During Congressional hearings Dr. Redfield testified that the NIH DID fund Gain of Function research and he also stated so did the DOD, USAID and the State Department.

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Wonderful. Isn’t that ILLEGAL and breaking laws against Gain of Function!

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Right now GOF is legal according to the USG

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We have to watch where the money goes

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Outrageously reckless. That’s why we’re are at the precipice we find ourselves in.

It is the Wild West currently, where anything goes.

“ Do it cos you can “ - not “should we NOT proceed with doing this, because it’s extremely dangerous.”

I’ve read on some law sites tonight that NIH did place a moratorium on funding gain of function research starting in October 2014 and rescinded it in December of 2017. I think more digging should be done to explore reasons for REMOVING the moratorium…

And who made THAT particular decision.

Someone suggested the only potential illegal thing that transpired that it was illegal if the NIH gave “taxpayer money” to researchers conducting work that could be described as "gain of function" research , “during the time of it's moratorium “(late 2014-2017) , and that also depends on the NIH rules for the moratorium …

What disturbs me is the deliberate enhancement and equipping of these viruses, that normally wouldn’t get into the nucleus of a human, while claiming they are doing this for “protective discovery reasons.”

And yet DoD is also somehow involved in this - which clearly means it has bio warfare written all over it. And we know biowarfare is illegal.

Word games… It’s beyond reckless.

They are making the nuclear bomb “for PROTECTIVE discovery reasons”. Rightttt.

ISenate Bill S.3012 that was introduced by Sen. Marshall in October 2021, but it is not law, just a bill, and apparently cannot be used to ex post facto criminalize behavior, that has already been committed (US Constitution, Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3).

I know various groups are looking into this Naomi Wolfs team, among others .

I just want these dangerous virus experiments to stop.

They have no right to risk all our lives without a democratic decision making process.

Where there’s extreme risk there should be choice.

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i'm suffering Covid 5days ago and my friends was suggesting eating ivermectin and i order www.buy-ivermectin-suppliers.com and 3 day i take ivermectin i feel good so i suggest to everyone ivermectin is effective.

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There is no covid19 virus. No one has isolated any covid19 virus. Taking a parasite drug for a fake virus is no different than eating M&Ms for a cold. You feel good because your body detoxed enough despite you taking more junk to hinder that process. If you never took the Ivermectin, you might have felt better sooner.

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My friend allready took ivermectin he say no side effects.

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Pfizer, using it's asset Zoetis, is gearing up to after our chicken farming industry as we speak. They want to inject all the chickens with MRNA. Our food supply is under attack.

This article is as good as a declaration that they are going after ALL the animals wild and domesticated. Cattle, deer, chickens, etc....

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I have added a slide at the bottom of this article that Professor Bonnie Mallard used in her talk at the Food and Agriculture symposium I produced last Saturday. It shows that mRNA vaccines for livestock are already here.

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Here in the U.S.? I'm assuming they're used on only commercially grown livestock? Chickens included? No mandates for livestock and chickens raised on regenerative, organic farms?

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I read where over the last 2 years some 100 million wild animals have already been injected with mRNA poisins...all done in secret.

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OMG, I hope that's not true!

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I have been hearing that lately too.

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Sam Husseini grilled the State Dept spokesman yesterday


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What a SHIFTY moron trying to duck and dive from answering the question.

Don’t cha love how they always attack the person with “your behavior is offensive to all those around you.” Treating him like a petulant child, instead of a serious journalist.

Conspiracy theory. Come on “man” 0 Really? Asking a question is offensive?

They don’t respond to his request of a month ago IN WRITING but insist that’s the only way for him to get the GAIN OF FUNCTION funding question answered.

Pathetic conduct from people WE PAY a salary too. It really is time to overhaul our gov in all sectors and remove the DISEASE there.

I’m truly sick of these idiots .

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"Viral spillover"! What another pathetically fatuuous pretext to "keep us safe" by coralling us in so-called "smart" cities, to be bombarded night and day with 5G and RF radiation to ensure we all end up with a dumbed-down, transhumaninist "hive mind".

Frankly, I'd rather take my chances with the lions, tigers and bears!

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Me too.

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Their vision is to have humanity corralled into those smart cities, terrified to go out into nature because we might catch a disease, and make us feel guilty for stinking up nature with our footprints.

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Security, then ruin.

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Do you think Rand Paul would press them on this?

Hoping he’s not controlled opposition, and we’re not just watching choreographed Wrestlemania.

Perhaps its time for the public to physically get out and protest “NO MORE GAIN OF FUNCTION and NO MORE WARS!”

It seems the only time they take action, is - when - we do!

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The most effective controlled opposition is to say that everyone's controlled opposition. That's what Aubrey Marcus said in his interview with Robert Malone. Truer words were never spoken.

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So many lies! OUTRAGEOUS!

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Our regressive tax dollars at work!

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Absolutely ! They are not PROgressive, they are REGRESSIVE in conduct and what’s the obsession with creating viruses to make people sick, and calling it biological “advancement.”

For whom? Those elites and their minions who get to survive after massive die offs?

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My point: IF the top 2% had to pay ALL the taxes (and why shouldn't they, since they have ALL the money?), they wouldn't allow it to get wasted like this.

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I heard a statistic today that alleged that the top 26 richest individuals in the world have more wealth than 50% of all the rest of the people on the planet put together.

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Something like that! In the U.S., 2% of the population owns 90% of the wealth.

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BTW income taxes are all regressive. The INcome tax needs to go.

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Well--income tax USED to be progressive--when it began in 1913, and applied ONLY to millionaires. Somehow, though, over the decades, it got shifted onto the shoulders of working stiffs, so that millionaires seem to be about the only ppl who aren't paying it...but all the other taxes are completely regressive. (Except maybe inheritance tax? Is that still a thing?)

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It is not US taxpayers paying. The US runs a huge deficit beyond any tax base and borrows the funds. This is just a milking the country dry operation. (Besides, all US people pay the inflation tax, not just tax payers.)

USAID has been shown to be nothing but a CIA secrecy funding arm.

On what basis do you say that they "do not know when to stop?" This is the whole problem in that people who do not hold your morals are not restricted by them. Religious values have been replaced with Relativism where "The end justifies the means." I love your work Meryl and efforts but I believe that this is your blind spot. Evil does not care about where you want it to stop! What makes you think that all these people and organizations that you are exposing care about what you think other than their empty words?

I have wrongly lost my license too. (Wrong in the law but not in the opinion of those in power which is all that counts to these agents. Does organized crime care about you other than to harvest you?)

I suggest that you read the exceptional journalist Whitney Webb's works to open your eyes.

However, this force does need to be fought as you are. Just don't treat them as caring decent people.

How about just getting out of the NIH, CDC, WHO, etc., denouncing it and trying to run our own lives? Without the USAID and other front money, this would not be possible. Keep the taxes, stop the debt and let individuals contribute and support what they want.

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Agree--we should expect no decency from these people, especially now that they claim we should be treated equally with animals. See the Lancet's One Health editorial of Jan 21, 2023. That tells you what they think of us right there.

Yes the US borrowed the $ but the debt is ON OUR SHOULDERS and that of our kids. I think they will use the threat of extracting this debt from us to make us go along with a future stage of the great reset.

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And the Great Slave Ship Who is anchored in the harbor....

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Slavery it is but I believe that it is right in our room, not far away. Programmable digital currency is the gate that will close it. Keep real physical cash (and IDs) alive before it does close.

Meryl, do you think that Mark Middleton, Clinton intermediary with Epstein, who was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest and a shotgun found 30 feet away was a suicide as diagnosed? If not, this is who you are dealing with and what they consider "decent" is not what "we" do. Those driving events believe that you are scum, just like a cockroach, and to be harvested until it is not worth it and, then, eliminated in some way, be it death, eugenicist planned parenthood, breeding, poisoning or whatever you like. It is nothing new other than a pronouncement of One Health although that does reveal the mindset.. Technocracy and Scientism do not have any place for anything which cannot be measured like God, feelings, love, etc. Therefore, do not expect decency (a thought or feeling) and you will not be disappointed.

Catherine Austin-Fitts has the best understanding of this as "harvesting". Social Security money has all been taken out of a supposed lock-box and has been spent, gone, nada. There is no way that the $22 trillion or so debt can be taken out of us or our kids. It is already gone to oligarchs and all that remains is for that to be declared with whatever excuse sells. I favor some catastrophe like a depression or cyber event, war or whatever to provide the justification. It will not be a threat. I think that all the money being spent since covid started is the final looting operation before the axe falls on the US. "Benefits" and privileges will definitely be used to get compliance just like a license for those who remain alive. (However, the productivity of humans could produce that and more but you see daily that the money and corporate power have no intention of allowing competition or sharing. That is not what Organized Crime does.) It is a plan and has been announced in their writings for over a century. It is really very interesting. For instance, if you read Salk's writings, he was an avid eugenicist and spoke of the need to change mankind. "Reset" mankind if you will.

Thank you for all that you do. Standing up for individual sovereignty is essential but do not expect decency. That is only for in official meetings and organizations and public faces. As Edmund Burke said; "All that it takes for evil to win is for good men (and women) to do nothing." Your resistance is inspirational so keep it up (which I know that you will do because of how you are made which is more than just atoms and molecules). God Bless!

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Desperation! They are losing control.

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Yes but the deeds are already paid for. So as many as possible people should try their hand at organic chicken farming.

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Meryl, another crucial connection nobody has touched upon-The connection between recent extremely questionable “ elections” .The lawfully elected leader is popular among the people, right leaning and nationalistic. He/she is way ahead , yet just as the polls are closing, a sudden shift occurs. The lead is diminished by an inexplicable flurry of ballots , the election is “too close to call” and the window is expanded.Inevitably, a recount is de Figueroa… and a second. Days later, the election is called , the “winner” was in no way projected viable, yet ekes out a tiny , miraculous margin.In each case, the new leader is a corrupt, far left open borders Marxist socialist and in the rarest cases, represented as a moderate rightie. Once installed, the somewhat rightie immediately goes full bore mask mandate left. In every case, the declared “ winner” is a WEF Young Global Leader. The US immediately steps in and DEMANDS the former leader step down and “ respect” democracy.OR, the current elected leader is suddenly ousted, charged with “ corruption”.

The most recent are Brazil,Colombia ,Cambodia,Tunisia,Philipines( awful replaced with worse)Bangladesh. Here’s where the more peculiar commonalities fall into place. Each gains a US military base, US lab grants to research a “ virus”and of course , vaccines.And more coincidental still, the grantees are named in Hunter’s laptop in his lobbying efforts with Chris Heinz(Kerry’s son) through their dummy company, Rosemont Seneca.Metabiota receives the grant, co-sponsored by Bill Gates,USAID,DOD,Google/Microsoft,CIA,NIH. Ironically(not),Metabiota is already situated in Ukraine,China,Australia. Ditto contracts with Palantir,Pfizer.. in the current line of fire-Hungary,India,El Salvador(again).Expect another Maidan style false flag Color Revolution in Georgia, Hungary and a sudden overthrow of Modi. Isn’t it odd that the “random”assassination of Japan’s very popularly Conservative nationalist leader received 5 minutes of coverage? Did I mention Japan is also gaining a U.S. military base and biolab research funding? That Biden’s DNI Avril Haines is a major Palantir shareholder, the architect of the Pandemic response script and the featured speaker at Event 201 as well as the Trump/Russia Hoax architect?

Isn’t it stranger still that the House Covid Origins investigative Committee and Intel weaponization Investigative Committee has Avril Haines right in front of them, questioning her regarding the China Threat? The overwhelming hopelessness left me gasping and sobbing

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GREAT points.

And did the good people of Pennsylvania really vote in a Senator (Fetterman) who had stroked out, could not talk, and had a very shady past of falsely renovating an old mill town.

Do we have any real elections in the US any more? And why have both parties failed to show any interest in fixing our electronically controlled elections?

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This does not surprise me at all.

I'm sure USAID has done some good things in the 61 years that it's been around, but the CIA also uses USAID to move money around the globe to finance their covert operations....and the CIA is heavily involved in this current plandemic.

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Yeah, RFK did a whole chapter on the shadowy THUG military contractors in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I wonder how many people were swayed by reading his book, who otherwise went along with The Narrative? I know one person for sure, a fellow music professional who thought the shots were the best invention since sliced bread, she needed to be able to travel to Europe, took both of 'em and then developed a tremor IN BOTH HANDS. She can no longer play the piano. Then she read my copy of RFK's book that I'd left with a neighbor, while she was sitting in my neighbor's living room. I am going to have lunch with her and try to get her some help from one of the FLCCC guys, or steer her in that direction.

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They have to do good things to strengthen the flow lines. Monsters. I would like to know who did the psyop that created Rhodesia. That was mind blowing. It’s still around whatever they planted in their minds. Still gangs run around with machetes. Sick sick people.

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Like a broken record, "they're" stuck, saying and threatening and doing the same murderous abusive genocidal CRAP, decade in and decade out. WHEN are WE going to decide WE WON'T GO ALONG, and we ALL STAND UP AND SCREAM "S-T-O-P I-T, N-O-W ! ! !" I wish to God there was a deadly virus that only kills corrupt scientists, and physicians...

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I wonder who is authoring, or commissioning the authoring, of the New Global Mythology? It's got to be easier to get these things planted in the minds of people when science has been compromised and open dialogue muzzled. Is it yet a censored topic to dispute that 70% of disease outbreaks come from the wild? I half expect to see such posts disappear...

Anyway, what a mind-bending story they propose, that humans after all this time are just coming into contact with wild animals around the world, that these animals are clearly carriers of dangerous viral diseases, and next that we should wall ourselves into 15 minute cities in order to protect ourselves from animal-borne disease. Close contact in cities, fake food, poisonous medical care and the like will of course never serve as a vector for disease transmission between humans, and especially not when 80% of the world population has been "seeded" with a "vaccine" that by its very construction (if not conscious design) encourages the propagation of new variants.

So, how do we defang this new world myth, as its outlines are becoming clear? Can we apply a form of counter-myth mental prophylactic, perhaps a cartoon series with interlaced memes and BS-detectors that open and nurture the centers of critical thinking?

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So odd, humans over centuries of evolution have encountered many animals over time as they evolved. Human immune systems are incredibly complex as a result. Survivors of various encounters are our legacy. I'm not so worried about animal contacts as I am over what our science can produce that we have no natural defenses.

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Latest claim is "human contact with wildlife is the problem" in large cities.


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Worobey is Eddie Holmes' buddy and has been covering up the truth about pandemics forever. He is a Rhodes (think Cecil) scholar.


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They are starting already. There is no way a pathogen can form with another animals protein on its own.

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Well they are well on their way to weaponizing e-coli...

God Help us All.

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It looks that way. *sigh* Putin has the right idea.....exterminate the labs. For all his heinous crimes, he may have saved more people than he thinks. Better the devil you know than the one you don’t.

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We must repeat this all over.

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I am so sick of that LIE also. I didn't go into the jungle into a bat cave and scoop up all the viruses.

No one does. It aint us...it is them, deliberately finding Marburg, Ebola, etc.

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The military in China and probably elsewhere, went out looking for nasty pathogens in nature, bring 'em back to the labs where they tweak 'em to make 'em more potent and spread more easily. We know for sure that Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance went with them into the caves in south China, where those bats actually live-- a long long way from Wuhan-- to look around.

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lol i was dodging elephants all the way down broadway today

seriously though this is just a ploy to get us into trump cities - or to justify invading to build them https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJA_GBhCGgE

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Oh, my GOD! Whatta total load!

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Relentless pychos, can't stop themselves from charging full steam ahead with their toxic agendas. I'd trust pangolins and bats and mother nature over these ego/power-driven gene-perverters any day.

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