We call her Hairspray Hitler.

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Hitler just got demonized and a million lies told about, he fought already those who dominate us now.

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Why would he fight those who preceded those who think they dominate us now?

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That has a nice ring to it.

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Ukraine Hawk Who Heads European Commission Has a Nazi Pedigree She Does Not Want You to Know About


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"What is meant by resilient, sustainable and food security? Lower yields, hungry people, and yes, less pollution—but other regulations could lower pollution without skyrocketing food prices, hunger and increased starvation. The globalists have hijacked our language and our desire for a healthier planet to impose suffering and population reduction. Ursula leads the way."

I really want to directly hear RFK Jr.'s position on this.

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Last sentence: Is this because you have reservations against him as president? I do....

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I'd like to see an analysis of how much harmful gases are emitted by their wars and useless militaries! But they are never against those wars! These restrictions exist primarily to reduce independent food production, which is to be be replaced by corporate agro-factories cranking our Franken-cricket "food", owned by the ruling Criminals. They will eventually outlaw your chickens and gardens. The only way this is going to stop is if a critical mass of us says Hell No and we kick these Criminals where it really hurts! Ursula is just a criminal puppet!

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Sorry guys but the EU Commission President and genius Ursula von der Leyen knows way more than all of you put together. She's the same one who had a nice video lecturing EU citizens on the need to wash your hands thoroughly, scrub between your fingers and under your fingernails to stop the spread of Covid, an airborne virus. On the Energy supply catastrophe she said governments need to stay focused on “a massive investment in renewables”. “We have to make sure that we use this crisis to move forward and not to have a backsliding on the dirty fossil fuels".

Anyone who claims we need “a massive investment in renewables” is far more guilty of causing pollution, toxic emissions, CO2, methane, vast mine tailing wastes, water pollution than any farmers ever dreamed of. That's like Adolf lecturing us on human rights. With her wind & solar having 20X the mined material inputs, >80x with battery storage, 300x the land area, 80x the waste than conventional energy sources. While still needing all the conventional sources for when the wind or solar is low. A crazy and eco-destructive idea. Energy Inefficiency on steroids.

At the same time she declares "Nuclear not ‘strategic’ for EU decarbonisation" and is not even mentioned in her working paper on “strategic” green industries. What a sleazoid scam artist. Nuclear being the only viable low emissions alternative to fossil fuels. Obviously she is more guilty than just about anybody when it comes to causing high emissions. The chutzpah of this witch, blaming farmers.

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These people are pure evil. Covid and the shots didn’t kill enough people, so starvation is next on the agenda. But people don’t starve to death quietly. The riots in France over the pensions will seem tame by comparison.

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Thank you for enlightening us about Ursula von der Leyen!! My words & thoughts are that she is a woman, who must get her kicks from "thrusting evil upon the poor, & the hard working innocent worlds populous!!" She needs to be held accountable along with her encouragers for the "crimes against humanity!!"

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Well, this Ursula von der Leyen does take the worm infected cake, doesn’t she. She’s certainly in the running for the world’s most Destructive Woman. She uses “resilient and sustainable agricultural sector” and “Farm to Fork and biodiversity strategies” being “fundamental to food security”. That’s a whopper! She’s on the path to the destruction of both meat and farming food sources, calling this “food security”. She worships the religion of the a natural minor earth warming cycle being man-made, using this excuse to wreck havoc on man’s food sources as a solution. She further waves her typical flag of ignorance or malevolence by having announced intent to use the European Commission to create an International Criminal Tribunal for the Russian Federation. As she overlooks all the inconvenient facts of food production, she also does same for US, NATO and Ukraine driven pre-cursors to the Ukraine War until finally Putin had been “provoked” beyond enough, but none of which was covered in our main press which only serves the approved narrative of our ‘leaders’.

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Apr 22, 2023
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You tell me!

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Hi Erik, zero from her. dangerous as Heii.

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And insane. Pretend doing this yourself...I would ask directly for a shrink to start with

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so wait... a (supposed) medical doctor was Germany's defense minister? isn't that interesting.

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That is really very very seriously interesting indeed!

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I have always thought No Farms No Food; No Bees, Bats, Birds and Butterflies No Food. So everything the globalists are doing is killing this world and the Presidents (or those who cheated to become the President) are also hugely at fault as are most of the Senators and Congress in each country. I won't mention much about C19 because the whole thing sickens me.

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Exactly my thoughts too!

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Thank you for this profile of this evil person. Her Gates Foundation "award" does smell like a kickback.

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Do a deep dive into her connections to Big Pharma!

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the contract she signed with pfizer got her hubby a high powered job. this is why i always thought the EU was such a bad idea!

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Me too...and lots of people...I don't know a single one person who wanted the EU.. nobody: it is a big scam too, and nobody was able to choose for not giving away their sovereinity.

For a long time the european governments didn't agree on large transfers of power to EU. But at once....it looks to me like about everywhere in Europe are prime ministers talking the exact rubbish and are of poor achievements in society but politically they are 'so succesfull'.

How is this possible? It is time to sent people, who failed in politics, for instance by causing harm or promoting stupid expensive non research environmental measures, home at best.

Ursula is corrupt and stupid and that is why she is head of the EU. When her job is done, smart people get rid of her because she is so immense stupid ocupied with what is good for herself, you must be a complete idiot thinking she is honest to you or stays with you when somebody offers her a job with more power, or offers her a lucratif deal to herself and that harms you? You know she don't care. She is extremely dangerous to whatever or whoever you are..

When she starts to speak she pisses off the whole world by gaining none... to me there is no greater threat to peace and freedom than this faceless soulles monster

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"In Germany, plagiarism of a doctoral thesis is very serious"


Also, lots of people in Europe are Doctors because they got that degree, but have been in politics since their late 20s. It's quite pathetic when they present as if they were professional, when they are just scum.

It's kind of easy to get a Medical degree, if one is well connected. They just tell them to never practice medicine, and get the money. A practice with centuries of history, it seems. Shameless bastards!

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Thank you

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The goal is artificial food ala Bill Gates! Fake food that can be patented. More GMOs, more glyphosate and other chemicals. Bacteria made fake meat and other protein foods. Seem to recall an article the Israel has a large number of these fake food making factories already operating. This needs to be checked out and exposed if true

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Good idea!!

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7 children?? I find that hard to believe…

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That really scares me actually, because she lacks empathical ability completely, so what is the goal of this evil woman by this over all tops efforts to put so many children on the world, while she cannot even be present mentally in the lives of them, not even when she stands physically right next to them...brrrr

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she likely paid other people to raise them cuz it sure doesn't sound the witch would have taken the time herself.

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I’m sure that is fact but that she derived joy or found meaning in pregnancy and childbirth is incredible! Why endure it even once, but SEVEN times?? And that not one of those seven experiences (children) gave her any humanity ... I find astounding

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I do hope so, ust for the kids of this 'hairspray hitler' ofcourse

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