Lots of good needy organizations out there, and I'm sure yours will be at the top of the list. When you decide how to handle the housekeeping I'm in for a donation.
“Promote the fair, equitable and timely sharing of benefits arising from the use of pathogens...”
Am I the only one who reads the meaning in this? The use of pathogens. These freaks no longer feel the need to hide the fact they are disbursing pathogens.
Why bother? The jab is the pathogen! Skip the middle step - the release of pathogens requiring jabs. Just demand the jab be taken. Your compliance in your elimination is ‘for the greater good of humanity.’
Such events should be timed for the best time for world wide participation, not just one region. This is not such a time. A time that is more suited world wide would be 1400 UTC. Those in California are waking up those in New Zealand can hang on a little longer before sleep.
GOD bless you Dr. Nass for being a courageous medical TRUTH Warrior. You have most dedinitely earned your beautiful wings this lifetime.
They sold us out.
Lots of good needy organizations out there, and I'm sure yours will be at the top of the list. When you decide how to handle the housekeeping I'm in for a donation.
“Promote the fair, equitable and timely sharing of benefits arising from the use of pathogens...”
Am I the only one who reads the meaning in this? The use of pathogens. These freaks no longer feel the need to hide the fact they are disbursing pathogens.
Why bother? The jab is the pathogen! Skip the middle step - the release of pathogens requiring jabs. Just demand the jab be taken. Your compliance in your elimination is ‘for the greater good of humanity.’
Such events should be timed for the best time for world wide participation, not just one region. This is not such a time. A time that is more suited world wide would be 1400 UTC. Those in California are waking up those in New Zealand can hang on a little longer before sleep.
He helped to start it since WWII at 10 years of age and is helping to keep it going.
He needs to be outwitted.
Yes. So do his other friends in high places!