It’s just one totalitarian horror show after another. I don’t recall anyone asking the citizens of this country if we wanted anything to do with this gobbledygook. Animal, plant, human interface? WTH?! No. And not a thank you at the end. Just no.

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Our bloated sick care system is due to regulatory capture and seducing the federal employees that run the HHS agencies and having the Congressman that rely on funding to stay in office ignore the great harm being caused by Big Medicine, Big Agra and Big Chemo. This is just a end run to keep the status quo. I pray RFK Jr has a bull dozer handing to eliminate the manure that has piled up in DC.

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First RFK has to get elected to the position which allows him to do just that. 50 votes is what I read somewhere with Big Pharma opposed to him getting elected into that position, with Trump. Nothing surprises me anymore. I was wondering how many of Trump's new Cabinet or whatever you call it, have "not been" publicly vaccinated, like Trump. Of other interest is the vaccines, according to Pfizer (2015) were never vaccines they were always Gene Therapy Injections - which should remove the "Indemnity From Prosecution" vaccines cover they have, now to 2029 - and hold the so called vaccine makers to account for injecting Gene Therapy Injections, purpose unknown - but not for Covid and according to Sasha Latypova, it's the Army who were behind the Covid vaccines drives.

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And of course it’s a concept driven by the WHO. We need to get serious about banning the use of public monies to advance any of the UN SDGs in our country.


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The US has been invaded by globalist forces.

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But actually, the home-grown shills and sell-outs are the ones pushing this forward.

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Some people have no allegiance to any country let alone America and people do things for money they would never do voluntarily. Marxists/Fascists have ruined the entire academic institution... science and medicine alike - kaput. Now they'll become the gestapo - the regulators - the shills as you say. Ayn Rand called this situation the Sanction of the Victim. If you give the impression to your oppressor that you accept or even approve of his oppression of you - things will get worse.

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Yes, Doug😉— What size shoe do you wear? Then that size must be best for all!

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... and they'll promise to make one in every size - jobs will be provided for everyone - and people will act like they're being paid to work - and none of it will be true.

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Whenever I hear One Health I am reminded of One Ring to Rule Them All. They're trying to take the public health infrastructure that ruined so many lives in the covid era and to impose that authoritarian thinking on every aspect of our lives.

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Yahvol freelearner... oon'ts almost like Von Vorld Order. Spring Time For Hitler?

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Many are now aware of John D Rockefeller's influence in promoting the AMA to get doctors to sell the public on his patented petroleum-based drugs. The curriculum in med school was drug-oriented and eliminated all other healing modalities. It was totally sickness oriented and treating sick people. It was not about healing people. JDR got doctors to join by promising them HIGHER INCOME & PRESTIGE....better health was not mentioned. The Medical Industry is a major factor in the poor health of Americans. We once were the healthiest country; now we are 47th in World Health. Industries don't care about people. They are all about pleasing their stockholders...and their Bottom Line.

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Seems to me that The Great Reset, which the Covid Pandemic was, was about getting as many vaccinated as possible, to put the vaccinated in one camp and those who refused vaccines in another camp - that was Trump, Carlson, RFK and me, not vaccinated, for example - and then when you run the numbers, that sort of comes out at 250 million who refused the vaccines and the rest who volunteered to have them, precipitating the injuries and deaths which the vaccines have caused and will continue to cause, it is theorized, over the next Decade, which is 10 years, if my memory serves me correctly.

Guess, old age aside, I'll just have to wait and see won't I?

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I've heard 6-million Americans have died 30-million vax-injured. Covid infected us with Fascism - people didn't catch a virus they caught Fascism.

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I recall that Trump was very proud of the speedy c-vaxes and wanted to use the military to force us all to take them.

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No he didn’t! He never wanted to force us to take it!!!

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Peggy! That’s not true.

He DID go along with Fauci & Birx in having the damn shots made & distributed.

He DIDN’T support mandates.

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Just as much as the other clowns, yes.

The uni-party is going to assimilate us into the NWO Borg.

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Can't wait to help shut this down and implement Integrative Pathways to Health (IP2H) across the board. So much work to do to bring health-promoting options to public health.

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Amen!! Donald Trump should send One Health packing back to the WHO via Executive Order -- next Tuesday!!

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DOGE has the job, let's hope Elon and Vivek are aware of this travesty!

Maybe Meryl will connect with RFK, Jr. . . ?!#@

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But will he ever?

I certainly hope you're right, but not holding my breath.

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Indeed, there was never any other option. Now or 35 years ago.

Some of us have been in the trenches that long.

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One health equals no health.

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It is indeed totalitarian in motive. The globalists employ a myriad of faux causes to pivot in all circumstances -- even if conflicting or fickle. It is what I call (in an upcoming Substack) "kaleidoscope lies." (I do love the Beatles. This pitch allows corporations to subjugate humanity further without pretending to care about humanity -- it justifies sacrificing human needs to advance profit and control: just like the climate cult that is destroying our ecosystem at frenetic pace!

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This was planned and signed off on long ago by both democrats and republicans. It is one world government with healthcare, security and surveillance as foundational . The continued creation and manufacture of biolab and healthcare terrorism will solidify the need and demand for imposing medical countermeasures on the populace and their surveillance with regimen of governmental sanctification. Go to every agency website and there it is.

See onehealthcommission.org for congressional members who supported it Todd Young and Diane Feinstein for example. See it’s integration in most univerisities in particular UC Davis https://www.onehealthcommission.org/en/resources__services/whos_who_in_one_health/

Tufts University early 2000’s



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YES!! Time to wake up and dethrone our would-be slavemasters!!

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Have you noticed how "blanket immunity" lets them let the cat out of the bag and treat the rest of us like shit, like we don't matter and never did?

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USAID has been funding it globally for 20 years

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Agreed - one world government managed by The Army who precipitated the whole thing, according to Sasha Latypova, if I read what she has more or less said, correctly.

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This looks like it consolidates all the most powerful agencies in the fed govt under one roof and gives it unquestionable authority and power backed by DOD and Intel agencies along w a blank check.

The heads of all the families. The bad part is they’re all bought and paid for. The coup happened a long time ago, this looks like it just streamlines the process. Guess this is what efficiency looks like.

It’s fascist, they need a corporate sponsorship and endorsement deal. This usurps the Constitution?

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It most certainly will.

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Thank you for watching it for us so we don't have to! You are VERY much appreciated! What you shared was so ridiculous I broke out laughing several times. I had to fight falling asleep at times too. It was so poorly done. I think the "deep state" is losing its touch. In fact, I very much believe the deep state is losing and they know it! They truly are desperate. President Trump announced the U.S. was going to withdraw from the WHO during his first presidency, and if he doesn't follow through this time, I will be very disappointed in him. SO much to be done!

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I agree we should shred this attempt to create what appears to me to be our own national version of the WHO's grand takeover scheme.

I notice that, of all the stakeholders enumerated, there was no room to include individual decision-making.

I suggest they pound salt.

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After reading this presentation it looks like the end goal is to eliminate human interaction with animals. Not surprising. Animal activists have made it clear that animals need to be left 'alone' and not subjugated to 'exploitation' by humans. They mean no pet ownership, hobby farms, livestock, food animals, and even a law against entering areas that should belong only to animals. Weirdly enough they are happy to slaughter millions of animals to create this utopia. Building fear of zoonotic transfer of disease is simply another method to achieve their insane idea.

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Fear mongering is their favorite tactic. Too many animal lovers in this country. Anyone who would fall for this nonsense is....I don't know how to say it nicely. Fill in the blank.

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I'd say it's more about tracking/monitoring/regulating all animals - both wild and private.

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And then, I wonder how much my family will be “taxed” for our organically fed animals — all healthy — and excellent producers.

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Wouldn’t it make a nice change if the « global health» mob began cleaning up pollution, water, food, ag & Pharma & encouraged people to eat well, exercise, sleep, have fun, get sunlight & socialize?


Well, they won’t change

So they must be ridiculed & rejected.

And let’s see if MAHA creates positive change.

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AMEN. And if these monsters aren't going to do it, it's up to us to flatly reject them and force decentralization by doing our own things in our families and communities. We've been tricked into believing we have to "do what we're told" even when it goes against everything we know is right and good. We are NOT obligated to go along with things that we know damage our personal health, our beliefs, or our creator given liberty!

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If nothing else, they're persistent. If one avenue closes, they open another.

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Reminds me of the UN and FEMA. Endless talk, no action. Some nice jobs for DEI candidates though.

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If Trump doesn't do it immediately we need to roadblock his work on any other matters. I'm tired of the Tedros grift at the World Hostage crime Organization.

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Well, wonders sometimes never cease. I can now just hear those Karens go and moan and cry and scream. Music to my ears that the WHO executive order is on it's way to Geneva. Now if we hear Trump take down the WEF soon..

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Ah Meryl—there is a “there” there! 😉 It is their “their” — such a benevolent approach to health and safety for the planet (sarcasm intended). One more “step” to WHO governance.


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