What is wrong with our medicine man? They push fear that one human got the bird flu and they ignore the great harm caused by C Diff! 30,,000 die each year in the USa and the number is probaly truly over 300,000! Its lack of sanitation in our hospitals combined with antibiotic treatment that destroys the microbiome! They bury this issue and push the injections! Gates Foundation made 7 Billion by investing in Moderna and etc before Covid was created. How is that possible?

A preplanned operation for profit!

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All these years of worldwide virus scam. Remember the fake swine flu. Who gets the immense profits besides the World Allmighty Big Pharma. Forbes names the biggest landowners, Jeff Bezos with 420,000 acres of farmland, WHO-GAVI financier Bill Gates 275,000 acres, Taylor Sheridan 265,000. Even Chinese billionaires are in on it. Great isn't it. Financing government to keep injecting and culling farmer's livestock based on artificial testresults. Even salmon is injected. Let your Pharma Company find new virus, produce the PCR fake test tot register it, let the government kill all livestock until there's no farming families left. Those damn local families all over the country sustaining themselves and their neighbours. They think they can survive the world's Monopoly game? No sir. You will own nothing and billionaires will own everything. The Philantropes will produce the grob they allow you to eat.

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I assume 20 million chickens did not in fact die as a result of bird flu, but from overzealous (to be polite) government agencies determined to affect our food supplies and ramp up fear yet again...

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Exactly how many bureaucrats are living comfy upper middle-class lives off of supporting these scams, I'd like to know...all w/ our wildly-regressive tax dollars....

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I hate these people. I pray RFK & Trump stop this bullshit.

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The “Georgia Guidestones “ say /said the earth’s population should be sustainable, and recommend 500M people; down 93% from today’s population. Instead of just instantly reducing population, giant pharma realized they could use a highly fatal (not) virus vaccine combo to start this process slowly by making people sick from covid then sick from the vaccine with auto immune etc. vaccines ten year olds gives giant pharma a sick patient base for the next 60 years

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We know, WE KNOW, WE KNOWWW about the damnable "guidestones," arrrghhh!!

So, now, kiddies, what the HELL are WE gonna DO about it??

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Jan 14Edited
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If you look this up it’s a total scam

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It's a scam and it should not be clicked.

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As usual. I agree that it's a scam and it should not be clicked.

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Unfortunately I clicked on it. But realized very quickly that it was garbage. Looked it up and it has scam reviews all over DDG.

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It's a scam and it should not be clicked.

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It's a scam and it should not be clicked.

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omg 1 in 66 is worse than covid! quick somebody get neil ferguson on the line!!!!

can't help but notice that number...66 maybe missing a digit?

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There is now proof that this virus is NOT naturally occurring but a result of (wait for it - gain of function research !!) It was altered to promote human infection. Maybe we should ask Ukraine to give us back a few drones/missiles that we gave them so that we can eradicate a few labs in the US where this is going on and the homes of those who are promoting this insanity. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that biological warfare attacks that we heard of years ago would be originating from our government. God help us.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


All I see are people that gave up on themselves and forfeited their minds.


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The injections definitely affect the brain & people’s behavior IMO. People who used to have critical thinking skills seem to have completely lost them

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"#42"? W..T...???

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Glad to see that you are back on X. Maybe you can get the truth out about this latest attack on humanity.

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I don't have my main account but can get on through a minor account

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Honestly, I think EM pats himself on the back to much for being a free speech absolutist! My whole account that I made when he took over Twitter & ran that

Poll whether he should stay CEO was infiltrated by someone impersonating his sister for a scam & he hacked it, I was threatened by a so called attorney & I lost all my followers and content. I had to start all over again with an old account that I thought I had closed in 2020. This impersonator got into my DM’s

it was a real mess. So I have about 350 followers built up now (WOW) but I’m quickly losing respect for EM & his behavior.

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Any chance you can let the bloody Wellness Company & everyone else attached to stop whipping up the fear but they've got the protocols/ remedies @ (up to) 20 percent off if you hurry. They are supporting the perpetrators bullshit & they know it.

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It’s become an industry all on its own. It’s sickening.

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So the "government" paid out over $1 billion for culled chickens and lost eggs? Yet only one person has died from "Bird flu"! And it is 'we the people" who are really paying both for the claimed over $1 billion and a much higher price for eggs! Yet no word on if/whether cooking eggs from flocks supposedly diagnosed with "bird flu" kills the infective organism and makes the egg safe to eat!

It would seem to me that it is time to cull the Public Health Corp of this country from the top down idea that people who have no education in disease process, care of the ill humans and treatment of disease can have the final say in what is good and healthy when they have no training to back up their pontification!

It is timefor the people to wake up and take the initiative to make a change!

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How can you update something that is a fairy tale?

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Do you follow Geert Van De Bosch? Scientist from Germany? (not sure if spelling is accurate) Do you agree with his explanations on what is going on with the immunological landscape of the country due to mass vaccination with the covid vaxes?

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Sorry I have no trust in those who are now working on vaccines for bird flu, when I learned what toxic matter these mercenary meddlers put into all their commercial vaccine products for the last 70 years...Their offerings were health destroying...and they should have been prosecuted for their defective and deadly products.

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"No new cases"----of something that doesn't exist.

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You would expect the humane society to be upset about the needless murder of birds and animals over a might be bird flu in each bird. Where is the humane society when they are needed.

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