Has anyone noticed how brazen they have become in the last few years? Their belief in their absolute, invincible power must intoxicating. Or, could it be that they are aware of how people are on to them, and therefore the need to speed up their agenda at all costs? Any thoughts on this por favor?

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Indeed we notice, and it is long over due to call their bluff and make arrests and prosecutions. Refuse to take them seriously and use ridicule widely. Expose their supreme arrogance and contempt.

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They are in their death throes.

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It would appear that they are all trying it on. What do they take us for, monkeys?

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The City of London w/Crown Corporation as Front for Dutch/British East India Trading Company locus is U.K. and it's Fabian Totalitarians are the DESIGNERS, SUPPORTERS, FUNDERS of the Demonic U.N. Uniparty Nazi's.

Who in the world do the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits believe they fool when perpetrating their evil out in the open for all to see regardless of their insane censorship?

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"They" will stop at nothing. One battle might be won but the war (against humans) continues. My Dutch literature prof already told 65 years ago that laws had been tinkered to protect the few wealthy from the masses of workers, in a way that wouldn't trigger suspicion. Nowadays that's abundantly clear.

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Exactly. That's why high-profile individuals like Bill Gates and Fauci haven't been indicted or prosecuted yet.

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If this kind of thing is going to be stopped in the future, we absolutely need to see warrants for the arrest of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Fauci, and a long long list of others. Even just the warrants, without an arrest, would slow some of this stuff down. If the people finally have enough of this kind of crap, we very well could see arrest warrants. But, the people have to have had enough. I think it's coming. This latest "Bird Flu" (Pink eye from handling CATTLE) scam may just put people over the edge. This has got to stop. Meat, dairy, and eggs have doubled in price here in the last 5 years (and I'm in cattle country) and heck, meat went up about 3 percent in just the last week! We cannot live on "bugs" and vegetables. Making meat unattainable would kill millions of people and weaken massive populations. If I hear, "it's for the earth" and "to stop climate change" one more time....

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I know. That's the goal. THEY want to kill most of us!

Why aren't these warrants being issued?

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Money and power run the world. This is all backed by the bankers and the shareholders. They own all the levers of power. What we have been taught is a lie. Now real power is showing us what it can do. It’s out in the open and it wants to make big changes. That’s my theory anyway 😱

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"yet" Well, time to fix that!

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Bill Gates specifically appointed Tedros, a known, criminal Ethiopian terrorist as DG of the WHO. The clear intent of this was because it was nothing to do with health, & everything to do with continuing the terrorisation of the populace in pursuit of the culling of 7.5 billion people. Nothing the WHO or the United Nations does or proposes doing will be in the interest of the people. The globalists are running the show & they have made their evil intentions known for years. They have bought most governments & the evidence for this is clear. You just need to observe some of their more obvious WEF lackeys & how they manipulated their people. Prime examples were China, Trudeau of Canada, Adolf Ardern of New Zealand & Scott Morrison of Australia. These countries can no longer be considered free, & it is likely that they will accept being subjugated by the WHO, as that is part of the deal for the $millions they will have received.

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My friends,

Meryl's doing her part as a healer and I'm doing my part as a filmmaker/artist.

I need your help to share THE FIRST Narrative Feature Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr. (a Conscious Filmmaker)


We must all peacefully work together to exploit the corrupt institutions and to no longer be a slave to their toxic, greed-riddled agenda.

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram: www.instagram.com/thejackedpoet

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They would breech MY laws of survival and prosperity. 'Nuff said.

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Important the we the people declare unequivocally the the WHO has NO STANDING (in a legal sense) to impose its rules on us without our consent, as a matter of human rights. Any such documents purporting otherwise should be publicly burned.

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My friends,

Meryl's doing her part as a healer and I'm doing my part as a filmmaker/artist.

I need your help to share THE FIRST Narrative Feature Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr. (a Conscious Filmmaker)


We must all peacefully work together to exploit the corrupt institutions and to no longer be a slave to their toxic, greed-riddled agenda.

Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram: www.instagram.com/thejackedpoet

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