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This happened to me over a year ago. Did not give them my phone number, so haven’t been on Twitter since. They can pi ss off. Get rid of your freaking cell phones people. Get an ipad and a landline . The entire digital surveillance, digital ID, digital currency thing depends on YOU ‘needing’ your smartphone. Stop making excuses. Stop whi…
© 2025 Meryl Nass
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This happened to me over a year ago. Did not give them my phone number, so haven’t been on Twitter since. They can pi ss off. Get rid of your freaking cell phones people. Get an ipad and a landline . The entire digital surveillance, digital ID, digital currency thing depends on YOU ‘needing’ your smartphone. Stop making excuses. Stop whining about how you NEED it. You can freaking live without it. If only 30% of the population dumped the damm smartphones this whole agenda ends. But NO. See how you’re already trapped.Jesus.
why is an ipad better?
They listen to you through the TV and appliances. There is not an easy out.
Because they need you to have the carry with you smartphone for digital ID and digital currency to work. That’s the end game.
You need to have a very old tee vee. No one should be purchasing "smart" (ass) appliances.
There is. You need to look harder.
Linux and Linux phone.
Quit Google or else don't complain, you get what you deserve because you are supporting them with you data.
With one hand you are all winning about censorship, yet with the other you are supporting and empowering these serial felons. Do you know how many time and for how much Google was fined for breach of data and privacy? Do they care?
That was the moment to quit. How many of us did that?
Everybody is sucked into convenience until we all find ourselves enslaved - Stalinism was heaven compared to what's coming. And I fear that we've reached the point of no-return.
Probably the best out is VPNs and fake identity.
I knew someone that did the traffic report on a small local TV station. She said the way they know how traffic is moving is through the tracking of all the cell phones in the vehicles. We are being tracked everywhere, all the time.
The problem with not having a cell is that there are almost no pay phones in the event of an emergency. I used to only buy cellphones that had removable batteries but I don't think those are made anymore. TPTB don't want people to be able to be untracked.
Dump the phones. The ‘emergency’ is the threat to our fundamental human rights. That’s a lot more serious than some possible‘emergency’ you may need that phone for. People are all around you. You’d manage. People do. No cell phone for a decade now. It’s not so scary.
Those concerned about EMFs recommend avoiding wifi, and use something that can be hardwired. I am going to get rid of my iPad for this reason. Maybe I’ll go back to a landline phone. Will see.
I have a landline. It’s very, very doable. You don’t need to carry a phone with you. For DECADES people didn’t carry phones with them. The constant contact thing and all that texting is certainly not NECESSARY. No one will die without the cell phones. We just might die because of them though. 5G is a class 1 carcinogen. Asbestos is a class 1 carcinogen. AND they’re destroying our societies and freedoms because of them. They need YOU to believe you HAVE to have take with you everywhere internet. If you’re buying into that, then you’re an important part of their plans for moving their total takeover forward. If enough people dumped the smartphones , got landlines, then the corporate players would have to accommodate. They NEED YOU. You don’t need them.
I agree with most of what you've said here, except for using an ipad.
Apple is /horrible/ about privacy violations, regardless of their advertising.
Their software is ridiculously under their control and you can't opt out of a lot of what they do.
A wifi only ipad can still be located within a few miles by IP address.
Yes. I think the iPad is about those who just can’t do without some kind of mobility (like lying on their couch vs at a desk), and a less dangerous solution to their mobile internet phone addiction. Think of it as a step down. They still don’t need to carry the damm iPad with them. Leave the thing at home for God’s sake. The idea is no one needs mobile internet to be with them every moment of their day. Surveillance is a big problem, but not as big of a threat as the digital ID and digital currency threat that they NEED people to have smartphones for.
I saw another mention in this thread about using Linux and Linux phones (I have one, it's called a Pinephone.)
Mine has individual physical switches to turn off GPS, microphone, camera, and cellular module.
If it's to be left at home, use a computer with Linux on it to dodge the Google/Apple/Microsoft tracking.
If you're gonna step down, half measures supporting a horrible billionaire company aren't going to help much.
Yes. But how to get them to start.