this afternoon. For a few years, I had been of mind that Mr. Trump's silence on the jab injuries (his continuing to praise his precious vaccines) was a tactical move. And that Mr. Kennedy's apparent, sudden, silence on the vax damage, once he joined the Trump team, was also a tactical move. There are some loud voices here which practically accused the man of turning his coat--after a lifetime of working on environmental, later health, issues? I imagine a DJT conversation which started with, "Bobby, I want you to take on Pharma, but please wait , and hold your peace, until we have the election in hand, and you have been confirmed as HHS Secretary". Both have been achieved. Now we can look forward to what he can do. Thank you God.

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Yes I hope he will be another Musk spending the apple cart and exposing all the worms!

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Right… so far DJT has turned the dogs loose!

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Kudos for Kennedy. Great news.

But if he seriously wants to make vaccines safe he would lean on congress to revoke big pharma’s 1986 immunity deal and the PREP act. Both give big pharma no incentive to make them safe. Especially when before congress gave them immunity they admitted that they couldn’t make safe vaccines.

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Can we ask RFK to stomp out this Bird Flu flap. The marxists will kill the birds, "spread" it to cattle, then humans?

It is so obvious it would be boring, but since in stage 3 we all die, it is not that boring.

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In some parts of the country an 18 pack of eggs is over 10 bucks.

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a Dozen are $8 in Connecticut right now, per my in-laws... Not even organic. It is planned.

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In rich parts of America eggs are $7.50 a dozen and the shelves are full.

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It is NOT Marxists! It is corporate oiligarchs* and their henchmen. PLEASE learn the difference.

* deliberate misspelling

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PS Genuine Marxists encourage working class control and ending all imperial wars.

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👏🙌🥳 thank you GOD! Now let’s get to work and fix this broken system!

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Ok Great news 🗞️:

And please investigate all chemicals being sprayed from planes and jets called “geoengineering” in the name of global warming.

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WINNING! (And staying cautiously optimistic.)

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"The nonprofit he founded, Children’s Health Defense, has pushed the idea that vaccines are linked to numerous chronic health conditions — an assertion not backed by science. " BS

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Even if it's all a movie, it's a friggin' great one 👍🏆🍿

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Maybe, time will tell the story.

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I can think of so many doctors who could add to his efforts, including Dr. Nass, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, A Midwestern Doctor, Dr Makis, Dr. Cole, Dr. Malone, Dr. Gold, Dr. Marik, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Risch, Dr. Bowden, Dr. Thorp, Dr. Blaylock, Dr Biss, Dr. Lindley, Dr. Ladapo, & so many others. RFK, Jr. needs a whole team behind him with similar goals to expose the harms & create a new paradigm.

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Really, really good news

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YES! 🔥❤️

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Get Rand Paul to the WH Dream Team!

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