As a free person, I have my own mandate: to be left alone to make health care decisions for myself. If & when I need someone else's advice or opinion, I will seek them out, weigh what they have to say, & then either take their advice or discard it. That is what is means to be a free citizen.

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You Rock Debra! I am on that same mind theme also. We alone make the decisions for what is put into our bodies. Period. Full stop.


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Me too! I'm with both of you!

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If you (not you Debra - rock on!) think for a minute we believe the reason to vaccinate is to protect "our" children then you certainly are not paying attention to what has just transpired in the US of A.

Most sane God loving people would rather keep their children at home and educate them with truth rather than have this Agenda 2030 nonsense shoved down their throats. The powers that be completely lost their edge and blew it with the 2019 Cerveza Bug. My family will go down with a fight if ever forced to do anything from here on out. Head on a swivel and still trusting no one in govt. God bless America

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Amen. Where there is *any* risk (and pretty much everything in the world has risk) there *must* be choice. Period.

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Unfortunately about 50% of the population are sheeple and like someone else to do their critical thinking.

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If we keep talking to others, especially those who we feel may listen, or to those who are still on the fence, then we just may start heading the masses in the right direction.

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Trouble is most people are far too busy to do much reading so they need trusted sources of information.

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You are very logical, Debra.

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Thank-you, dude 01.

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It is the last gasp of a dying regime. The money printing at our children’s expense is about to be over, and it can’t come soon enough. Every child vaccine is another way to make kids sicker and better future revenue streams for Pharma. If you believe Pharma and investors don’t think that way you are naive. The vaccines are easy money, but the medical establishment writ large cashed in huge on vaccine damage throughout a long and not healthy life of many. It is the single greatest driver of revenue and industry growth in the medical cartel. Stop it all and we become truly healthy again. There is zero reason for North America to pay almost 20% of GDP towards healthcare. It is completely planned and has been a long time coming. Fauci orchestrated the greatest market growth of any industry in U.S. history. It is time to fix it.

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“Polls consistently show broad public support...

This goes directly to my working definition of science as presently constituted.

Science; The ability to manipulate information to bring about circumstances where honesty and actual facts are irrelevant.

In this case what the public believes is more important than the actual safety of a product. So if the propaganda works, there is no need to regulate the quality or effectiveness. Yeah science.

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Nice summation of the current mess that pharma and some corrupt politicians are trying to ram down our throats.

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If their vaccines are safe - then prove it. Do legitimate tests and nullify the non-liability clause for these companies so they can stand behind their product

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FDA should get an honest 3rd party to do the research, or is that an oxymoron. It shouldn't be the company who makes the drug/shot. Research can be written to stress whatever the company wants it to show. That's no way being honest!

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right?! but that makes too much sense, apparently. any that are threatened by calls for transparency are the ones who should be scrutinized the closest!

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Dr Kotez is a Big Pharma Shill, He needs to be brought up on charges with the rest of his cohorts and be tried for the crime of using biological weapons on the American people . I'm surprised no one has fallen yet. Over four years the Covid 19 vaccine are still being pushed by the media and our governments.

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Stop complying. Be ungovernable.

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Good advice !

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There’s no black and white answers such as one size fits all. Some vaccines may be in order but when and how many is what many drs ask such as Dr Judy Mikovitz in “Plague” and other books “Plague of Corruption.”She posits that too many vaccines before the age of 3 can make some children suffer from autism and other immune compromised issues. Remember the slogan “my body my choice?” Did you know Amish children are some of the healthiest children in the world and have no vaccines at all? Notice now the new Sec of Defense Pete Hegseth and Pres Trump realized that soldiers did not need mandated vaccines and those who were fired will be rehired w back pay! The point that RFK Jr has made is that drug companies exploit the Americans who don’t understand that these drugs need to be safe and effective. Are they? Says who? CDC? FDA? WHO? We need many more serious studies and time to review the data. 📊

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Your own statements highlight the fact that unvaccinated kids are the healthiest in the world. Forget what authors and polls say. You don't need an advanced education to deduce the logic of your statement. Vaccines began with supposedly good intentions but at 69 I have no reason to ever want another one since we all know history repeats itself. Once William Gates falls off a cliff the world will be a better place

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Frankly, I do not believe that 73% of the population believes that we should have mandatory childhood vaccinations after the COVID mandates and increases in morbidity & mortality in our entire vaccinated population. That has to be skewed by either the subject selection or the researchers bias. I don’t know too many parents who are eager to risk their children’s safety and lives or who trust this government & healthcare system and what it has evolved into with daily feeding of Big Pharma money. We need reform and we need to get the CDC, FDA, NIH and Peter Hotez out of bed with the businesses and people that “oversee for our safety”!

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Take the jabs off the market and Tell the ACOG to stop recommending them to pregnant women also .

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Sounds like the old “ you need to be vaccinated for my vaccination to work “ argument

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swap in the word 'birth control' for vax and it becomes even funnier way to point out the pretzel logic

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Pray very hard, people.

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Most medical experts?

Give me a break!

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RFK Jr's confirmation is dead in the water.

The people of the US will fight to their last breath to preserve access to their beloved US Trump mRNA death shots.

The Trump mRNA death shot is a US invention shared with an ungrateful world.

It's a matter of US patriotism and national pride to defend it.

Americans love their kill shots more than they love their own mom's.

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Love the sarc

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Thank you.

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Awake, I’m going to now call you “The Shot Nazi-NEXT!”

in reference to the Seinfeld Episode “The Soup Nazi.”

No soup for you! You want bread $3 dollars!

I cannot disagree with you on this issue. Something tells me the “silent-treatment” is a lot like a “bad-marital-fight” or an

Inexperienced salesperson.

The first one to speak “loses.”

Similarly to the

“Closing-Effect” I use to teach rookie salespeople. STFU when the IT Director asks you this

“do you have a pen?”

I’ve watched more deals go south because the salesperson opened his mouth! Woman knew better! It’s amazing how easy, we as a supposed superior species, are so damn stupid!

This same “RFK Jr.-Effect” may be why, silence has ruled the day / week / month / year? Maybe?

We shall see by eeeks end. Eeeks because I believe RFK Jr. may “eeek-through” and be confirmed.

IMO, the odds are 50-50.

You always leave me scratching my head and laughing my ass off. Two great emotions we can all use a lot more of.

Thank you for both today Awake.


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Love the hit job they did on Dr. Nass. OMG she treated her patients with well known and safe medications that even the WHO recommends.

Hey…wasn’t the recent outbreak of measles in kids who had been vaccinated? Why yes that’s correct.

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easily provable to have been vaccine strain measles. the so-called public health ninnies all know this, just *forget* to mention it. ;)

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RFK talks safe vax, not anti-vax, but my guess is that he is educated enough & smart enough to know that 1. there is no ‘safe & effective’ vax & 2. The public is not ready in general to accept that & that this will be a long campaign as more & more people come to those realities.

A journey of 1000 miles begins on e step at a time.

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Spot on

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(he definitely knows. but knows that he will sway no minds with stone hard dichotomies)

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Yes, & he needs to get confirmed first.

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"Polio" has probably been used as a garbage can term used to describe a collection of signs and symptoms, primarily neurologic, with several etiologies, including poisoning with neurotoxins such as the insecticides, Lead arsenate and DDT.

That probably accounts for the spike in "polio" cases after WW2. Another reason is that "polio" vaccines also CAUSED polio. Both are sufficient reasons for dropping the "polio" jabs altogether and there are other reasons to do that as well.

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My mom's old gardening book from the 40s or 50s called for spraying "arsenate of lead" on your plants.

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Legislators must be informed, the truth about vaccines. Educate them! Email, write letters, phone them and tell them that The National Childhood vaccine Injury Act of 1986 must be rescinded.. This is the the most heinous act ever perpetrated on the American people back in 1986. It took away any liability for injuries and deaths from a very toxic product that was being injected into the bodies of our nation's children. One of the ingredients was mercury, which is a hazardous element. There were many others that were equally as toxic Wake up Congress and serve the people...not corporations.

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"Legislators must be informed...:

While I agree with the sentiment, in my experience, that's a practical impossibility for several reasons (and I'm speaking from experience).

The best thing to do would be a separation of medicine and state. Politicians have no business making medical laws and that includes physician- politicians too. Anyone witnessing how laws are made would have to agree. It's a really sloppy process; somewhat like the development of vaccines as far as I can tell.

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Legislators know … they pander to bribes from drug companies.

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