Contact your legislators and make nullifying and rescinding the Prep Act and The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act their top priority. These two Acts are responsible for massive damage to the American people by profit-seeking industries ...and others who have no regard for American lives.

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These are very bad Acts imho but there is no movement yet to stop them

Save your powder for now and fight the WHO, get your Governors,AGs, state legislatures, Reps and Senators to say NO--because the drop dead date is last week in May.

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How can WHO's Pandemic Agreements even come up for review in the program, when the WHO did not abide by the deadline in the organization's rules?

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There are 2 documents. The IHR was supposed to be tabled 4 months in advance. But a legal argument can be made that they were tabled in late 2022, and everything since then has been negotiation, and the current status of them does not need to meet the 4 month requirement.

The Treaty is a new document and there is no 4 month rule for it--it can have a final version at the last minute, and no doubt it will.

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Another thing...our Constitution forbids taxpayer money going to foreign countries or foreign organizations...America should never been in the UN or the WHO...it would go against the Constitution; and suppoting them financially. American taxpayer money providing one third of the UN budget? ?? This is illegal. In addition, no other country or organization can over-ride our Constitution and have any juristiction over America. Our representatives were very ignorant of information in our Constitution, which negated their actions; in giving these organizations any power whatsoever over America.

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After his election in 2016, one of the initial acts of Donald Trump was to pull the U.S. out of the W.H.O.

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Poor loser Hysterical Hillary cost Americans dearly in money and wasted time...with her faux Russian Collusion nonsense. President Trump wanted to take America out of the UN and would have done so, if he had more time. Many were aware that Hillary was a Leftist, which was shown in Dinesh D'Souza's Hillary's America. Bill Clinton too. Where did Clinton go for a visit, while he attended school in England at Oxford? Moscow.

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The only answer is for people to wake the heck up and STOP taking vaccines and STOP vaccinating their children. But most people are truly brain dead and can no longer think for themselves. They are brain washed to do what they are told without question.

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Better stop using -anything- from the fine cartels until they crash.

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Only problem bring that, seemingly, most politicians are on board with this evil.

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They have had it misrepresented to them and they have no clue

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Undoubtedly so; but don't you think there is a fair share of them that'd just as soon be rid of us 'useless' eaters'. In the U.S. so much for 'by the people FOR the people'.

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JFYI - the EU had its “Roadmap to Vaccine Passports” up on its website before 2018.

It was all about tracking & controlling people, countering “vaccine hesitancy & misinformation”, working with Pharma to stockpile product, get new product approved quickly....

They changed the document’s title in late 2022, to make it more opaque - maybe because they realized the “Roadmap to Vaccine Passports” is too blatantly about control.

The title’s now a word salad about “vaccine preventable disease” - because....vaccines give them a ton of cash & an excuse to control humanity.

We’re dealing with evil, power-mad people who feel perfectly entitled to exploit, control & kill.

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I am told that the British Government are accepting the revised agreement. This is really dangerous. They probably have not read it .

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Orwell’s 1984 was such a clear warning about tyranny.

The totalitarian society he depicted was one where opposition, dissent, were simply no longer possible. The tyrants had nailed the people down so solidly that it was dangerous to even have a facial expression that could be wrongly construed. Everyone is isolated from everyone else; trust isn’t possible - your neighbor or child might betray you to the all-seeing all-powerful Party... There simply isn’t any freedom or any escape.

And this is the world the globalists want us to live in while they plunder the riches on this earth and control all of humanity.

The WHO power grab, under the guise of “pandemic governance” would force us all a LOT closer to the totalitarian nightmare - to the irreversible point where protest is made impossible.

So we’d better move heaven & earth to stop these villains because it’s getting closer to being TOO LATE.

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Spot on as can be shown by my Google Earth exercise mentioned above to see on whose property the W.H.O. is located...

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As far as the USA goes, for the past 40-60+ years, the states as well as the federal government have been slowly changing laws to ENABLE the WHO/UN to take over. Look at substacks of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova for details. We must identify the state laws that are legal but UNLAWFUL, revoke those laws, then change the wording BACK to the way it was. This must be done NOW! STAT

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Re: "The Pandemic Agreement demands that nations create a legal and administrative pathway to enable the use of unlicensed drugs and vaccines for their citizens, and further demands that any liability resulting from such poorly tested or untested products be "managed" and that liability be waived, and that a "no-fault" compensation mechanism be created...Investigating whether similar laws existing in your country..."

In Australia, in regard to informed consent and liability for medical interventions, e.g. Covid-19 vaccinations, we have confirmation that informed consent should be obtained, see:

- Letter to Emma McArthur from the Australian Government Department of Health, dated 21 December 2021, stating: "I can advise that informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://humanityattheprecipice.files.wordpress.com/2022/03/doh-reply-21-12-2021.pdf

- Letter to Elizabeth Hart from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, dated 17 November 2022, stating: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

Both these letters from the Australian Government confirm that practitioners DO NOT have specific indemnity for administering the Covid-19 vaccinations, i.e. "The Scheme does not provide an indemnity for practitioners or insurers..." (Letter to EM), and "While a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals administering the COVID-19 vaccine was not established per se, the creation of the no-fault Scheme was intended to support increased participation by health professionals in the COVID-19 Vaccination roll-out." (Letter to EH). This confirms that in July/August 2021, the then Morrison Government LIED to practitioners about them having specific medical indemnity for administering the COVID-19 vaccine products. For background see: Are health practitioners covered for indemnity insurance re the Covid jabs? https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/12/response-re_-are-health-practitioners-covered-for-indemnity-insurance-re-the-covid-jabs2.pdf

- Letter to Elizabeth Hart from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), dated 20 September 2021, stating: "Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved." https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/response-from-ahpra-re-informed-consent.pdf

So we have a situation in Australia that both the Federal Government and the regulator of practitioners, AHPRA, confirm that practitioners must obtain informed consent for vaccination...but in reality THIS WASN'T HAPPENING, as people were being misled, coerced, intimidated and even MANDATED to submit to the Covid-19 vaccine products to maintain their livelihood and participate in society.


This is the crime that has ALREADY HAPPENED, why isn't this being addressed?

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So perhaps instead of fighting to get rid of the WHO (which will never happen) perhaps we should be focusing on getting members of Congress to repeal the PREP Act and all of the other laws they created to protect big pharma including the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Safety Act that started the ball rolling. Of course this current Congress is worthless but if by some miracle we get a better Congress in 2024 (which I doubt) perhaps we could make some strides BUT at the end of the day this all stops when the PEOPLE OF THE WORLD stand up and REFUSE to take another vaccine.

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Seems like a very small group of non scientific or medically trained people want to replace what each sovereign nation presently has…a democratically elected group of people… with the express intention to mandate what you should be given .. when and how often.. without consulting those who are experts in the field of science or medicine…even if it maims and kills you or your loved ones.. they have written into the treaty that although they can make such decisions.. at any time… these decisions can never be reversed… and they can never be held accountable nor face the consequences of the damage death and devastation.. their decisions create… this is totalitarian.. and tyrannical..

Where is the option to protest.. where is the off switch to bad policy?.. this is not free choice to take or leave .. this is absolute control… and any president or elected member of the people should be on notice they face charges of treason should they usurp the power given to them by their countrymen and hand that privilege to tinpot shambolic three letter agency… this madness needs to stop.. once and for all.

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Eventually enough of have to say that even though it is"law" it aint right and we dont obey.

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Thank you Meryl for all that you do.

May I take this opportunity to point out the elephant in the room called “Jurisdiction”.

All of these Entities that you are taking about having authority and jurisdiction over mankind: have no authority and jurisdiction over mankind.

“Legislation” is for Persons/PERSONS: not for people! Not for a living man, not for a living woman. Commercial Persons/PERSONS all Privateer Vessels only. All of their Kind are operating in States of State in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea. All of their Kind were ‘Formed’ “Dead at Law”. Their “Kind” have no ‘Law’ and no lawful Jurisdiction on the Land and soil in the Realm of living men. There are living men and living women, their living children, and beyond that nothing but a bunch of pieces of paper , commercial deceit, semantic deceit, skulduggery for profit and power.

Anongst all of the fantasies ‘formed ‘for’ us in Commerce by the followers of the Great Deceiver aka The Father of All Lies whose Realm is that of the Sea where all Incorporations have their “Form” we have Commercial “Definitions”, usufruct “Definitions” for man. You have to act in the role pertaining to their definitions of you as they Kind cannot touch or harm in any way a living man, woman or child for mankind is superior in all ways to all of the State of State Privateer Vessel King and of of the “Officers”, “Masters” and “Ministers” administering all of their Vessels. So if you insist on following their Rules that are entirely for their kind and you identify as a human, a sub-human even Transhuman,, a Citizen belonging to their Kind, indeed as anything other than as a living man /living woman; you are well and truly defrauded and lost.

Seek out The Law of Kinds. Since when were you ever a possession aka a Slave belonging to Masters/Officers of and for Corporations? Who authorised their “Kind” to “Latch” their “Kind” onto our Kind “mankind’, our estates and property so that their kind will profit and our Kind will lose? Who ever authorised Corporation or any one to own man and nature under Nature’s God?

See their Kind for what they are. They are just deceptively Named/ NAMED Corporations. They are all Foreign Agents operating in States of States in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea in Admiralty that are using Commercial Colours of Law to fool you. It is forbidden to use Commercial Colours of Law against a living man/woman and it should be obvious to you why that is.

Now it is a fact that Acts of Inland Piracy, Plunder, Pillage, Crimes against mankind and War Crimes are all punishable by death by hanging.

It is a fact that all Corporations owe their Charters/ CHARTERS to the Global International Jurisdiction of the Air. It is a fact that The Pope is the actual CEO of all Corporations on The Earth

It is a fact that all Corporations and the “Officers” thereof are bound by Ecclesiastical Law, The Pope and all of His Vassals too. Under those laws if any Corporation does anyththing unlawful then that offending Corporation must be Involuntarily Liquidated, all Assets must be seized to compensate its victims and all of the Officers involved must be arrest to face trial. There is more: all “Officers” are serving in the Military. Remember all Corporations are operating In Admiralty. It follows that it is military law that all of these offending Privateer Vessel “Officers” need to fear.

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Another masterful analysis, especially for the legal teams.

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Further to my previous comments, does the 'Proposal for negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement' consider practitioners' legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent?

It seems to me the World Health Organization does not comprehend that practitioners/vaccinators administering vaccine products have an obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for these medical interventions. Vaccination cannot be mandated as - by definition - this violates voluntary informed consent.

In November 2023, I undertook a search for ‘informed consent vaccination’ on the World Health Organization website, the response to which was “No results for informed consent vaccination”.

Obtaining voluntary informed consent for medical interventions, including vaccination, is a bedrock principle of the medical profession, so it was incredible that a search on the WHO website on this topic turned up…‘no results’…

Recently I tried another search for ‘informed consent vaccination’ on the WHO website, and it seems they’ve been prompted on this matter, because now there are search results listing links to various documents.

Consider for example: 'COVID-19 and mandatory vaccination: Ethical considerations, a WHO policy brief', dated 30 May 2022: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-2019-nCoV-Policy-brief-Mandatory-vaccination-2022.1

This WHO policy brief, assembled by a multitude of ‘experts’, makes arguments justifying mandatory vaccination, ultimately concluding: "Just as it is the case for other public health policies, decisions about mandatory vaccination should be supported by the best available evidence and should be made by legitimate decision-makers in a manner that is transparent, just, fair and non-discriminatory and involves the input of affected parties."

The WHO policy brief accepts the notion of ‘mandatory vaccination’, but how can ‘mandatory vaccination’ even exist, as it violates voluntary informed consent?

See more at: How can the World Health Organization support mandatory vaccination? This violates voluntary informed consent: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/how-can-the-world-health-organization

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They have diplomatic immunity?! What the frack?! That makes me wonder just how many, many crimes they have perpetrated, including raping children, etc., that they have gotten away with!! The globalist eugenicists (genociding the entire world through the scamdemics and the "vaccines), and perverts, all need to be imprisoned post haste!! If we don't try them all, and lock them all up for many years, the entire world will be completely frakked!! We cannot continue to let them get away with it!!

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Re: "The PREP Act created a new pathway for the use of experimental products, without formal informed consent..."

How has it been confirmed that formal informed consent is not required for the use of experimental products?

For instance, practitioners - doctors, nurses, pharmacists - administering vaccinations have a legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for administering this medical intervention. How specifically are they being protected if they do not obtain formal informed consent?

Apparently in the US, a PREP Act declaration “provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:...to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures".

What constitutes willful misconduct?

Isn't it willful misconduct if a practitioner 'administers a countermeasure' to an individual who has not given authentic voluntary informed consent for the 'countermeasure' e.g. a Covid-19 vaccination?

This can occur in the case of an individual who has been mandated to have Covid-19 vaccination to maintain their livelihood and participate in society. If an individual presents before a practitioner under a mandate, i.e. under duress, shouldn’t the practitioner refuse to inject them if the individual is not voluntarily wanting the vaccination?

Isn’t it willful misconduct if a practitioner injects someone they know is under duress to submit to the vaccination?

Can we have some clarification on this matter?


Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act:


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Elizabeth, the confirmation is that no one has yet been able to breach the liability shield and get the Sec HHS to go along with a willful misconduct claim, as the law requires.

Yes we are tied up by laws that are unconstitutional but until the courts agree with us the law still strangles us, especially the vaccine-injured.

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Meryl, my argument is not about the vaccine-injured.

This is about voluntary informed consent for vaccination in the first instance.

We have a situation where mass populations of people have been commanded/mandated to have Covid-19 injections to maintain their livelihood and their participation in society, this is what happened in Australia - 'No Jab, No Job'...'No Jab, No Life' - and it happened to people in the US and other countries too.

These people were cornered, told they would be cancelled out of society if they didn't comply and accept the jabs.

They've gone to a practitioner, as demanded, and many have said they didn't want the jabs. What should have happened then is the practitioner should have refused to administer the vaccine to an individual they knew was under duress to comply.

In fact, the leadership of the medical profession - medical colleges and professional associations - should have reared up immediately when mandates were announced and refused to collaborate with mandated vaccinations/medical interventions as this violates voluntary informed consent.

This is the simple fact which is being missed by all and sundry.

It's about the practitioners, they SHOULD NOT have collaborated with mandated medical interventions/mandated vaccination, they should have refused to be a party to it.

This isn't just about Covid, it's been going on for years, practitioners have been injecting people they knew were under coercion, intimidation, and mandates for years.

This is what has to be exposed. It's a massive scandal, and the failure of the practitioners to understand their own legal and ethical duty to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination is at the heart of the matter. Along with the failure of the legal system to defend voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

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The heart of the matter can be construed many different ways. It is obvious to all and sundry what the doctors did. They did what was safe for them to do.

A cabal is trying to take over the world and vaccines are a big part but not the only part.

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Yes Meryl, vaccines are a big part of it all, a very big part!

It's quite something to MANDATE entire populations to submit to medical interventions/vaccinations on the demand of governments and others!

It's quite something to destroy personal autonomy and bodily integrity, to steal freedom!

And it happened with the collaboration of the wretched medical 'profession', which should have refused to be a party to this crime against humanity.

To illustrate the point, according to Australian government statistics, 70.5 million Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Australia*, that's across a population of 27 million.

I suggest valid consent has not been obtained for ANY of those vaccine doses, because NO-ONE has been properly informed, and EVERYONE was misled, coerced, intimidated and even MANDATED to submit to these medical interventions.

That's a pretty big crime don't you think?

These needles are the most devastating weapon unleashed upon the population, which is prey to whatever might be put in these vials, these multi-dose vials filled with who knows what poison?

Millions/billions of people around the world misled, coerced, intimidated, and even MANDATED to submit to the injections.

And the people to throw under the bus in the first instance are those 'carrying out orders', those who inserted the needles and contents without obtaining valid voluntary informed consent...the doctors, nurses, pharmacists and whoever else collaborated with this crime.

* https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-03/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-8-march-2024.pdf

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In regard to practitioners' legal and ethical obligation to obtain informed consent for the medical intervention of vaccination in the US, and Covid-19 vaccination mandates, please see my email to the President of the American Medical Association, Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, dated 13 September 2023 - I received no response...


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I don't really need to see your email--I am familiar with vaccine law in the US over the past 25 years or more and my guess is that your expertise is the law in Australia where you live. And the plight of the vaccine injured is the proof of the pudding that they are a class wit few rights.

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See my previous response to you Meryl.

This is about the practitioners, they have not been obtaining VALID CONSENT from people who were under coercion, intimidation and mandates to submit to vaccination.

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You are ignorant of how this works under US law. They did not have to get consent.

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A really excellent summary, Meryl!

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Dr David Martin's views on this topic are also interesting, as can be heard in his interview with "EpochTV". Including his opinions on whether and how countries may be able to opt out of the WHO's schemes, although it won't be easy


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Here's a fun exercise that will delight all: Type into Google Earth the the following address of the International headquarters of the W.H.O. in Geneva:

Avenue Appia 20, Geneva 27.

So zoom to see this big building. Then....get ready....type in the locater bar the following :

"Rothschild Castle, Geneva".

Enjoy (and be amazed) at what happens next! Here's betting you'll let out a big A-HA!"

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