The big pharma money whores at the Communist Death Center will be in lockstep with Gates' puppet at the W. H. O. There's money to be made and people to kill. From an immunologist point of view, I still say this is more likely to be reactivated shingles or autoimmune blistering from the negative efficacy jab in an already immune suppressed gay population than a pox that strangely only shows spread in jabbed places but zero zip nada in Africa. Pox makes for a convenient cover story.

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do we know anything about the vaxx status of the monkeypox patients? Were they all vaxxed?

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No. Isn't that interesting? I would wager most were.

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I would do the same. Still, it would be good to confirm that.

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Thank you for your courageous work in continuing to expose the malfeasance at the highest levels. It’s beyond criminal. And because of collusion amongst mainstream media, big tech & the government entities, people will not wake up until the deaths/injuries get too huge to ignore. It’s painful to watch 😞

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Thank You, Sister Meryl.

You have done fine work catching lies and deceptions again.

I hope you are healing well. I know it must have slowed you down in the hallways.

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My apologies to double post but an edit, wiped out the full version of my post.

"Professor Nass, are you aware of the traditional and proven cure for all known Poxes? It's Sarracenia Purpura (N.American Native Pitcher Plants). The CDC is aware of this but you wont hear a peep from them on such. If exposed, this could prevent the pending disaster of Vaccina outbreaks, which will occur from the Smallpox Jabs, if given to immune compromised covid jabbed patients with V-AIDS.

See here for examples:

CDC Adverse Reactions: https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/clinicians/vaccine-adverse-reaction-images.html

CDC ADVERSE REATIONS 2: https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/clinicians/vaccine-adverse-events5.html

CDC KNOWN CONTRAINDICATIONS: https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/clinicians/vaccination-contraindications1.html

So many contraindications it is basically not recommended for anybody, let alone immune-compromised.

Please see the following regarding Sarracenia Purpura for Poxes:

1. https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/rediscovered-native-american-remedy-kills-poxvirus/3003420.article

2. In Vitro Characterization of a Nineteenth-Century Therapy for Smallpox

William Arndt,Chandra Mitnik,Karen L. Denzler,Stacy White,Robert Waters,Bertram L. Jacobs,Yvan Rochon,Victoria A. Olson,Inger K. Damon,Jeffrey O. Langland

Published: March 9, 2012

https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0032610 LINK HERE : https://archive.ph/rMe9H

3. It is also has uses for Diabetes and much more and these are NIH published studies, so they are well aware of this plants properties.

"Characterizing the cytoprotective activity of Sarracenia purpurea L., a medicinal plant that inhibits glucotoxicity in PC12 cells

Cory S Harris 1, Muhammad Asim, Ammar Saleem, Pierre S Haddad, John T Arnason, Steffany A L Bennett

Affiliations expand

PMID: 23216659 PMCID: PMC3556504 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-12-245"


By making this well known POX CURE known widely to the masses, we can challenge the authorisation of the Smallpox jabs and other medications you have listed. We can prevent the triggering of another mass pandemic of adverse reactions to the smallpox jabs that will occur and be blamed as another issue, to then hock further shots in vicious cycle.

All credit goes to Canadian researcher "Amazing Polly" for her discovery of this plant based Pox cure.

Bitchute channel and video on this topic here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2x0G0hZfjDZc/

I hope you will find this interesting and useful Professor Nass.

Kind Regards


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I am not a professor, just an internal medicine MD with a suspended license, awaiting a hearing, being punished for writing and treating COVID early. Sarracenia purpura sounds interesting.

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My apologies to mis title you Doctor Nass, you are however not JUST an MD, even with a suspension I am sorry to hear your are having to fight for your bravery. YOU are MERYL NASS (well actually not in (capitus diminuitia maxima) reality, as YOU are YOU, and you are legend in the covid war! Anyway, thank you for your time taken in personal reply and may you fight your fight further and I do hope that Amazing Pollys info and that of CDC maybe of use to combat what they have planned. I gather USA just bought 2.5 million doses of POX jabs and that will be a disaster, even if a small % of USA population. The covid jabbed will take those first and it will unleash an new wave of adverse reactions they can recycle as a new viral myth. Sorry to say it but despite 30 years in the medical world and many more growing up within its spells, it is increasingly all falling apart and looking more and more like a load of old Mon(k)ey Pox!!

( Mad Micks Mix, in the UK, perhaps sums this up best but please Meryl, be aware LISTENER DISCRECTION ADVISED, as "VERY EXPLICIT LYRICS", as sometimes, you just have to call it, as it is! https://youtu.be/DKEakFk1rYc

Namaste & In'lakesh

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You are a gallant lady dear dr Nass and we are in your debt for this coverage and chance at expert analysis. You are in the shadow of the Most High.

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Appreciate your insights / analysis so much Dr Nass. Thank you for doing the Monkeypox farce meeting and for giving us the skinny in this post.

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Lié lie lie the government can’t stop lying.

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yes, it's beyond hilarious at this point. Well except for the fact that their lies have killed millions globally. The real tragedy is that so many people continue to believe the lies, like well okay they lied about WMD's in Iraq, lied about Syrian gas attacks, lied about ISIS, lied for four years about Russiagate, lied about covid--everything they told us about covid was a lie--lied about Ukraine, but THIS TIME they're telling the truth! Tell me, if you knew a person who had lied to you over and over as many times as the government has lied just in the past 20 years, would you trust this person? So why do millions still believe the media and the government?

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In my opinion, it will probably take an immaculate intervention to stop humans from wiping us all out. Our government is addicted to drug discovery driven by big pharma hedonists.

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That was some great work on your part. Thank you for what you do.

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Thanks again Dr Nass for your tenacity!

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Dear Dr Nass, please try to take some burden off your workload. Instead of trying to catch pathological liars lying, try to capture the rare instances when they are truthful. If you can't, that's because these beings are beyond rehabilitation. Only divine intervention would turn them into semi-decent humans.

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When they tell the truth, they omit the context, so I am not sure I could do this. I don't try to catch liars, it is just that I hear lies when I listen to these federal meetings.

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The federal agencies having failed in their mission to assure the safety of drugs and vaccines, then "Just say no" is the only remedy that remains to us. Otherwise, proceed at your peril.

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So, what’s the homeopathic treatment for moneypox?

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Sarracenia Purpura (Pitcher Plants), please see my long post above, with various studies links and video on the topic :)

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Jun 24, 2022Edited
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Hi Whisk, I can't get a direct link to whatever article you are referring to on that substack, regarding vax reaction. Any chance you can re-link it, or point to which article you are referring to please?

Many thanks


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Jun 24, 2022Edited
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Thanks for explaining Whisk :) I'd agree that the so called pox is really AIBS or Shingles style reactions, which were also occurring via Spike Shedding to the unjabbed. It's all a well planned scam, along with the HIV PCR now spiking hits on jabbed people, whilst the VAIDS is very real, as is the massive raise in all cause mortality rates and fertility issues.

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