Find 'em and cuff 'em. The rot in academia is simply astonishing. I currently advise everyone of that age to forgo a lifetime of debt-slavery, which seems to the primary purpose these days of a university education, indoctrination being a side benefit.

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Thomas Sowell noted, "in any great disaster...there's a Harvard Man in the middle of it." I guess this needs to be updated to include Stanford. It is interesting how Stanford hosts the Hoover Institute which promulgates the search for true wisdom and the rest of Stanford seems to be in a dystopian universe. Let us not forget, as the media conveniently has, that Sam Bankman-Fried's parents were professors at Stanford Law School. That didn't work with their son seems as believable as Hunter Biden didn't work with his dad. https://www.businessinsider.com/sbf-parents-house-on-leased-land-stanford-secure-bail-report-2023-1?op=1. Can you imagine using a leased house to post bail for a relative?

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Apparently it was foolish to not realize how many totalitarians and tyrants there were walking among us, and it was not the ones -- necessarily -- that you would have expected.

I think that 9-11 profoundly destabilized the minds of many of our fellow citizens, although the trauma-based mind control operation was long in effect. I am utterly overwhelmed that these events do not increase people's resolve, but no, they simply shrink, become passive, fearful, malignantly compliant, snitching, paranoid, suspicious of people that they should trust and welcoming of those who mean them harm, apathetic, lacking curiosity, defeatist and lacking in will to live and thrive spiritually and personally, as well as to flourish economically and socially.

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"Council on Foreign Relations" member says it all.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

It seems to me that these folks, and the Stanford bunch are a representative sample of a widespread descent into stupidity by our ruling class, are unmoored from the deep cultural, spiritual, and intellectual roots which the rest of us live by, which define what it means to be human, to be joyous, social beings. It’s weird, because everybody I know is moored to something we all share. Call it the Golden Rule, the Covenant in Exodus, or just plain good home training, we all share similar values, but not academia, and not the ruling class. They don’t seem to have any values, other than greed, narcissism, and the desire for power, position, command, and control. Like Dubya, they are entirely un-self-reflective and incurious.

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the clowns who think they are superior to us all. i love how she co-founded a "parent advocacy organization Vaccinate California." as if parents in CA who want to vaccinate their children need an advocate!

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It can't be repeated enough : Do Not Comply! 👊

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That’s just wonderful what great news to hear. You got to give it to the Nazis they try hard while they snarl and take great pleasure at harming the average Joe. There’s a special resting place for them in hell or when hell breaks loose. These creeps will be strung up first.

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Thanks for this article. Even before I'd learned about this Stanford organization and their "Virality Project," I quickly concluded that preventing true information that debunks false narratives from "going viral' had to be THE key to the Censorship Industrial Complex.

It worked. I'm sure most of Meryl's readers have also read Racket News excellent journalism that identifies the 50 key organizations that make up the "Censorship Industrial Complex." These Stanford Institutes are of course mentioned prominently. It's stunning how massive and coordinated this project is.

Then again, this HAD to happen to achieve their goals.


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"Center for Humane Technology"?

for depopulation?

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It Would Be Easier

To Teach A Dog Algebra

Than It Is To Teach

The Heavily Vaccinated

To Heel.

They've Been Domesticated

To Death.

Leave Them "Lying" Where They Are.


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No matter how many letters after their names it can mean nothing but arrogance and taking over with the biggest evil power

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It is so shameful and terrifying that this comes again too the Human history. I always wonder how it can be that people become like that and sell other people are betrayed or even willing to kill. I come from East Berlin and have followed all the events with suspicion and stomach ache. So the worst of all worlds is now created. Whenever some people are able to be more valuable and gain an unfair advantage over the rest, then the secret services and underground organizations shoot out of the ground like mushrooms and poison the climate of the country and people. Nothing learned! But what do you expect even if excess, megalomania and inbreeding dominate the world.

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I’m really beginning to think these old Tartarian buildings are the strongholds for the totalitarian consciousness. Same with the government buildings. I hate to think of destruction of such beautiful buildings but if they are destroying minds they really are not very aesthetic. I do think they have to go.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

The knowledge of how information spreads online is vital to all who seek to influence others - including on our side. The problem lies in the use to which it is put. Behind that choice is the ideology of the influencer - and the issue of who controls whom. There need to be legal guarantees of a free and fair market in the publishing/information arena. Nobody seems to be working on this vital requirement. But effective legislation is essential. You cannot just rely on others having benign motives any more, even if they are highly educated from Harvard or Stanford. Often the more highly educated they are, the more they are deluded and susceptible to the influence of big money.

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Thank you, I love to read these exposes coming out on all these corrupt players. I don’t know they can live with themselves.

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