81.2% of all 947 people who have died of Covid19 in Western Australia have been jabbed.

That state is the only one that publishes weekly reports including jab status of the Dead, which can be downloaded here:


The spread of the disease in Western Australia was deliberate, acting on commissioned advice that stated the jabs were clearly not working.


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Even those numbers don't reflect the reality. ''Covid'' deaths are a scam....most of the folks die from co-morbitities, the treatment protocols, and/or directly/indirectly from the jab. Not from ''covid.''

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Bastards killing people. I bet the people who knew they were purposely used as test subjects would be rather upset. But you will never see this in Communist Australia.

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More like Fascist Australia

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Potato, potaato- fascists patterned themselves on socialists the product of the Soviet Union and NAZIs the same. China and North Korea and today’s Russia are all the same. Dictators to the death. What difference really? Semantics.

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Totalitarian evil, whichever way we look at it.

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Exactly, so many wound up tight about what to call them. EVIL is the word and that also encompasses Joe Biden and every democrat, and government employee in the USA, Australia, Germany, Italy, China, Canada and more that were deeply involved in killing people for whatever reason.

They have no reason and if the world as we know it, was to stop right now they would all face their EVIL in the face. (As I skirt around what should be done to them all, yet did not say it due to totalitarian systems punishments)

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What would a non brainwashed person expect from the 5 Billion in fruad fines, Big Pharma cartel? Honesty? Duh, I don't think so!

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Great point. I ran into a my neighbors yesterday. Really nice couple, senior retired citizens, health issues, jabbed. I just started throwing one fact after another, anecdotes, and other things I've learned (especially in the last 3 years.) They listened quietly for perhaps 15-20 minutes as I hammered the jabs and medical/pharma/media/political/industrial complex, and begged them not to take any more injections ( I made it clear that they were not traditional vaccines.) It seemed like they were interested in what I was saying, but obviously skeptical. I talked about the Pharma money in TV. Then, I ended my dissertation with exactly what you indicated above. Asking, '' How much do you think Pfizer has paid out in fines for medical malfeasance, fraudulent clinical trials, bribery, etc. etc?'' Of course, they hadn't the slightest idea, but they guessed in the thousands, lol. I then told them it was in the 4 billion range, and both their jaws dropped. ''And yet, people believe that with the ''vaccines'' somehow Pfizer is being honest??'' That seemed to really, really hit home. I then implored them, one more time, to not take anymore jabs, gave them big hugs, and said good day.

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Thanks for the WA surveillance data link. Good article on border openings as well. Cheers.

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details batch code info for all countries (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System-VAERS ) Data showing roughly 80% of jab injuries + death from 20% batch lots. Estimate of non reporting 40:1.

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I truly believe that most of the so called vaccines are worse than the affliction they are using them for. I can see a vaccine using a dead virus giving the immune system something it can recognize and going after the live virus when it encounters it but the flu shot is another matter, it's my understanding they have never been able to produce a safe product. Just because they get the immune system to produce antibodies by putting something in the body it does not mean those antibodies will give the immune system a recognizable target. It seems to me the antibodies produced by the substance would only recognize that substance not new viruses etcetera. This makes no sense to me that the immune system would work that way. A virus itself will cause the immune system to produce antibodies and be able to recognize that virus next time. I know for a fact the flu shot is not safe as I after a flu shot two years in a row left me with MS and a weakened left side all with being tiered because of getting too hot or just running out of energy when trying to work or when it did it's thing. I discovered Canada has the highest MS rate in the world and I see why. MS in the past was a mostly young persons affliction until they started pushing it hard to the rest of the population. I am 64 years old and at the time around 49 or so. There are many immoral people in the medical system pushing the flu shot every year in fact there are signs in parking lots like Super Store and others telling people get your flu shot that stay there all the time. We all can see after this depopulation plan the truth of the evil in our institutions form government to the food industry. It's way past time to flush the evil uncaring murderers from all institutions to stop the harm for profit they all love. The insanity must be stopped.

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And the Flu shot itself shouldn’t be used either

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My wife and talked about that as well. Because of the depopulation agenda we think they would use the covid jab as the flu shot because of their plan. All the brain washed would not know the difference. I think they are that evil.

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They are all that EVIL.

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The exponential rise in kids vaxx's, corresponds with the exponential rise in childhood disorders! My grandson was near death for a about 8 days & got permanent Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) from forced MMR snake oil!

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According to Dr Steele and others, a flu jab in the arm does not prevent respiratory illness.

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A search of the Johns Hopkins U. [low-ball] Iatrogenic study tells our beloved big pharma's "medicine" kills only 250,000 annually, claiming third place in Cause of Death in the USA! The well document book, Death by Medicine has it at 800,000 deaths making "Medicine" the leading cause of death! Not counting their 60 million infanticides! One well documented study claimed, evil pharma stopping HCQ & Ivermectin it cost 70,000 lives! All in order to prompt their fake m-RNA myocardites clot shots!

Then Google; (Big pharma’s big fines) informing us of the 5 Billion in Fraud Fines [frauds that cost many lives & much harm] the Big corrupt Pharma has shelled out [a drop in the bucket for them] i.e. Death & harm for us suckers! i.e. Not a good place for medical advice!!!

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Don't forget Remdesivir! That jump started the killing fields, along with the vents. And probably 5G

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First thing we need to do is get rid of our party politics ,get people who are honest, want change, can make good decisions and they all vote independently no party lines ,robust discussion ,not kids squabbling in the playground .

The prawns that have pushed this rubbish through need to be tried for treason to our country Our one country Australia and dealt with accordingly .Our judges and legal system need's a clean out to ,not all are guilty but a lot are

Our one country Australia

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Thank you for the mention, very pleased to be getting international attention on this. It's so significant to the global experiment.

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So sorry to hear that another innocent child has been harmed. My heart goes out to you and your grandchild. May those responsible get what they all truly deserve. This murderous insanity must be stopped. To harm children of all the insane criminal acts that is by far the top of the list.

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Hope you’re feeling better soon George. A much needed rest no doubt. 🤗

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Shouldn't injuries or deaths directly caused by shedding on the unvaccinated be reported to the VAERS database?

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So pleased to know of this rrelease and also that Rebekah Barnett is pleased to know of the international spreading of this news.

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