I do believe they picked the wrong person to harass. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the truth. Get'm.

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Great news Meryl. Yes. You both are shining :-)

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Meryl, Absolutely sparkly! Clearly being a thorn in the side of those who most deserve it agrees with you!

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Good luck. A suggestion....

When you pick a company to host your new site try to find a company that will not shut your site down on a corporate whim. So many have truth tellers have been booted to the curb when their hosting providers decided they did not like their content.

Get them to agree in your contract that they will give you xxx number of days to find a new website to host your web service if they no longer want to host your site. Specify $$$ penalties if they agree to it.

Have a lawyer review the contract before signing on the dotted line to protect your interests.

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Do they have ESG scores?? Or whatever is the new initials for censorship of Free Thinkers? You are such a vibrant, young lady, Dr. Nass. Keep up your excellent work for the betterment of mankind. Not that I had to tell you that!!

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Beautiful color palette. Blues and greens are soothing and just a pop of red for some energy

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Please have a rest, your wearing me out! Do you ever sleep?

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Hilarious! I’ve thought same. How DO you do it Dr. Nass?

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Dr. Nass - you are a tour de force! I love the name of the new organization & the Matisse background. The picture of you & Shabnam Palesa Mohammed is wonderful, as are both of you. Have a great time at the conference in Sweden. Wish it were possible to join you!

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

We are all so lucky to have you. And it looks and sounds like you're having the time of your life.

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Great news! Thanks Dr. Nass - you are a warrior woman! Thanks very much for all you are doing for humanity. Peace. :-)

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Meryl as Wonder Woman! Or maybe Zena.

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In the words of Steven Tyler "you don't look a day over fabulous"

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That really does fit our Dr. Nass!

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Sparkly, with undertones of brilliance!

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Looking forward to SaveFreedom.net going live and being able to donate!

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Whether painting or portrait, that's beauty all around.

Keep up the good fight, Dr. Nass.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Dr Nass. You are fabulous. Please don’t ever give up.

We need you on the front lines. Thank you thank you. And September event sounds marvelous- I shall be praying for all involved ❣️

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

I love the palette, and that it occurred to you to create a warm, inviting artistic look for the site. Plus, I love the name!! SAVE FREEDOM! AMEN!!

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I love the Matisse! Very calming, joyful. Thank you for ALL that you do!

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