If by some miracle these bills did pass (which they never will in the Senate) Joe Biden will NEVER sign them. The House does not need legislation to defund the WEF, UN and all affiliate agencies including the WHO. All they have to do is refuse to approve a new budget or to increase the debt ceiling unless all funding for these organizations is removed. And stick to their guns about it. The House knows they can do this but instead they write legislation that looks good to the public but they know will never get passed. If we defund the WHO that DOES NOT get us out of the WHO.

I totally agree to defund but again they do not need legislation that will never pass. Actually getting out of the WHO as a member states takes Presidential action. That requires a request from the President to Tedros and there is a 12 month waiting period before it is a final withdrawal. I firmly believe in defunding but these bills are smoke and mirrors and the sponsors know they will never pass. To me these actions are nothing more than fodder for their next campaign. Understand the process and it apparent not many do understand the process.

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AND also here in Tennessee we are starting a nullification citizens group. Our legislators are NOT going to fix anything. They are all corrupt at both the local, state and federal level. It is up to WE THE PEOPLE to invoke our power and we have more power than our elected have. It is WE THE PEOPLE that gave the federal government just 18 enumerated powers and we have allowed them to violate their power for decades. It is now time to stand up and take back our power. Read the Declaration of Independence.......right in the beginning it tells WE THE PEOPLE our duty when a government gets out of control.

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I like the sound of that: Nullification Citizen’s Group. It's a great concept, all our current "leaders" are ignorant criminals. Peace. :-)

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I love your post! People like you give me HOPE!

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Thank you. You are most kind.

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And you, Karen, are most brilliant and compassionate. And intelligent

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Challenge there is that when we show up to protest...and even just be heard...I would argue even rightly - we are arrested and thrown in federal prison with no due process...they have made that abundantly clear...and for the record...the feds have been behaving that way for decades...i've watched innocent white collar friends get caught up...look at Martha Stewart - she will tell you how it goes...so - sadly - guys...I don't see a real path out...because no matter how much fuss we make and how much talk we talk...we are not going to DO anything...and anything we DO will be met with the full action of the DEEP state...which is global..and you are right KAREN - that has been on both sides for a long time...which is only recently coming to full light...good grief...Bush Sr. saying..."NEW World ORDER" in the 90's..golly....how duped are we? But I am a follower of Christ and the Bible tells us it will go this way...so certainly - stand up and tell people the TRUTH and the facts...and even where our congressmen are missing the mark...TRUTH still matters, but in the end...the end is written...the Globalists will win for a time...the Bible says so...Eyes on Israel folks...good grief..we all but are obviously involved with the color revolution there...and ask a Christian or a Jew - they will all tell you - the things happening right now over there mean Messiah is coming back...Christians know it's Jesus coming back..but the Jews are looking for him the first time...anyday...hold on to your horses...it's gonna get real...

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That you will be arrested and thrown in jail with no due process is what they want you to believe. They got away with it once by the skin of their teeth. Durham's complete report still isn't out yet. Will they EVER be able to do this bullshit again? Hell no! There are many million eyes on them daily.

A friend wrote this, not even knowing about the militias or parallel military.

Do you see the sabotage? The train wrecks? The damage? The casualties? Soon it will be at YOUR DOOR! Can you open your eyes and WAKE before it is too late?

We, the People SEE. We, the People KNOW!

We see YOU. Your neighbors are OUR SPIES!

How do you think we know to tell you weeks, months, in advance of the manifestation of events that will ALTER your FUTURE?

The playbook of the Enemy of the People is KNOWN. They are incredibly stupid!

The PEOPLE had to be SHOWN what the Enemy would do! That is why your world makes NO sense to you! It was necessary that the People see, that they bear Witness to the Crimes of the Infiltrated and Captured Officialdom! The Biden Crime Family as well as ALL the Corrupt Congress Critters will be KNOWN to the People.

It was a giant STING and they fell for it!

The People of Washington are also going to Witness the exposure of corrupt officialdom as Crimes are laid bare. Prepare for it! Your co-worker’s crimes WILL be exposed. We know the timing, THEY do not! That’s why they are sweating, and nervous as a man walking the plank! They can feel our eyes on them. They can feel that tightening around their throat! They can feel their bowels about to empty from FEAR!

The People are learning of the WAR now in the Homeland! USA is invaded! Two MILLION saboteurs have come across the southern border. WHOM SHALL THE PEOPLE BLAME after the foreign agents are disposed?


Do YOU think the People’s WRATH will pass YOU by? We know you hope so…

Your neighbors and co-workers spy for US, We the People.

Next time you get coffee or food from the cafeteria in the lower level, look at the cashier! Even if she is BLIND, she hears! She hears the fear in the voices! She knows, listens, and reports!

Look to the dishwashers. Someone clearing YOUR table is noting you, your colleagues, and the time, as well as what you were saying about whom! Do you really think you are NOT observed?! Constantly!

Who empties the trash from your office? Do you think they just dump it? We are not as stupid as you are naive!

Why am are YOU being told all this?!?

Because we are all very close to major changes in the nature of this 5GUW (5th generation unrestricted warfare).

Remember, in 5GUW, the PEOPLE control the timing of the WAR, not our enemies.

Look around you now. YOU are being watched! You are being recorded.

Legislator, be advised, WE, THE PEOPLE, SEE.

Soon, very soon, WE, The People, will ACT!

Be prepared. Resistance is Useless.

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The Tennessee people are doing what I've been saying all along. When I had Covid the first of three times (it was really just a bad flu) did I call a doctor? No. I took care of things myself. To be fair to them, I did contact a nurse (her daughter gave it to me) they didn't know anything either. Rand Paul whether he meant it as a plea for money or what has said "Don't expect a Politician to save you." I never did, in fact I see ALL politicians as our enemies. So stop believing in the state. It means you harm, at best what can it get from you?

With all the info; anyone has to ask 'What can I do?' Granted they do make it seem as if we are fighting an uphill battle but trust me THEY are the ones going uphill or off cliffs. The other day, Blinken's plane was shot down, and he was killed, his corpse will be given back. Was he warned that he was in Chinese air space? Yes. Arrogantly flew there anyway. So...

As has been going around, STOP COMPLYING! It makes you complicit like it or not.

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Wow. YOu should have over a million likes for this.. not THREE!

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BAM!! *Nail on the head!*

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What part of TN are you located? My Bfriend (who is too busy and burnout from recent years and refuses to discuss any of this) says I should join a group who believes like I do or wants to do SOMETHING about all this. I live in NW GA so wondering how far away you are or your group?

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I live in Bristol, TN which right on the TN-VA border. I used to live in Ocoee, TN which was just 10 miles from GA. So I currently live in the furthest North East part of TN. So I now live pretty far from GA BUT our group will be the entire state of TN. If you want to be informed of what we are doing you can join our substack. This substack was just set up and we won't be publishing anything for a while. Go to: tcss.substack.com and register if interested.

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Thank you for this information.

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You are most welcome

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There is also the globalwalkout.com They have simple common sense actions that everyone can do. They currently have 22 actions posted. All simple doable things but if millions started doing them we could make a HUGE impact. Just by using cash and not credit or debit cards that would be a huge impact on the big banks. They make money every time you purchase anything then if you don't pay it off every month (which most people don't) they make money on the interest. AND they know everything you buy and where you buy it.

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I couldn't agree more that the WHO takeover has to be stopped. Unfortunately you comments have some issues. I could not be more committed to your cause, but we can't fool ourselves. (NoTreatyMedicine.org sole purpose. See “The Hundred Year Medical Reich “You will Die and you will be Happy!”)

- Chip Roy's bill is great but somewhat irrelevant. During the Covid crisis, the often missed, and I believe the critical last control of the Medical Mafia bureaucracy was broken. With either hidden Bill Gates Stock Market Pandemic Profiting or monstrous royalty payments, the Medical Mafia doesn't need US funding. The power of the purse can't control the Medical Mafia if it is independently funded, the goal of every bureaucracy. And the Mafia knows it. Expect a WHO "Health Equity Tax" on the US to fund their 10 fold budget increase.

- Unfortunately the Supreme Court (Missouri versus Holland) has ruled that Treaties, subsequently expanded to include many Federal agreements with foreign entities, can trump the 10th Amendment. That is major goal of the Biden push to makes us Health slaves to the WHO. Work around the US Constitution to seize extraordinary powers. No more Florida's or Texas' independent epidemic experiments because they will be under The WHO control. The WHO is likely to give the CDC unlimited Federal control, making sure there is "no experiments of the States". Probably the beginning of Nationalized Healthcare. and a police state. https://notreatymedicine.org/

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The thing is that our reps do not understand what is going on with the WHO yet. Thhis is what CHD's government relations people told me. The documents are difficult, they relate to other treaties and the UN constitution, and few have tried to make them accessible. David Bell at Brownstone has, and a few attorneys--but the word has not gone out. Until people know what is going on, absolutely nothing will happen.


When everyone knows what is going on, we will have some leverage over them selling us and their own families down the river. This particular threat is entirely of a new order than anything that has gone before it.

So stop bitching about politicians and get busy educating. I will focus more on the WHO over the next 2 months and get everyone up to speed. I now have an international lawyer working with me to be sure our understanding of the documents is correct.

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I hope you’re right about “everyone knowing” will stop the takeover. If the recent polls showing that Over 50% of Brits didn’t think the lockdowns weren’t hard enough isn’t propaganda, to get “everyone” isn’t likely. People that truly drank the Cool Aid won’t be moved by facts and logic. The MFM needs to create a huge Significant Emotional Event (SEE) that can shock CoolAiders out of their trance. That should be our focus right now, before May. FYI your Marley piece inspired me to end messages with Get up, Stand Up. Don’t give up the fight! Of course you never have. Its a personal honor to (digitally) know you.

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My best guess is that the amendments go through in May, but are impossible to implement. The more people know, the harder to implement. The elites have gotten too far ahead of themselves. Does anyone really think the 40-50% of Americans who own guns are going to be vaccinated with a 100 day-developed vaccine against their will? https://cepi.net/

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1. WRT to the 2nd Amendment, I don't think that's the answer. Even Fauci, that sick bastard, didn't believe US citizens would put up with ChiCom lockdowns, until they did. If Covid has shown anything, American's will give up freedom for "PsyOps Safety".

2. You can't eat a gun. A gun isn't food, water, energy, transportation, medical care, communications, children's education, etc. It is a great defensive weapon for protecting your "Home is your Castle". However, the historic approach for defeating castles is a siege, blocking outside access until those inside the castle are starved or diseased (Covid shots?) into submission. If the Police State creates digital siege lines around your castle, guns won't help. If you're electronically isolated, you're just an armed prisoner. Anyway, who are you going to shoot? You're dead IPhone?

2. Returning to your "Rep don't understand comment". I've lived in Chicago of "Vote Early and Vote Often" fame where your Democrat precinct Captain watched you vote. Anything but straight Dem ticket, no garbage pickup. While politicians may not understand paper, they understand payoffs and power. The WHO agreement gives them unlimited amounts of both.

3. I tried to get Senator Cornyn to commit to not selling us out to The WHO. His reply was disgusting. Paraphrasing his replies, I know The WHO is a corrupt ChiCom Bill Gates organization, but I will sell out your Medical Freedom anyway cause I'm a (Bush) Glodalist. My other Senator, Ted Cruz, co-sponsored Ron Johnson's Stop The WHO bill. A tale of two Senators. A Tale of Two Cities didn't end well.

I pray you're right about ultimate non-compliance, however I fear you're wrong. While your point is guns defend freedom is completely true, who (or should I say The Who) defines freedom. As Gramsci said in his long march through the institutions, after 3 generations people won't know what freedom is. We're now in a 5th generation world.

I do have an idea about what to do. If you are interested please contact me offline at info@NoTreatyMedicine.org. Don't Give Up The Fight!

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Incidentally, since fraud, maskless Gov Hairdo Newsome could do it, so am I.

I hearby formally declare my home address a sanctuary address from any an all fraud WHO legislation. Good enough for SF, good enough for me.

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God, send us prophets and leaders like Meryl Nass

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God helps them that help themselves.

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Thanks, Karen

The people helping themselves have been the homicidal criminal cabal

Over half the planet has been poisoned with the mRNA gene therapy

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And it is indeed up to God...because the main issue here is mass delusion which again, Biblically is prophetic of the times we live in...the Truth is out there to be seen - only so that the darkness and the deception will be more apparent to those who will at some point realize...all be it nearly too late...for most...I implore everyone - to read the Bible...None of this is a surprise to GOD...all of this must happen...a one world government is prophesied...we are headed right for it - evil is getting more and more pronounced and desperate...

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Dr. Michael Yeadon, scientist, did this video, that I just discovered today, A short time after this video was recorded, this honest scientist was run out of the USA by the CIA to return to his ruined nation, England.

Dr. Yeadon gave several actions we can take. These actions are of a Divert, Delay, and Destroy nature, characteristics which also describe the kind of actions our US legislators and our own state legislatures have used against we the people for many decades to harm us in many ways and to destroy the sovereignty of the USA and move us toward a globally owned and operated despotic tyrannical totalitarian one world government. Only we will do these actions from our lowly honest citizen position and we will do our actions within the corrupted law system.

When I saw how our government leaders "investigated" and punished the real perpetrators of the Sandy Hook School "Shooting" and many false flag events on U S soil for the last thirty years, and how our US and state governments responded to the so called "deadly pandemic threat", I do not feel inclined to tell and convince them of the truth about the WHO. They know exactly what they have done and what they are continuing to do to we the people,


57:43 video runtime


Dr Mike Yeadon: Why the Depopulation Agenda is Real and What We Can Do About It

James Fetzer Bitchute channel

“FABULOUS interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon in which he gives his recommendations how we can best go forward in defense of humanity against the planned digital slavery and genocide! Yeadon has signed on to the “virus challenge” to virology labs and says that he’s not even sure that it’s possible to have a global pandemic of a respiratory virus. “It’s my job to look at the data. I did start by believing that there was a virus that probably escaped from Wuhan, but I no longer think that. It’s not a question of whether I believe in viruses or even a question of do I believe in this virus — I’m only asking the question, “Is the epidemiological data consistent with a novel, lethal pathogen spreading rapidly through the population?” — and the answer is NO."

Sources: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/dr-mike-yeadon-depopulation/



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Seeded manually

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We're in California -- Sacramento County. What can we do to get out from under the boots of our far left federal and state "elected" representatives, owned by pharma?

I know. Leave the state. It's not so easy to do at our ages with no children, siblings, or other family to move close to, not to mention having lived here so long.

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Greg Glaser lives in a northeast CA county which he says never really did the masks, lockdowns etc.

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Yes, I heard about that. I don't think I've been to those parts. There's a volcanic plateau up there. At least that wouldn't burn, but there is still the smoke from elsewhere. They have the same problem with representation that we do -- there is very little at the state and federal level. I think it would be better at the county level, though.

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Oh it’s not hard to do. Go on an adventure. There’s lots of nice communities in Kentucky.

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I haven't ruled that out. I visited Paducah any number of times growing up -- I even know how to say it. My mother was born and raised in Southern Illinois, just across the river. There are distant relatives there, somewhere. I picked up some of the accent from my mother, and it pops out now and then. It could work if I found myself alone.

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There ya go,....summer road trip😃

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Thank you for this Meryl

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So long as Mitch, Lindsey, Mitt, Thune and the usual suspects within the UniParty remain in office, these bills will pass. The voted for every omnibus bill, including hiring 86,000 armed IRS agents. They signed the bill handing over the vaccine records of every American, allowed Biden’s transhumanist hybrid-animal/human chimeric rearchitect EO without any opposition , pushed for team Faustus/Birx/Redfield/Azar/Gates/Bancel/Bourla/Adams/Pence and Mitch forced ACB on Trump and secretly pushed SCOTUS to take up the Dobbs case just before the midterms solely to throw the elections.

Don’t expect them to thwart harmful legislative efforts to sell out American sovereignty. They’re too dependent on kleptocorporate multinational dollars. Particularly Pharma and tech

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Many thanks for posting this information. Giving the WHO any authority over the United States is the height of stupidity and would cause great harm. In fact, we should leave that corrupt cesspool.

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Warner, Kaine and Wexton are beyond reasoning with, sadly. I have tried for years... for many years. They are entirely uninterested in anything that deviates from the party narrative and goals. We are MUCH better served by humbling ourselves and looking to Jesus.

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! Vive la France...vids... 'Signal From Paris: The Macron Riots' KEEAN BEXTE PARIS: Protesters are returning tear gas to Macron's officers, and our reporter

is there capturing it all. Macron must be regretting following in Trudeau and Rutte's footsteps...


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I wish the military members, hospital workers and general public hadn’t claimed religious exemption to avoid the vaccines. Instead, there should have been protests and refusal using a unified approach/message. We do not want them! We do not trust being forced to take a novel, not proven safe or effective gene therapy experiment for a novel, lad created virus that has extremely harmful results and the possibility of far worse future events. Why is the government refusing to provide transparency??

The military vets and currently enlisted know the vaccines are unsafe. They know they are being used as lab rats and they know this is being created by the DOD. This is not their first rodeo. Nobody should have to resort to using a religious clause to protect themselves from what they feel or know is unsafe

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Forwarded on to everyone I know

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I am impressed, seeing this from Sweden where we don´t even talk!

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