It would be interesting to see William Henry Gates' contributions to the WHO....

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See here, scroll down the page for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations contributions, second behind Germany in 2020/2021: https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors

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Their "foundation" gave even more money to the WHO than the United States. William must care a whole lot about the well being of poor people. 🤡

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He’s so loving and caring isn’t he?

Meanwhile…umpteen needles filled with poison continue to be stuck into arms without, in my opinion, valid consent.

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He’s BUYING influence . His father ADMIRED the Method used by Rockefeller to fool the masses into believing he was a caring person. Gates Junior is replicating the Rockefeller Blueprint while ENRICHING himself and accomplishing his population control agenda.

According to Dr Astrid Stückelberger, a Swiss health scientist and researcher, can be viewed in effect blowing the whistle on the inner workings of the WHO, where she worked for 20 years.

**** Bill Gates lobbied member states of the WHO to accept him on its executive board with the equivalent status of a member state.****

I guess he figured he had experience with computer viruses, so that makes him an expert with ANY viruses….


VIDEO with Dr Stückelberger is embedded further down on page

A quote from Gates about the Gavi link:

‘The best investment we’ve ever made.’

Yes, he MUCH MUCH richer thanks to his “philanthropic “ tax shelters.

Gavi became an independent international institution in 2009, and enjoys privileges and immunities similar to those enjoyed by other intergovernmental organisations in Switzerland.

According to the NSJ: ‘Swiss authorities are not allowed to enter Gavi’s premises and employees enjoy immunity from arrest. All documents and media are inviolable. Assets are immune from requisition, seizure or expropriation or any other governmental restraint. Balances, income, assets are exempt from all taxes.

‘Gavi Alliance has the right to send and receive correspondence by courier and enjoys privileges and immunities as with diplomatic couriers and diplomatic courier baggage.’

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And don't forget all the other "benevolent" "charity" foundations he has his mitts in (like GAVI etc.) -- I don't recall details, but seem to recall that all that would put him in top place as WHO patron-owner.

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Such a philanthropist!

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There is nothing his foundation does that he is not personally invested in, so he makes profit from their activity

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Gates terms this "philanthrocapitalism"...

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‘Philanthropists’, eh?

They just keep getting richer and richer…at our expense…

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Pisses me off to no end to think of what America would look like right now had all those billions shipped out from the wars to this were kept here and spent appropriately and within reason. Instead we get drug infested crime ridden shit hole cities with decaying infrastructure.

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Gates wants his investments to return a profit to him. That excludes domestic cities and infrastructure.

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It is interesting to note that Trump's administration significantly increased its funding to WHO, except for the year 2020. I also wonder if the US stops its funding if Bill Gates will simply step in to fill the gap, thereby further increasing his power of the WHO.

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In any case, the important thing is to prevent the WHO's new mandate from being quietly accepted, as it would change the WHO from non-binding advisory capacity to national sovereignty-destroying dictatorial capacity. Many crooked or sociopathic politicians would be happy to avoid personal responsibility for implementing WHO mandates by declaring they are helpless under the revised WHO treaties.

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You have it exactly right. That's the advantage the politicians will have.

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It’s maddening to see my tax dollars fund democide and the rise of the new normal authoritarianism.

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USA needs to withdraw from WHO and repudiate all agreements with WHO and also the United Nations, as they violate the supreme law of the land, the US Constitution. Any member of Congress who votes to keep and support WHO should be replaced at next election, as said members are willing to handover the sovereignty of our country to the United Nations as WHO is a entity of the UN. Rise up people and lead others to this conclusion. VOTE them OUT!

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Hopefully it didn't just go on under the table

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Well, hopefully not.

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“but many governments, including the U.S., are calling for further reforms to allow WHO to better respond to future epidemics and pandemics as well as other global health issues”

I see that The Donald initiated proceedings to back us out of who. Smart man, Donald. Sadly, the action was reversed by the current U.S. Resident. Also don’t see a U.S. who rep listed, for all of our 15% funding, Unless his/her first name is “To Be”, the last of course being “Determined”. Given the current state of what passes for national health care these days, I can’t imagine that placing any authority, let alone ultimate, (dear God, no!) in the hands of and even less accountable, untouchable

entity as who! Besides, last I looked, our checking account is……….overdrawn?

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The world is finally beginning to realise that the World Health Organisation has become corrupted by Bill Gates and his sinister and dubious generosity? Bill Gates made more money from manipulated injections (called vaccines) investment than anything else! Join the dots and Disband the WHO - NOW!

How could so many World Leaders be so well co-ordinated with their stupidity of accepting the Covid farce, which was obviously created to 'sell' the need for a 'DEADLY INJECTION called a 'cure'? They pretend it's a VACCINE, but it's part of the WEF New World Order 'depopulation program'.

Ladies! It's not worth the risk of losing your next child or finding you're now permanently STERILE from the DEADLY INJECTION they pretend is a 'VACCINE'!

I've become a pessimistic, but proud Conspiracy Theorist since witnessing the evil and sinister goings on since 2019.

I can't really believe this complete Covid & DEADLY INJECTION farce has been so successfully 'sold' to the public! It doesn't make sense - but it's been evident, even to us 'uninitiated' since late 2019.

I've stated many times the whole thing has been planned for decades and 'tongue in cheek', and that the 'vax' (poison) was made simultaneously in the adjacent Wuhan lab! Could be true?

I won't relent on repeating my messages because, if every time I do, if just one extra 'jabbed & boosted' person starts to question why they now get Covid more frequently than before the Death Shot, and then start to suspect what's really been going on since Covid was released in 2019 (deliberately, or not - it matters not).

The world needs to urgently question why and how 'NO LIABILITY' for DEADLY VAX MAKERS can be justified. The most obvious clue that there's something wrong with the 'narrative' - so beware!

Mick from Hooe - UK (Unjabbed to live longer!)

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So how much while Trump was president??!!

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You've been at this all day Doc. Get some sleep will ya?😃

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Voluntary? I didn't think anything related to the WHO was voluntary.

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Looking at the table, it's clear why COVID appeared in 2020: the WHO wanted more money!

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We need to watch ghates handling of the global seed archiving project. activist vanada shiva may have mentioned this in rfk jr podcast in 2022. Ghates goal seems to be to patent nature.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Burning that money would have been more useful than giving it to these retarded terrorists.

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If the USA does not donate the B&MG foundation gains more votes.

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Instead of removing the USA from WHO he removed what little USA oversight there was. I think this was one of the biggest betrayals that Trump did to the world.

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There's the trick you seek. 15% assessed + voluntary is like nothing. They must be getting it elsewhere and in undisclosed amounts and therefore don't really need the $$ authorized, if they can count on obedience during an "emergency " of their making.

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