Here’s what seems to be unfolding to me. There’s this game going on; maybe you see it as a battle or even a struggle. But there are two opposing forces that are at war:

In one corner is team humanity - people like you and me from every walk of life and every imaginable place. We care about our children and their children and we want to see prosperity for ourselves and all who are open to attaining it. We love our home planet just like we love our local community. And most of all we love freedom and truth, gifts we recognize coming from the force of creation that is behind it all starting with our very own breath.

And in the other corner we find team psychopath. It’s a relatively small bunch of creepy greedy people who lack any degree of empathy respect or integrity. All they have going for them is their trickery and their ability to rig the entire system in their favor. But as Dr Nass has stated, they are falling down mainly because they can no longer keep their agenda of domination a secret. Every day more and more of us are seeing them for what they are - the lowest form of human being who should never again be trusted or followed.

So how can we win? As far as I can see the best thing we can do is explore what we have and are both individually and as a team. And the more we manifest that divine spark that pushes us forward the more attractive we become to all the simple and oftentimes lost souls who are looking for hope and guidance. Is it going to be easy? Who knows but we really have no choice if we don’t want the bizarre and demented world our failed rulers have their sights set upon. I’ll see you on the battlefield and salute you for your courage. 🎆

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EXCELLENT comment, Jeff!

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Yes. When WE move from sending mixed-messages into a more pure sure position WE will become what WE are waiting for, ... when WE build IT, They will come like a flood ;-)

When the hypocrisy stops

pretending to be righteous, and then we all start

to instead decide to be conscious enough to focus

to unite to do what's right, ... when we decide to

actually begin to embrace the Accountability we

supposedly seek, our focused unity regarding what

we otherwise preach, will require no violence, not

even marches in the street; ... when we simply

decide to embrace the Accountability we supposedly

seek so to unite in support of that

Accountability ... the Justice will come,

starting with the top criminals first, it will be

little more than days of shock & awe

Justice/Accountability singing deeply like a

righteous gospel proclaiming that American DNA

Accountability is back on track again, ... then

you just watch the criminal's trash mouth support

teams recede as the Top criminals are being

processed on tv. ;)

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911 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience


Donald Jeffries - Round And Round...Down And Down

@ 15:28 America 2.0 9/11 'Patriot Act' etc -

Idiocracy bought the Govt. propaganda-programming - can it get a refund?



@ 59:00 Confidence in govt has plumetted due to Covid debacle awareness?


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Astounding Parallels: 9/11 & Covid - Video Presentation


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Never give up. Fight until you're blue in the face ....... then get up and fight some more!!

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I and my husband will help spreading the word, Dear Meryl.

My work is collecting, growing and distilling autoctoneous medicinal herbal plants for many years in Portugal. And demonstrating and teaching this activity. And now about the WHO, how I suddenly learned about their real face: At least 12 years ago I was invited for dinner and sitting near a female doctor. She was interested in my work. I told her I got an invitation for consultancy in an international european project concerning the valorisation and promotion of the use of regional natural resources, which should last for 3 years. Then she warned me: she as a doctor, was co-responsable for a pilot-project in an African country, where malaria was a big health problem (so sorry I don't remember which one!) of growing Artemisia annua in the countryside in combination with a small well-equiped laboratory to transform the plantmaterial in medicines for malaria. This activity should make the treatment cheaper and the access to the medicines much easier. What happened to the very successful pilot-project in a final state was the following: On a certain morning when the people, who were working on the arrived the access to the field was blocked and gardening police warned that they were forbidden to enter. Wondering on whose orders this happened they said: the mayor. Asking there the order should come from the government. Finally it came out that the government got the order right from the WHO! The whole project was cancelled to prevent that countries can grow and process natural medicinal herbs, even under very safe and cientifically controlled conditions to have autonomy regarding medicines. If useful I will still try to figer out the name of the female doctor and which was the African country, where this project took place. During the many years I am working in this sector I see how the Pharmaceutical industry is trying to get control over the natural herb-sector. They try to forbid growing natural medicinal herbs or to get the monopoly over the whole sector, trying to perverse the natural origin of the plants. One extra information: My grandfather was the first doctorated pharmacist in the Netherlands: his doctors testemony wears the signatures of 3 Nobel price winning scientists. He was specialized in Artemisia annua medicaments! My brother is a biochemist and licensed pharmacist: he sold his pharmacy in the eighties of the former age while he didn't want to be the servant of the pharmaceutical industry, whose products he didn't trust at all any more! Dear Meryl and all helpers, we wish you (and hopefully ourselves in Europe too) A jUST AND FAIR VICTORY! With love, Willemijn en Harry (twins, born during the bigest battle in Holland in Worldwar II, so almost 80 years old!)

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Thanks for your encouraging and informative post !!👍👍👍

Wish you both were forty years young, but age is just a number ...🤣😉

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I have been sending out your communications to as wide an audience as I can.

I just listened to Sasha Latypova enumerate many laws put on the books in the US in stealth mode that make us vulnerable to another mass murder event.

We need to make a list of them and get our county commissioners to call meetings to begin the work of getting the laws off the books.

We need to add this because they already have us where they want us.

We have no time to waste. Sasha said she would come to any meeting we can get called.

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Shockingly France passed a law making it illegal to criticize any EUA product. Fine up to 45,000 euros.

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Jeff stated: ...in the other corner we find team psychopath. It’s a relatively small bunch of creepy greedy people who lack any degree of empathy respect or integrity...

All of this is true. But incomplete. This small bunch of creepy people are insanely rich. Evil and rich. What a combination. They can buy almost anyone. And they did. Media, politicians, regulators such as 3 letter agencies, universities... a parade of incompetent and morally bankrupt personae... calling the shoots. Issuing edicts all paid for. Handsomely. Corruption everywhere, lost morals.

It will be an uneven fight, but we will prevail.

Thank you Meryl for all what you are doing. And smiling in the process.

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We can defund the insanely rich by making some choices. Take your money out of the big banks, resist using Amazon, support local farmers and ranchers rather than big Ag, learn plant medicine rather than supporting Pharma, grow your own food, homeschool your children….

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A call to action, a take notice of the WHO monstrous projects will not do, we must fight them back even it’s a forever war, I’m ready to sacrifice my body, life, family, everything I ever cared for and lived for

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Can-Do statements are important!

Thank You!

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The entire world must wake up!!! Tyranical Dictators in the WORLD un-HEALTH ORGANIZATION have set themselves up to take over. They are not versed in the word health in any way..They are better known for their depopulation activities with their disease producing labs worldwide.

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Only God can make a tree. We are that Tree. Bless Meryl Nass. Being and loving is Free. As Trees of God there is Hope in Loving other Trees!

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule.

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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We need to give it our all. No second chances. This is seriously getting down to the wire! So many already into this fight so we need to keep it up! We can't let these evil elites win! There are alot on our side already. (God is on our side.) WEF meeting online it is evident the the cabal is outside of their set timeline with so many resisting. We just got to be strong and keep it up!

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I'll put this in the COVID+ section of today's blog post, along with that WHO snake cartoon.


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Dr. Nass, can you tell me what you found wrong with Dr. Joe Lee's research?

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How the global managerial gambit ensures no one ever has to take accountability for their policies

on the WHO from Dystopian Down Under


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