Why do we need to reduce CO2 emissions? Plants like the stuff. We have had higher CO2 levels than what we have now in our past with considerably more vegetation, heat and humidity. Antarctica used to be free of ice. What is it about humans that make us think we know how the planet should be other than that many folks who live on the coast probably shouldn’t and folks piling up in deserts are fools along with people who live on huge cracks in the earth that move sometimes. This seems to me to be all about people who own real estate in places not really meant to be habitable long term and not being smart enough to figure that out. If we cared at all about the planet, we woukd reduce our chemical pollution and stop stripping it of trees and arable soil (as in strip mining operations and excessive, corporate farming). Stop polluting the rivers, lakes and oceans. Stop with the plastics that won’t break down for a gazillion years - including those darned masks now clogging waterways and landfills and sewage pipes. We can feed our population just fine if we go back to small, local, sustainable farms and ranches that manage the soils and water useage and don’t pollute and also provide real food to local communities. As corporate farms absolutely do not. As CO2 levels rise, deserts change and become more green. More plants. More O2 into the atmosphere. More humidity. More balance. If we lived in harmony with the planet we woukd be fine. But we still think we own the planet and that ownership allows us to trash it. Fossil fuels are not our problem. Our irresponsible perspective of things is the problem.
geo engineering is contributing in a huge way. steering the oceans in the sky. doppler radar maneuvers and expands storms. bunker fuel in the oceans is the most polluted fuel. they criss cross the oceans like the chem trail planes in the skies. just look up. all these unique weather events are man made. they've been manipulating the weather for over 100 years. https://weathermodificationhistory.com/interactive-timeline/ it's also a depop agenda and a land grab.
I love you! (Don't take it THAT way!) You just said so many things I have thought and said for yeeears! Covering the Earth with cement and blacktop doesn't help with global warming either! Do people not understand living in the desert year round is insane?! Grrrr!
Gaddafi's measures had actually turned the Libyan desert into a huge crop producing green oasis. Tapping into the almost limitless source of primary water made it possible, from what I read.
Don't forget the hurricanes that we get to listen to them bitch about! 'Cause God knows there weren't hurricanes in that strip of the planet before these people moved there, just to cause trouble for them. 🙄
Excellent summary of why the focus of our governments has nothing to do with "climate change", or "global warming", whatever the term du jour is, just like it has nothing to do with environmental protection. It's about a global carbon tax and carbon credits that will throw those of us who survive the bioweapon attack (because we refused the jab) back into the stone age.
Yes—big corporations will continue to pollute, passing on the cost of carbon tax to their customers, while heating your home with a wood stove will be villainized.
And the Biden-regime wants to outlaw gas stoves too!
I just can't understand why the populace is so discouragingly compliant with this criminal insanity! I understand how propaganda and to a certain extent mind-control work, yet I am nevertheless flabbergasted that the cabal can keep piling it on, and our "governments" are still in place and their officials' heads are not hanging from lampposts.
It’s so hard to get a movement going when 1/2 the population doesn’t understand what’s going on. I am of the belief that things need to get sooo bad (and evil and corrupt and blatant) before things change at a fundamental level. In the mean time- it’s very frustrating.
I'm not sure how much more blatant the corruption can get. Some 30 percent of the population will probably never wake up (or will die before having a chance to do so). I can only hope that those in between, who are not fully bamboozled, open their eyes and then also take action!
@Forest. That's what I thought too. Why worry about reducing CO2 emissions? Yes, a few thousand years ago CO2 levels were around 5% (Grant below says 4,000ppm, so he might be right), over ten times what they are now. That was before the Great Flood (Of course, that's heresy). After the Flood came the Ice Age, which reduced CO2 levels almost to the point of not being able to sustain plant life, i.e. a little under half the amount we have now. I discuss Cataclysmic Earth History at https://cataclysmicearthhistory.substack.com/archive
She loves us as much as all Her other organisms. Sit in meditation sometime and reach out to Her. She likes the contact. She wants us to thrive. She’s OK with our oil use but woukd like us to clean up after ourselves and to please not drive our vehicles on every piece of dirt out there. And there is so much medicine around us if we would just look. Plenty of food and good ways to grow it. It’s a connection thing. Be connected. Be responsible. Be happy. It’s not asking so much but apparently we humans just can’t get that simple.
I have always known that she loves us. She gives us sun and rain, trees, bushes, and flowers, so many wonderful things to eat, she also provides us with plenty of company, animals and birds and sea creatures, I'm not so down with the insects, but she/we need them for many different things, including pollinating her plants to keep all life fed.
As an Australian, I agree with almost all except the need to reduce emissions at all. Both Freeman Dyson and William Happer , renowned physisits have highlighted the enormous benefits to both the production of crops in advanced and developing countries and the greening of the planet as seen from NASA satellite imagry especially in arid regions where plants with higher CO2 levels require less water thanks to their pores not needing to open as much allowing more water evaporation. Patrick Moore , one of the original greenpeace founders points out that were it not for the industrial revolution which has raised the CO2 level from 270 parts per million to around 400 parts per million ( thats .0004 .folks....it's a trace element ) , planet earth was well on the way to becoming Planet Mars with no plant life able to survive below 150 parts per million. Some context and to counter the nonsense about CO2 being too high, during the Cambrian period , some 600 million years ago, and when the greatest abundance of new lifeform was found in the fossil records, CO2 levels were in excess of 4000 parts per million. Humans have and continue to survive on earth in temperatures spanning over 100 degrees celsius from one extreme to the other. From death valley in the US where temps can reach 50 C to Prospect Creek in Alaska where it is as low minus 62 degrees celsius, it's hard to imagine how a temperature increase supposedly blamed on CO2 is going to impact human existance on Earth.....and according to William Happer who points out with his wonderful analogy..... painting a barn with more and more coats of red paint doesen't make it any "redder" , the effect of CO2 in our atmosphere is not linear.....and most of the warming occurred in the first half of last century. The modelling is a joke....plants turn CO2 into the air we breathe and we should all be thankful for the good old industrial revolution.....and I would ignore neurotic little European girls with big mouths and little to no understanding of life , science , or history,
@Grant. Some good info, but the dating is wrong. The Earth's surface is young. I don't know about the Earth's interior, but the surface has been churned up a few times, mainly during the Great Flood about 5,000 years ago. The Ice Age occurred shortly after the Great Flood. The Flood deposited almost all of the sedimentary rock strata and a very large percentage of fossils were made by the Flood. The sorting of the main sedimentary rock types, the lack of erosion between strata, the lack of bioturbation in upper levels of each stratum and features preserved in fossils (etc) prove that nearly all of the sedimentary rock was deposited over a short period of time, within a year, and it occurred just a few thousand years ago. The end of the Ice Age also brought extensive flooding, but not quite as much. I have papers about that at https://cataclysmicearthhistory.substack.com/p/1 and https://cataclysmicearthhistory.substack.com/p/226-dating-methods etc.
Actually, you'd be surprised. Most of the climate sceptic community fell for the Covid lies, in line with the rest of society and many have yet to come round. I was flabbergasted by this. I was effectively ex-communicated from a climate sceptic blog in 2020 for pointing out the lies and for comparing the Covid scam with the climate change scam.
Climate Change TM is simply a way to capture compliance toward a centralized control system. Maurice Strong and Rockefellers set that up long ago. The IPPC “ClimateGate” WikiLeaks revealed the insider scamming as well. Tony Heller also reveals quite a bit regarding the “data” that these climate alarmists twist and cherry pick. Of course, it’s not all simply “false” or “true”, there are valid issues to address, but the telltale signs are in the fact that they simply want to push centralization vs any other combined local decentralized variations to enable a robust system which allows for various ideas to compete and improve; no, it’s only one solution for a one world.
Thank you. I need to look more into this. Not only do I come from the other side, I see some of the flaws in both of them.
The evidence of human-caused devastation to the environment, and the unassailably finite stores of fossil fuels, have always been the focus of environmentalism. As we have it now, industrial civilization requires further devastation. It needs more toxic lakes of mining and manufacturing effluent as exist in China (rare earth minerals necessary for our data hunger -- phones, computers, camera and satellites for the surveillance of the populace). And more ignoring the early deaths of those who live nearby or who work in the industries. The WEF and their ilk have twisted it all brutally to force our acceptance of their centralized plan of (us as) slaves fed faux food, or starved, at their whim or need for our labor. But it's a twist, not an outright, wholesale lie. The mining effluent lakes in China are real. To say there is no issue is not only wrong, it's a lie.
What's not real is the bright green lie put forward by shallow-thinking: solar will save us, we don't have to change anything but energy source, infinite growth on a finite planet is possible, and 'green' solutions like chopping down forests to create wood pulp from which to create ethanol are insane. The trees sequester excess CO2 quite happily. So the left lies and the right wants to pretend it's all about us, humans, the pinnacle of creation. But I also come from a tradition of respect for all beings, and life being a matter of rights for all -- and thus we are not sustainable, we will damage the planet and fast at the rate we are going. The sea levels are really rising, islands are disappearing, and much worse, we're seeing the permanent death -- the extinction -- of some 200 species a day because of humans. The pinnacle-types think it's no big deal, except that species diversity is necessary for any life to survive!
Somehow we are going to have to find common ground so that we can fight the WEF's Gross Resetters. So I deeply appreciate your stating it's neither all false or all true, here. We need to be armed with the truth, but more, we need to be aware of others' reasoned perspectives and find ways to ally against the enslavement and/ or numbers reduction of us all, via Klaus's Club, and via Billy G's jab fetish enacted by mandate. Let's have one living world and free people with unassailable bodily sovereignty, and work together so that we can faction over what that means AFTER we upset the Reset elite.
Keep in mind what you’re talking about isn’t really Climate Change TM (formerly anthropogenic global warming), it’s pollution/toxins control, resource use and management, & over-population which they’ve conveniently lumped into “climate agenda” because it’s an easy reason for people to latch onto; it’s not honest as they’ve been discovered lying about data. Notice they never really get into the details about simply cleaning up and preventing pollution publicly, they just talk about Build Back Better, Green New Deal, electric cars digital ID (all citizens require smart phones)(cobalt slave mines), AI smart cities, carbon credits, ESG, SDG, DEI, CRT, restructuring society for equity/inclusion (to the global slave system), global digital ID and CBDC, etc. previously Agendas 21, 2030 & Codex Alimentarius were initiated to begin this restructuring and resource control years ago. They simply tying their initiatives together for easy acceptance by the masses who’ve acclimated to this over the last ~two decades of indoctrination.
I actually studied sustainable design in school so I’m well aware of the details and the differences. I do agree with your overall statement. I just think they’re doing a bait and switch off the real problems with their desired solution (to a completely different “problem“).
I think we're mostly on the same page, more than I expected or even asked for, so that's comforting. I do believe in anthropogenic global warming being real and a factor, but no, it's not the whole of it, or even that simple. 'Environmentalism' has turned into yet another method for social control by a very adamant elite, and the foolish left has gone fascist on pushing jab mandates, sold science, and silly solutions. The Patriot Act really freaked me out -- they can do that and no one sees through it??? And it's been quickly downhill since.
Critical thought is not big, especially with USians. First, we're given too many fires to fight (I've worked three jobs simultaneously several times in my life, just to eat and have shelter). And second, we are easy prey for propaganda, and for ego-soothing solutions to the problems they allow us to ponder. 'Bait and switch' is a great explanation for what is going on. And I suppose third is that fact that we have no or few traditions which respect age and wisdom AND youth and fiery energies, and which honor both the planet and the life-creator sex of our kind, adult human females. Instead, the sex that is generally fiercest (if not strongest, men do generally get that one), is left fighting for our single-sex spaces, our privacy, our right to not be raped in battered women's shelters and in women's prisons by the men now allowed entry via 'expanding' the definition of woman to a costume, and our oppression to a fun-and-games appropriation, boundary violation.
Gonna go check out the song. Daughter and I used to wrap Christmas presents to music from Immortal Technique and others willing to at least sing about fighting back. OK, LOVE the song.
But she doesn’t mention slowing down to provide scientific proof that man made climate change is real now does she? Man made climate change is real because our government is causing most of the devastation to push the agenda of global communism. The UN and our own government is pushing this agenda. It is about greed, power and control. CO2 is the staff of life for all humans, animals, plants. More is better. The UN knew they had to make up a global boogie man in order to get people to support their agenda. If they told the truth. no one would ever comply. So they created global warming and when that fell flat on its face they changed to climate change caused by us dirty humans and filthy farting cows. If you study UN Agenda 21, the Global Biodiversity Assessment and the Wildlands Project it all makes sense. They claim consumerism, population growth, large hoofed animals, paddocks, dams, gold courses, ski slopes, air conditioning, paved roads, private property and a lot more must be ended. They are considered unsustainable. They also believe wel must seal off 75% of all land to any human presence. Does the 15 minute city ring a bell. Biden signed an EO called 30X30. This is to seal off 30% of all land by 2030. Of course he couldn’t go for the whole banana of 75% so as not to awaken the sleeping masses. So he called it 30X30 instead of 75X30. Make no mistake they are after us and like Trump said “it is YOU they want and I am in the way.”
The climate hoax is akin to the covid hoax, all designed to further enrich the wealthy at our expense. Plants thrive on CO2. Why on earth would we wan to deprive plants of the element they need to thrive? Who has definitively determined that excess CO2 is destroying the planet?
Unfortunately there’s a lot of very dumb people or people that don’t do any research whatsoever outside of their little protective shell. I was shocked while watching the weather channel in that it has turned into a propaganda ministry of false information. Secondary to not living in a Third World ,people with electricity or have a gas stove or any vehicle other than some electric planet scarring monstrosity are causing snow wind floods and the venerable Alberta clipper. I suppose people have become less intelligent and certainly more filled up with marijuana and lazy as hell but for God sake you wanna have the ability for the government to flip a switch so you can’t protect yourself heat your home drive a car or eat what the hell you want to eat. Wake up
Fossil fuels are the only source of energy at the moment that keeps the world warm and productive. The WEF agenda to kill fossil fuels and promote Green energy will kill billions and is unworkable in the time frame allotted. The Green energy agenda will fail in the next few years, it is inevitable. Nuclear power will come along but takes time. So, be prepared for fossil fuels to be expensive, but still be what gets stuff done.
It seems "fossil fuels" is a consciously misleading misnomer. The theory that oil, like water, is produced by chemical reactions in the mantle of the earth (if my understanding is correct), was seemingly known by the Russians decades ago. Nothing to do with rotten dinosaurs.
The Greenhouse Effect which the whole mess is based upon is a myth. The Earth is not a greenhouse. Imagine buying a greenhouse for your garden only to find it has no roof.
CO2 doesn’t drive the climate. It is a lagging indicator. The models are flawed. Please for those in doubt read the books: SLAYING THE SKY DRAGON and UNSTOPPABLE GLOBAL WARMING (EVERY 1500 YEARS.) for a start. Judith Curry is excellent. The COVID-19 lies and the CO2 lies are told by the same folks with the same goals. Thank you for your excellent work and your excellent Newsletter.
I found this brilliant documentary on the "Great Global Warming Swindle" which explained exactly this lag effect - CO2 being a by-product of temperature rise and not the other way round. It was mind-blowing. To think that this entire manufactured and exploited "crisis" is predicated on a base falsity!
Man is not causing anything with regards to the climate just as the dinosaurs did not impact theirs. All studies showing any effect are fraudulent. There is a narrative even in this. If you want funding for your research lab you have to make sure your research will support the narrative otherwise you don’t get funded. If your naive and your research finds something that is against the narrative and you get it published it will be the last thing you ever do as they will cut off any further funding. All research at the university’s are driven by grants from the government and there is only one accepted narrative and you will not violate it. It’s just like what was done with regards to ivermectin and it’s effect on Covid 19. Science is dead we only do research to prove the narrative is correct. It’s no different than when the Catholic Church put people to death for claiming the earth rotated around the sun. We are entering a dark ages and billions will perish.
No need to lie about the Catholic Church. Your fantasy never happened. Look into how many scientific discoveries were made by Catholic priests and devout Catholic laymen.
Thanks. Dr. Curry is a first-rate scientist and a voice of sanity in a world of propaganda. I've been reading her blog, Climate, Etc., for four or five years and learned a great deal of climate science, enough to know that Earth's climate is vastly too complex to easily understand, and that the IPCC is a political process, not a scientific one.
I wonder sometimes if Gate's purchases of all the farm land is not his own way to offset his own carbon emissions. Not that I think co2 is nearly the problem it's made out to be, unless you are against plants which live off the stuff.
He’s involved in the fake food thing: fake meat, insects etc. He’s eliminating the competition. People like natural food, so he needs a way to get rid of it. Then his politician pals will mandate for our safety’ or for ‘saving the planet’ the elimination of his competition and buying his highly processed fake food is an offer we can’t refuse. Same business plan as Big Pharma had with western politicians and bureaucrats. Regulatory Capture on steroids.
Excellent. The failure of the world to warm as 'catastrophically' as they were predicting, using faulty climate models, has meant they have switched to attributing extreme weather events in order to generate public fear and alarm over alleged man-made climate change and also justify ridiculous Net Zero emission targets. I've been calling out their extreme weather attribution pseudoscience for a number of years now.
Why do we need to reduce CO2 emissions? Plants like the stuff. We have had higher CO2 levels than what we have now in our past with considerably more vegetation, heat and humidity. Antarctica used to be free of ice. What is it about humans that make us think we know how the planet should be other than that many folks who live on the coast probably shouldn’t and folks piling up in deserts are fools along with people who live on huge cracks in the earth that move sometimes. This seems to me to be all about people who own real estate in places not really meant to be habitable long term and not being smart enough to figure that out. If we cared at all about the planet, we woukd reduce our chemical pollution and stop stripping it of trees and arable soil (as in strip mining operations and excessive, corporate farming). Stop polluting the rivers, lakes and oceans. Stop with the plastics that won’t break down for a gazillion years - including those darned masks now clogging waterways and landfills and sewage pipes. We can feed our population just fine if we go back to small, local, sustainable farms and ranches that manage the soils and water useage and don’t pollute and also provide real food to local communities. As corporate farms absolutely do not. As CO2 levels rise, deserts change and become more green. More plants. More O2 into the atmosphere. More humidity. More balance. If we lived in harmony with the planet we woukd be fine. But we still think we own the planet and that ownership allows us to trash it. Fossil fuels are not our problem. Our irresponsible perspective of things is the problem.
geo engineering is contributing in a huge way. steering the oceans in the sky. doppler radar maneuvers and expands storms. bunker fuel in the oceans is the most polluted fuel. they criss cross the oceans like the chem trail planes in the skies. just look up. all these unique weather events are man made. they've been manipulating the weather for over 100 years. https://weathermodificationhistory.com/interactive-timeline/ it's also a depop agenda and a land grab.
It has taken me longer to understand this than it did the pharm stuff and vaccines. But I fear you are correct. Thanks for the link.
Great link—thanks!
I love you! (Don't take it THAT way!) You just said so many things I have thought and said for yeeears! Covering the Earth with cement and blacktop doesn't help with global warming either! Do people not understand living in the desert year round is insane?! Grrrr!
We also need to look into regenerative agriculture farming and grazing ruminant animals. This is my favorite talk by Alan Savory
🙌 Amen! Let the animals be animals, and the land be land. Man should work WITH the animals and the Earth. NOT against them.
Gaddafi's measures had actually turned the Libyan desert into a huge crop producing green oasis. Tapping into the almost limitless source of primary water made it possible, from what I read.
Yes—check out Geoff Lawton’s “Greening the Desert.”
Thanks for the link!
Yes, the colonel wasn't as crazy as the media portrayed him to be...
I remember as a kid in the 70s watching news reports about floods and wondering, “Why did they build houses there?”
Don't forget the hurricanes that we get to listen to them bitch about! 'Cause God knows there weren't hurricanes in that strip of the planet before these people moved there, just to cause trouble for them. 🙄
Excellent summary of why the focus of our governments has nothing to do with "climate change", or "global warming", whatever the term du jour is, just like it has nothing to do with environmental protection. It's about a global carbon tax and carbon credits that will throw those of us who survive the bioweapon attack (because we refused the jab) back into the stone age.
Yes—big corporations will continue to pollute, passing on the cost of carbon tax to their customers, while heating your home with a wood stove will be villainized.
And the Biden-regime wants to outlaw gas stoves too!
I just can't understand why the populace is so discouragingly compliant with this criminal insanity! I understand how propaganda and to a certain extent mind-control work, yet I am nevertheless flabbergasted that the cabal can keep piling it on, and our "governments" are still in place and their officials' heads are not hanging from lampposts.
It’s so hard to get a movement going when 1/2 the population doesn’t understand what’s going on. I am of the belief that things need to get sooo bad (and evil and corrupt and blatant) before things change at a fundamental level. In the mean time- it’s very frustrating.
I'm not sure how much more blatant the corruption can get. Some 30 percent of the population will probably never wake up (or will die before having a chance to do so). I can only hope that those in between, who are not fully bamboozled, open their eyes and then also take action!
@Forest. That's what I thought too. Why worry about reducing CO2 emissions? Yes, a few thousand years ago CO2 levels were around 5% (Grant below says 4,000ppm, so he might be right), over ten times what they are now. That was before the Great Flood (Of course, that's heresy). After the Flood came the Ice Age, which reduced CO2 levels almost to the point of not being able to sustain plant life, i.e. a little under half the amount we have now. I discuss Cataclysmic Earth History at https://cataclysmicearthhistory.substack.com/archive
Gotta trust the Planet. She knows what to do better than we do.
If she was smart, she'd get rid of us.
She loves us as much as all Her other organisms. Sit in meditation sometime and reach out to Her. She likes the contact. She wants us to thrive. She’s OK with our oil use but woukd like us to clean up after ourselves and to please not drive our vehicles on every piece of dirt out there. And there is so much medicine around us if we would just look. Plenty of food and good ways to grow it. It’s a connection thing. Be connected. Be responsible. Be happy. It’s not asking so much but apparently we humans just can’t get that simple.
I have always known that she loves us. She gives us sun and rain, trees, bushes, and flowers, so many wonderful things to eat, she also provides us with plenty of company, animals and birds and sea creatures, I'm not so down with the insects, but she/we need them for many different things, including pollinating her plants to keep all life fed.
I’m a beekeeper and raise chickens. Bugs are definitely important when they aren’t being pests. But we shouldn’t point fingers as humans. 🥰
Seems like the cabal is taking care of that for her...
Sad, but true.
Was listening to John Christy and William Happer this week. They'd agree with you.
As an Australian, I agree with almost all except the need to reduce emissions at all. Both Freeman Dyson and William Happer , renowned physisits have highlighted the enormous benefits to both the production of crops in advanced and developing countries and the greening of the planet as seen from NASA satellite imagry especially in arid regions where plants with higher CO2 levels require less water thanks to their pores not needing to open as much allowing more water evaporation. Patrick Moore , one of the original greenpeace founders points out that were it not for the industrial revolution which has raised the CO2 level from 270 parts per million to around 400 parts per million ( thats .0004 .folks....it's a trace element ) , planet earth was well on the way to becoming Planet Mars with no plant life able to survive below 150 parts per million. Some context and to counter the nonsense about CO2 being too high, during the Cambrian period , some 600 million years ago, and when the greatest abundance of new lifeform was found in the fossil records, CO2 levels were in excess of 4000 parts per million. Humans have and continue to survive on earth in temperatures spanning over 100 degrees celsius from one extreme to the other. From death valley in the US where temps can reach 50 C to Prospect Creek in Alaska where it is as low minus 62 degrees celsius, it's hard to imagine how a temperature increase supposedly blamed on CO2 is going to impact human existance on Earth.....and according to William Happer who points out with his wonderful analogy..... painting a barn with more and more coats of red paint doesen't make it any "redder" , the effect of CO2 in our atmosphere is not linear.....and most of the warming occurred in the first half of last century. The modelling is a joke....plants turn CO2 into the air we breathe and we should all be thankful for the good old industrial revolution.....and I would ignore neurotic little European girls with big mouths and little to no understanding of life , science , or history,
Great comment. Excellent information.
🙌 Amen!
@Grant. Some good info, but the dating is wrong. The Earth's surface is young. I don't know about the Earth's interior, but the surface has been churned up a few times, mainly during the Great Flood about 5,000 years ago. The Ice Age occurred shortly after the Great Flood. The Flood deposited almost all of the sedimentary rock strata and a very large percentage of fossils were made by the Flood. The sorting of the main sedimentary rock types, the lack of erosion between strata, the lack of bioturbation in upper levels of each stratum and features preserved in fossils (etc) prove that nearly all of the sedimentary rock was deposited over a short period of time, within a year, and it occurred just a few thousand years ago. The end of the Ice Age also brought extensive flooding, but not quite as much. I have papers about that at https://cataclysmicearthhistory.substack.com/p/1 and https://cataclysmicearthhistory.substack.com/p/226-dating-methods etc.
Excellent. Thank you, Meryl.
It’s funny how many who see Covid lies also see through the climate hoax. 
Actually, you'd be surprised. Most of the climate sceptic community fell for the Covid lies, in line with the rest of society and many have yet to come round. I was flabbergasted by this. I was effectively ex-communicated from a climate sceptic blog in 2020 for pointing out the lies and for comparing the Covid scam with the climate change scam.
Climate Change TM is simply a way to capture compliance toward a centralized control system. Maurice Strong and Rockefellers set that up long ago. The IPPC “ClimateGate” WikiLeaks revealed the insider scamming as well. Tony Heller also reveals quite a bit regarding the “data” that these climate alarmists twist and cherry pick. Of course, it’s not all simply “false” or “true”, there are valid issues to address, but the telltale signs are in the fact that they simply want to push centralization vs any other combined local decentralized variations to enable a robust system which allows for various ideas to compete and improve; no, it’s only one solution for a one world.
Thank you. I need to look more into this. Not only do I come from the other side, I see some of the flaws in both of them.
The evidence of human-caused devastation to the environment, and the unassailably finite stores of fossil fuels, have always been the focus of environmentalism. As we have it now, industrial civilization requires further devastation. It needs more toxic lakes of mining and manufacturing effluent as exist in China (rare earth minerals necessary for our data hunger -- phones, computers, camera and satellites for the surveillance of the populace). And more ignoring the early deaths of those who live nearby or who work in the industries. The WEF and their ilk have twisted it all brutally to force our acceptance of their centralized plan of (us as) slaves fed faux food, or starved, at their whim or need for our labor. But it's a twist, not an outright, wholesale lie. The mining effluent lakes in China are real. To say there is no issue is not only wrong, it's a lie.
What's not real is the bright green lie put forward by shallow-thinking: solar will save us, we don't have to change anything but energy source, infinite growth on a finite planet is possible, and 'green' solutions like chopping down forests to create wood pulp from which to create ethanol are insane. The trees sequester excess CO2 quite happily. So the left lies and the right wants to pretend it's all about us, humans, the pinnacle of creation. But I also come from a tradition of respect for all beings, and life being a matter of rights for all -- and thus we are not sustainable, we will damage the planet and fast at the rate we are going. The sea levels are really rising, islands are disappearing, and much worse, we're seeing the permanent death -- the extinction -- of some 200 species a day because of humans. The pinnacle-types think it's no big deal, except that species diversity is necessary for any life to survive!
Somehow we are going to have to find common ground so that we can fight the WEF's Gross Resetters. So I deeply appreciate your stating it's neither all false or all true, here. We need to be armed with the truth, but more, we need to be aware of others' reasoned perspectives and find ways to ally against the enslavement and/ or numbers reduction of us all, via Klaus's Club, and via Billy G's jab fetish enacted by mandate. Let's have one living world and free people with unassailable bodily sovereignty, and work together so that we can faction over what that means AFTER we upset the Reset elite.
Keep in mind what you’re talking about isn’t really Climate Change TM (formerly anthropogenic global warming), it’s pollution/toxins control, resource use and management, & over-population which they’ve conveniently lumped into “climate agenda” because it’s an easy reason for people to latch onto; it’s not honest as they’ve been discovered lying about data. Notice they never really get into the details about simply cleaning up and preventing pollution publicly, they just talk about Build Back Better, Green New Deal, electric cars digital ID (all citizens require smart phones)(cobalt slave mines), AI smart cities, carbon credits, ESG, SDG, DEI, CRT, restructuring society for equity/inclusion (to the global slave system), global digital ID and CBDC, etc. previously Agendas 21, 2030 & Codex Alimentarius were initiated to begin this restructuring and resource control years ago. They simply tying their initiatives together for easy acceptance by the masses who’ve acclimated to this over the last ~two decades of indoctrination.
I actually studied sustainable design in school so I’m well aware of the details and the differences. I do agree with your overall statement. I just think they’re doing a bait and switch off the real problems with their desired solution (to a completely different “problem“).
Probably not your cup of tea, but the band/song : Killing Joke/Absolute Dissent is very relevant
I think we're mostly on the same page, more than I expected or even asked for, so that's comforting. I do believe in anthropogenic global warming being real and a factor, but no, it's not the whole of it, or even that simple. 'Environmentalism' has turned into yet another method for social control by a very adamant elite, and the foolish left has gone fascist on pushing jab mandates, sold science, and silly solutions. The Patriot Act really freaked me out -- they can do that and no one sees through it??? And it's been quickly downhill since.
Critical thought is not big, especially with USians. First, we're given too many fires to fight (I've worked three jobs simultaneously several times in my life, just to eat and have shelter). And second, we are easy prey for propaganda, and for ego-soothing solutions to the problems they allow us to ponder. 'Bait and switch' is a great explanation for what is going on. And I suppose third is that fact that we have no or few traditions which respect age and wisdom AND youth and fiery energies, and which honor both the planet and the life-creator sex of our kind, adult human females. Instead, the sex that is generally fiercest (if not strongest, men do generally get that one), is left fighting for our single-sex spaces, our privacy, our right to not be raped in battered women's shelters and in women's prisons by the men now allowed entry via 'expanding' the definition of woman to a costume, and our oppression to a fun-and-games appropriation, boundary violation.
Gonna go check out the song. Daughter and I used to wrap Christmas presents to music from Immortal Technique and others willing to at least sing about fighting back. OK, LOVE the song.
But she doesn’t mention slowing down to provide scientific proof that man made climate change is real now does she? Man made climate change is real because our government is causing most of the devastation to push the agenda of global communism. The UN and our own government is pushing this agenda. It is about greed, power and control. CO2 is the staff of life for all humans, animals, plants. More is better. The UN knew they had to make up a global boogie man in order to get people to support their agenda. If they told the truth. no one would ever comply. So they created global warming and when that fell flat on its face they changed to climate change caused by us dirty humans and filthy farting cows. If you study UN Agenda 21, the Global Biodiversity Assessment and the Wildlands Project it all makes sense. They claim consumerism, population growth, large hoofed animals, paddocks, dams, gold courses, ski slopes, air conditioning, paved roads, private property and a lot more must be ended. They are considered unsustainable. They also believe wel must seal off 75% of all land to any human presence. Does the 15 minute city ring a bell. Biden signed an EO called 30X30. This is to seal off 30% of all land by 2030. Of course he couldn’t go for the whole banana of 75% so as not to awaken the sleeping masses. So he called it 30X30 instead of 75X30. Make no mistake they are after us and like Trump said “it is YOU they want and I am in the way.”
The climate hoax is akin to the covid hoax, all designed to further enrich the wealthy at our expense. Plants thrive on CO2. Why on earth would we wan to deprive plants of the element they need to thrive? Who has definitively determined that excess CO2 is destroying the planet?
Unfortunately there’s a lot of very dumb people or people that don’t do any research whatsoever outside of their little protective shell. I was shocked while watching the weather channel in that it has turned into a propaganda ministry of false information. Secondary to not living in a Third World ,people with electricity or have a gas stove or any vehicle other than some electric planet scarring monstrosity are causing snow wind floods and the venerable Alberta clipper. I suppose people have become less intelligent and certainly more filled up with marijuana and lazy as hell but for God sake you wanna have the ability for the government to flip a switch so you can’t protect yourself heat your home drive a car or eat what the hell you want to eat. Wake up
Fossil fuels are the only source of energy at the moment that keeps the world warm and productive. The WEF agenda to kill fossil fuels and promote Green energy will kill billions and is unworkable in the time frame allotted. The Green energy agenda will fail in the next few years, it is inevitable. Nuclear power will come along but takes time. So, be prepared for fossil fuels to be expensive, but still be what gets stuff done.
It seems "fossil fuels" is a consciously misleading misnomer. The theory that oil, like water, is produced by chemical reactions in the mantle of the earth (if my understanding is correct), was seemingly known by the Russians decades ago. Nothing to do with rotten dinosaurs.
The Greenhouse Effect which the whole mess is based upon is a myth. The Earth is not a greenhouse. Imagine buying a greenhouse for your garden only to find it has no roof.
CO2 doesn’t drive the climate. It is a lagging indicator. The models are flawed. Please for those in doubt read the books: SLAYING THE SKY DRAGON and UNSTOPPABLE GLOBAL WARMING (EVERY 1500 YEARS.) for a start. Judith Curry is excellent. The COVID-19 lies and the CO2 lies are told by the same folks with the same goals. Thank you for your excellent work and your excellent Newsletter.
I found this brilliant documentary on the "Great Global Warming Swindle" which explained exactly this lag effect - CO2 being a by-product of temperature rise and not the other way round. It was mind-blowing. To think that this entire manufactured and exploited "crisis" is predicated on a base falsity!
Man is not causing anything with regards to the climate just as the dinosaurs did not impact theirs. All studies showing any effect are fraudulent. There is a narrative even in this. If you want funding for your research lab you have to make sure your research will support the narrative otherwise you don’t get funded. If your naive and your research finds something that is against the narrative and you get it published it will be the last thing you ever do as they will cut off any further funding. All research at the university’s are driven by grants from the government and there is only one accepted narrative and you will not violate it. It’s just like what was done with regards to ivermectin and it’s effect on Covid 19. Science is dead we only do research to prove the narrative is correct. It’s no different than when the Catholic Church put people to death for claiming the earth rotated around the sun. We are entering a dark ages and billions will perish.
No need to lie about the Catholic Church. Your fantasy never happened. Look into how many scientific discoveries were made by Catholic priests and devout Catholic laymen.
Well written and very good reference to Dr Judith Curry’s grand occupation.
Please remember... Co2 gas is not a pollutant ✅
Thanks. Dr. Curry is a first-rate scientist and a voice of sanity in a world of propaganda. I've been reading her blog, Climate, Etc., for four or five years and learned a great deal of climate science, enough to know that Earth's climate is vastly too complex to easily understand, and that the IPCC is a political process, not a scientific one.
I wonder sometimes if Gate's purchases of all the farm land is not his own way to offset his own carbon emissions. Not that I think co2 is nearly the problem it's made out to be, unless you are against plants which live off the stuff.
He’s involved in the fake food thing: fake meat, insects etc. He’s eliminating the competition. People like natural food, so he needs a way to get rid of it. Then his politician pals will mandate for our safety’ or for ‘saving the planet’ the elimination of his competition and buying his highly processed fake food is an offer we can’t refuse. Same business plan as Big Pharma had with western politicians and bureaucrats. Regulatory Capture on steroids.
every place he has purchased came with water rights. I know the land in eastern WA is on a fossil water aquifer.
Thank you for that. To date, hadn't heard any explanation of his mutiple land purchases.
Might this be the globalist's fatal mistake? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Excellent. The failure of the world to warm as 'catastrophically' as they were predicting, using faulty climate models, has meant they have switched to attributing extreme weather events in order to generate public fear and alarm over alleged man-made climate change and also justify ridiculous Net Zero emission targets. I've been calling out their extreme weather attribution pseudoscience for a number of years now.