We've been here before with the WHO and their RICO conspiracies to put the world in a medical stranglehold through merciless pandemic and public heath fearmongering. They're so criminal they're practically cartoon super-villains at this point:

"The farther you look back, the farther forward you are likely to see." ―Winston Churchill

Swine flu World Health Organization fraud in 2009, one of the greatest medical scandals in a century: https://bitchute.com/video/CnusiTL2AYTb [3.31mins]

Why the WHO faked a pandemic in 2009, Forbes magazine: https://tritorch.com/WHOFakedPandemic [image]

This health-scare scam is decades old now. Here are Time Magazine covers, 2003 - 2021:

2003: The Truth About SARS

2004: Bird Flu

2005: Avian Flu Death Threat

2009: Why You'll Be Wearing Masks Again

2009: H1N1 How Bad Will It Get

2014: Chasing Ebola

2016: The Zika Virus

2017: Warning We Are Not Ready for the Next Pandemic

2020: Coronavirus

2021: The Vaccine Revolution

http://tritorch.com/time [image]

Here is The Guardian rag of the UK scaremongering about the overwhelmed NHS every year from 2012 - 2019. https://tritorch.com/NHS [image]

Anyone that knowingly wields counterfeit fear and terror as a weapon in order to subjugate and control a population needs to have their head put in a noose with their feet in Crisco.

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Thanks for the timeline and compilation of links. I love it when people include the research they've been doing when they reply. Mahalo Nui Loa from out here in Hawai'i, where our Globalist Governor Green is hellbent on bringing AI, the WHO, smart cities, weaponized mosquitoes, etc., to our beautiful land as quickly and ruthlessly as he/they can (as witnessed by the attack on Lahaina/Maui - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs3o3z0G8tw ).

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We are all sending you love and light to push back against the cold blooded massacre ✨🔥💛🔥✨

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Great video about Lahaina after being torched.

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Check out what I just posted, comments from "R" on Maui. The Lahaina/Maui community are not going to take this "lying down.," it seems. Yee haw!! It's the first time I've seen this level of widespread opposition to the government. Hope springs anew :-)..

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Sherilyn, I share your link here: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/lahaina-a-predictable-and-predicted

It had a good response. All the best to you and your communities.

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Their logo is literally a target on the world. Both the UN and the WHO were formed right after WW2 - no doubt with the help from operation paperclip. I remember Trump saying he thought the US shouldn't fund them and being completely ignorant of the level of corruption, I thought this was crazy. Boy am I happy to admit, I told you so, is appropriate and admit how wrong I was.

I'm at universal studios this week and everyone I've talked to, about 50 people so far, are totally fed up, on both sides of the political divide.

Super villains is a great way to describe them.

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News Verification Reporter? A most egregious misnomer and an altogether stupid title to announce ones self importance.

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She's working her way up to News Verification Editor. Just needs a year or two more of credible censorship, distortion, and blatant lying. And some in-depth "professional development" on the topic.

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After "News Verification Editor" she will be recruited by journalism schools to conduct journalist re-education training.

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No doubt engrossed in: "How to Slut Your Way to the Top" by Kamala Harris.

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Hey, if there's an opening waiting to be filled...

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Yep, a shining "21st century" success story.

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Anything factchecked from the AP is instantly written off as Nazi propaganda to me. Was shocked this showed up in my Google feed today.

Things like this is exactly what is pushing many of us to the edge of demanding capital punishment. These people all have some form of a cluster b personality disorder, it's the only explanation for the delusion and sense of grandeur.

You'd assume since the FDA has been forced to recognize ivermectin and it's use in treating COVID, this would stop. Nope.

Ivermectin, FDA says sorry


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"...the only explanation for the delusion and sense of grandeur. " Alcoholism, which causes egomania, is a better explanation.

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I don't believe that alcoholism can explain why so many people are still trying to manipulate others into taking the shot. It's got to be narcissistic type behavior.

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Because alcoholism mimics are of the personality disorders. Narcissism is at the top of that heap. Show me a "narcissist" and I'll nearly always (not 100%, but in the 80-90% range) show you an alcohol/other-psychoactive drug addict.

I devote five pages in my book Alcoholism Myths and Realities to just analyzing the nine factors in the DSM for narcissism, showing that it cannot be distinguished from alcoholism.

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Really interesting. I dont have the data to show this so I appreciate your research and would be interested to read it.

The DSM for narc is really vague and wrongly written to ensure that the least amount of people are diagnosed with it. For example they need to recognize it's a problem - never going to happen.

One thing I've noticed with covert narcs is that they are on the other end where they show a huge level of control with alcohol. Doesn't mean they don't have other vices like sadism but they show a lot of control in regards to anything that breaks their victim approach.

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By "Huge level of control with alcohol," do you mean their tolerance is extraordinarily high and they can and do carefully control their use? If so, these are classic alcoholic traits. And they can be sadists, but fortunately that and the commission of murder and dismantling parts of animals are rare. However, if there is a sadist, a murder, or an animal abuser, there is nearly always an alcohol/other-psychoactive drug addict.

If and when I begin writing my Substack, no doubt there will be plenty of pieces on alcoholism. Because alcoholics, and the journalists and historians who write about them, lie and tell half-truths as a matter of their own survival.

My work, in case you wish to delve further: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Doug-Thorburn/author/B001K8XEPO?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

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Translation: You are over the target and the globalists are scared.

Kudos, Dr Nass!

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Think about it, Melissa. ChatGPT can already do what you do: pose as a journalist. Your brand of fantasy isn’t going to last long—due to a unique political climate you obtained a few short years to spread your venom. Then what will you do? Chambermaid? Take stock. Develop self-respect. Get an honest job.


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Past time to rename:

- AP,

- Reuters,

- WaPo

to Pravda

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You forgot NYT

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Over the target as we have come to expect from you. Dodging the flak and fighting like Boudica. Thanks for the current bulletins!

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The AP is just an arm of Regime Media. Interchangeable with the NYT, WAPO, NBC, etc. I simply ignore it.

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i wonder how many boosters she’s had.

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Not enough.

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The AP has been ideologically captured. They are no longer a reporting organization.

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I noticed this when they called it for Clinton in 2016 before the Primary polls were closed in California…that was the final stitch to confirm it for me that the AP was all in for using the propaganda tool.

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Highwire Interview Posted - The WHO’s Proposed Amendments Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics - Dr. Meryl Nass --- Biowarfare expert, Dr. Meryl Nass Reveals the WHO's diabolical Plans - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/the-whos-proposed-amendments-will

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This is one of the worst, most ignorant propaganda messes I have ever seen. She should be sued.

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She kind of looks like a "Karen."

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ardern's bastard sister?

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Yep...minus the horse teeth.

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You can always spot them. They all have that "look." Could their world view be genetic? Maybe they can't help it. 🤣

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I can spot them a mile away.

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Emaciated. If not a Biafra situation, only a defective mentality (with or without pharmaceuticals) can overcome the bodies natural desire to eat when hungry.

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She probably only eats organic.

Type that goes to Starbucks and drives the barista crazy with "soy decaf latte hold the foam."

No doubt fully jabbed and boosted.

Soon to be on the "died suddenly" list.

The End.

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, forgot about coffee, the legal narcotic.

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I think we have stumbled upon the answer I have been for ages searching. I think we are on the wrong track with coffee. She does not have the wired look. She has that space cadet look and not the pot smoking kind and I have wondered for ages what it is, that can keep that kind there - And I believe it is complete ego control because she believes she is so holy so caring so intelligent, that she can just live in that fantasy land of her goddess condensation to the unwashed, which is why she never checks any facts, those are disruptive

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Meryl, you are the warrior of all warriors, and you have an army of them at your back. Myself included. Brava, strong one. 💪🏽✊🏽🩵

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Her LinkedIn says she is a story teller and has passion for the truth. The evil ones leave their plans in plain sight. So either she is blind or willing to sell us all out. And the dumbest thing is she is selling herself out in the process.

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Storyteller turned journalist? No thank you. I do like good storytelling but prefer lawyer turned journalist, journalist turned storyteller, storyteller always storyteller, playwrights, scriptwriters. all who know things and that much can be told as “fiction.” On that note, it is interesting that old black and white clips of Twilight Zone are popping up in Facebook.

Yes, kudos to Dr Nass telling truth and not storytelling!

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A "passion for the truth" must be a "death wish" 😎

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All doctors who speak the truth against covid/mRNA lies and gaslighting propaganda are vilified, falsely discredited and threatened with loss of livelihood or actually lose their livelihood.

I commend you and all doctors like you who have the courage and integrity to continue speaking out in the face of extreme censorship and attacks.

Your communications work, they produce good results. More and more people see the truth thanks to you.

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Dear Dr. Nash, You are a hero to - I dont know. Hundreds of thousands? Millions? - This hit piece is blatant, shallow name calling. They evidently have their marching orders: "Take down this individual. We're not after facts here, understand? People don't like to be fed facts. What gets readership is broad, bold statements made in an authoritative tone, discrediting someone. Finger-pointing's the thing. Someone to jeer at. Makes 'em feel part of the club. OK? Right; off you go!"

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