Unfortunately funders only invest in tyranny - and not in peace.
War pays - depop, land grabs, resources like oil, sales of weapons to other countries, etc.
We have a problem in this country with weapons manufacturers and our generals who go work for these companies and our collective is used to FUND this sick mess all over the world - and then peace is not something they want…
If only we could DIVERT that money to REBUILDING OUR OWN COUNTRIES bridges and infrastructure and manufacturing instead of outsourcing EVERYTHING.
I remember that back when I was growing up, red was the color of communism. In typical Orwellian double speak, the so called blue states which are definitely not represented here seem to be the ones that are willing to tolerate this totalitarian communist bullshit. And somehow they want us to believe that they are the guardians of democracy! As George Carlin used to say, the “Club” that wishes to rule our lives wants us to be misinformed, compliant and scared. I still don’t understand how the geographic location can be so effective in producing this. Maybe it’s something in the water 💦
Not everyone in blue states is asleep. I’ve written to my representatives and senator many times urging them to not sign the IHRs, exit the WHO and ban the covid jabs. California here.
I understand being in New Jersey not far from NYC. Despite having a governor and a lot of politicians clearly feeding from the deep pockets of Big Pharma, there is a lot of energy from the grassroots freedom movement that in 2020 came together right before the madness began to stop a bill that would end exemptions from vaccination of school kids. When the lockdowns, masks and jabs were being pushed we were ready to take them on.
True, Areugnat, not all of us in blue states are asleep - because we’re not blue. But we’re still captured citizens of those states. The “governor” in New Mexico is a hard left loon who swans around with the WEF set, signed the state on for abortion up to birth & had her wedding ceremony performed by Kneepads Harris. Gruesome Newsom must be same. They will be happy to follow WHO mandates.
Hi Donna, Dan Fornier, a fantastic independant journalist wrote about negotiations with the WHO and Health Canada on his Substack. At the end of his article he has a link for Canadians to send their opinion of the WHO treaty and IHR amendments. Here's the link https://fournier.substack.com/p/updates-about-the-pandemic-treaty. His investigative, well-written articles are worth subscribing to especially for Canadians. Please share this article with other Canadians. This link is another way to speak up.
Have you see CanadaExitWHO.org? They have a wheelbarrow mail campaign to send weekly letters to our MPs and various ministers and shadow ministers. Wish we had pushback from the provinces though!
I am a realist and Canuckistan is currently under the control of the ample assed pie faced fool who is the biggest enemy of all that is good ever in the history of all slime ministers who ever were elected by fools. His sidekick "singh a song " is onside with the trudope in attempts to yield our sovereignity to the UN crazy NWO nutbars. Note that the powers that be defending the UN are located in Kweebec, the sewer of "Canuckistan" rife with the enemies of Freedom and Justice. Most slime ministers came from kweebec including the francophony trudope who is an outright criminal and DICKtator. Nothing good will happen to Canuckistan until this moron is dumped. There is nothing wrong about opposing and fighting for sure but understand the cards are already marked against any attempts at defending Freedom. The whole nation is corrupt and all entities including much of law enforcement and the "injustice" CYSTem over run by leftist loon lackies.
Keep it personal. Would THEY like THEIR CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN to be totally DICTATED to by an UNELECTED Non American on not being ALLOWED to leave their home and not being ALLOWED to say ” no” , to what poison gets INJECTED into their bodies. Ask them to IMAGINE that.
It’s easy when they are thinking it’s YOU that will be affected - but as soon as you make it personal - they will rethink the severity of the serious loss of DIGNITY and Human rights.
I just called US Rep. Mark Pocan and told his staffer that we must pass the House bill to stop the WHOs undemocratic over-reach into our medical affairs and choices and more, particularly as many of these over-reaches of power and authority came from WHO's assertions that these rules were approved earlier, but there was no vote to approve them. We cannot have WHO over-reaching its power by violating its own rules that its members voted when they did not vote and no evidence exists to prove such a vote ever occurred. This is anti-democratic and extremely unethical conduct.
I don't see my communist state's AG on the list. Does this mean I will need to guard my fortress with a gun(s) lest WHO comes after me for not getting a gazillion mRNA injections during the next fake pandemic and world wide lockdowns?
Great work Meryl. I was really at the point where I thought nothing short of physical resistance was of any use. You have proven that focused persistent pressure still can work.
Hooray!! Nice work Meryl and everyone who has hounded their reps and senators. Let’s not stop now!!!
FANTASTIC NEWS! God bless you Meryl for your tireless effort to stop this MONSTROSITY!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
We must maintain the gain and go for the goal. The WHO and their friends will never give up easily.
I'm in heaven thinking about one win. Let's stop federal digital id’s, digital dollar, and the vaccine data bank.
Unfortunately funders only invest in tyranny - and not in peace.
War pays - depop, land grabs, resources like oil, sales of weapons to other countries, etc.
We have a problem in this country with weapons manufacturers and our generals who go work for these companies and our collective is used to FUND this sick mess all over the world - and then peace is not something they want…
If only we could DIVERT that money to REBUILDING OUR OWN COUNTRIES bridges and infrastructure and manufacturing instead of outsourcing EVERYTHING.
Oh what a dream to use OUR MONEY for OUR COUNTRY.
I remember that back when I was growing up, red was the color of communism. In typical Orwellian double speak, the so called blue states which are definitely not represented here seem to be the ones that are willing to tolerate this totalitarian communist bullshit. And somehow they want us to believe that they are the guardians of democracy! As George Carlin used to say, the “Club” that wishes to rule our lives wants us to be misinformed, compliant and scared. I still don’t understand how the geographic location can be so effective in producing this. Maybe it’s something in the water 💦
Not everyone in blue states is asleep. I’ve written to my representatives and senator many times urging them to not sign the IHRs, exit the WHO and ban the covid jabs. California here.
I understand being in New Jersey not far from NYC. Despite having a governor and a lot of politicians clearly feeding from the deep pockets of Big Pharma, there is a lot of energy from the grassroots freedom movement that in 2020 came together right before the madness began to stop a bill that would end exemptions from vaccination of school kids. When the lockdowns, masks and jabs were being pushed we were ready to take them on.
All mamdates need to end in CA. Stop the forced poisoning of school children!
True, Areugnat, not all of us in blue states are asleep - because we’re not blue. But we’re still captured citizens of those states. The “governor” in New Mexico is a hard left loon who swans around with the WEF set, signed the state on for abortion up to birth & had her wedding ceremony performed by Kneepads Harris. Gruesome Newsom must be same. They will be happy to follow WHO mandates.
Excellent! Thank you.
Glad my state said “NO!” Go Ken Paxton!! (TX)
Yea. But I want something to happen in Canada. 😞 Please God.
Hi Donna, Dan Fornier, a fantastic independant journalist wrote about negotiations with the WHO and Health Canada on his Substack. At the end of his article he has a link for Canadians to send their opinion of the WHO treaty and IHR amendments. Here's the link https://fournier.substack.com/p/updates-about-the-pandemic-treaty. His investigative, well-written articles are worth subscribing to especially for Canadians. Please share this article with other Canadians. This link is another way to speak up.
Have you see CanadaExitWHO.org? They have a wheelbarrow mail campaign to send weekly letters to our MPs and various ministers and shadow ministers. Wish we had pushback from the provinces though!
Every little bit .
I am a realist and Canuckistan is currently under the control of the ample assed pie faced fool who is the biggest enemy of all that is good ever in the history of all slime ministers who ever were elected by fools. His sidekick "singh a song " is onside with the trudope in attempts to yield our sovereignity to the UN crazy NWO nutbars. Note that the powers that be defending the UN are located in Kweebec, the sewer of "Canuckistan" rife with the enemies of Freedom and Justice. Most slime ministers came from kweebec including the francophony trudope who is an outright criminal and DICKtator. Nothing good will happen to Canuckistan until this moron is dumped. There is nothing wrong about opposing and fighting for sure but understand the cards are already marked against any attempts at defending Freedom. The whole nation is corrupt and all entities including much of law enforcement and the "injustice" CYSTem over run by leftist loon lackies.
YAYAYAYAYAY!! All thanks to you! You're the best!!
We're going to see our Utah AG on the 20th and we'll bring this with!
BUT, we have to be on the defensive with our State Health Departments because they get money from the FEDS.
Keep it personal. Would THEY like THEIR CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN to be totally DICTATED to by an UNELECTED Non American on not being ALLOWED to leave their home and not being ALLOWED to say ” no” , to what poison gets INJECTED into their bodies. Ask them to IMAGINE that.
It’s easy when they are thinking it’s YOU that will be affected - but as soon as you make it personal - they will rethink the severity of the serious loss of DIGNITY and Human rights.
Well said.
The inner circles will be exempt - but with tyrants, the inner circle never knows when they’ll be purged & find themselves out in the cold....
Yes absolutely ,
like many tyrants of old slaughtered their own out of fear of being removed eventually -
because there’s no honor among thieves.
Yes and the they will be held PERSONALLY responsible when things go wrong.
I just called US Rep. Mark Pocan and told his staffer that we must pass the House bill to stop the WHOs undemocratic over-reach into our medical affairs and choices and more, particularly as many of these over-reaches of power and authority came from WHO's assertions that these rules were approved earlier, but there was no vote to approve them. We cannot have WHO over-reaching its power by violating its own rules that its members voted when they did not vote and no evidence exists to prove such a vote ever occurred. This is anti-democratic and extremely unethical conduct.
I don't see my communist state's AG on the list. Does this mean I will need to guard my fortress with a gun(s) lest WHO comes after me for not getting a gazillion mRNA injections during the next fake pandemic and world wide lockdowns?
It was not and will not be the WHO….it will be your own government and institutions just like it was during the COVID pandemic.
Yep. That’s the work around. “Private” businesses can demand compliance. Local governments and school boards become tyrannical.
Excellent point Laura...
WHO has as little credibility as the UN, IEA, or WEF.
Yes, but cowardly, narcissistic globalists are using them as proxies to do THEIR will over the Peoples.
YES. This is a very important point. They are all a part of the 'plan'
Great work Meryl. I was really at the point where I thought nothing short of physical resistance was of any use. You have proven that focused persistent pressure still can work.
In any contest now is the time for us to double down. They have much invested and will not back down. Otherwise Yahoo!
FLUSH THE W.H.O………….. great news
You and your team are AWESOME
Good! But keep going, everyone!
The unelected unaccountable WHO have NO RIGHT to dictate ANYTHING to the people of any state, region, country, city, town or village. NO RIGHT AT ALL.
That's huge, thank you for the update and for all your efforts.
NH needs to be on that list.
Time for me to do some research.