Lemme guess... These tropical diseases are on the rise due to 'climate change'. I can already see the, "Here's why" and "Here's how" headlines now.

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It's a denge shame we gotta keep dealing with these sickos runnin the world; WHO do they think they are?

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love it!

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MD so what is an MD?

Beside the lab coat, and they're frequently found in Barbados, or Hawaii on big-pharma junkets

They're sodomites who kill for a living, and write prescriptions for people to die;

Note hardly any country on earth requires prescriptions, I would say 90% of the earth the pharmacist is a qualified doctor to tell you what you need, and pills are always $1 a bag, as all is made in India for pennys

Only in USA do you have this psychopath system a MONOPOLY of big-pharma/big-oil in collusion with MD's aka AMA, APA, ADA, and a host of parasites that make people sick;

So what do MD's do? THey're sodomites that spend most of their time fornicating on junkets PAID by BIG-PHARMA, when they're not globe-trotting they're prescribing stuff that kills their patient, because medi-care only pays out big near death;

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Dengue is cured with anti-malarials, there are 25,000 known plants in the wild that are anti-malarials

Forever people in country’s with dengue consumed hydroxy-chlorine(HCQ), so important that soda water contains it so that british elite wouldn't get malaria in singapore, aka gin & tonic

Of course today we have IVERmectin for dengue;

So BIG-PHARMA says HCQ, & IVER bad, but expensive ZOG shit big-pharma poison good

FUCK ALL of them, BIG-PHARMA is a scam, ran by satanic assholes

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I might add that long before the UK british assholes arrived in Singapore to make singa-pore-slings, to cure malaria&dengue, with quinine laced soda-water, and prevent it in the first place.

That the native witch doctors ( medicine men ) had been using the 25,000 anti-malarials for +2,000 years on the Malay peninsula, and all over South-Asia

IMHO the ancient medicine men knew 10000x more about healing than todays sodomites in white lab coats called MD's., all practice required +20 years of field collecting and apprenticeship;

When Modern med was created by Rockefeller in 1920's USA first thing they did is KILL NATURAL healthcare, something Americans had been doing +200 years, picked it up from the INJUNS who had been doing it in america's for 10's of 1,000's of years, use what you got;

But rockefeller OIL-BASED med made natural 'homeopathy' illegal by buy whore congress, and the rest is history, long ago EVERY granny in USA grew pot&poppys and marijuana&opium ( both alkoloids like anti-malarials ) cured about everything that you can imagine;

Nobody needed oil-based medicine then & now, only the fucking assholes

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Nobody needed oil-based medicine then & now, only the fucking asshole MD's & big-oil/big-pharma contract killers and eugenic assholes who wanted healing to become killing. Let's remember here that rockefeller, Gates, Bush, and all the 1920's criminals who BROUGHT HITLER to power, were also obsessed with EUGENICS and killing all the lower-class people on earth and having a utopian society of elite ( who was going to do their shit-work? Just keep lots of attractive child slaves alive; Then & now the Bush/Gates family hasn't changed one iota )

SO HOW did the BIG-OIL assholes kill natural USA med and create Modern MEDICAL killing???


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Thank you. VERY well explained

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A lot of it is from the banning of effective pesticides. When I moved to where I now live 25 years ago you would have to look long and hard to find a tick of any species. Being an agricultural area DDT had been used extensively up until it was banned. One of the positive effects of its use was the virtual extirpation of ticks from the local area. It took a long while but the ticks have made a comeback now and are thick once again.

Now, I am not saying we need to go back to using DDT in an unregulated fashion again because there are a whole lot of negative effects with it, but it sure would be nice to find a replacement that killed ticks wholesale but was harmless to bees and butterflies. While we are at it we can work on something that kills poison ivy and leaves all the other plants alone.

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Deer ticks carrying Lyme was a government project that has run amok. I bet DDT wouldn’t kill deer ticks. The biggest factor with increased tick populations is the loss of ground nesting birds that eat ticks. And we can’t forget about opossums, they also eat ticks. It is far better to use nature than kill everything with chemicals.

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I deal with poison ivy plant by putting on rubber gloves and yanking them out by the roots. Then before taking off the gloves, I wash hands with soap and water thoroughly. No herbicides needed.

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Herbicides and pesticides will eventually run off with rainfall into the wells and rivers, so I do not like their use. Our water countrywide is so polluted as it is.

I like the idea of using wildlife to maintain balance (bird reintroduction is a good start).

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Follow up with road salt, vinegar and a bit of Dawn dish soap - it works well on weeds in place. I agree ripping the poison ivy out by the roots is best.

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I want this!! Yes! No ticks and no more itchy rashes! I have poison Ivy on my chin and arms right now -And that’s after using gloves and washing with tecnu!! It grows nonstop in my yard.

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Awe maan! I am so sorry! I have gotten nailed; I have empathy!

Decades ago, when I worked as a forest tech in western OR there were tons of poison ivy, etc. in the clearcuts we surveyed. They gave us big tubes of a protective preventive cream that worked well in reducing the poison ivy exposure. I never did get a case that summer. I wore googles to keep myself from accidently rubbing my eyes.

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DDT poisoning has the same symptoms as Polio.

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Dear God, everything the past 3 years to present has been “coincidence”. Faux-Xi in 2017 predicting Trump would face a “pandemic” during his term, Gates’ 2019 “pandemic” prep in fall 2019, monkey pox “prediction” after C-19 ran its course & now “climate change” as the cause of all of the jab damage & death. It would be hilarious if anyone was being held to acct for these “predictions” but they’re not & so it’s frightening

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Oh, you mean you didn't know? They can all predict the future because they went to Psychic Cleo University.

Also, Soros said DEFINITIVELY, in a secret meeting at Davos, "Clearly I consider The Trump Administration a danger to the world, but I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that would disappear in 2020 or even sooner." He must have attended Psychic Cleo University as well.

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The darned problem with Dengue is that it gets worse each time you catch it, so the first Dengue infection really only kills you if you are a kid who got a Dengue vaccine, which is like having had Dengue once.

This ADE (antibody dependent enhancement of viral pathogenicity) is what Dengue is famous for, all by itself, without any help, so we need vaccines to help Dengue be worse and kill more people than it otherwise would.

"The purpose of a thing is what it does."

(If I really wanted to spread Dengue in the US I would shut down the electric grid so there would be no AC for a few summer months, after getting an area salted with cases and mosquitoes somehow.)

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And now malaria cases surface in TX and FL.

Yes, very curious timing in Gates release zones, as Dr. Nass muses.

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There are malaria cases all over the country every year. They know that perfectly well but lied and played freakout claiming that it had been 20 or more years. I'm in ID and they happen here, too.

I saw Dr. McCullough pointed it out in his substack that malaria cases have always been in the U.S.

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That makes reasonable sense.

Not a big believer in coincidence, however, it seems equally plausible to me that Gates's eco-fiddling is occurring in many more undeclared regions around the world, just as new, non-native, disease-spreading mosquito species are "found", and disease cases publicized, auspiciously timed to custom-crafted vaccine availability.

Probably just my conspiracy-theory gene flaring up...

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Mlaria is confusing forr doctors in the US. They just don't consider it, and few labs are really competent to do the microscopic evaluation of blood smears, though they are better if specifically alerted that malaria is being considered. They do LIKE to find it and probably brag at lunchtime.

Malaria is still treatable. If you treat it after the first fever breaks, and it is sensitive to the medicine, you are golden. Resistance to antibiotics is a problem.

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Inactivation of dengue virus by methylene blue/narrow bandwidth light system

J Photochem Photobiol B. 2004 Dec 2; 77(1): 39–43. Published online 2004 Oct 7. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2004.08.005

PMCID: PMC7129913PMID: 15542360

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Now don’t give them any ideas🙈

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‼️ That’s a valid concern.

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"They" are somewhat predictable if you see their intentions and keep an eye out for their methods. They want to eliminate a lot of people without disturbing their economic system and ownership-rights.

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We must be the flies in their ointment.

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hum. And Ivermectin does it work against Dengue?

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I don't know of any effective treatment for Dengue.

That's why I was so relieved to have malaria.

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The coastal areas a couple hundred miles in, even in some northern areas, have mosquitos.

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It's hard to load mosquitoes with Dengue. They need sick humans to feast on out in the open. Some mosquitoes carry it better than others, but I'd have to look that up.

To spread a lot of Dengue, a lot of people have to have it and be out with the mosquitoes.

So you need a lot of sick people to get a lot of sick people.

Maybe people sick with Dengue could be imported.

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Purpose to reduce the third worlds population and fertility?

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RFK Jr. penned a wonderful blog page several years back, comprehensively chronicling Bill Gates's international vaccine assault upon humanity, but the page has vanished in the past year. It was an invaluable link on the Gates forays and failures abroad. (His Wolbachia bacteria mosquitoes certainly bear closer scrutiny than they're receiving!)

Strictly anecdotally as a NYS escapee, and Florida resident of several years, something is definitely up with Florida's freak mosquitoes! (Who signed off on these poisonous gmo mosquito releases in states where atypical mosquito-borne illness is, curiously, now topical?!)

These bites are welt/bruise-producing, burn like the dickens, are then tender to the touch, remain crazy itchy/inflamed for weeks, and leave purplish scars for YEARS!

An avid outdoorswoman, I'm no stranger to insect bites, and am not alone in these unusual observations.

Don't underestimate Gates malice, as confining itself to third world populations. Think global equity...equal opportunity affliction!

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I live in Florida, and have also noticed very strange mosquito bites with the same symptoms you mentioned. I am cursing Bill Gates and his GMO mosquitoes.

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One of my sisters living in California was complaining about tiny mosquitoes that are bothering everyone in the Los Angeles area this year. They are new and biting savagely. I said Bill Gates is releasing GMO mosquitoes and her reply was “good if they get rid of the pesky ones”. My sister has a high IQ, but is buying into all the fear mongering hype. It is mind boggling to me that she can’t read and comprehend the information I have been sending her. I am just a tinfoil hat crackpot.

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Hi IQ means nothing these days.

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In many instances, sense and IQ are inversely correlated, lol.

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California has these same small mosquitoes? 🤯 These FL suckers descend like a cloud, then accompany me inside in/on clothing, despite vigilant efforts! They are NOT regular mosquitoes, in size, habit, or bites.

Anyone else?

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This pest control company's is the closest description I found, actually calling them tiny.



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Gates must have sold his soul.

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I don't think he had one to begin with.

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How on earth could you possibly say such awful things about that sweet, caring, avowed de-populationist, who is so delusional that he thinks he's God and who believes he has the right to wipe out those pesky "useless eaters"?

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I am sorry.....wasn't thinking clearly /s.

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I'll try to forgive you. He he he. :)

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2 Peter 2:2-3:

2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.


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I would not be surprised if these little buggers were vaccinators of some type and their bites (injections) produced anaphalactic type shock.

Also was it not the yes- fake-ZIKA virus they were supposed to prevent?

Were they not supposed to mate with the "BAD" natural mosquitoes and render them genetically incapable of reproducing.?

This is what I recall (fuzzy on details) and also that it did not go as planned thanks to you know who? Bill the spastic tapeworm

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I DO know his mastery of Science--like his pathogen-proboscis mosquito--sucks. (He doesn't appear to know or care even which species of mosquito are indigenous to various target areas, and provides for no functional inquiry, surveillance, nor reporting interface within them. So say concerned citizens in Monroe County, Florida.)

The Wolbachia bacterium(in his mass-produced insects) plays a symbiotic role in parasitic disease process. So how much harm is the trade-off in his gmo Wolbachia mosquito modification(which he claims "prevents" his bred mosquitoes from transmitting select viruses), while those very mosquitoes are aiding and abetting Onchocerca Volvulus filariae? And what else isn't being made public?




🦟Wherever he goes, disease and 💰uncannily follow.

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Wow Cheeps. Thanks for these links and observations. They are excellent and far scarier than I could have imagined. He is, undoubtedly, massive funding of massive armies of PhDs, "scientific" technicians and lab rats in order to advance (i.e. execute) his death agenda.

Also my understanding was that the ostensbible target of Zika virus -- especially in the US-- was a neglible nothing-burger -- or rather, nothing more than his usual scare mongering.

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I'm no scientist, but searchable data suggest something troubling is afoot, on a large scale.

You're welcome for those few, minor links, which only scratch the surface of studies implicating Gates in "malinformation" and worse practices. Terror is the means and ends of terrorists.

These devils are fully invested in the details...most often those they conceal!

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If you still have a link to that wonderful blog page by RFK jr. you can probably find it again using the way back machine.

There is a lot more to the GMO misquote story. I''m asking Meryl to look into it. I'll post a comment above.

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The way back machine and I have a love-hate relationship. I never seem to have what it asks for. 🤨

I wish I still had a link to that page, but do not. It was loaded with damning Gates data!

I referenced the link on a regular basis, doubtless contributing to the consternation behind its purge.

I think I took several screen-shots of text, but sadly can't remember anything other than that it was hosted on a strangely named site.

(Mine is the touch of extinction: I no sooner save a page/post/article, than >💭< into oblivion!)

"GMO misquote"? What am I missing?

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From what I understand, both Gov. DeSantis and Gov. Abbott of Texas both signed off on releasing the GMO mosquitoes.

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😩 🤦🏻‍♀️ Who could possibly believe there was any rational reason for doing so? Speechless…

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So let me understand. If they haven’t had dengue before, get the shot and “contract dengue” it would be dangerous. Another shot that doesn’t stop you from catching it. So what is it for exactly?

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I wrote something about this earlier this evening and I can't find my post right now - but - I think it is being introduced to kill children. I am certain that based on what happens in the Philipines, it is well known that your first exposure to the dengue virus is not so bad, but you are likely to die the 2nd time you are exposed to it, because once you have antibodies, the antibodies do not help YOU, the antibodies help the virus to be more successful. Antibody dependent enhancement. ADE. A scientist who worked on the dengue vaccine gave an interview on this, and basically, if the shot is your first exposure, and then you actually do get dengue later, then you are more likely to get the more severe form of dengue when you have that second exposure through an insect bite. Even before vaccines, it has been known that if you get dengue twice, the 2nd time is more likely to be the hemorrhagic form, and you are more likely to die. So now, our FDA is saying, give the vaccine only to children who have already had dengue once - so that when the children get the shot the 2nd time, that is the 2nd exposure to the antigen, I think they are likely to die from the vaccine. In the Philipines, I understood they gave the vax to kids who had never before been infected, but then when they got natural infection anyway, it was the severe form, and there were deaths of children. Many deaths, I had read. So what our FDA is doing is the reverse, kids have natural infection first and then the vax 2nd - the vax being their 2nd exposure, I would expect there will be deaths after the shot but perhaps they will be able to blame the deaths on Covid if there is also Covid going around at same time or something like that... The scientists who had worked on the vaccine that went to the Philipines said he did not believe that a safe and effective vax for dengue could be made, and also said there were "signals" that the Covid shot would have similar ADE.

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This is insanity. Every time I hear a commercial about the RSV vaccine recommendation for people over 65, I literally laugh out loud. Total lunacy.

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They still want to kill the older folks.

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…and everyone else.

Just sayin’.

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Yep. We should get some thoughts from our helpful doctors as to what therapeutics we can take for Dengue, just in case.

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Get your vitamin D level up. Mercola says if you live outside of the tropics, you probably need to supplement. I take 10,000 iu per day, year around.

Also, nebulized food grade H2O2 works on all viruses, especially respiratory viruses. AMD says that besides killing pathogens on contact in your lungs, it also improves your zeta potential.

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Best recommendation I may ever have stumbled upon!

Excellent results.

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Same here. I've personally seen it work very quickly on some very sick people. I have several quarts in the refrigerator, where it should stay good for years. In a pinch, I would use the brown bottle stuff, but I much prefer the food grade.

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I can't say enough about it!

It's essential equipment now.

Every household could benefit.

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Imagine if the world knew that you can cure a viral infection with about ten cents worth of H2O2. Assuming your immune system isn't totally compromised of course.

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Basic remedies coupled with networking might have saved many lives, still will.

It's time to circle back to an era of Pfizer-less fundamentals, and a Periodic Table we need no permissions to use for our healing.

"Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned." ~ Mark Twain

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Is Dengue a virus?

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Yes, carried by mosquitoes.

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Mosquito repellant and mosquito nets for sleeping to prevent it.

There is no effective antiviral treatment for Dengue that I know of. When I came down with Malaria in Laos, and my fever broke after 7 hours, I was so glad to know I had Malaria. I took my medicine and got better.

With Dengue, the fever, "bonebreak-fever" just goes on and on. Worse cases can cause widespread bleeding.

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Why do people claim to be MD's on substack, but so far away from the truth? Is this why most people don't trust their doctor? Is it because MD's are paid by big-pharma to push "X", and tell you not to use Y, or Z

150 years ago British colonists in India, and later in Malay, Singapore occupation, high malaria area's knew that regular use of 'soda-water' rich in HCQ prevented mosquito born disease;

In early 19th century India and other tropical posts of the British Empire, medicinal quinine was recommended to British officials and soldiers to prevent malaria, where it was mixed with soda and sugar to mask its bitter taste, creating tonic water

Most insects don't like bitter substances, just like repellent, the bitterness keeps the bugs away, and the alkalines prevent infection,

Yes, once you have full blown DENGUE hard to resolve, that's why you prevent it in the first place.


Chloroquine use improves dengue-related symptoms

National Institutes of Health (.gov)

by MC Borges · 2013 · Cited by 99 — As chloroquine, an antimalarial agent, has shown some antiviral effects, this study evaluated its effect in patients with dengue.

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doctoryourself.com will have some but mega dose C to bowel tolerance will be one of them and the ones that worked for C19 should also work.

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Wake up the entire vaccine industry is bogus, unnecessary harmful, and based on nonsense.

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I’m guessing it’s ALL fear porn. Meant to encourage vaccines. Kinda like c19....

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This is not an isolated one of a kind story.

Big Pharma ( is there little Pharma?) cannot extract themselves from their travelling medicine show roots. Where any concoction ( mainly alcohol) was mixed together and sold as a miracle cure.

And still using all kinds of showmanship and bells and whistles to attract attention.

But right now they have become so ridiculous and outlandish that they have become the sideshow vaudeville acts that were once their tool for attracting that attention.

It is beyond the scope of human empathy, their drive to profit at all cost.

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From https://archive.org/details/william-cooper-behold-a-pale-horse/page/n7/mode/2up

Several Top Secret recommendations were made by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. He advocated that a plague be introduced that would have same effect as the famous Black Death of history. The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the autoimmune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible. The orders were given to develop the microbe and to develop a prophylactic and a cure. The microbe would be used against the general population and would be introduced by vaccine. The prophylactic was to be used by the ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is decided that enough people have died.

The proverbial "they" are hard at work.

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I recall Dr. Thomas Levy, MD. curing a case of Dengue with something like 10 liposomal packets of vitamin C. Its published somewhere. Possibly in Orthomolecular News. That's how "difficult" Dengue fever is to defeat.

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Which is 10 grams of C -- my daily intake and a little less than my bowel tolerance. Can you spread it out or is it 10 grams all at once? Still, if you are really sick, the C works even better.

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Ghouls and body snatchers every one.

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I don’t think they can add enough new ones to make up for the loss of previously reliable customers.

Soooo many moms are waking up to the poison they’re injecting in our babies.

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I heard that if you can catch some of these crafty mosquitoes and put them under a good microscope, under their wings you can see tiny syringes with the initials B. G. printed on them.

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Do the mosquitoes have man boobs like Billy Bob Gates?

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Yes, I didn't mention it as was worried that a comment such as that might trigger someone in the gender identifying community.

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The criminal fraudsters are at it again! The public needs to learn that high-dose intravenous ascorbate (vitamin C, usually administered as Sodium Ascorbate) in the range of 50,000 to 100,000 milligrams per day will cure just about any virus. It actually takes much less than that to cure polio. Treat the seriously ill with vitamin C and be done with it!

Of course, getting the Big Pharma-controlled hospitals to actually cure people by cheap and simple means is always the most difficult part! What, no multi-billion dollar intervention involved? Gosh! We can't allow THAT!

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You would have trouble getting a bag of minerals / vitamins at any US Hospital.

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Of course. Our present medical system (especially in the hospitals!) is run by psychopaths and serial killers. Anything to support Big Pharma and its profits for its Globalist masters.

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