Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022

I would think life expectancy has fallen quite a bit further than that, given the death rate of younger folks increasing so much. The most sure answer is that we probably cannot know what the true death rates are, with the data being so manipulated, but I would suspect we are looking at something closer to 70 and falling like a rock. So, do I get to collect my retirement at 58 instead of 65? I could really use that money now that they wrecked our economy and will likely not see any of it if I wait for the government to catch up, the WH cannot even string whole sentences together at this point.

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"So, do I get to collect my retirement at 58 instead of 65?"

I think you already know the answer to that one, which is "Ha ha, of course not. Why do you think we're trying so hard to reduce life expectancy?"

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they only went thru 2021, and all the charts we have seen in the past year of 2022 show the slope of the death rates continuing to steepen. It is getting worse, it is not leveling off.

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Totally agree. If you use Ed Dowd's info or insurance giants it puts their claims in question.

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We can better assess when the preliminary data comes out for 2022...

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I Just need to acknowledge your endless endeavors to keep us informed…

I share all you write and encourage others to subscribe to your substack!

God bless!

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Yeah, me too-what she said

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This is indeed ominous. Third year in a row that life-expectancy has dropped, after having risen steadily throughout the 20th Century, as we truly improved living conditions. There are certainly obvious factors involved. Only 12% of Americans have good metabolic health. The nutritional status of our population has declined since that moron Senator McGovern and his committee. The invention of new diseases (such as ADHD) has put vast numbers of children on worthless and dangerous drugs for life, and adults, as well. The vaccine schedule has become a stage IV cancer since the Act of 1986, reaching, now with the 'Rona mRNA jab, 90, from birth to age eighteen (in my childhood, in the fifties, we were given three, none in infancy). But the elephant in the room, and what I have no doubt will continue this decline for years to come, is both the 'Rona policies and the 'Rona jab. Even as few are still taking them, the damage has been done to the majority. Fertility is in decline nearly everywhere, except parts of sub-saharan Africa where few got the jab, and few got the 'Rona, because the take both HCQ and ivermectin routinely!! Like Dr. Nass, I am an optimist. We humans are resilient; we have large brains; and we mostly live in communities which will take care of one another as things go from bad to worse to terrible (and they most certainly will in the coming years). Be prepared (with water, food, and a means of self-defense), but treat others with love and kindness, and live each day with joy in your heart.

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And be in the Word.

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When they doubled, and tripled down on the jabs and other restrictions (and since then quadrupled down), I realized they can never correct course. The cabal is like an abuser whose efforts end in a murder, maybe a murder-suicide - perhaps the suicide part is wishful thinking.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Meryl Nass

1) they can't admit they were wrong

2) that is where they are getting the money to keep the professional coercion going

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Exactly like an out of control abuser. But as per usual the cabal depends on the acquiescence by the people to carry out their deadly deeds and deceptions.

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When they get it down to 65 yrs they can end Social Security and Medicare. Thats probably the target. Young people today can forget about retirement years. Work till you drop. For those who cant work and pay for food, they will have the option of state funded euthanasia. For the Homeless it wont be an option.

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I did a quick back of envelope calculation in June of 2021, so not that long after the vax was rolled out. I used the then recently published 2020 Census data, and the CDC data with the median age of death. I figured at that point the virus and first few months of jabs had already killed off approximately 3% of the over 80s. I wish someone with more analysis capabilities than I would look at that.

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There is too much truth showing up in the data now to be ignored much longer.

The next pandemic is going to be one of cognitive dissonance I believe. The red pill is going to be a difficult one for many to swallow .

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Dr Sherry Tenpenny says there will be a "tsunami of regret".

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another way we look more and more like a banana republic, can't even improve life expectancy for little children

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Deflect from the bioweapons.

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Also, as the average age of death from Covid is about the same as the average age of death from any cause, it seems unlikely that Covid deaths have resulted in a lowering of life expectancy. It has to be the deaths occurring amongst younger people who would not normally be expected to die at their ages that would pull the average down. On a related note, I saw that colleges are planning to drop the college algebra requirement for people majoring in a field is that does not specifically use algebra (sociology???). The reason for this is that one in three students were unable to pass the class no matter how many times they took it or how much help they got. If you can't grasp basic algebra, you are not capable of understanding epidemiological data. Isn't that convenient?  I'm also curious what fields do not require this level of mathematical understanding. All of the "social" scientists around us are claiming that their interpretations of history and culture are based upon data. However, if they don't understand the math (or do not even use it in the research), how can they make this claim?  maybe it just "feels" that way. 

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The time not taken learning math can be spent learning more about how evil western civilization is.

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Basic algebra is offered in 7th grade in some state locates. NO longer a prerequisite, my children would not be in attendance at that dummied down university.

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I'd wear a mask, too, if I wrote that garbage.

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Remainig years U.S.A.

2019 79

2021Dec. 76


All cause of death UP-->Remainig years DOWN

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I suspect there will be an ever-increasing decline in life expectancy when those responsible come to the realization that they have killed, murdered, and maimed, family members, friends, and patients. Many will no longer want to live with that shame and guilt. God help us.

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The way I see it the vaccine hasn’t played itself out. There’s such a thing as a binary bio terrorism weapon. Essentially the catalyst springs into action what could be an apocalypse now. obviously the real killer is our pie holes and proclivity to eat processed omega six rich foods. This will be found to be the killer. metabolic syndrome is not carbohydrate but omega six initiated. Basically the vaccine is a proven killer but the true Reason we’re starting today off is found in your cupboard most likely with a sprinkle of Monsanto

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Most of the covid deaths were over 77, would have died soon anyway, insignificant effect on life expectancy stats.

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Have you not seen the life insurance stats? We are seeing unprecedented deaths in working age people. Do a search of Ed Dowd and his new book (https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1510776397) and https://totalityofevidence.com/edward-dowd/.

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That's not from covid. It's the vax. They volunteered.

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Given I never stepped up for the juice, but instead opted for

therapeutic protocol based on advice from my naturopath who networks

extensively and did even before China rolled out the virus, I guess that is part of the fact I will be 81 in a few days but most important is God's role in it all

In '03 following brain surgery (tumor gobbled up my pituitary) they told me I had 7 years

survival maybe. That was 19 years ago (Sept 4 of this year)

Mercola hoists the 'what you need to do to live forever' also

but HE never gives any credit to fact that proper diet (no sugar and no seed oils) are NOT

the total answer to long life

BTW my naturopath is a devout Christian

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DEADLY COVID VAX must be a large percentage of the increasing 'early deaths'? SADS, SIDS and all recently discovered sudden deaths must be a main cause. Covid Vax is no more than a Depopulation CULL!

'Disinformation Campaigns' are OK if they turn out to be true and accurate - as has been the case with Covid Scamdemic, the DEADLY VAX, the sinister intentions of the NWO = the WEF, the new Gates motivated WHO, etc.

'LIABILITY for vax makers' would stop this nonsense immediately as having IMMUNITY from all/any LIABILITY means Big Pharma just use this (TEMPORARY = 1976) 'concession' as their Licence to Kill!

It seems that 'Long Covid' is another Adverse Reaction to the useless but deadly Covid injection!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed 'cos it's far safer than playing Russian Roulette with the jab CULL.

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