No United States citizen, nor any human being within its sovereign borders, should NEVER be subject to any authority outside of the local, state, or federal government. Neither should we expect any other sovereign nation to do the same.

This is a blatant all-out attack on national governance on a global scale and anyone who participates, or has participated, in the drafting, refining, or enacting of such treaties should be tried for treason.

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WHO is run by Bill Gates and the CCP. That’s all you have to know.

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This is a craven grab for control. This would end national autonomy as well as individual freedom.

It must be defeated.

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Please see my comment about burning the damn things.

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The WHO is an organization that has been commandeered by the power elite to serve their own financial and power interests. It has no role in developing or sustaining health in the world. It is simply a tool the wealthy have to trick the masses and governments into going along with the ongoing business plan of plundering the masses and protecting and increasing their own wealth and power. Nothing they say is real. It is smoke and mirrors that not one sane person who values peace, truth and justice should be fooled by. This is my opinion.

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Thank you, Dr. Nass, for your heroic actions and wise advice. You are a hero!

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This attempt at direct control - bypassing elected (or seemingly-elected) officials - by the globalists will never stop and we must generate an industry of perpetual resistance; no longer can we sleep in front of sit-coms and trust our governments as we see such complacency has been a failure. Where humans are involved, there WILL be corruption needing to be reversed.

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The final desperate move by the banksters and mafia to keep control. We don't need them and we all know it now.

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6 months to opt out. So Crimson Contagion probably scheduled to start shortly before that deadline expires.

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Exactly. The fascists running the WHO, et al, know that most gov'ts can't move that fast. Plus, the strong probability that the U.S. will financially punish countries that don't go along. I am very pessimistic about this.

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And if something crimson starts while they are still discussing about whether to opt out or not, that could help decide to stay in.

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Bill Gates and his WHO can take their flat earth logo elsewhere. We will not tolerate it here.

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Trump was correct from the very beginning. WHO and the UN are both useless , expensive , corrupt, international debating societies that have done nothing to prevent war or increase health and freedom. They are anti-American and do nothing constructive. We should not be in any way involved with them. They are owned by the CCP ,as is Biden and his morons in the DC Swamp.

One of the proud Deplorable Doctors

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great article and breakdown of the facts. I'm going to use some of this in my letter to my representatives. (1 dem and 2 repub, so maybe out out of 3, 2 might actually READ it)

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You are brilliant & a gift from above. Thank you Dr. Nass for your commitment, dedication & knowledge in being a true TRUTH Warrior. I will never stop speaking Truth to Medical tyranny. GOD help us to help ourselves ...

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Excellent work, Meryl. I think it boils down to the powers that be, whoever they are, that want to depopulate the planet, are going to try and use WHO and the UN to commit mass murder and make it all "legal" under these putrid new regulations and laws. Remember, there is no legal government entity creating this mess. It is the work of non-elected terrorists.

Simply, non-compliance with forced injections of deadly substances will still result in your direct murder...either with force or through starvation. The problem will be that you can accept the injections and be murdered that way, or you can resist and they will shoot you, blow you up or incarcerate you until you die. In any event, their objectives will be met...the death of humanity.

There has not been any real worldwide pandemic emergencies as millions have not died except during the Spanish Flu which in my view needs more investigation. All it will take is another faked pandemic and the process of eliminating humanity will begin in full force. This must be stopped from the get-go otherwise the last chance you might have to keep on living is to physically fight back. But then you will need the resources to survive if you are able to fight them off.

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I wish I could disagree with your analysis. The WHO initiative is for all the marbles. It's the answer to those who refused to be jabbed. What they're really saying is; we're eventually going to deal with you."

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Agreed. Once the global powers-that-be have control over the member gov'ts then the injections will become even more deadly and fast-acting. No doubt in my mind that once these WHO instruments are passed by the WHA we'll see the member gov'ts start a well-funded project to dig mass graves for the millions who will "die suddenly."

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...and for those who continue to refuse being injected. The idea is there will be nowhere to hide once national sovereignty is eliminated everywhere. It's obvious that's where they're headed.

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There is most definitely an uptick in pandemics - the epidemics of insanity across the planet as we speak.

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There is a reason the serpent is the symbol of the medicak profession!

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Yep. and as promoted historically the use of this symbol by the US Army.

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The wrong way to combat a serpent is to beat its tailor body.

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The best answer to this would be to defund them and cancel US membership. Once the US did it, it would be all over for them.

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Do you remember when DJT claimed to defund the WHO and transferred the money to GAVI who then gave it to WHO? They think Americans are idiots. Maybe they're right.

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