I have the best world pandemic idea. Never ever listen to any one in the WHO, the UN, or Any Corporation that sticks their stupid long ass nose into anyone's health and well being. Is my health any of their business. NOPE.. Screw their drive for power over everyone. It is all to obvious. Lets put them out of business. Freaking criminal lowest life forms on this Great Planet.

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How about if we turn back to the Bible and stop believing in these made-up (but never proven to exist) "viruses"?

For there is nothing new under the sun.

"Viruses" don't just hang out "mutating" that's all nonsense we've been fed for the past 70 years.

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So is Blinken king?

He can hand over the sovereignty of a Constitutional Republic to whomever he wishes?

Arrest that traitor!

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Biden, like all "presidents" (and I mean ALL "presidents") are tools of the false Israel. None of them are what you would call "Kings".

Rooks, perhaps. Maybe a knight.

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It’s not just the WHO that is trying to take power over our lives and dictate what we do with our bodies. There are many states, cities and counties that are passing draconian measures to do the same thing here at home. This article mainly deals with what Arizona is doing, but it’s happening all across America. The saddest thing here though is that it’s happening in GOP run states.


Please read and share and let others know what is happening and maybe if we make a big enough stink about it we can get it stopped.

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Not just in the States.

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I like this shortened pretext on the article: only by the General Ass... We should just leave it at that.

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Works both ways unfortunately.

"Be careful when following the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent." —Anonymous

"This is because the masses often worship the created rather than the Creator" —Romans 1:25 (Paraphrased)

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I do not consent!!! No one elected the WHO, UN, NATO, WEF or Gate!

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It seems that the UN has taken a page out of the DNC playbook and just ignored their bylaws and passed the treaty anyway.

"without a full assembly vote and over the objections of 11 nations."

Remember when the DNC was sued for rigging the election for Hillary they admitted in court that if they wanted to they could go into the backroom and choose the candidate no matter who the people voted for. Laws? We make the laws and our law says whatever we want it to.

Now what recourse do those 11 countries have to stop this from going into effect?

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This was merely a declaration. It is the WHO documents that will be laws.

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Really? The WHO passes law? Might as well as plenty of entities such as YouTube are more than willing to enforce whatever the WHO asks them to.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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GOD bless the Eleven & GOD bless you Dr. Nass, my favorite Medical TRUTH Warrior ...

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Well, that’s it. Declaring something that hadn’t been passed,.....they’ve totally lost it now. The un and who have to go....that is all.

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I have never in my life felt so much hate in my heart as I do right now to all those who are bringing this down on us undercover of a pandemic!

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Now if you can just learn who it really is.

It is no coincidence that 95% of the people in key positions of the scamdemic just HAPPEN to be Jewish.

It is no coincidence that the ACE2 receptors targeted by the "vaccine" is present in white and black populations, BUT NOT IN JEWS.

And the hate you feel?

That's a gift from God. Hate? A gift from God, you say?


And I shall place ENMITY (enmity means HATRED) between THY SEED and THE WOMAN'S SEED. And THY SEED shall bruise her heel, and HER SEED shall bruise thy head.

Book of Genesis. 3:15.

Now. When you understand that "thy seed" is "Satan's seed" is "the Jews", you will know who to direct your hatred towards.

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The "JEWS" were just a susceptible to vaccine injury. This thinking is what has led folks to carry out atrocities because of labels. The US government has preformed all sorts of despicable acts which only few approved of - should we be punished for the individuals that directed and carried out these actions? We are responsible for not speaking up when we became aware of them and the fraudulent justifications. Are all Chinese people responsible for the actions of the CCP? The Jewish people have been hijacked just like the Christians and other individuals. There are evil collaborators and conspirators and all are guilty as are those who carry out their commands knowing they are morally wrong (but fail to understand the real purpose of what they are doing). The ADL was created to protect the "Jewish" arm of the international bankers and industrialist who was being correctly blamed on the financial crisis in the US. This organization metastasized with outlets all over the world so that any complaint against them would be challenged. Example anything bad said about the Rothschilds or Soros is immediately shut down and media will not touch it for fear of law suits. But none of these folks actually follow any of the Abrahamic religions - that is just a cover. I think what we are dealing with is the Khazarian Mafia - the world's largest organized crime syndicate whose origins go back over 2000 years. The Khazarians practiced ancient Babylonian black arts and were thieves, murders, and had an act for assuming the identities of travelers which they would then murder and assume their identity. In 800, Russia forced the Khazarian king to choose one of the three Abrahamic religions as their official state religion and require their citizens to follow it. They kept practicing Secret Satanism and melded these practices with Judaism called the Babylonian Talmudism. This all sounds like fiction - but the group is real . An article is at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/khazarian-mafia-you-dont-know-what-david-luke-alphey

However - I believe his statement as to what was employed in 9/11 is wrong - all the evidence suggest dustification involving DEW (cold-fusion) - and the only entities capable of doing that was DOD/CIA and their affiliates. It would seem that much of our government is captured.

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And besides all that, calling "Judaism" an "Abrahamic religion" is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Judaism is what Jesus Christ REBUKED the Jews for. Called "The way of the Elders" back in his day, it's called the "Babylonian Talmud" in its written down form. But didn't Jesus Christ HIMSELF say TO THE JEWS "You are NOT OF ABRAHAM"?


That's pretty clear. And I pay close attention to what Jesus says.

Like when he says "Beware of those who call themselves Jews."

He says this twice, lol.

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"But none of these folks actually follow any of the Abrahamic religions - that is just a cover." You have clearly mistaken "Jews" the religious group with "Jews" the race. Jews are a race. They are of Satan in the same way we are of God.

You speak of the Khazarian Mafia. Which is nice. But 85% of all "Jews" are Ashkenazi Khazars. To say the "Ashkenazi Khazars" isn't the "Jews" is to be disingenuous. The 15 some odd percent of Sephardic Jews are no improvement. Sephardic Jews were in fact responsible for the formation of the Jesuit order and the subsequent takeover of the Catholic church to convert it to (false) Zionist principles and ideologies.

Here's the fact. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the leading rabbi in Israel, had 800,000 attendees at his funeral. It was the biggest funeral in "Israel's" history. Among Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's most interesting quotes is: "“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”"

So let's be clear. The head rabbi of "Israel", who's views are quite clear about non-Jews, had 800,000 people at his funeral. Which is to say, and I'm not stretching at all here, that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's viewpoints are MAINSTREAM JEWISH VIEWPONTS. Which is to say, I can safely (VERY safely) make blanket statements about the Jews. Because they all share similar and disgusting beliefs about non-Jews. You don't get 800,000 people at your funeral if they don't like what you think and believe.

And then we have the myriad of lies that ALL JEWS SUPPORT. The lie that Jews are "Israelites" or "Hebrews" (they aren't), the lie of the holocaust (there was no holocaust, but there WAS a HOLODOMOR), the lie that Jews belong in Palestine...there are "great lies" that ALL JEWS PARTICIPATE IN.

And so, because of this...they must all burn.

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Pharaoh's army got drowned in the sea

Mary Don't You Weep: Swan Silvertones


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Thank you Vladimir Putin and 10 other nations joining the Russian Federation opposition. Joe Biden and the USA. MIA...

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As Donald Trump say, "Joe's gone. He's shot." Pay attention: Trump is Q+



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If Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has learned anything, it is that you can never have enough power. Off with his head!

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So the bastards invent a virus using our tax money and in violation of international law, call it a strategic threat, release it into the environment, jury rig an inept and dangerous “preventive jab” for said virus which, btw just happens to kill and maim more people than the original “virus”, “mandate it” then hide the lethality of it! Next after seeing to it that enough brainless grifters and morons are elected to public office and by promising to make them VIPs on the World stage they get nearly all of them …except 11.. to “agree” by NOT RESPONDING to turn over their sheeplike populace to a fascist killer organization bent on True Genocide because Global Warming will kill people….. and all in order to “SAVE THE PLANET” … for themselves…

Honest to God if this were fiction it would be too unbelievable!

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This is truly worrying.

Time to get small and go small and unseen.

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You will NEVER be small enough.

they will demand ALL you have, and ALL you ARE.

Now is the time to make a difference with COURAGE and prayer.

Courage is contagious - so is fear .

That’s why they frequently use it as a weapon.

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Sep 22, 2023
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Oh? Have you ever seen a QR Code Only restroom? Imagine when they merge that with your ESG score and put QR Code access locks on ATMs, gas pumps and the super market and use the Internet of Things to monitor what goes into and out of your refrigerator and link that too your ESG score. China does very much this exact thing. We are far closer to that point than we know.

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Sep 22, 2023
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Unless you are able to live like the Amish but it an extremely secluded and hard to get location you are going to find that much harder to do than you think.

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Sep 23, 2023
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There is no place to hide!!!!

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Yep, thus we must fight.

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You can never be so small that they will not seek you out. They demand just one thing and they demand it of all, compliance.

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The globalists appear to have no Plan-B, just keep moving forward with their plans for global domination, whether they are thinning-out along the way or not.

If they can't do it, they can say-they-did-it and just follow the timeline.


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The UN should be dismantled. They are a combination of useless idiots, and useful felons.

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It's even worse than that.

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