YES!!! I have written my reps several times regarding this. I will continue to do so. While we are at it, we need to get the US out of the UN, too.

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I wrote to Rep. Andy Biggs.

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I agree!

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Please please please keep this going to get out of WHO!

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The only way to get out of the WHO is by request of the President and then it takes 12 months to get out. Defunding does not get us out of the WHO. This legislation will never get passed and the Rs know it will never get passed or signed by the President.

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Maybe not, but the House could threaten Budget amendments since they hold the purse strings.

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Cutting off the funds is great but it does not get us out from under the WHO mandates. Besides Bill Gates will just give them more money like he did when Trump decided to cut them off. The only way to get out of the WHO is by a letter from the President and then it takes 12 months for it to be final. That is written in the deal with the WHO.

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Are you an attorney?

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No I am not but you don't need to be an attorney to understand the law. BUT I have read the WHO Constitution and their agreement documents with member states. Have you?? The process is laid out in the WHO documents and agreements with member states. It is a fact that defunding only stops the flow our US Taxpayer money it does not void our agreement with the WHO. That is a process that must be kicked off by the President (as did President Trump) and the final withdrawal becomes official after 12 months. Perhaps instead of challenging me you should do some research. I do not make abitrary statements I do my homework.

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I have read the documents. I am a retired business and contracts attorney. Here is an explanation for why I disagree with one of your statements: You said, "[t]he final" WHO "withdrawal becomes official after 12 months."

Let's say Trump becomes President in January 2025, and decides to withdraw us from the WHO. We do not have to wait until January 2026 to cease doing whatever the WHO has told all member-nations they must do (perhaps it is vaccine mandates.)

The USA can do whatever it wants during those 12 months If our country doesn't want to have vaccine mandates, even if the WHO tells all its member-nations they are mandated to have all their people vaccinated, President Trump can simply issue an Executive Order to our HHS to "ignore what the WHO says, because we're not going to have vaccine mandates." Do you think the WHO could enforce their member-nation mandate on us, even if we're still in that 12 months period? No, they could not. It's not like Tedros is going to fly over here with bags of shots and start injecting us.

Any of the WHO member countries could likewise do those things on their own, if they had the money to accomplish what they want to accomplish for their country. Sometimes poorer are essentially making a deal: For example, "You (the WHO/other member-nations) give us the money we need so badly for our schools, roads, and other infrastructure, and we will make sure that all of our people take your vaccine."

The WHO understands that each member-nation has an administrative body in its country that is charged with beginning activities in accordance with what the WHO has told its member-nations they must do. In addition, as quid pro quo for compliance by any of the poorer member-nations, the WHO/wealthy member-nations pay for their expenses. For example, Bill Gates told the WEF that he sent vaccines to some of the poorer nations without charging them for shipping.

Interestingly, the particular power of the WHO to mandate activities, provides an available front for any member-nations who want an air-tight reason they can tell their people as to "why everybody must be vaccinated." For example, the head of Argentina, can announce to the people of its country, "We are mandated by an Agreement we have with the very fine World Health Organization for everyone to take this shot. The WHO is looking after our country's best interest in having us take the shots." (Meanwhile, no doubt, the leaders and elite in Argentina will not take the shots.)

I suspect the 12 months provision has something to do with how much longer an exiting nation must still pay dues to the WHO.

Often these agreements are more nuanced, as is this one, than they are straightforward.

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What I meant was threaten to cut budgets if Biden doesn't exit the WHO.

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The conference report might be of great interest. While removing funds doesn't exactly end participation, at least it saves us money - let Gates fund the operation. Not clear what Biden may do if the Senate allows the compromises to proceed.

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Funny how the Republicans propose all these good bills when there is no chance for them to get passed and then when they do have control of both houses of Congress they sell us out every time. There is no way the Senate will pass any of this and if they do Biden will never sign it. We have seen this play many times over the years. When the Rs have control they do nothing and cave to the left every time. Only when they have no power to make anything happen do they put forward good legislation the American people want and America needs. The federal government IS NOT THE SOLUTION. They have all been selling us out for decades and that includes both R and D. The only peaceful solution is state Nullification. Join us at: tncss.substack.com and website: tncss.weebly.com. We have legislation that provides a process for invoking Nullification.

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Not sure what Substack you found this but if it was TNCSS (TN Citizens for State Sovereignty that is my organization. We are working with Rep. Hulsey to get his legislation passed in 2024 and other bill he is sponsoring to protect our state sovereignty. All are welcome to sign up, learn and duplicate our efforts in your state. tncss.substack.com and our website is tncss.weebly. com SIGN UP on the SUBSTACK.

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Anyone seeing Lee Muller’s comment should watch this thumbnail sketch of the Constitution pertaining to nullification, by Rep. Hulsey. Most of our Maine state legislators could take a lesson in Constitution 101 from this guy!

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And for more detail, this FREE course from Hillsdale College -


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Or visit 10th Amendment,com, where it's not only explained but actively happening in various states' legislatures.

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Yes. It's been so long since I actually looked att the title, I forgot exactly how it was worded. I signed up with them over a decade ago. Thanks for correcting that.

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No problem at all. Thank you for sharing. I'm especially enjoying https://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/

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Not "funny" at all; RINOs are Dems in Repub suits, wolves wearing sheepskins, which are acquired by "killing" the sheep to whom they belonged. That's why I class as "left" or "right". Dem and Repub only muddy the waters; left or right identifies the underlying ideology, particularly when viewed in the Biblical (both OT and NT) context of what Left and Right signify. Once viewed in that context, the positions make far more sense, easier to comprehend who s doing what to whom and why. Of course, some may have to relinquish a few "sacred cows" to get to that understanding; in fact, I might go so far as to suggest nearly all will need to do so. I know I did, and so has virtually everyone I know or know of who has come to understanding, because none of us grew up in an untainted world or nation; sin, and the lies supporting it's framework, are older than all of us, both within and without our churches and synagogues.

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Subscribing thank you

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Thanks so much. We do not put out much right now. Our legislature is out of session until January. We are just trying to build our numbers on Substack. But we do have legislation all ready to go for 2024. I am working directly with legislators. We welcome people from outside of TN too because our hope is that if we are successful other states will follow out lead. On the web HB0726 is the bill which would create a process to invoke Nullification and any state can use it or use it as a template. The website is: tncss.weebly.com. We do have several posts archived and I encourage you to at least read the Introduction substack. Again, thanks for joining. I really appreciate it. Spread the word to like minded friends.

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My problem is I live in Illinois and my Senators & HR rep are going along to get along and stay in office! No guts to have independent thought! I applaud those who are pushing to keep USA sovereign!

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In response to my letter asking Senator Durbin to end gain of function research he disagreed and is 100% in favor of gain of function research. Senator Duckworth has only recently become literate.

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Durbin as well has long been the worst Congressional opponent of nutritional supplements. Just AWFUL.

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I was just going to post this. Yes, he is one evil SOB and wants our supplements banned. I sign everything I can to defeat this vile lizard!

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Good! Me too! Especially Alliance for Natural Health.

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It’s time to stop giving campaign money to the DNC and RNC. Give straight to the individuals. Stop the madness.

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yikes! Illi-nnoying is wokey land for sure. Durbin is as 'machine' as you get! I live right across the boarder, on the southeast side of Chicago and we get all the Chicago network news shows and hear more about what's going on there then here in Indiana. except for my immediate area (I call it the Industrial Armpit, lol), the rest of our state is red, which I have never appreciated until recently.

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Yea! They are robotrons!

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He also keeps trying to ban all natural supplements!!!

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Run against them!

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I have written as well and got a great response from MY Senator (Braun R-IN)

copied it here:

June 13, 2023

Thank you for contacting my office about the annual World Health Assembly (WHA), organized by the World Health Organization (WHO). I appreciate hearing from you on this important topic.

In January 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which serves as the United States’ delegate to the WHO, proposed numerous amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHRs). IHRs are binding international agreements that govern the rights and obligations of WHO member states should they suffer a public health emergency. The amendments proposed by HHS would have expanded the WHO's authority to intervene in a member states' health affairs, including the ability to unilaterally determine if a situation or phenomena is a public health emergency and merits intervention. The proposed adoption of these amendments at the WHA in 2022 threatened to surrender parts of American sovereignty to the WHO and significantly diminish the rights of American citizens.

On May 27, 2022, the WHA met and, instead of adopting the initial controversial IHRs, voted to make the amending process for IHRs easier. None of the proposed amendments strengthening the WHO's authority were considered or adopted. Further, both the WHO and United States Government indicated that the proposed amendments from earlier in the year, along with amendments from other WHO member states, would be considered two years later after a newly formed IHR amendment group reviews them. In response to the concerns that I continue to have with the WHO and HHS' then-proposed amendments, I joined Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin as an original cosponsor of the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act . This bill would require any agreement reached by the WHO's intergovernmental negotiating body be deemed a treaty and subject to the requirements of Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, which requires the approval of two-thirds of the Senate. While this bill did not become law in the 117th Congress, I will continue to protect the United States' sovereignty from unconstitutional international agreements and organizations.

Finally, I am keenly aware that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO regularly folded to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, culminating in the WHO conducting an extremely weak investigation on the origins of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. The WHO's investigation was significantly flawed and left many unsure of the origins of the pandemic. For this reason, I introduced the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2021, with Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. This bill proposed to require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information related to the origin of COVID-19 and its relation to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, ensuring that everyone has full access to available information on this issue. This bill passed unanimously in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year and was signed into law by President Biden on March 20, 2023.

Rest assured that I will continue to advocate for limited government, including organizations that are funded by our tax dollars that are outside the United States and are antithetical to American beliefs and values. Advocating for small government does not stop with domestic spending; it also includes American taxpayer dollars going overseas to fund corrupt organizations that are determined to limit the role of America globally. Immeasurable danger will arise if the federal government surrenders the best interest of its people to multinational organizations that do not share our American values. I appreciate you bringing this issue to my attention, and you can rest assured that I will continue to fight for your voice to be heard in the United States Senate.

Thank you for contacting me. It is an honor to serve as your U.S. Senator from Indiana. Please keep in touch with me on issues of concern to you. You can also follow me on Twitter or Facebook for real-time updates on my activities in the U.S. Senate. If I ever may be of service, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mike Braun

U.S. Senator

P.S. This message was sent by email to save taxpayer dollars.

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You do realize that's a "form letter", I trust? Got virtually identical from both Cruz and Cornyn, Rs - TX, with only minor variations to allow for state differences. They do use E-mail mostly, now.

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well yeah. I certainly don't expect individually written responses. and a staffer likely does the majority of the work writing. BUT I appreciate a response with an understanding of the issues & a clearly stated opinion on policy. that several senators are using the same response makes sense to me, since they are all sponsoring the same legislation.

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I’m writing my Congressman right now. This is wonderful news!

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if you go to Solari.com (Catherine Austin Fitts), they have template letters that you can customize, to send to your representatives. I do believe that Stand For Health Freedom has template letters as well. no need to reinvent the wheel :)

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John Birch Society has sent petitions out as well. Call them all too on Monday or Wednesday after emailing!

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Thank you for that information!

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yes they are sources of disinformation...did not know we were giving them money.... should be defunded

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Wooohooo! This is great news!

Tnanks for sharing it.

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Excellent, now how do we get NZ, Australia etc out of the UN, WEF - need awakened, committed politicians who operate for the good of their citizens and not the global agenda.

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It is encouraging to see responsible leaders pushing back against WHO and WEF grab for unelected power. This puts globalist traitors to our country ON DISPLAY when they have to vote and show their loyaltties.

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Two comments:

1. Anyone who reads the Constitution knows we are not a Democracy! The Constitution says we are a Republic!

2. All valid Treaties signed must be Constitutional. If a Treaty is signed and passes the Senate that violates the Constitution, any surviving Senators who voted for it are now guilty of Treason and any Congress person who says we need to keep a membership in the WHO. UN etc is ignorant of the Constitution!

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And get out of the WEF the sooner the better

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If I approached any one of the folks with whom I usually associate, bearing this information, I would get a blank look and the sort of reply that one gets from someone who watches television of infinitesimal depth like cable/alphabet news or the ignorant magazine shows like “today”. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done to get valuable information/analysis from sources like Dr Nass to those who haven’t a clue as to what’s going on under their noses. I don’t think that I’ve done anything more difficult in my 71 years on this planet than to attempt to convince so many around me that they are being played, to transition them from what they “feel” is truth, to learning what’s actually occurring!

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It's a good start! Yet, it doesn't address the core of all problems: non-asset backed currency counterfeited and laundered by freemasonry to keep infiltrating, bribing and corrupting all places of powers.

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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It is a small step, but Senate Dems will likely not support it including some Romney RINOs.

Biden would Veto. Biden is the Totalitarian your mother warned you about

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Notice Francis Boyle's strategy to avoid that.

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