I am with you. I have seen too many commercial ads promoting some product with pretty pictures and no useful data that turns out to be a lemon. The WHO is just like that. Vague promises that don't say what we will get for our $3.5 trillion. Only a fool would pay money for something from an organization with a terrible track record like the WHO.

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We sure pay a lot to have our name on some list. Woopee!

You are absolutely right: the WHO cannot deliver global health. It can only consume global wealth.

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The second largest backer is bill gates from hell.

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Overchewed tasteless verbal chewing gum. Needs spitting out very far, maybe at the targets of the makers of said gum as they stand in the public stocks for all to deride.

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How come none of you sees this? What is WRONG WITH YOU?!?!

In New Mexico for example (one of 6 states), 2% of a county signing a petition would REQUIRE a grand jury to be called!

For a CRIMINAL indictment, not some civil suit with monetary damages they would only laugh at.

Six U.S. States have laws allowing Citizen Grand Juries to be formed by groups of citizens: Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

No doubt there are many Frankenshot victims in those states. Murder charges should be brought by Citizen Grand Juries in those states. Even if the ultimate verdict is innocent, the discovery process will uncover essential truth. Also many such cases should be brought, one for each murder. The only way to stop the tyranny is to start at the local level. The Federal government is hopelessly or nearly hopelessly corrupt.


In New Mexico,

"A grand jury ... shall be ordered to convene ... upon the filing of a petition therefore signed by not less than the greater of two hundred registered voters or two percent of the registered voters of the county"

-from Article 2, Section 14, New Mexico Constitution


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Check this out from CHD yesterday

NCI (National Citizens Inquiry in Canada) Commissioner's Report Unveils 'Unprecedented' Harm From Canada's COVID-19 Response


A fabulous talk with links to more info in what Canadian Citizens have done.

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the truckers strike was a beacon to the world

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It's so frustrating that here in the States we have tools not available in Canada such as Citizen Grand Juries and the 10th Amendment reserving powers not enumerated in the constitution for the states and the people, but we're not using these tools even in this literally existential crisis.

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There must be things the people can do to stop the insanity!

I find it almost impossible to believe that so many ppl have been helping this ‘corporation’ for money or power. We are starting to see useful idiots being shoved under the bus now! Good..but see how many involved in pushing the jab agenda the most..have resigned with their payout hoping to escape judgement maybe.

What good is it for a ‘man’ to gain the whole world but lose his soul?

How do these ppl sleep at night?


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Whenever humans think they are smarter than Nature, and try to outsmart Nature, they screw up everything, BIG TIME! This is a diabolical power grab with the goal, OBVIOUSLY, of totalitarian control. WHEN has Communist-style Central Planning EVER WORKED OUT???!!! Well, from all attempts through history, we know the answer: NEVER! Greedy, power-hungry, ignorant, and spiritually-deficient people on control-trips consistently rise within such systems to create absolute disasters for humanity!!!!!

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Yes..and didn’t the ‘elite’ bankers create China CCP? I have read that several places. It’s the model they wanted for whole world. All the labs set up there..industry..businesses..total control of ppl. The bankers backed Mao’s cultural war that is taking place in west now..🙏🏽

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It's just as well that we, the people of the World, terminated the existence of the World Health Organisation in November 2023, before the CORRUPT ORGANISATION could do any more harm and try to take away, by 'TREATY' the Sovereignty of every Nation!

The WHO no longer exists as an entity to influence health policies on human health activities. We, the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Unfortunately not

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Keep up the great job you're doing Meryl! Just a notion that could catch on and perhaps cause some frenzy amongst those that mean us no good. So I'll still keep repeating the idea to see if I can ruffle some feathers. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!"

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Do you think that when humanity reaches a critical mass of knowledge of the ‘real agenda 2030’ they will finally rebel and say No?

Maybe that is happening and it’s why the ‘gang’ is pushing so fast & hard to implement control! Pray 🙏🏽

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We can wish

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Have you noticed?

We see a lot of planning guidelines, reports, visions set on paper, predictions and programs. A lot of writing about how things could/would/should like. Who does this stuff? You need hundreds of ours to compose text and graphics alone, what about the conceptualization stage? You don’t just sit at a keyboard and blast a 200-p report before your dinner.

The authors must be people who do not have any real job. Unemployable, in the meaning of the old normal. Their only job is to get up and produce some fiction how to control others and make their life more unbearable than today. These authors do not work. Most probably, they have never worked and have no idea what honest work means. Sorry, typing a “vision” of a better economy (or anything else) is not “work”.

The question is, why would people who do not work decide about the shape of the world?

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Probably got AI to write it for free

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Talk to an experienced construction worker. Pretty plans don't always work out when you go to build something. The who is showing all kinds of pretty pictures of life under their thumb but as Meryl points out, reality is something different and not rosy at all.

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They all work for the WHO (or UN).

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Your articles are terrific and highly informative.

My head swims over the complexity of globalist agendas. For example, I'm having difficulty differentiating between Agenda 2030, and One Health as you describe it here. It appears these two operations are essentially the same. Am I wrong?

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Ven diagram--they considerably overlap but are being sold differently

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Good idea, I'll do that.

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Just look at the track record of Tedros the head of the W.H.O. He did not seem to care too much about health in India. Care more for cover ups...... so I guess he is a good fit for what the W.H.O. wish to do....LIE.

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too big to fail or so big that its doomed to fail? let's hope its the latter.

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If assessed by their track record, they’d be dead in their own toxic objectives.

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we can only hope

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Thank you. This may be of interest: This video dissects behavioral strategies used by government to nudge. Applied Behavioral Scientist | Patrick Fagan


stay free and question everything

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These folks are inebriated with the exuberance of their own verbosity. Welcome to the new world order. Man's kingdom's are but dust in the wind. "And His Kingdom will have no end." https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+1&version=ESV

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Amen..‘for we deal not with flesh and blood but principalities and powers of the prince of the air’!

According to GGS’s..(Georgia Guidestones) they want only 500 million ppl on earth..so all the useful idiots will be kicked off the elite ark when they have served purpose..they heads are full of dollars signs and lies and conceit..they fail to see history..compares will be thrown out when their sell by date has come!

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Ironically or not, the One Health Joint Plan of Action sure looks like what got us here in the first place. It’s taken us years to understand how we were “had”. I for one do not want a repeat. The Plan is all about authority and control.

The last thing I want to see on any plan is “gender equity” which surely does not refer to the balance between men and women - real men and real women. Let’s not have any of that “trans” shit so prevalent today.

America many years ago established agencies to ensure our air, water, and environment were safe and healthy for all users. Those agencies have been corrupted. Is One Health offering to take over those responsibilities? How will they be funded? Is One Health going to tax American citizens? There goes sovereignty.

I am particularly put off by claims regarding human health systems. This sounds like a one-size-fits-all scheme. I am not in favor.

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Perfect Examples

Of People

Slipping On The Slope.


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Like a Powerpoint presentation by Adolph Eichmann. They are so simultaneously stupid and arrogant. For a long time after Francis and Crick discovered DNA, it was thought that most of DNA was "junk." How freaking inflated and ignorant can someone be simultaneously? #We are not freaking livestock. And who knows what is undiscovered yet in human beings that they can't even imagine as they are too busy preening and congratulating themselves to notice. They are addicts to control, desperate to fill the black holes inside themselves with our suffering and regimentation. They can bite me.

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Yes..do you remember the gnome/1000 project?? Scientists around world so excited the read whole genome? Why? Then the so popular ancestry.com & 23 and me sites? Ppl sent away their DNA to places they knew nothing about?(China?) they have DNA of the western nations citizens. Why? It was a craze for ppl to see where they came from. It was false also.

All those labs in China were able to produce viruses for specific ppl? Funded by MIC? Or tax payers money..People do not have knowledge of how diabolical it all is. 🙏🏽

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[United Religions Initiative]

Group was consummated when originators signed on at the Stanford University campus summit 1997, as the venue fully formed by 2000.

Person of interest:

Jorge Bergoglio a participant.

The Citidal is Captured

........End Note:

One World Government

One World Religion

Old and New Testament Prophesy.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano new proclamation states Bergoglio to be False Prophet and Apostate.





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Amen..this has been all foretold in the Bible..the Beast and the false prophet..most churches(Christian) have been captured and brought back into fold of mother (false) church..🙏🏽 We must use discernment in all things..the world is under the sway of the Evil one..

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