Dr. Kevin McCairn examined several vials with scanning electron microscope and found no graphene oxide.

A german group did as well.


Busting Graphene Myths: https://rumble.com/v1x5p5h-streaming-with-ryan-dawson-busting-graphene-myths.html

Moderna graphene oxide https://rumble.com/v12nbzd-moderna-graphine-oxide-blood-challenge.html

Testing under the microscope https://rumble.com/v11myy0-testing-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-under-the-microscope.html

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Perhaps the ones that create these ungodly clots have graphene and those that produce no serious side effects don't. Who says these vials are identical and where is the evidence for that?

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Once you realize that mRNA substances are NOT vaccines and that even the makers admit they were never tested for stopping covid or preventing transmission nor were they ever deemed safe and effective as some in the CDC have said, you can make several conclusions or near conclusions about the fake vaccines.

Like all vaccines, big pharma will never tell us what they are made of by listing all the ingredients. They all claim it is proprietary info, so that is their excuse. We will never be provided with the exact purpose of mRNA countermeasures (referenced as such by the DoD and HHS) as these potions are not vaccines by any definition. Even moderna states they are gene therapy products.

And if you have time, please make up a list of all pharmaceutical companies (established firms with actual products) that are fully truthful about their products in every way. I bet you might find a handful. So in the protection of my health and life, which big pharma has no concern about, I will assume that all of their drugs are not what they claim them to be.

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they kill as a side effect of making huge profits.... those in charge of big pharma know as well as most investors.... its pure evil

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MRNA is a TECHNOLOGY - not a vaccine. ModeRNA even defines its product as a technology in older documentation.

Question is WHY is it defined as a technology.

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With respect to "conspiracy theories" and the "official narrative" in general (whether it be Covid-19, election rigging, Ukraine or whatever) a key question is, what is a "conspiracy theory?" A "conspiracy theory" is any theory of reality, backed by any amount of factual evidence and logic, that contradicts the accepted government/corporate media "accepted narrative." Since the government and its lackey media lies about virtually everything, the probability of the "official narrative" being true approaches 0%. That means that the sum total of the probabilities of competing "conspiracy theories" being true is close to 100%.

The probability that a small cabal of billionaire wizards in the WEF, Jesuits, Skull and Bones or some other secret society controls the flow of history via a tightly controlled conspiracy unknown to others is likely small. That a small cabal consciously and intentionally influences the ideology of a "power elite" through school curricula, Ivy League teaching staff, elite-funded think tanks and corporate media has a slightly higher probability. That a large "power elite" class of society acts individually to further their own short term overlapping self-interests, and that they have the foresight to influence much of the rest of society ideologically as in the prior suggestion has a still higher probability. That such a "power elite" has the financial control to guarantee the masses "go along" to protect their own family and personal life is an observable reality and subsumes some previously mentioned "conspiracy theories." That many ordinary citizens find it more comfortable to accept the theories and ideologies of the "power elite" rather than to deal with their own hypocrisy has a near 100% probability and subsumes the probability of the other theories. That the "power elite" may not be unified and may be divided between authoritarian globalists and those who may be content with a smaller authoritarian empire controlled by America apparently has a near 100% probability that overlaps completely with other "conspiracy theories."

The existence of a "power elite," whatever the source (be it a tight, conspiring cabal or shared interest) has a virtual 100% probability, but that says nothing about the truth of the "official narrative" they espouse, which judging from their track record over the last 70 years is near 0%. So the aggregate probability that some "conspiracy theory" is true is 100% because the probability of the "official narrative" being true is 0%. The "out of power," such as Thomas Massie or Robert F Kennedy, Jr, have a view closer to the Truth than either of the "power elite" factions or the masses that have formed behind them.

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IIRC, a Midwestern Doctor is the first substack author that I subscribed to, which opened the door to substack for me. His posts are always interesting and informative.

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To become paranoid means simply that you are connecting the dots of events that are made to look unrelated but are clearly related and when they are killing people the worst needs to be assumed and should be assumed, lives are at stake. We're all processing just as he said but some of us with a lot less self doubt. Is he doing it out of fear of being wrong? We don't have time to not suggest something out of fear when it looks like it is a possibility. All options must be on the table, we are on our own and the evidence is clear harm to our health, economic destruction, impoverishment and slavery system is well on its way and deliberately .

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They used to call me PARANOID, but now they call me PROPHETIC!

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I wonder if the good doctor has seen La Quinta Columna's research. Or their graphene Telegram page? Has he read the Graphene Handbook? Does he get the weekly Graphene newsletter? Looked into the Graphene Flagship or The Brain Initiative (NIH)

Is he aware of the thousands of different graphenes, including graphene hydroxide?

As for the doctor's death that he claims to have dubunked, he's no doubt referring to Dr. Andreas Noack, world-renowned carbon scientist, who was arrested during a presentation - it's on tape - and two of his other colleagues, all exposing graphene "hydroxide" - the nano razors, that presented in the vials that were analyzed with only one of three microscopes available in the private sector (other than the military) that can image on that nano-scale level...all three, Noack and his two colleagues were "eliminated" with in a three-week period. That has been corroborated by Dr. Campra, from La Quinta Columna, who originally reached out to Noack to have him confirm their findings - and this I know because Dr. Campra is on my activist email list. Noack's pregnant fiancée - who also tells the tragic story - which is on tape also - has confirmed - and Dr Klinghardt, who was a colleague of all three, says the same.

go in here @ 5:00 (some 5G info at top)


I'd like to see the country doctor's debunking notes on Noack.

Does the CD know that nanocapsules have payloads? That they have completely contaminated the food supply and that they've been identified in the chemtrails by GeoEngineering Watch?

Does he know the connection to and interface with 5G?

He definitely does not subscribe to the Queen of Graphene's ss ...Diva Drops

Our country doctor, who maybe should have taken a few "more" months, says:

"I spent months thinking over which of the above explanations was the most probable. As time moved forward and more evidence became available, it became increasingly evident by far the most probable explanation was that there were major production issues with the vaccines. A significant portion of the data that cemented this explanation came from the work of Craig Pardekooper's team and Ryan Cole.

To elaborate:

•It is challenging to produce new pharmaceuticals, especially biological products, in large quantities, and being able to scale up production is often a multi-year process and often one of the most difficult parts of bringing a pharmaceutical to market."

How about three years...not a few months...and up close...

Here's the glaring problem for me. These are not pharmaceuticals. This is a military wetwerk, magnetic metal bio weapon - you need carbon scientists and military weapons engineers to break this horror show down. It was a total head fake to push it into the medical community cabal...it is way out of their purview. Kept us all distracted with the other hideous chimeric parasitic hydra, hydrogel crap that presented in the vials...and the doctors lined up to show their findings, to be the first (to sell their merch) but the primary nano-scale weapons, and their many venomous and hideous payloads cannot be understood nor imaged at all from a medical perspective.

And the ghoulz knew that well...

But we are all captured now...all our blood is contaminated and clotting - the head fake and their controlled op doctors that they bought and paid for to gaslight us all, it gave them time to get the bioweapons into all of us - and poison all biological life on earth. They can now declare - Pandemic over...no more vaccines needed. Until they hit us with a new frequency and declare the next outbreak.

And, it's 100% in the food supply as of 2021 and now in the chemtrails...we are primed and ready to be roasted alive and microwaved into oblivion if we get too close to coming for them...sitting in the killbox, still listening to clueless and incurious doctors who will never wrap their flacid ....stethoscopes around this.

They will never see that even Long Covid is a magnetic field poisoning. A cover...another lie. Most all outbreaks have been radiation poisoning.

And the ghoulz don't want us ALL dead - but they need to clear the decks a bit - we are their transhumanists now, their synthetic slaves - their experiment...those of us who survive. Our DNA is forever altered and who has the patent for us, this new species, homo borgienses? Who's your Daddy? Sorry to tell you, it's Bill Gates.

Some vids you might not have seen...we suspect the payloads are varied and numerous...



I'm not going to post this on his page...but maybe some of your subscribers will be interested...

as you were...

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Mass spectrometers are incapable of detecting graphene oxide. It is "not detected" not because it isn't there, but because it doesn't boil until around 3,600 degrees C and mass spectrometers only heat up to around 400 degrees C.

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I really appreciate your analysis of all these different theories. I basically agree with most of what you say, for example, the contaminants in the water as a cause. Also, I appreciate your knowledge that nanoparticle assembly is impossible--I wouldn't know that. Still, when all is said and done there is a remaining conundrum of why they did it and why don't they stop, and who are "they?" I think the "hot" lot angle is particularly worrisome since it would have required foreknowledge because the "hot lots" are consistent internationally. It was not just random carelessness. It all looks too intentional to me. So, that takes us back to some of the earlier conspiracy theories of "why" this happened and who is doing it. Also, a large segment of the population remains bamboozled and the mainstream media goes to great lengths to keep these people in the dark. That is also intentional. So it is deliberate. That is the big, and looming black pill that won't go away.

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I am 100% certain there is active malevolence - intent to harm and enslave - behind the events of the last 3 years.

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while they operate from the darkness it makes a lot of people unsure of your conclusions so it gives power to those malicious actors

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I’ve been a long time fan of his. Thank you for promoting him!

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This thoughtful article should be used as a Case Example for teaching the principles of logical thinking vs. "seat of the pants" responses...driven not just by coveting, but by a desire to maintain the accepted mindset of one's tribe. We must all be diligent in watching are own thinking and questioning, "what thoughts are limiting my impartiality? Where have I been indoctrinated?" Just having thoughts is not the same as observing one's thoughts, asking where they came from, an observing one's reactions to the opinions of others. We seem to create a simplified code for "vexed" "untaxed' "Dems" or "Republicans." Lets attempt to practice disciplined thinking using data as highlighted in this article.

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A theory not considered: They were fine with the early vaccines being deadly because the deaths could be covered up by the still lingering threat of covid. They had to slow that down however as people needed to be prepped for the real agenda of trusting the regularly planned injections to come and the approval for the children's schedule. They couldn't afford to push it too much so that all trust in pharma was at risk but they know exactly the moment to shift the agenda based on tracking the social media sites and all the other AI data they get. They know exactly when to shape shift before the public trust is lost or worse. Additionally the injection into food supply was also crucial so they needed people to trust that. As Catherine calls it the great poisoning, spraying, food, injections, the lie that Gates is blocking the sun to save the planet and all of it, their operations constantly change like in a war so the target doesn't see you. I'm guessing now that they've destroyed spring here where I am with constant cloud cover, now we'll get the drought to make growing season really hard. I'm seeing fencing going up between highways for absolutely no reason, tons of neon signs telling people constantly what to watch out for and do, more and more cameras. Just got notification from my town that the local military base will be doing higher levels of radar communications for the whole summer here on the coast, oh, and by the way, it will open up your garage doors by accident. The massive antennas and infrastructure going in in just the last couple of years is a dot we shouldn't connect? They want you completely confused and want you to not only be in severe self doubt but be paralysed in fear you could get it wrong and forever lose your reputation. They love that about people.

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Gayle, where is this happening? The fencing and radar? Scary.

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Southern Maine. The fence I just saw running from Maine to NH through Mass. What would that be for? Full control of what you get to do. Emergency vehicles have always used that to turn around. The local naval shipyard that has expanded immensely in just the last two years is where the message came from. People may not talk about it but you bet their instincts are telling them something is closing in. You'd have to be brain dead not to feel it.

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It's definitely a psyop to get us used to being controlled like the lockdowns were. It doesn't make sense... the shipyard expansion, the fences and such a large area. This is alarming as is everything else. I'm in California and No. Cal has had a big change in weather in the last two years and a lot of overcast days, plus a lot of crisscross trails in the sky. Somehow, we've got to stop all of this!

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Thanks for your reply, Gayle. I agree with you. Maybe for the FEMA camps for not complying? It's beginning to look like China. I'm going to look at satellite photos around other military bases. I've heard they've built camps but no idea where.

Be prepared and stay safe. 🙏

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Navigating information (mis, dis, partial, real, etc.), has become a real challenge. I concur with the practice of attaching probabilities to info as it becomes verified and filtered. Since i have business/finance background, one of my main filters is “Follow the Money”.

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good doc .

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the purpose of psy-war no doubt

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Yes, it's true. I recall when it happened. It seems like ages ago now. The criminal elements are far from done with their assault on humanity.

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I’m reposting my comment on Midwest Doctor’s original post on subject. *is added here.


Thanks for the link between statins and the criminal (in my view) ignorant to deliberate false blame on Cholesterol for heart related disease and deaths.


I’ve known a long time that one was more prone to die from low cholesterol than what has been falsely claimed as “high” (the latter being now claimed as most of the bell curve, i.e., normal). I’d say that most MDs who point to a patient’s “cholesterol” number don’t know what the Hell they’re talking about or they wouldn’t use that number to scare people. The consistent push to lower was and is pharma profit driven. Until your article I had not known the role of statins being discovered as having ability to lower cholesterol. My cholesterol count, life long 90 years, has been in the 240 range. * I was member of 25 year federal gov’t cholesterol study and chief scientist used to find and call me regularly, even after the 25 years, passing on their findings.

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lowering cholesterol has caused far more harm than CV19 or the vax..... big pharma has been killing massively for a longtime

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