If Mike Johnson is going to be in charge of "the hearing", we're going to learn absolutely nothing...

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Got that right

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It is entirely plausible that they have something on Mike, and he capitulated

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That is the truth! Do nothing Johnson. 😑

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

‘How does an SS detail miss something like this?’ They don’t. How many ‘Radicalized lone gunman’ FBI stories are our quota for this year? Pray for the nation.

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the rabbit-holes are being dug as we type...

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Many… but I don’t know how you get away from "DHS was unresponsive to requests for additional Secret Service".

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I propose one looks somewhere else for relief, instead of that promised by the 'script...

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"assassin-nation attempt"

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Whose foot soldier?

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the one whose lost his shoes...?

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Not giving it to Kennedy either. Although I would think both are wealthy enough to provide their own.

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You mean memory holes.

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Rabbit holes are not dug by badgers, you know?

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I would hope that this isn't true, but I can see it being so. It would explain a few things and the timing and sequence of events.

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It is logical, but it could also be a partial hang-out. It is probable that the goal was to sow unrest and chaos here at home. Killing Trump would obviously have done this and gotten rid of a candidate that some groups of people/entities do not want. The next best thing is to fuel mistrust and thus make people more likely to fight against their own government. Either scenario sows chaos. The most radically productive thing we as citizen could do would be to unite as a people and PRAY God to bring His peace. The enemy, both temporal and spiritual, doesn’t want that… it makes us strong.

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and We the People know it!! They are fully responsible.

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deletedJul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Meryl Nass
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Looking at the video of the interview of the witness, there was a fairly good breeze. Just addressing your "in no wind" comment.

Otherwise, a very plausible scenario. Much like the 9/11 attack and no permission to go after the planes with weapons, because of a "planned exercise" that very day, with that very scenario. There was confusion amongst air traffic controllers, as to whether what they were hearing was an exercise or an actual event (jets flying into buildings)

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Peace is the immediate threat to the globalists at this point. They need the special-powers of WW-3 to remain in power. https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/purple-heart-for-peace

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Valid point John. Seems they have such a firm grip on people that they have just dropped the charade and are coming out with a full up Fascist coup. No more shadow of normality. This is their rules based international order for any and all to admire.

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The one thing I remember SO clearly is how unsurprised Pres. Bush looked when they interrupted his storybook reading on 9/11. Maybe he was that naturally calm under stress. Maybe he knew something big was coming…

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alot of speculation, Occam's Razor time. The SS are the bogeyman.

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Mossad/CIA! it's the jews!

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Please, be so kind as to NEVER again conflate Mossad-CIA-Zionism with self respecting Jews !!

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You are definitely related to Klaus Anal schwab, right?

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In the name of jeWSA, get wit da pogrom, my man! It's the jews!

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You mean get with the Pogrom??

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Oy vey schmuck! Wakey² go read your Talmud which is in every Synagogue of satan on earth, right? Then I want an apology!

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The Deep State is deep, the swamp enormous

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Your Deep state swamp is 1000% jew controled, just like our jeWSA Governments, the world wide BIO-WEAPON Frankenshot injections, and the Vatican's pope! It is all Talmudic Lucifarian jewishness!

You have to say the name.

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Tis not "my" Deep State, though in general agree with your sentiments

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Does anybody have these videos in non-Twitter format? 😕.They permanently suspended my account a year ago, so I don't want to cater to them anymore.

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I don't have a Twitter account. Perhaps using an incognito window or private window in Firefox? I also manage my cookies, so you can delete those for Twitter and possibly get on to watch many videos (not all). I also use bitchute to look for videos.

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How is this possible? The corrupt USA Government Agencies were created by Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussain Obama, The Bush’s and their whole agenda was to create a One World Government, a New World Order. The rogue, DeepState FBI CIA DHS DNS DOD and others are destroying America from within.

Thank God for protecting our duly elected President Donald J Trump!

The crooked FBI is Biden’s FBI. They are not going to do anything but stall & claim that they cannot speak about an “open investigation” just like they did with “Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell.”

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you seem to be caught in the two-party delusion, granted, it's a comforting space to occupy...

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Delusional? Absolutely not. Fact: The Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama, Joe & Hunter, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Yuval Harari & many others, are members of The WEF. George HW Bush & Hussain Obama have openly stated during Democratic Party Dinners, etc. “What we need is a New World Order, … People need to be told what to do …”

Biden’s FBI CIA DOD DHS DOJ is just carrying out their #NWO #Agenda30 to implement their New World Order [The UN]; Their One World Bank [Bill Gates’ Patented his “Digital Monetary System” PatentScope International Patent Office #WO2020O60606 look 👀 it up [Nanotechnology of Graphene Oxide & Microchips] to track humans organs, [brain activity], GPS & award the obedient with a digital currency; Their One World Health System, The #WHO World Health Organization to completely control Humanity

Maybe research 15 minute cities [all electric vehicles & everyone will not be allowed to travel outside of their communities beyond 15 miles]. Donald Trump is right, “It’s not me that they are after. It’s you. I’m just in their way.” Donald Trump loves America 🇺🇸 He will not be bought [bribed]. He mentions that there are some very bad people who want to destroy America 🇺🇸

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Yet we have 'Operation warp speed', Trump "the self proclaimed father of the vax' and all the following first hand and well quoted jab promotion from his own mouth over the following year. Reintroduced gain of function research when back in office in 2017. Then from recent history - in bed - (most likely literally!) with Epstein for well over 15 years, and him previously being a democrat, who donated to the Clinton Foundation in the past, and then he invited (and had attend) Hillary and Bill at his wedding in 2005. To then lo and behold started the Obama birth cert 'self promotion' and TV star 'following', as was written in the grand show.

All I hear is cognitive bias and dissonance from your post and belief you have a democracy at any level. Apparently you need 'a savoir', believe words over actions, and have put all your faith in Trumps hands, and if so, cool.

Enjoy your false flag event - just one more designed to divide the US and have everyone fighting each other, while they process the cull.

P.s If the cabal wanted him dead - he'd be dead.

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You're incorrect about Trump reintroducing gain of function research. Obama did that on Jan 9, 2017, and Fauci announced it the next day in a conference.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

I went with you, but now I need your references as the NIH rolled it back under the the Trump admin in Dec 2017 - not 2016 as I misread. Still that source has little trust either due to the constant rewriting of history around that subject. I got that original info from the book Plandemic - yet over time lent towards that being set up as controlled opposition. Either way, that aside, we had what followed and his hand in it. All in the same club.

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There's this reference, but it's paywalled off: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-08837-7

Another one here: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099%2818%2930006-9/fulltext Though, they've (in my mind) burned their bridges for legitimacy after participating in propagating fake science in support of Covid and against ivermectin.

Here's the premise as to why it was cut off in 2014: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/fauci-reportedly-relaunched-nih-gain-of-function-research-without-consulting-white-house/

Here's the white house reauthorizing GOF research (not said as much, but it's mentioned within the opening paragraphs). https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2017/01/09/recommended-policy-guidance-potential-pandemic-pathogen-care-and-oversight

Here's Fauci saying there WOULD be a pandemic experienced by the next president (reported Jan 11, 2017) https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20170111/fauci-no-doubt-trump-will-face-surprise-infectious-disease-outbreak

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We don't need a NWO as they say and we don't need to be told what to do. I am perfectly fine with running my own life. I love the US as a country of freedoms that we are losing regularly with them in charge.

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A 15-minute city is a place where everything you need is within 15 minutes, not a place where you aren't allowed to travel more than 15 minutes away. Good grief.

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Look up geofencing

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If you're afraid of geofencing, get rid of your cell phone. If you place a tracker on yourself, why complain that you're tracked?

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Who said anything about fear? Not me.

Your original comment...

A 15-minute city is a place where everything you NEED Is within 15 minutes, not a place where you aren't allowed to travel more than 15 minutes away. Good grief

1. Your disparaging tone leads me to believe you underestimate the threat to our freedoms. Do you not realise the technocratic digital prison architecture is real. If CBDCs, EVs only kick in, if you stray outside your zone, they can switch off your vehicle and disable your ability to transact. We are tracked anyway. That is not the point. Cannot switch off cash.

2. How do you know what anyone needs? I could have an incurable wanderlust and not want to be told where I can go and when.

Good grief indeed.

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Who decides what you need if not you yourself?

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Groceries, job, school, gym, normal things. Who's talking about deciding? This discussion is paranoid.

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Nope, it is plausible therefore needs considering and mitigating

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In Hungary, the communists deported people from the city and placed them (one family per room!) inthe country, sharing a place with peasants. They were not allowed to travel more than one mile from where they lived. Not even to doctor or hospital.

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Thank you Eleanor. I am so glad the global elite bothered to educate you on what a 15 minute city regulations would be so you can educate others.

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Why are you making things up about regulations? and the global elite? A therapist might help you deal with your paranoia.

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You really need to research the World Economic Forum and get up to speed. You have no clue what’s coming and that’s hard to believe. Research Agenda 2030 too. Research worldwide famine because it’s coming thanks to the globalist making it happen. Research chemtrails and heavy metals. Research VAERS deaths and adverse affects from the “trust the science” crowd, CDC, WHO. Big Pharma. Hurry there’s no time to waste.

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You really need to get informed!!!

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That’s the WEF spin on them. I hear they are taking applications at the new one they just opened. Sounds lovely…

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Hope you can move in soon!

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What's WEF? Seems to me you all are living in a cage of your own fears.

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Modern day Thersianstadt…

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Go trmp🙄

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You know what this stupid comment says “I MUST LEAVE THE UNITED STATES ASAP” you people are too stupid I can’t dwell among you any longer will take my chances out in the world because you are dumber than the dumbest fucker on the planet 🌎 I’m out of here going to Spain 🇪🇸👋🏼BYE 🙌🏼

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Best of luck but the exact same script is playing out in Europe.

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My bestie is in Spain now…says it’s very socialist…probably not the place to go to…

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Other people are choosing Russia, but the planet is closing in on us. We really have one choice, and that is what president Trump shouted as they helped him off the stage and into the vehicle, "fight, fight, fight." Inaudible though it was.

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Inside job.

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Like 911, oklahoma city

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Things don’t line up here….

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People stay so calm during the shooting.

Here is the LiveStream video of Donald Trump shooting incident in Pennsylvania


The witness incredibly calm. Funny how he has a similar visor to the one sold on Amazon.

'Witness to Trump Assassination Attempt' Describes Massive Security Failure [UPDATED]


Amazon.com: Maga Donald Trump Hat with Hair 2020 Wig Visor Keep America Great MAGA Hat USA Cap Red


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The whole thing reeks of Oswald vibes. With the FBI in charge of “investigating”, I say it’s another inside job.

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You know it has to be an inside job. Two hundred yards = 600 feet... and the shot hit Trump's tragus about mid-head height. Two inches more to the right and it would have been through Trump's right eye and into his brain. We don't yet know what rifle and ammo were used by the shooter, but no matter how good a shot you are, you don't just pick up an ordinary rifle and ordinary ammo and make that kind of a shot under pressure consistently. At 100 yards, yes; but, at 200 yards? No...

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Dead Oswalds tell no tales.

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Jul 14Liked by Meryl Nass

I know nothing about guns but what's going on with the guy on the roof? Why is he bouncing around and then looks up, then down and the gun bounces? How could he possibly aim with all that movement? I thought they had to concentrate, calm their breath and be precise?

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You are so right. The other guy actually looks like he is ducking for cover.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Excellent observation. He looks up from the scope as if to psychologically convince himself that he's going to be killing the shooter that he's seeing through the scope; but, I don't see how the shot he then takes can be accurate. But, if this guy killed the shooter, that one shot had to be the one that killed, because the next two shots were into the ground. But, these snipers are trained to aim and shoot very quickly...much more quickly than we might imagine; and, I don't think it was a very long shot. Why he would shoot at least two more shots into the ground has me puzzled, unless he was somewhat disturbed by killing the shooter. It doesn't take much to pull one of those triggers and there's was the recoil from the kill shot.

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he looks away from his rifle scopejust before the shots. Doing overwatch and it's only a few minutes into the rally. So why any need for a trained marksman to take a break from looking through the glass at the particular moment?

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Your guess is as good a mine. I would have already decided that the person I was looking at through the scope was the person I was going to kill. I wouldn't have waited for the shooter to shoot. I would have shot him straight away. That demands the question of why the SS sniper didn't take the shooter out right away. Was he waiting for the shooter to kill Trump? Seems that way, but the SS sniper was assuming that the shooter would kill Trump, instead of only nicking his ear.

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The statements above seem to negate the role of the other person on the roof. It' s assumed it's a spotter, but I saw a MUCH clearer photo of these two on the DailyMail.co.uk site and the sniper on the roof was crouched down, his tripod empty, also weilding a rifle. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/07/14/03/87304519-13632249-image-a-10_1720922903392.jpg

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That's a good photo. -- I didn't assume the 2nd person on the roof was a spotter. There's also another photo of both snipers setting up their rifles. At the distance they are shooting, a spotter is not necessary. Their scopes have adequate magnification.

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Someone he knew, maybe? Like a SS co-worker? Inside job?

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HI. Who's the "he"? And, who's the "someone"? I'm not following your question, because I can't tie it to a particular statement above. - Thanks.

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There is no way that a U.S. Presidential Candidate, especially Donald J Trump, who is holding a presidential rally would not have trained Secret Service Agents that would NOT SECURE THE AREA, especially check for ladders 🪜 or secure the buildings that were very close to where DJT would be standing & speaking. Joe Biden appointed a woman, as the Director of The Secret Service.

Her profile says it all:

Cheatle's profile on the Secret Service website says it all:

Kimberly A. Cheatle

"She is responsible for successfully executing the agency’s integrated mission of protection and investigations by leading a “diverse” [Diversify Equity Inclusion] Racial & Sexual Equity-workforce composed of more than 7,800 Special Agents, Uniformed Division Officers, Technical Law Enforcement Officers, and Administrative, Professional, and Technical personnel."

Biden’s DOJ CIA DHS DOJ DOT DNS Department of Education et al seems to have all been changed to serve The DEI Agenda for ‘open sex & colored people.’ The U.S. military is being trained to accept Transgenders/Homosexuals etc.

The point is that our military personnel, Special Forces, & Secret Service Agents must be highly trained professionals and they must be hired according to their expertise & values. Not because they are LGBTQ members or because of their race. The SCOTUS just ruled against Affirmative Action.

This assassination attempt should have never been allowed to happen. Why weren’t the few buildings thoroughly cleared of any ladders or people? Why weren’t there any police or agents walking around the area? Several witnesses said that they saw the man carrying a rifle and they told the police but they were ignored. One witness told a journalist that he was pointing out the shooter to the Secret Service agents for two - three minutes & he was ignored.

In my opinion, this was an inside job. Biden’s FBI will be the same agents who claimed that Hunter Biden’s Laptop had the earmarks of Russia Collusion! How will the American people learn the facts? It is being exposed on social media that this guy was a member of a radicalized FarLeft group. I’m thinking ANTIFA.

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Yes. I agree with all of your statements above, except that I do not know the background of the kid shooter...haven't got that far yet.

Right now, I'm trying to find a video where we can hear the alleged 8 to 10 shots coming from the kid shooter. From what I can tell, the alleged kid shooter had a direct line of sight, perpendicular to the stage. This can be deduced from this video, https://www.bitchute.com/video/AVkZbQMrZ5iK/ where we can see Trump; we can see the SS snipers on the roof; and, we can see the direction of where the SS sniper on the left is supposedly shooting to kill the kid shooter. This video proves that the kid shooter could not have shot Trump's right ear, because Trump's right ear cannot be seen by the kid shooter.

So, who shot Trump's right ear? Or, did Trump's ear not get shot?

In the following video: https://x.com/yashar/status/1812250271428538706 I can hear four more shots that come AFTER the three shots by the SS sniper on the roof; and, those four additional shots sound like the come from the SS sniper's rifle. So, was the SS sniper firing four more shots at the kid shooter?

Again...Right now, I'm trying to find a video where we can hear the alleged 8 to 10 shots coming from the kid shooter. Do you know of such a video?

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Donald Trump was definitely shot. He later stated that he heard something that sounded like a bullet, felt like a bee sting, and felt the blood.

Someone else had videotaped the bullet as it hit Donald Trump.

I think it was on Drew Hernandez or X. I heard about eight shots when I watched Fox News.

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Not aiming at Trump when the sounds are heard. Decoy?

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That was a Secret Service sniper. He took out the shooter with these shots.

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OK, I stand corrected.

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Now I need to correct my statement: It turns out it was a police sniper and not a Secret Service sniper. I saw a photo of his vest today. I jumped to an unwarranted conclusion. Sorry, Jon.

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No big deal at all.

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The Deep State has agents working in all branches of Government! How do you think JFK was set up? Who could change the route JFK took just days before, I.e. months after they implanted their patsy in the book depository?

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I've always been amazed at how they could get the Secret Service to back away from JFK's car, so they would not be in the assassins' line of fire.

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Part the plan! Same with the army doctors who overruled the civilian doctors in their report.

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My understanding is the detail supervisor told him to move away.

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Jul 14Liked by Meryl Nass

People stay so calm during the shooting.

Here is the LiveStream video of Donald Trump shooting incident in Pennsylvania


The witness incredibly calm. Funny how he has a similar visor to the one sold on Amazon.

'Witness to Trump Assassination Attempt' Describes Massive Security Failure [UPDATED]


Amazon.com: Maga Donald Trump Hat with Hair 2020 Wig Visor Keep America Great MAGA Hat USA Cap Red


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Thanks. Really appreciate the first link...

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Secret service failed. A guy on a roof? 400 feet! Still people cannot see the corruption.

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The new head of secret service looks like a diversity equity inclusion person. Used to work at PepsiCo I think.

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Yes, Rosalind you are right. Her profile picture & info on her Director of The USSS agency website, Cheatle is responsible for executing the agency’s integrated mission of "protection and investigations by leading a diverse workforce."

Benny Johnson posted on X:

"Instead of focusing on keeping our leaders like Trump safe, she’s more worried about diversity and hiring more women. She should be fired and investigated immediately. This is a national security risk," Benny Johnson, a media personality, wrote in a post on X.

She was assigned to Vice President Biden’s USSS. When President Trump was elected, she worked at PepsiCo then she was appointed by President Biden in 2022 as the Director of The USSS

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This sounds like the assassination of JFK. Too much doesn't make sense. I do believe they (white hats) know the American people need to know that it was our government that murdered JFK. The sleepies just don't want to know. They might fall apart at the shock.

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RFK's assassination really struck me. I was about to vote in my first Presidential election and I had decided he would be a good President...likely better than his brother. I think it was his apparent love for his wife and their family which convinced me of his integrity.

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He did cheat on his wife, though, a Kennedy-thing.

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Thanks. I guess I was too young at that time to have delved into him that much to have been aware of that cheating.

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RFK as well.

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Yes.None of Sirhan's bullets hit RFK who was killed from behind at point blank range.

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The sad truth is that eventually they will succeed; one person alone can't fight state sponsored terrorism...

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Jul 14Liked by Meryl Nass

I watched several of the witness interviews. This guy seemed to see the most, and said he was gesturing emphatically to alert authorities to the shooter on the roof, apparently to no avail. More than a little weird, but these are weird times.


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People stay so calm during the shooting.

Here is the LiveStream video of Donald Trump shooting incident in Pennsylvania


The witness incredibly calm. Funny how he has a similar visor to the one sold on Amazon.

'Witness to Trump Assassination Attempt' Describes Massive Security Failure [UPDATED]


Amazon.com: Maga Donald Trump Hat with Hair 2020 Wig Visor Keep America Great MAGA Hat USA Cap Red


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Another strongly worded letter coming?

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This incident must be used to point out that Biden has refused RFK Jr SS protection although he has requested it 6 times. No Presidential candidate has been turned down by a sitting President since the practice started, I believe, after RFK Senior was assassinated. And Biden would have us believe HE is the moral choice for President...

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Jul 14Liked by Meryl Nass

Thinking that after this SS debacle, RFK Jr might do better without it!?

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Possibly Barbara, good point but he is spending the majority of our contributions on private security. Maybe a combo is an option...

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DHS decides that, and who runs the DHS? Mayorkas, the same man responsible for the millions of criminals swarming over the border (notice no one talking about the border these days).

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I'm aware of that but Biden most certainly can override his decision so I hold Biden responsible.

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Go ahead, hold a completely senile and incompetent man responsible, a man whose administration obviously hides things from him and lies to him so they can further their agenda.

Biden is nothing more than a fall guy, a witless puppet, and in the end those that really did all of this will escape by simply pointing a finger at him.

In part because folks like you think Biden is actually in charge.

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Tommy Robinson is reporting the shooter is an Antifa member and he posted a Youtube video before the attempt.

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The FBI has a long and sordid history of finding angry, disaffected men and goading them into doing something like this. You don't hear about many of the acquittals on entrapment charges, right? Kind of like those folks who were accused of trying to kidnap Gov. Whitmer? Or a couple of attempted "bombing" trials? This stooge was taken out by the SS, only after they THOUGHT he had succeeded in taking Trump out.

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...agents provocateurs....

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Antifa is funded and run by George Soros who has vowed to destroy America.

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Tommy Robinson the Brit? Where did you read this? And, do you have a link for that YT video?

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