Why don't politicians realize that their descendants and relatives will soon be involved?

Even though they pretend to be bossy, they are all really stupid.

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I am ashamed to point out that most US politicians exhibit sociopathic traits, and are incapable of valuing any experience of other people, even if related. They only value their own experiences.


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In other words, they cannot have love for anyone other than themselves.

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Hai, So desu.


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I agree with you. All of this is against the wonderful US Constitution. I don't think red states would do this.

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I am always amused when I see the UK lower down on the list of the Corruption Perception Index of countries. We ranked 20 out of 180 countries in 2023, what is never taken into consideration is how well a country conceals its corruption. The UK is expert in this department.

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Thank you Meryl, Even though you could make a case that Klaus is crazier than Billy it's not by much.. Billy is far more dangerous though because of his wealth and his Global control of the Death vax.. He really is the primary Driving Force of the Global Psyop.. the WHO and WEF... Our momentum against the Great Reset builds by the day.. things are getting dangerously close to violence.. they are looking for any excuse to implement Marshal Law... We must maintain composure and ensure the rule of law.. Non-violence is the path to Nuremberg, possibly within the next 12 months.. We will get these Psychos yet.. We are on the homestretch.. We are going to completely ruin they're Great Reset, legally,.. Relentlessly we move forward...

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Eugenicist and vaccine profiteer Gates sponsored trials into life-saving Hydroxychloroquine where the unsuspecting patients were poisoned. See Dr Nass's article: https://ahrp.org/covid-19-has-turned-public-health-into-a-lethal-patient-killing-experimental-endeavor/

Gates' Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) took out advertisements AGAINST life-saving Ivermectin;

https://t.co/bys01b7fTN Both these early-treatments threatened his vaccine agenda.

Also the Gates organisation was kicked out of India for experimenting on children and making women sterile. https://twitter.com/i/status/1558626385589059585 N.B. In the final minute of this video Gates says: "For the world at large, normalcy only returns, when we've largely vaccinated the entire global population". On the word "vaccinated"- he GIGGLES! There follows a few seconds when he speaks of the next Pandemic. He says, "Well this won't be the last Pandemic that we face, so we will have to prepare for the next one - and that WILL get attention this time". As he says these words he SMIRKS along with his ex-wife Melinda. (And this is the man who is the biggest influencer of the World Health Organisation. Re-named by the late Dr Zev Zelenko The World Homicide Organisation.

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There is a Universal Law: what you give out - will come back to you.. Many in positions of leadership are absolutely clueless about this; no higher consciousness. Many wealthy people were raised by paid providers who attended to their needs and education ..not hands-on parents. They have never formed a caring feeling or attachment to anything...except their position, power and money. They are like horses with blinders - only focused on the money carrot - at the end of a stick. These shallow and far from intelligent leaders in the UK dealing with the ilk of Tedros, Bill Gates, UN/the WHO/the WEF, etc. have no morals shown by association with the aforementioned demonic organizations.and people in them.

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"In this guest post, John Stone provides a possible explanation - that senior Conservative Party politicians are completely entwined in the workings of the WHO and GAVI - both of which are heavily bankrolled by Bill Gates. "

When I was much younger and easily mislead by nice sounding words like "conservative" I for a very short while thought that I was a conservative because I wrongly associated that word with traditional Catholicism.

I am well now.

For your edification, here's a comedy, or a tragedy ? or a theater of the absurd ? video about about how politically driven acts, often called ordinances, statutes, executive orders, treaties, and laws, can destroy entire areas of an economy, such as a city's (state, country) economy and its impact on a national economy and all of its institutions can be destroyed by some thing that started as "public health agency policy." (Yes, the probably centuries old "illegal migrant" "problem" in certain USA states was by deliberate act ramped up during the "COVID" PLANdemic period and that problem was just as useful a tool as was the "novel zoonotic coronavirus SARS CoV-2.")


15:50 video runtime

It Begins… NYC Starts Evicting Migrants

Cash Jordan

788K subscribers

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Is the NYC situation evidence of a legitimate crackdown on illegal immigrants?

Or just propaganda to address growing concerns?

My input indicates, that the US government is openly facilitating the entry of and support of massive numbers illegal immigrants, whether tax or otherwise funded.

In the country where I am now living, this is also happening openly, with full government knowledge and support.

Real estate agencies, owned and funded by whoever, are openly housing large numbers of legal or illegal immigrants - no one knows for sure - in crowded spaces, in complete violation of all otherwise relevant housing/health/immigration rules.

No one seems to know, exactly how these "immigrants" are being supported, or supporting themselves.

Reports from Europe, indicate some public political push-back against massive, indiscriminate immigration, while the situation persists and escalates, overtly and covertly.

Clearly, there is an agenda being run by powerful people, who have the green light for massive, indiscriminate immigration in many nations, without the overt approval of national governments, and regardless of the will or the welfare of the people.

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"Clearly, there is an agenda being run by powerful people, who have the green light for massive, indiscriminate immigration in many nations, without the overt approval of national governments, and regardless of the will or the welfare of the people."

The "government" appears to have been completely taken over by the Brotherhood of Darkness, an entity that some identify as the banksters or the money people groups.

Then you get in to words and definitions and concepts like motivation and intent.

I have known for about 35 years is that the goal and motivation and intent is to set up a One World Death and Slavery System for All. Capitalism seems to be part of the "money system" and the "money system" seems be based on "state-sponsored usury." The whole bible, from Genesis through Apocalypse, calls "usury" a serious sin against the Creator. We all seem to have forgotten that sin and how it is defined.

Everything has become "unsustainable" and the entire system looks very much like it is going to crash bigtime, and that appears to be the goal, and I do not identify any government natural persons who might take action to set us back on right track, regardless of whether we have to crash first.

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Usury is not the only serious sin, offensive to the Creator, we have forgotten the definition of.

Time to take accountability.

Or suffer the consequences.

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Justice may be coming to the UK at last, or we will find out our justice system is totally corrupt as well, one of the two!

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/covid-criminals-soil-underpants

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Wow...LOOK at this..... White Rural Rage

I Thought the Power Elites Claimed They Wanted to Unite the People? (Only joking). https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/white-rural-rage

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This simply confirms they have already agreed to hand peoples autonomy to an unelected puppet for Chinese Communist Party.. and it seems this is permanent .. like hotel California.. you can check out anytime you like.. but you can never leave.

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Dear God, it gets worse ❗

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Thanks SO MUCH for this Meryl. I have posted @ABridgen @Chris_Chope_MP and others on X

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Dr. Nass's message on the WHO continues to spread. I have not stopped pestering the investigator Massachusetts Board of Medical Licensing. This time I gave him an audience and copied:

Jack Knickrehm, DC VP Comm/Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) // jknickrehm@fsmb.org

Other blind copied e-mail recipients at the MA Board of Medical Registration (BOMR):



Note: I do these bcc's so that the BOMR's records will contain this e-mail communication even if Mr. Bouton is deleting everything I send him. That way, should Sunshine laws apply down the road, I know the organization received my communication somewhere and it will be retrievable by their webmasters. Also, the folks in these other departments who receive these additional bcc e-mails will know that the organization they work for is engaged in malfeasance and it will become an office topic inside the organization.

Feel free to pile on if you are so inclined.


03/04/24 To: Robert.M.Bouton@mass.gov

Dear Mr. Bouton:

Please listen to the brief speech at this link:

The WHO are refusing to call this a treaty. They call it an “accord”. They call it an “instrument”. They call it a “convention.” They refuse to call it a treaty because it would require a 2/3 vote by the US Senate and it would not pass.


Dr. Meryl Nass is cited in this speech. She has reached international prominence in her fight to defend our personal medical sovereignty.

Who is instructing you to attack Dr. Nass? It makes no sense whatsoever since she doesn't even practice medicine in the state of Massachusetts.

I have copied Mr. Jack Knickrehm, VP Comm/DC for the FSMB, so that he can see the caliber of physician that the Massachusetts Board of Medical Registration is choosing to attack - when the physician doesn't even practice medicine in Massachusetts.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Of course, it is your prerogative if you choose to ignore this 3rd attempt at professional communication too.


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"You shall know them by their fruits."

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I think someone should eliminate all of them.

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