It requires neither a body language expert nor Sherlock Holmes to interpret what is going on here:

The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 1: When the Economy is Destroyed:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 2: When We Shoot GMOs Into Little Kid's Veins:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 3: The Vaccine "Final Solution":


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 4: This Next Pandemic Will Get Their Attention:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 5: 700,000 Side Effects:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 6: Lessons from Epstein's Scarcity of Carefulness:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 7: When Children Die:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 8: When 20 Million Die:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 9: When the Economy Dies & We've Injected Billions:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 10: When Vaccines Cause Bad Things:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 11: When Vaccines Are Forced to Get Social Security:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 12: When Lockdowns Never End - Meet Bill Gates:


The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 13: When Vaccine Safety Testing is an Object of Mockery, Bill Gates


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Thanks for rewinding the past Bill Gates demonstrations--good on you for keeping them all! Someone or you should write a book with your chosen title. Totally fits! Could we say the guy is the biggest con man that ever lived?

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A con man but who are we to buy and fall into it……taxpayer’s money not?

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I like your thinking Hillary =)

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This is amazing, thanks! I've always wondered how anyone ever failed to notice the obvious psychopathy, but this compilation would make it impossible to miss!

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Excellent compilation!

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The term for this is Duper’s Delight.

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Nice! Not nearly as unprintable as some of my names for this are.

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Sick narcissistic evil villain

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GREAT links----thank you!

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Awesome compilation! Thank you!

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Bill Gates is a mentally ill megalomaniac, a controligarch. He and Klaus Schwab are the most disgusting, most evil, most violent men on the planet. Happy will be the day when they are both gone!

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"men on the planet" - they are not men, they are the space aliens on our planet.

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could well be!

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Thanks for the instant-classic term 'controligarch'. I agree with your sentiment, except that these are just the 'faces' we see and hear from most often, and there's an awful lot of competition for "...the most disgusting, most evil, most violent..." that we rarely/never hear/see mentioned. It does seem that some of the most ancient of the evils are dying off, finally, but their too-often pathologized spawn too-often carry on with something that will also destroy THEIR OWN options for a real, living reality and actual health.

Besides, once we're all controlled/gone, the perp's'll start killing each other off, to gain 'the other guys' resources, as causation of damage/destruction/disease/disability/distortion/death seems to be all they know - apart from such as cheating, terrorism and theft, a result which makes all of this ruination and extinction event pointless, except to, perhaps, the one that dies with the most toys and wins ALL of the nothing that remains. What a waste of the billions of years it took of evolution from simple chemicals, if we let the psychopaths win..

NONE of this scam is reality-based or legal nor can such as this enforced destruction and absolute 'Opposite Day' lunacy be 'legalised' under any sane law.

Under ANY of the myriad examples of pre-existing and even all-supreme rights-protective law, (rather than rabidly insane lawlessness,) none of any after-the-fact and illegal take-over 'agreements' such as those secretive, privately made 'contracts' to dispose of what does not belong to themselves but to others.

This including the disposal of citizens globally, in a secretive private agreement being shoved through (despite this breaking the WHO's own rules as well) through the 'fronting' WHO human-rights-abusing terrorist (granted the Director-Generalship by a major billionaire/trillionaire? funder, for that funder to use the WHO Director-General-ship as a proxy in the name of 'public health' - that's being thereby destroyed) despite these also clearly violating various Constitutions and other sovereignty/rights-protective documents establishing the direction of law as sovereignty/rights-protective, as in Canada and the US (and likely many others), both clearly stating that any attempt at passing law violating the principles of these sovereignty/rights-protective Constitutions, such as that any such illegal rights-abusing/democracy-stealing 'laws' will be automatically void of force or power, even if 'passed' by corrupted and short-sighted politicians/criminal agents of a hostile foreign self-interest group infesting government.

This is a propaganda-scam, and those attempting to alter the text of our meant-to-stand-as-supreme-Law-forever Constitutions/Bills of Rights/Charters, etc. to eliminate protected rights from all but themselves cannot change the existence of our basis of law as only valid when sovereignty/rights-protective law is maintained.

Our Canadian Charter also protects us from genetic discrimination, which would cover discrimination against the un-genetically engineered, so that Trudeau should retroactively charge himself with violating, under his own 'Speech law,' illegally enabling illegal attack on protected free speech, with, lumped in, to add a false impression of verisimilitude, with already pre-existing laws against child and revenge porn and the like, but vague enough to lock anyone up for life for criticising the government or discussing illegal and destructive policy/'laws' illegal under Canadian Constitutional law.

But countries all over the globe have had their governments quietly infiltrated by World Economic Forum-indoctrinated 'sleeper agents', to lawlessly corrupt government from the top down, while awaiting the signal to enact the beginning of the destructive global take-over goal of a relative few, appallingly ignorant, very evil and pathologically micro-managing unduly powerful people, using the excuse of what amounted to a common cold or flu for most, and with no evidence shown of its prevalence or even existence. (But lab evidence in re-tests finding what's been universally labelled as signatures of flu 'A' and 'B' in batches of grossly-over-cycled PCR-replicator 'tests' in those claimed to be 'COVID positive' due to an answering light signal of finding some fragment of genetic material it was told to look for and not an infection it could never detect.)

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"Dorothy," (and her quest to "find her way home" by way of the Wizard's promise)

My dear lady friend, you most certainly have a wealth of knowledge in this bleak matter of the present. And have eloquently expressed it in understandable and irrefutable terms. No doubt spending some valuable time in its construction.

For those who have come to know my tack, the need for association to the Truth is well-known if not expected. And herein, again, lies the basis for this comment.

Allow for this sad hypothetical scenario to sink in: No matter HOW "constitutionally abusive" or unjustly laws and decrees get enacted, there is the matter of temporal riches as the most obvious common denominator in terms of influence. Cubic dollars have the inherent ability to open or close mouths. It's what "makes the world go round." And with BILLIONS being in the game, a "constitutional breach" becomes nothing more than a side issue, one to be ignored, and dealt with only when cornered, and then put off while the breach sets roots and precedents. It is almost a "norm" for many of the world's people to understand that this is the protocol of the masters in charge. And we are beginning to "numb-down" with the acceptance of being "disposable" for the health of future generations (yeah, right!) and the health of the planet.

But making observations regarding the social declension and condition of society, is probably only constructive toward a revolution, since all who receive a paycheck from the "other side" have their lips and hearts sealed; under (unspoken but understood) orders to refrain from squealing. We know all this already, and are tired of hearing it all.

As a Christian, I find it perplexing to have to tip-toe on the thin ice which covers the subject of Salvation. It should stand and remain as a bulwark against trials and tribulations, such as this plague of injected poisoning of the people. But it gets labeled and stigmatized, and viewed as a fairy-tale, which cannot and will not be any source of real relief in the matter. This is the true "breach" we are living and complicit in creating. Have we not known by the natural world alone, that God is the Divine Creator and Sustainer of all things? Do we still trust the liars with PHD's telling of the billions of years in which everything "came about" and even given specificity thereto, saying "4.1 billion years ago...." like they really know that? It's all, every bit of it, a pack of lies and smoke to remove from our God His Majesty and Glory and promises, and obvious creative ability. It's such a "slam-dunk" it has become a joke in these days of advanced instrumentation.

So, in conclusion, I will add that it is not any breach to tell the truth, to disclose the darkness, to point to the wickedness and evil done in secret. But to give first place to the effort is to demean the One who is in total control of events. It might better be given a lesser place of concern, especially by those of us who have embraced the promises of Jesus Christ. We can still expose sin for what it has done and is, (which is our duty) but keep our eyes upon Jesus' promised Redemption Plan. That "Plan" is the only dependable assurance we are guaranteed, if we remain faithful and obedient to His Commandments. All other worrisome considerations are but smoke, destined to become "non-issues."

Let us pray for a little bit more time to spread the Good News... and to "find our way home," and all of this temporal madness will indeed be much like Dorothy's dream!


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Unfortunately, it is very true that there are billions, indeed trillions, of dollars involved, with the eyes of many blinded by dollar signs.

However what the lawless and most unduly powerful criminals giveth can be taken away in the flick of a switch by the lawless and most unduly powerful criminals.

And with the Earth being ruined for that planned global famine without sufficient sunshine for health of plant, animal or man - or food crops - all under the excuse of a badly-faked 'Climate Change Crisis', it may occur to people that they can't eat or drink money (think Rider Haggard and the Mines of Solomon, if I even remember that properly; it's been years and I'm over-tired) - and what use will the Psychopaths That Be have for politicians, propagandists or policing forces once we're all gone or controlled 'and no-one's left to speak for them? They'll fall into the 'useless eaters of resources' group, which means they'll fall with a splat.

One should never believe the flattery and false promises of a psychopath - defined by their incapacity for empathy and, hence, ethics, no conscience to teach them to do better or respect for the rights and needs of others with an immediate use for 'the nect victim, after'. Yet 'millions do'.

Of course, their re-considering would require unaffected perceptions and perhaps even some vestige of a moral sense, or at least a little (un)common-sense.

But where there there's still life, there's still hope. And still humanity, in the noble sense.

We see this all around, perhaps especially here, in the 'stacks'

But what I believe we must bear in mind that none of this is legal, as the perps would convince us that their destructive criminal spree is, because most of us are law-abiding, at least where sane and rights-protective law is the case, and we cannot permit ourselves to be convinced to submit to the madness presented as 'legal and binding' '...to "numb-down" with the acceptance of being "disposable" for the health of future generations (yeah, right!) and the health of the planet. ...' as you too-accurately phrase it.

Instead, we need to maintain our actual personal identities and our sense of right and wrong, above all. The path to the perp's goal requires acceptance/corruption from victims; we must not comply.

Hey, Toto agrees with me on evolution.(He being something of an expert on bones.)

Tell you what, I'll accept that you have a belief system, you accept that I'm an evolution fan, and we can live and let live without letting that get in the way of NOT submitting.

We both believe that the Evils are an evil, and that gives us a common ground. The battle-ground is over that-a-way.

Why waste time on attempted to 'convert each other', when we may not have much time left?

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That was BEAUTIFUL, my dear fantasy friend!

"Todo is an expert on bones" I love that one! But being without the ability to "reason" he is not to be consulted regarding paleontology. He might, however, having the sniffer that dogs certainly have been "gifted" with, conclude that the "old" Rex bone still has a trifle of potential flavor in its marrow. Yes, that's right. Elastic DNA material found in unearthed dino bones! Not just one that the lady scientist found, but since the discovery, MANY have been now seen and confirmed by the TRUE Science, and not perverted by the Satanic opposition.

That's just one of a thousand observations that pervade the "anti-evolution" scene. If anyone cannot see the INTENT behind the propaganda campaign to unseat the King of Creation, they need to open their eyes, before it becomes illegal to do so.

Yes, I realize that an inordinate amount of precious time is often spent on kicking a dead horse, trying to "reason" with the closed minded, blind bunch, but there, like you say, is always hope where breath is still being pumped. Plus, the bigger incentive is to publish Truth far and wide, to the end that someone may be sparked with the curiosity and conviction to investigate the Truth of the matter of Creation, and flush the propaganda so widely distributed and gulped down with enthusiastic exuberance.

Dorothy, I would like nothing more than to hear back from you at a future time, exclaiming the newly espoused realization that the "system" has been lying to you and the world since dirt, making you out to be stupid as a brick. I know you are NOT, and therefore suggest that to prove them wrong, by investigating their evil plans to cause your downfall.

It's a whole lot like the C-19 plan, except with more teeth, better, deeper planning, craftier outline, infinitely more disastrous in terms of outcome, etc....

Would you please do this? It's a great and interesting journey, a trek to the "layered" mountains, a deep look into microbiology, a broad look at the cosmos with its beauty and symmetry, a looksee at the stupendous workings of ALL of nature's artistic wonders, along with the symbiotic, synergistic systems that surround the subject from all angles, an eye-opening discovery regarding fossils, and the deposition of them in MASSIVE graveyards, obviating that they have been washed into place and rapidly buried with many meters of fine sediment, preserving them as they were in a flash of time.

Believing anything the "system" says is JUST like trusting the med profession's lies and distortions. Politics, Sciences, Health related industries, Food related industries, Education facilities, YOU NAME IT! If it has anything to do with Anti-truth or the love of money, power, pride, or any such evil, BEWARE for these things are carefully "designed" by the master of evil designations. Rather, Trust in He who has Created everything and will again make things straight.

Thank you for this opportunity to write about it, Dorothy!


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Thank you for the good intentions!

However, at the moment we are all dealing with often nonsensical and seemingly endless Big Lies by those who wish to eradicate humanity - in both senses of the term -and all natural Life and independence, while making the world inimical to Life in every way imaginable, and perhaps in some unimaginable other ways we haven't yet learnt of, as well.

Like others, I often feel that my cup runneth over with imperative Big Lies to tackle and to see running down the drain, unswallowed - with too many unwilling to to even take warning, and others who simply cannot handle any more.

Not to mention those who simply don't want to know, instead blindly walking over a cliff that cannot be perceived with their 'Google-glasses' on. I rather doubt there would be any trampolines at the bottom, or bungee cord at the top of the extinction cliff...

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Hey, Great to hear some more from you, Dorothy!

Your "cliff" analogy is perfect. I use the "placid river" one myself: A large group of rafters are casually drifting along with the current, enjoying the scenery, most partially intoxicated without a care yet wearing hats and sunscreen. A troubling condition comes into view when it is spotted by the one within earshot of a deep rumbling and the accompanying mist of overspray is seen rising. It becomes very evident that there is a treacherous water-fall straight ahead. With concerned urgency, that said forward rafter turns around and standing, begins to shout and wave his arms, but no one responds. They laugh and surmise his alcohol has overtaken him. His actions seem out of place as he hurriedly paddles to the shore, still yelling warnings. No one responds accordingly!

He stands on shore and watches aghast at the situation, while those following soon approach the point of no return. They then frantically paddle but to no avail and careen off the high watery edge to their deaths.

The sentinel did his best; his duty, but it was insufficient and many perished. This is the terrible scenario which will take place and correspond with the Truth which is made manifest in Rev. 14 by the Three Angels' Messages regarding the "beast" and her intentions to keep the masses placated until it becomes too late for them to be rescued. There is a probationary period in which that becomes part of the picture. Those who KNOW the truth are REQUIRED to announce the warning, or be held accountable for the blood of the unsuspecting. (The "watchman" on the wall scenario)




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I'm afraid we may have to agree to disagree on this subject, although you do write beautifully, and it's been a pleasure.

You're welcome, btw.

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Yes, OK. We still have the gift of "free-will" with which to direct our world-views. I thank you kindly for the interaction we shared, and do truly hope that you might someday reflect back upon the thoughts shared, comparing them to events slated to shortly take place, and the prophetic words of the Bible. I cannot think of anything having more importance than discovering Truth, other than obeying what we learn.

Have an exceptionally nice day ahead! And thank you again.

Your friend,


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wish I could claim originality for "controligarchs", but there's a book out by that name that I've had on hold in our library for months. It's a popular one, so I'm moving up in the queue very slowly.


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Great that it's so popular - it just sucks that you have to wait. But that is an awesome title and term, and I'm grateful that you passed it on!

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This means that those of us having World Economic Forum-indoctrinated Young Global Leaders/Shapers or other WEF members forming government as with almost (if not all of) the entire Canadian Liberal party, and with the NDP no longer NDP but under the 'leadership' of a WEF Young Global Leader forming a strategic coalition against the people and country, we obviously have no legitimate democratic Federal government.

Such attempts at rights violations and betrayal of country and fellow-citizens to hostile foreign/domestic private agencies by public servants are high crimes that cannot be 'legalized' with the stroke of a pen.

We must demand that our Constitutional/Bills of rights/Charters/whatever-protective law - unaltered from its recent sovereignty/rights-protective intentions - be respected and upheld, in all countries.

But we must stop 'justifying' and flattering the perps with the names they use for themselves. They call themselves 'elites' meaning ''the best of the best' and think themselves entitled to do as they please with the rest of us, as Disposables not longer useful to the all-important 'themselves'.

Not just corporate media, but everywhere, I see people using such flattering terms for the perps, perhaps merely meaning the ultra-wealthy and using 'elite' as an alternative term, but insane wealth too-often just means, not that they're wonderful people or necessarily the best AT anything except gaining more wealth, but that they've accumulated a lot of ill-gotten gains, and are increasing this wealth by manipulation of our public policies through their own agents abusing public positions within our public services, while draining us to fund the agenda of our destruction, in order to bankrupt us; individually and in public debt that we will be told WE owe the perps who've done this to us.

This all-too common use of flattering terms meaning 'better than YOU impoverished 'masses', who must be controlled by ME, being one of 'your betters' is conditioning people to think of these ruthlessly power-hungry and pathologically greedy people (typically including their infiltrating political and other assets) as being 'better' than we are, and this somehow making us 'rightfully subject' to their whims.

What's worse is the also-increasing use of the term 'ruling-class' applied to these or to ANYBODY. This implies that the perps were 'born fit to rule' over the rest of us faceless 'masses', we being merely blobs taking up space and using resources on 'their planet'.

By definition, modern democracy literally means SELF-RULE: of/by and of the people, with all equally subject to the rule of rights-protective law for the protection of the rights of ALL and therefore of Justice for ALL - and with no-one ever permitted to claim to be 'above all law'. There can be no 'rulers' in democracy, except for that of the public, themselves, by definition.

One sure way to create a monster is to allow ANYONE to claim that they can claim - and grant others - immunity from the law, and it was insanity to ever allow this creation of what's notoriously become a hot-bed of corruption.

You wouldn't hand over the management of a family estate to be overseen by someone you pay to maintain it, who'd demanded to be granted immunity from law, because the only purpose of that would be to enable their prospective crimes. No crimes, no immunity required.

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Why set up a government intended to maintain a country's sovereignty, the citizen's rights and to provide public services, yet let them be as lawless and corrupt as they please, with no recourse? Anyone who makes their fortune out of bribes/insider trading, and the like while in public office is corrupt. Normal people can't get away with such things, just suffer the consequences of policy-makers entrusted with the public good, instead making policy to profit themselves. Of course, this corruption is long-running and has been blatant for decades and now evidently viewed as a right by corrupt politicians, as it (predictably) worsens to the point now of total betrayal and destruction.

The US Congress was charged - within the US Constitution, when the country was forming as an independent collection of States - with maintaining the US Postal services and roads, those being the only public services then possible, but indicating the direction intended of government serving the public interest for a functioning country where all could prosper. How have they been doing on that constitutional requirement since? infrastructure all properly taken care of? The Post Office respected and supported?

Certainly, politicians must be protected from truly frivolous lawsuits/charges, but any hint of corruption must be (transparently) investigated, with penalties for bringing false charges for political gain/sabotaging good policy-makers/malice, etc.,and with actual penalties for those breaking the public trust, rather than a cheery 'carry on, then'.

But in democracies, the power belongs to the public office, not personally to the transient holder of that office to abuse as s/he pleases, and public servants are publicly salaried, and public offices publicly funded BY the public, and ultimately belong to the citizens essentially forming the country/State/Province/district/whatever.

Democracy, once accepted, is effectively entailed for those to come; no politician/political party in any democracy can lawfully decide to turn a democratic country into a militarized/corporate/billionaire/top-down-controlled fascist State. That's not what the citizens essentially hired that public servant/Party to do.

When it comes down to it, I believe that there are essentially two types of government - one where the State is deemed to exist to serve the public and country's interests

-and the other where the country and public are deemed to exist to serve the interests of individuals in a power position within the state apparatus. Or corporate interests. or just the most powerful individual(s).

Only one of these diametrically opposed types can ever be stable, healthy, prosperous and survival-oriented to produce an actual civilisation - with today's population-control-directed tech, there's nothing but a literal dead end promised by the other.

The world is to, according to the perps, be run by people who are definitely NOT 'elites', 'the best of the best' - merely obsessive-compulsively micro-managing and greedy to the point where they will never have enough, not even when no-one else has, literally, anything at all, until, as has been made obvious by the ongoing poisoning and genetically-damaging assaults upon all planetary Life.

And by plans involving shutting-down-the-sunlight-required-by-Earth-Life for health and survival (Bill Gates - solar panel-promoter - as he has stated in interviews, wants to send robots into space to build barriers to block off ALL sunlight from Earth, as though Earth life is already not sunshine-starved enough from the continual aircraft-spraying of pollutants, toxic aircraft carbon and poisons in our skies, in the case of stratospheric, rather than the creation of Greenhouse effects over cities, spraying - as has been ordered in Canada by the Federal WEFfers under a 5-year contract - to shower down from the damaged ozone layer for decades to come, even if stopped in the near future, to at least reduce the planned destruction and planned global famine it seems is planned to take us down this year - before 2025) all this evidently to ensure that no organism can ever again exist on the planet to potentially enjoy Life. This is the most comprehensively destructive Mad Scientism possible from the certifiably insane and we cannot let the lunatics ruin the only asylum earth Life has.

There must be some mechanism, some recourse, involving any Constitution/law-respecting judges capable of understanding what's at stake and any civil forces of whom this can also be said.

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Strange that the article doesn't mention Event 201 or "The Decade of the Vaccine" that Gates and Fauci cooked up together back in 2000.

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NYT was still happy to promote him in 2020--I got the date wrong in the title.

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It would help to set this article into its historical context by giving its actual publication date. It feels much more like a 2020 article than a 2023 one.

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We can thank the money for poorer nations "skipping" the shots. Somehow they have done well to avoid getting immune system disruption. Now they don't want them.

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You taught us all Meryl to never participate with any organisation that holds severe conflicts of interest. It's like expecting your doctor to cure you of cancer when the for profit healthcare model works for him much better if you have cancer. Oh, right, that's exactly how that works doesn't it?

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Covid has a fatality ratio less than the seasonal flu (Ionnides June 2020) and the average age of deaths is equal to or greater than average lifespan everywhere. This is the very definition of a non-emergency. Any smart 14 year old can figure that out. The global public health bureaucracy prompted y big pharma made a big song and dance about covid, based on lies (no natural immunity, non-diagnostic PCR tests, masking, social distancing, flatten the curve, etc) for money and supra-national control. It was a coup by eugenicist, transhuma it technocrats who, unscientifically, want to impose and substitute mRNA vaccine technology for all diseases because they believe they have unerringly "hacked the software of life" and have god-like te hnological powers. They are a religious cult, that has left the practice of science behind and worship at the idol of technology, the works of their own hands.

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These monsters still have any credibility? Madness!

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Viruses are an illusion dreamed up to cause fear so people will willingly get in line to take the poison death shots.

Anyone who hasn't figured this out by now is putting their lives and those of their families at risk.

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Nice to see somebody else is aware of this. Have you seen the videos at drsambailey.com? I have been unable to get anybody, not one person to be willing to read a summary of either the 1946 nobel prize to Stanley which had no control and no falsifiable hypothesis and already posited the existence of pathogenic virus particles without any proof according to the scientific method or the 1954 experiment by Enders (nobel prize also) which enders himself wrote that he had the same result with the control as with the variable. 8 billion people on the planet, I'd estimate that many more than 7.9 billion believe in this fantasy with no proof. Perhaps humanity deserves what's coming given that they were given brains and treated them as decorations.

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Wow Meryl still puts up with y'all posting your stuff.

Manufacturing medication should always involve purity. Right from the git-go, if your motive for providing a product is not pure, the results will be disastrous.

Meryl first came to my attention when her face lit up and she declared, "Conflict of Interest" in answer to a question.

It is extremely effective manipulation that can turn robber barons into do gooder philanthropist. The one thing Gates is an expert at is accumulating other peoples money in his stack while avoiding charges of genocide and racketeering.

The fact that stopping his reign of terror does not seem to be on anyone's agenda but the poor, soon to be cancelled, and usually the most honorable of people, is certainly a bad omen.

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Look at the propaganda people have been subjected to!

I 'd believed in viruses nearly all of my life and it took a fair bit of looking at the evidence to be convinced, but there was such a LOT of evidence. One of the most compelling pieces that it might be good to mention, if you haven't, (you probably have, but just in case) to people instinctively rejecting warned of 'conspiracy theories' is the fact that

a) 'whole viruses' have apparently never been found in sick people said to be swarming with them

B) what's found and used as viral fragments are shorter pieces of genetic matter that are said to be unliving, immobile and 'virtually indistinguishable' from exosomes

C) exosomes are said to be internal messaging systems which are unliving and immobile

so that (sorta my interpretation) people hunting viruses might well be looking at the genetic information of exosomes and reading these as pathogens, rather than as a message, perhaps to cleanse toxins, which process requires sufficient nutrients of specific types in order to be properly conducted, as otherwise, the body will apparently retain what low level nutrients it can access to use for for basic functions, to keep the person alive, even if unable to easily cleanse.

Which might also explain why things like high-C IVs can have miraculous effects on even elderly people with multiple co-morbidities claimed to be hopeless and doomed to dying in hospital.

And why, this sort of nutrient being successful if used in time, various hospitals being paid extra by the 'COVID'deaths' occurring while using only specified damaging treatments, sometimes went to great lengths to deny granny her life and granny's families of granny, even while under contempt of court for orignoring an order to, essentially, murder granny.

not to mention (SHHHHH!) the fact that any admission of there being any other treatment for 'COVID' automatically taking down the whole incredibly murderous and lucrative scam 'Emergency' being used as an excuse for experimentation on the population, other human rights abuses of all kinds and economic destruction for take-over of countries in the name of 'public health', and all.

Ii's almost like some people, perhaps in child-hood ,misunderstood the 'emergency fire extinguishers that told people to, in an emergency, break glass to remove fire retardant spray and just transposed this to 'in an emergency, break the vulnerable to remove their human and civil rights, because a surprising number of people accepted an awful lot of crap. Especially when the brutality was being inflicted against others, strangers protesting for the lives and rights of everybody.

And of course, there's the fact that scientific methodology can't be used by virologists or lab techs to identify or verify specifically whole, identifiable separate viruses, in order to test those, rather than a centrifuged soup of whatever might be in a certain area to have peoperly verified infectivity via a normal mode of transmission and therefore come up with any means of establishing pathogenicity, if they can't even find any whole viruses in order to isolate them for culturing in order to run such tests.

Query - if the problem finding a whole virus is said to be that whole viruses can never be found, anywhere, is there EVER a 'whole virus' at any stage in the postulated viral cycle?

I'd knew that biology was being left out of the 'pharmafia-informed medical treatment' equation, but I'd never before understood how little was actually known about basic processes and how much convenient assumption was involved.

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it's really simpler than that. To say there are pathogenic virus particles one would need to be able to point to a controlled experiment with a falsifiable hypothesis which was proven and can be and has been repeated. Look at how they treated Pons and Fleishman who first spoke of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and that horrible shill called cold fusion and then did "science by democracy" in which people saw that they better go along or lose their career. Pons and Fleishman didn't even make any claims, just reported observations and said that it seemed worth investigating. But as they were unable yet to prove it by the scientific method because it needed work, they were humiliated. So we see that "science" now belongs to the psychopaths and that almost everybody on the planet including "scientists" are too damned stupid for their opinions to be worth a crap. We are on a planet filled with brainwashed morons and it's not going to change any time soon. Good for you that you're not one. You are a member of a group which is going extinct.

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Thanks! You are, obviously, correct. Although I didn't know the details regarding cold fusion, which did appear to have gone nowhere after rather a fuss, way back when, which I only vaguely recall, however they were not the ones who made unjustified claims and I don't see why they were humiliated for the reactions of others.

There have been many things that DID just require more work and there's certainly nothing wrong with having a theory - where would we be without theories and the testing of them, in the knowledge that many things that may have seemed to hold some promise are NOT replicable?

I was lucky - quit watching TV decades ago, which saved me, and my pet peeves included such as asbestos/radon/chemical pollution and pharmafia's murderous skull-duggery, so I had plenty of warning of gross mafeasance and cover-ups, especially once my wonderful brother fixed up an old computer for me and I discovered there was - back then - LOTS of information documented and pubicly available We used to get information on diesel studies and th like, until all such things were bought up and taken restricted or pay-walled or both. I even got to look up some odd changes in weather behavior I'd noticed and why planes had begun to leave expanding trails. The internet used to be wonderful and searches weren't scrambled, either... So I knew the COVID thing was another scam when it first popped up and tried warning people...

Yeah, 'The official science' belongs to the proudly non-reality-based and the psychopaths. Luckily, I know where to find lots of actual scientists and medical people, and have certainly been very grateful for the substacks. I've tried sharing lots of stuff on various things with fiends and family, but unfortunately, people lack time to do a lot of reading and I know I'm never going to catch up with incoming information, or even remember it all.

Oh, well...

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I like that you accidentally put "fiends" instead of "friends". People have zero courage and cover that up with the excuse of how busy they are. So they don't know that all but the six biggest banks will have failed within 8 months. They don't know that a federal gov't report just showed a 40 year back slide in maternal mortality rates since 2021. Sure, that's the beginning of the kiiller vaccine, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. You can see that if you look for LENR, you'll see plenty of work being done on "cold fusion". You can be sure that any advances will be hidden from view. The doofuses who will discover them are too naive to know that their lives will be over the day they make an important discovery and find that their patent will be instantly a military secret and if they say a word they'll be in jail. And if they want to stop working on it for whatever price "they" say, that they'll end up with a modification to their bodies and three days of their lives missing. Then they'll need to obey.

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I am the undisputed Typo Queen...

I suppose it's got something to do my giving grim warnings of the type you've given here.

There's so much depressing stuff that people NEED to know about to give them a chance to prepare, but even then, they'll wait until it's too late. and it's a lot harder to prepare when there's little money to do much, but they don't seem to see that it's better to do what you can about something where you could do a little and while you still can.

And if you know there's something nasty coming, at least it won't be quite such a shock.

Modification to their bodies and 3 days missing? cared to ask, but I will, lol.

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I call COVID virus "an idea"

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The video where Gates talks about «shooting little kids right in their veins» with «genetically modified organisms» & maybe he should have «some testing system» is absolutely chilling.

This CREEP has ZERO qualifications or mandate for essentially controlling ´public health’ on this planet. He has no medical licence and no-one voted for him.

We have allowed him to exploit public health simply because he is insanely rich.

The politicians & bureaucrats won’t stop him so we The People are going to have to find a way to remove power from him - to DECENTRALIZE control of health & put it in the hands of DOCTORS partnering with their patients and - at the policy level - elected people who are ACCOUNTABLE to those who vote for them.

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WE didn't do ish. The governments of the world "have allowed him to exploit public health simply because he is insanely rich."

And said governments want in on the grift.

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I get what you mean.

But I said “we” deliberately because for many years we’ve all tended to let governments get on with things & we didn’t see what was building. What was building was a vastly wealthy billionaire club that was steadily buying the levers of power. Politicians were never going to stop that - they actively assisted. WE the people could have stopped it if we’d been aware & if we’d got organized. And unfortunately that is still the only way out of all this - it’s going to take MILLIONS of us - talking, writing, taking legal action, refusing to comply, getting on the streets - whatever it takes - to DECENTRALIZE the power that the WEF club has amassed. I don’t know exactly how we do it - but I don’t think any POTUS, or SCOTUS judge, will do it for us.

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I agree, but with censorship bills happening in all western countries at the same time, how do we even begin to get the message out that people have been lied to from the get go. It seems that the propaganda has been so effective thus far, that critical thinking skills are at an all time low. Generally I think that those that have not fallen under the spell are still preaching to each other. It doesn’t help that there are so many “distractions” from climate “crises” to health “crises” to economic “crises” that most regular folks are just struggling to keep their families’ heads above water and have no real time or energy to put into digging into what is actually going on. They get their morning/evening news hits from paid off propaganda channels that tell them what to think and why.

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I think we have seen progress though. People like Ed Dowd, Steve Kirsch, Naomi Wolf were Dems & have figured out what’s going on. There are lots of people like you & me who are wide awake & lots who are making podcasts, videos, writing articles, leading protests, suing government. The trap is certainly closing in, with programmable money & the WHO power grab - but many think the WEF club has overplayed its hand & we have a good chance of pushing them back. Let’s not forget that most people don’t want tyranny & the globalists are getting more tyrannical each year.

So, keep talking, discussing, writing, protesting....however you can!

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People have completely forgotten that the gov’t works for us. Not the other way around. That idea is now completely turned on its head due to massive overtaxation, regulation and the sheer size of gov’t! They must be stopped!

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Well, there WAS a time when the laws of the land provided the right to revolt and eliminate the govt by force, and replacing it using arms. But that was something that needed attention by those who had evil plans. Its elimination has been nearly complete now a days. It has been re-labeled and discolored. And to ensure the take-over remains bloodless, the opposition has seen fit to circumvent any civil uprising until it will be deemed fully controllable by the armed forces themselves, being under their commanded control. I believe this is where we war today in the stream of time.

If a world-wide revolt were to ensue, every military on the planet would be induced to put it down. And they'd do so with amazing ability and force. We are so far past being ready for a conflict of that degree, it is not even funny. And to stand up with a sign of opposition to the regime, is similarly fruitless. There is NO hope for things to return to what is remembered or read of regarding the nation's past jurisprudence.

Those days are gone. Not "forever" but they are FAR from us at this point in time. Someday, God will have provided a "New Earth" which will contain no such abrasive thoughts or actions. Everything will finally be at rest and peace with all!


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Edit: "Where we ARE today, not "war"

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Nailed it perfectly - thank-you!

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The guy is a total rogue!

"Gates helped create a new business model involving subsidies, advance market commitments and volume guarantees. [Advance market commitments is a euphemism for inveigling countries in sleeper contracts in which they promise in advance to pay for future, unknown vaccines that might someday be used—usually when the Director-General of the WHO makes a declaration of a pandemic—without knowing whether they are safe or effective, and promising to waive liability. . "

It is unbelievably sad. how completely stupid and greedy these governments are to have agreed to these advance market commitments.

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Yes, he had spoken openly about «vaccines» being his best-ever investment.

He’s aiming to control ALL aspects of public health, globally, that can be profitably monetized.

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It's not about global health, it's about Gate's wealth.

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I'd say it's about Gate's control. He's a control freak, wants to remake the world in his own grotesque image. He's a sick man.

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He is sick. I know it's a stretch, but I think he may be, as predicted by Nostradamus, the next anti-christ. Nostradamus names this person MABUS: M(elinda) A(nd) B(ill) U(nited) S(tates).

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No, but he is of the beast system to get to that point according to the truth of prophecy, not Nostradamus.

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Huh? You'll have to explain that one to me.

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I believe the Biblical scriptures not Nostradamus from, what, the 15th century(?). The beast system has to be in place and the True Bride of Christ removed before that “man of sin” is revealed. The system controls the whole earth and every nation, so this idiot is doing his sinister part. But God prevails.

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Understood. Seems to me the two are not mutually exclusive. I also think the term "anti-christ" related to Nostradamus may be an error of interpretation, and it may be more along the lines of "most evil" instead of "anti-christ".

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and...it doesn't rhyme! :-)

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I would say it’s more about fertility or non-fertility, as it were with this sick eugenicist.

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That too.

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Fascinating point - "Gates became interested in immunizations in the late 1990s, when Microsoft was facing an antitrust case that cast him as a modern-day robber baron. [Many wonder if the DOJ gave Gates a deal to manage a vaccine program privately for the USG or its puppet masters.—Nass]"

Makes sense unless this thing, decades in the making, had this as an act to create the evil impression of him. (willing to entertain all theories at this stage).

Another option is that his criminal capabilities put him on the short list for greater things...

However the thought he might have been put in this position by the Gov. really fascinating....

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I wouldn't take the Gates family out of the line of fire ever. They are known as being into eugenics at least since his father and maybe his grandfather.

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Indeed. However in this deceptive world, because I only learned about (his mother) recently (don't know about his father and grandfather), I don't know if this is new history created about him or not.

Certainly, he is the one put up as controlling everything...

But my gut feeling is that the real people pulling the strings would never be publicly mentioned - so it makes sense he is a puppet.

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Supposedly his father paid in big bucks to Planned Parenthood and was a member. All of the Globalists are into eugenics too. Kissinger started talking about lowering the population to 500 million or billion right after he got out of Nixon's WH.

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There is a video record from a TED talk where Gates says vaccines would be the easy way to reduce the population.

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I agree-it resonates with me, too. Makes sense that the ruthless abuser of his illegal monopoly during the 80s and 90s became St. Bill by being made an offer he couldn’t refuse—and magically the media and the stance of the regime towards him became positive.

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What I've read of this indicates that he hired a top PR firm that had worked for the asbestos and other polluting industries to improve his profile and they advised him to pretend to philanthropy, so, he handed out some of his ill-gotten gains to some good causes and helped out a few people and started or already had a 'charitable Foundation' that - like those foundations of the Clintons and others of their ilk, was, I suspect, a great tax-free slush fund reserve that accumulated a lot of money.

(I wondered at the time whether the break-up between Bill and Melinda , who, it was reported, got the Foundation in this, was rigged, so that if Bill got all of his properties seized for reparations for any/all of his global criminal activities, the Foundation would still be there.

She was reported as being upset about his relationship with Epstein, which I would expect she knew ALL about, evidently being a psychopath herself, if less prone to laughing in her throat when talking about'the good they do'.

Apparently, Bill initially made his fortune by doing such as taking open-source code made by some one/group, tweaking and patenting it, so that everyone had to pay HIM to use it. and the monoploly

He took his partner to court and attempted to take everything HE had, and failed to get all of it, so later, when his ex-partner was not only sick but in chemo, he tried again, and fortunately failed again.

He's sickened/crippled/sterilised/paralysed/killed literally millions of people in various poorer countries, typically going after children and young girls and women with shots often claimed to address one thing but contained another.

I'd read of one somewhat more recent case where, in a poorer area, that I think was somewhere in Africa, where many young girls had been dying at high enough levels that a study was finally done.

It was found that the only thing that all of the girls had in common was a Bill Gates vaccine given a year before their deaths of something else and I suspect that's what Bill was testing for- a delayed fatal response long after the actual injury was inflicted.

I believe that was just before COVID roll-out.

Not a fan.

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Based on this record of his actions, Gates appears to be in a state of psychosis. He has an unusual desire that normal people never have.

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Gates appears to jiggle with excitement anytime the "vaccines" are mentioned - I swear, the thought of every man, woman, child, and infant being injected with mRNA gets him off...

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I was amazed at the fact Bill Gates put abortifacients into African womens vaccines, acting as a psychopathic death dealing god, killing black babies! And wasn’t jailed for it!

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Dr. Nass, you are, as always, a jewel. Quite telling that the NYT 'vanished' the article and thanks for digging this up!

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"bogus depopulation efforts." Neither bogus, nor efforts... This is real depopulation in full speed. Their goals are: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.

Thus we have wars, vaccinations, transgenderism and the global warming hoax.

And this https://brownstone.org/articles/the-who-pandemic-agreement-a-guide/

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They're killing off Nature, too. they want to make the Earth a barren, dead place so that nobody can live anywhere and survive without Bill and Melinda Gates chitinous insects. Chitin being something toxic and inflammatory to most mammals, barring some producing an enzyme that enables them to cope with consuming chitin.

And for a special treat from time to time, toxic fake 'foods with no nutrition, of course.

Harai's on video somewhere on YT, if it's not taken down, explaining to a WEF crowd actually applauding this, that the goal is to eliminate all natural reproduction, evolution and Life. They apparently plan to replace Earth's self-sustaining, interdependent life support system consisting of self-sustaining Life with their own designs of synthetics and synthetic-machine composites, hastily adding that this might take a century or two or more, although they seem to want to polish us all off by 2025.

I dunno if the perps understand where air comes from and what cleans drinking water or any natural processes of the kind we all depend upon and cannot survive without. Nor do I think they have any idea of the nothing they're creating for themselves, on a dying world of rotting corpses.

There's also a video I saw posted somewhere of Schwab coming out on the WEF stage and rather dismissively saying, to his Young Global Shapers, that they could have a 50-year career. He continued ,with heavy emphasis on the first 3 words (although I don't recall the precise wording beyond that) "When You Die" and said something about taking what I'll term a 'brain-print' to put online, so they might have a 50-year career as a cartoon character. Luckily, once safely dead, so without actually being there themselves

it came off, to me, anyway, as though those Young Global Shapers (who sounded like cheerful young rowdies laughing and clapping,) were going down with the rest of us, this year. and Schwab was telling them, the way they always hint to their victims. Psychopaths so often have to brag...

of course, that could also have been a propaganda thing, still trying to pretend that having recorded characteristics/DNA?/whatever online meant people would somehow move with the recording to 'living' in a computer program, rather than dying in their own brains and bodies.

Honestly, who would want to, if you could? Have psychopaths playingvideo-games with your cartoon picture...

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A propaganda article to make us believe that Hell Gates is an angel of light; he hasn't eaten garlic, nor does his mouth smell.

What is the purpose for which you picked up this article that brushes off this criminal?

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It was open about his relationship with the WHO. Today that tends to be obscured.

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