Everyone! Go read this link, by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, speaking to the German Parliament:


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I watched this the other day. It was a great speech & presentation. Thanks for providing the link for others to watch. It is very worthwhile.

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Thank You. Please spread it around..People need to see it! God Bless

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Dr. Bhakdi is such an honorable & decent man. I have been following him for the last 4-years. In fact, his was the first of many books I have read about covid. He co-authored it with his wife. Dr. Bhakdi exudes kindness & wisdom. He has been the much-needed light that we have all needed in these dark times. I will continue to let others know about this speech & presentation. Thank-you again for sharing a link for it. God Bless you too.

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I wish someone could figure out how to hack Broadway signs like in the movies and broadcast this in English!

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"The Pandemic Accord would be a reward for failure."

That seems the central theme of all this craziness. We reward mediocracy and punish excellence. We micromanage the self starters and give free reign to idiots.

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The problem is they did not fail. My belief is no organization or person can be that incompetent. We have prominent well educated people and they did worse than a 5yr old would have done if you have that 5yr old the power to stop the pandemic. You have to be wanting to kill as many people and scare as many people into taking the Fake modRNA fake vaccine which in reality is what will destroy your health and kill you.

They are getting rewarded for exactly what they intended to do. The "accord" is a license for a free for all of GOF. Than the best human killing virus will be used to reduce the population as and when they feel their are too many people.

Mark my words if this treaty is pushed through we will see an explosion is leaked virus that kill humans.

The name of the game is to make as much money as they can as they depopulate the earth of humans. I read that they aim to have 1/5 of the current population of humans.

No place will be safe, even if you do not take the next new vaccine you might catch the bio-lab virus they release into the world.

The thing is viruses have a tendency to get weaker, that's just how they work. (weaker but more infectious).

At some point the population will wake up and we might get some leaders that will go after the elite shits that are doing all of this.

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If Covid was a test of an agency's competence and credibility, the WHO failed in epic scale. So, yes, let's give this unelected agency of incompetent and corrupt bureaucrats even more power and reward colossal failure. That seems to be our New Normal standard.

One of these days we might start rewarding the contrarians who stuck their necks out and were RIGHT. Maybe this change in evaluation techniques will happen in my lifetime.

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Bill from where I sit the only credible experts are those who have spoke out in the last 4 years, called reality for what it is and raised the alarm. Those sitting on their hands hoping to hang on to their status and goodies guaranteed untold death and destruction. They wanted to fly? They will be lucky to die peacefully intact.

The train is leaving the station, my favorite experts were always the ones who can admit they were wrong, apologizes and make recompense. At a certain point their double down history will be enough for a finding of guilt. Example? Raising the cycle threshold for the hesitant and lowering it for the vaxxed in the PCR debacle. Lest we forget. That was WHO wasn't it?

The events in Gaza are eating away my forgiveness. Pray for sanity.

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Keep in mind too, that Tredros mismanaged & lied about multiple cholera outbreaks while still in Ethiopia.

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Which is exactly the sort of thing that endeared him to the PTB!

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Those who go against the Constitution should be classified as traitors. Congress takes an oath to defend the Constitution. It states in the Constitution that taxpayer money is to be used fro 3 purposes...Domestic Concerns...Infrastructure...and Military to protect Americans. We should not contribute money to the UN or any foreign organization per the Constitution. It's not Constitutional ... and we should not even be facing this situation with the WHO. Any who go along with the WHO should be treated as traitors...and pay the penalty!!!

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No treaty/accord/agreement can abrogate the provisions of the Constitution. Those in government that propose any such abrogation do so by committing treason. Obedience to the Constitution is mandatory.

Do you want to see REAL change in the behavior of our servants?

We the People must change the law to provide for EXTREME accountability as punishment for


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"in future pandemics" - there was no COVID pandemic, it was plandemic based on implementation of vaccines program; we need to secure people's mental resistance and not to be fooled by demon creatures that feed of death and a profit for desert.

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Exactly, and more important, the WHO will again declare a non existing pandemic and for their interests and so not ours. They will kill millions again with their 'health protocols' in hospitals and care institutes, to 'proove' the pandemic exist. And the develop a cure which makes us ill and weak if we are 'lucky' to survive

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" makes us ill [...]" - not us! But our duty is to warn the others about this deadly scam, inform them that it is simple to survive all the atrocities: NO vaccinations, organic food and clean water.

I don't yet how to handle their spraying from airplanes... but we need to protest VERY LOUDLY, at least...

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What also could have been mentioned is the role (as investor, gaming on maximum ROI) of Bill Gates. He made much of his wealth by selling upgrades for Microsoft products while the final corrected version was waiting for shipment after the last upgrade had been sold to the unsuspecting users. One of my German colleagues on a visit to Microsoft accidentally discovered that. Such a business practice shocked him for life. From what's known about covid and the vile reactions against anyone suggesting / using antivirals or spraying diluted H2O2 or ClO2 in closed spaces it's the same policy. And Gates is the major WHO "contributor" according to


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it's been said a million times, but the general populace still doesn't get it...

the "vaccine" was not brought in for the "pandemic" - the "pandemic" was brought in for the "vaccine"

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— Matthew 17:7 🙏

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Too much finger pointing by Ridley. The WHO is just as much in thrall to Bill Gates and the WEF. The Great Reset started off as a collaborative exercise of the CCP and the WEF, and then the WEF cabal decided to screw China over to maintain global dominance. IMHO.

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Since when do dumbocraps like accountability? I've never known them to be all for that, unless they're holding someone else accountable. (Not of their own party.)

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All one has to do is examine the WHO's pattern (e.g. logo) to understand where their allegiance is (e.g. snakes and dragon based logos are the fallen one). If you examine the pattern (e.g. logo) of Naturopathic Doctors NDs do not have snakes on their Caduceus coils (yes, that is what is indicated in the AMA logs and the WHO (worse than AMA cause snake tongue out and about). Once one understands how to identify less good works on earth, it is simple to highlight it to others so their sense can be trained to identify it and flag it.

The secret behind the Caduceus coil on a rod, is that it can charge and transmit energy to heal or hurt, depending upon the source of that energy, e.g. dual use technology. If you power a caduceus coil with a near field transmitter then it becomes a healing tool if the proper pattern is utilized. Few in this world understand this knowledge. The use of snakes is symbolic on many levels, the use of vines by the NDs pattern highlights the good use of the technology to not deceive.

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Future pandemics. Thats a laugh riot. And not even funny at the same time.

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I read so many posts about the WHO, and recognize the evil they represent. I sign petitions, speak to people about it when out and about. I have written my Congresspersons. Im in NYC so that should explain the pro Dem attitude. I was a Democrat for years, but left that party 2 yrs ago. My question is - Who exactly are those that are to vote on the WHO agenda? If it is our Congress, do we know how the representatives are leaning? Are the Dems 100% for it? What about the Republicans ? What about people like Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorf as respected scientists that can speak intelligently to the masses. Is it censorship that is stopping progress from stopping the WHO? So how do we break the main stream media that has frozen and broken our freedoms and rights? I don't need convincing of the fact that the WHO's intentions are not noble. The WHO's behavior only shows just how long and in depth the plans have been for the Covid debacle and now the cherry on the top - "ruling the health" of the earth. "Ruining" would be a better word. It is really hard to believe the deep evil that is ever present can go deeper & deeper than it already is.

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It's not just China. President Biden appointed Fauci (chief of the illegal US Bioweapons program) to the WHO executive committee writing the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments. So the US and China and Big Pharma (Bill Gates) are working together on this. Why is the US working with China on a treaty that would eliminate fundamental human rights like informed consent and body sovereignty of US citizens? Well, the Bidens took huge bribes from China, and everyone else involved is corrupt too.

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