Thanks, yes, and I'd add "and their kids tend to be healthier"!

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This won’t fly. Try to convince your Pediatrician your child wont be having sex with a monkey to avoid monkeypox vaccination or shooting drugs to avoid Hep B vaccine

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But, ask your pediatrician what is his/her payment schedule from the pharmaceutical companies for their different drugs on the Childhood Immunization Schedule. How many of her/his patients does s/he have to vaccinate before they will start paying her/him and what is the maximum amount s/he can earn per year from this system of payments.

There are reports that some pediatricians with large practices pull in from $500,000 to well over $! million, if they jab a large percentage of their patients.

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When I ask my GP doctor, "How can you trust our 50 billion in fraud fines big pharma." He answered, "That's not a lot of money for them." How psychotic is that?

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His answer is true but he evaded your question.

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That's not a lot of money for them?

That is precisely the problem. Who would worry about a speeding ticket if each one amounted to a couple dollars?

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Especially when the fine money went to benefit the watchdogs! (As with our CDC WHO HHS FDA shysters!)

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Perhaps he was merely agreeing with you by stating that, to big pharma, the 50 billion in fraud fines is simply a cost of doing business? In other words, he may have been agreeing with you that we can't trust big pharma. (-:

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No, he's in the scam the suckers' & fools' business! where that allows our evil, 50 billion in fraud fines/ Big Pharma's iatrogenic medicine [that kills 684 to 2191 people each and every day] I.e. 12.5 to 40 million in just the last 50 years! [a Fact!] (Depending on who you believe) E.g. the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or the well-documented book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null!) (All with no prosecutions or jail time!) The Bible tells us, “Death is the wages of sin, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” So who will you trust, to save you USA's big government & big pharma, or God/ “Our Creator,” [as our founders put it, and trusted?] Can you notice how those real/ true facts can't sink into your confidence-biased brain?

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Okay then explain to me how his reply, "That's not a lot of money for them." is psychotic. There must have been more to your conversation with you GP to make you think that, because his reply is simply a factual statement, which did not answer you question; but, I don't see how that statement indicates he was condoning the fines as an appropriate solution to big pharma's fraud. And, I don't see how his reply suggests that you trust big government and big pharma over God. -- And, please explain to me what you mean by a confidence-based brain.

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your cornered another rat, bravo

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That's what makes their world go around! Health...? Never mind that...

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Why are you seeing a pediatrician?

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There's people over 20 yo still going to pediatricians! I think that's stupid, insane, and a little sick.

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no it is a latent form of mental illness

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well they want access to children ;)

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I think that when someone says "...your pediatrician.." to a parent, they are fully aware that the pediatrician was chosen by the parent to administer to the parent's child and not to administer to the parent.

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You know these docs get paid bonuses by the pharmaceuticals for getting their patients vaccinated according to the big pharma schedule

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of course, so the question remains...

who is stupider the docs or their patients???

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you have just made an excellent case to fire any and all Peds, Bravo

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Yes! I believe transmission is human to human -- especially anal sex which can cause tears and bleeding. It's being going on in the Congo (mildly) since forever. It's never a big deal. It is true that the Congo clade is less mild than the West African clade, but the few who die from it, are mostly sick with something else too. At the moment there is a war going on in Congo, so we can't check any info, as none is coming out. The authorities here in South Africa are promoting the story and the jabs -- as was expected. ;(

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indeed its a long standing war on many levels

Always opportunists in war.

Are people still really that stupid?? If the answer is yes, then they are pushing the accelerator on a curvy mountainous road

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One doesn't have to have a lot of edumakashun to engage in a little research and rational application of risk benefit analysis. Once you realize that none of the childhood vex schedule has been fully or properly vetted through double-blind, placebo studies, that the timing of the schedule is counter to all reason and science, beginning before a human baby is sufficiently developed to produce an immune response to any vex, then add the financial incentives to the doctors, the decision becomes very easy, at least for those vexxes added since about 1980.

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Well I do have 9 years of it including a doctorate. However that pales in comparison to real world knowledge and experience over many decades. Peeps have very different assessment skills which is as it should be. Most interesting that similar or identical conclusions can emerge. That is called the truth, it always emerges. None are safe, none are effective.

The Flexner Report is how Big P got control of the Medical profession and converted it into the Medical Cartel. There are details

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yeah, this working class momma got info from another working class momma. Neither of us had that formal 'edumakashun' though both of us were avid readers and to the extent it was possible 35 years ago, researchers. It was library books and conscientious Naturopaths back then. There is a swath of worker intellectualism that the uppers ignore, but I saw it on farm families' porches, summer evenings. The adults were informed of things going on in Washington government -- and in DC,too! As an oldest kid I knew to listen.

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I would come to you for knowledge long before Id trust anyone with a college "education".

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Thank you and God bless you Dr. Nass

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In addition to wealth and education they probably don't get their information from the CIA Nightly News either.

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The home-schoolers raise well rounded and healthy children, mostly unvaccinated. This was long my experience when I took care of lots of children, and would happily accept unvaccinated families in the practice where I was.

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They were more than likely the healthiest of the children I imagine.

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Mine as well from over 27 years ago. The contrast was striking. Children who asked really good questions and had imagination were happy and grounded... That was then

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"better educated" and less indoctrinated

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Per usual vaccine nut Hotez has to chime in to offer "the truth" lest readers wake up to what is in front of their eyes. There must be a good reason why educated and affluent might be vaccine hesitant... what it could be? We need more social science data!

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Peter Hotez scares the HELL out of me. He is a FULL-BLOWN Psychopath. He wants the authorities to have the power to physically force the death shot on people. He is as evil as Beelzebub Billy Gates and Klaus Schwab.

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Hope everyone knows about Gov. Walz's 'gestapo' going down the covid-laden streets in early evening shouting at people standing on their porches to 'get inside' and then spraying them with paintballs. Or his covid 'snitch' line, like Mao, which would allow neighbors to phone in when other neighbors had violated his covid rules, incl. no family holiday gatherings. His Covid-unism couls rise up more powerful than ever in 2025. God help us.

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If you can realize when big pharma medicine commits fraud and then pays over 50 billion in fraud fines, [to stay in business] people die, by the millions! The [low-ball] Johns Hopkins iatrogenic medicine, study claimed “medicine” has only killed 12.5 million in the last 50 years! What better way to teach that, "Death is the wages of sin."???

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Yeah, there is some parallel there to ponder for sure. But the "death" that Romans 6:23 speaks of (I'm quite sure) refers to an eternal smoking of "both body and soul."

What a lie! Allopathic medicine in all it's lying proclamations has killed WAY more than 12M. And that's not counting the vexed, or the surviving but devastated souls! Someday we'll get the exact number from the "books of record" penned in perfection, by the Holy Angels of God throughout the history of "medicine."



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Makes sense. The more educated usually know every nuance of what they do. They pay attention to detail.

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Guess the YouTube lady who just died didn't get the memo about the covid DeathVax.

She was worth a couple hundred million.

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great point, she and her globalist sister

Ultra wealth has a serious cost...

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Award-winning educator John Gatto's book, Dumbing Us Down tells all you need to know about leftist "education" I.e. "To make cogs to support the industrial complex!" As he put it!

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No, they don’t.

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Sadly they do

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Sadly, they don’t. What many of them do, is focus on what affects them…damned be others. Many are unaware, narcissistic individuals. When they are forced to get out of their “comfort zone”, they wonder what is wrong with the world. It’s every one else’s fault! Why can’t people be like them, and understand! 🤣😵‍💫How do I know? I know because I live in a “blue state” surrounded by these “well educated” people.

I cannot relate to them, unless on a superficial level.

They pay attention to detail because it affects their bubble they live in.

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I have two sisters. The elder is super educated and even enjoys research to a degree. But as blind and belligerent as a fire-brick! She lives in a blue state of mind, in a blue state in the Union, and has promoted blue ethics and candidates.

Her grandkids and their parents were all vexed with supportive efforts.

When touching base with her on rare occasions, I brace myself in case of tragic news, but so far, nothing has been reported. But that doesn't mean much.

So many kids are dying suddenly without the slightest focus on the most obvious! And I'm quite sure that if the sister here would lose one or even both of her grand-kids, she'd fail to connect the dots.

Sorry about the dim picture. I know it does not stand out as one being "alone."

In Christ,


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I personally know 6 PhD chemists. They are the easiest to hoodwink and tend to be snowflakes. Their children are nut cases. Lesbian multi colored hair obese etc...

One reason proposed is that their investment in education is so great that admitting a false belief would be admitting they were fooled...

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That explanation is most likely spot-on! The pride of the heart is a high hurdle.


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I understand Ray, truly. God is what has been my Hightower throughout all of the insanity. God has guided me, and given me strength, when I’ve been in “dark night of the soul”.

Proceed on your OWN, unique, soul’s journey, as I am. We are all here for a reason, make no mistake: SOUL development

We come in “alone”, and we die “alone”. I am not afraid of death…I think it’s afraid of me!🤣

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Warm Greetings to you!

Yeah, I agree. Funny Girl! "Death is afraid of me!" That's the first I've ever heard that one said!

May I comment? God has graciously given everyone born of a woman temporal life, and an invitation to ETERNAL life. The majority will turn it down, crazy enough. We all are sinners, and deserve nothing more than eternal sleep, but His Grace "is sufficient" for everyone who has ever lived. I hadn't realized that until half way through. Now it all makes clear sense. God wishes eternal life upon everyone, but of course, He knows that will NOT be the case, just as with Noah and the antediluvian population back about 4K years ago. Only 8 were kept from destruction!

I hope that the percentage will be different when He comes back to claim His own. It would be interesting to know the population size when the flood destroyed the world. 'Guess we'll have to wait to find that out, eh?

Also, I take a little less of a spiritualistic stand regarding "here for a reason." I tend to lean toward God's desire to have EVERYONE perform dutifully, and righteously, and bring honor to His Name. But He knows that will not happen. Israel (the Hebrew nation) rejected Christ, and it has been said of that nation, that spiritually, it is a "foreshadow" or a "type" of what USA (the second beast) is becoming, with its many legislations against what they deem as "church and state" mingling. I'm glad to not live in Calif. anymore.! Or any other state for that matter!

Sincerely, Rambling,



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Same here. I'm surrounded by Covidiots most of them with injuries, but it's not the vaxx...!

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What Daniel Salmon from John Hopkins Uni’s Institutes of Vaccine Safety doesn’t realise

is that educated people who viewed the WEF/BMGF’s Event 201 hosted by John Hopkins Uni believe their own eyes and use critical thinking to determine for themselves what is occurring!

Experts have their place, but not that of the draconian, technocratic, Demi god.

I will be sure to make the blind, hubristic more livid with this article, thanks Meryl.

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"they also appear to be victims of a widespread misinformation campaign, experts said"

The arrogance just kills me. These articles always throw in something to discredit the educated and informed stance of wise humans. This article is meant to undermine our wisdom, not praise it

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Yes, I've had that experience, too. When I was introducing a bill for transparency in vaccines in the mid-2000's, in 3 successive sessions, as a state representative, Jeff Austin, chief lobbyist for the Maine Medical Assn, went crazy over the bill. All it asked is that parents and guardians of children be given a list of all ingredients in any vaccine the child was about to be given. He'd blast me that "If parents knew what was in the vaccines they wouldn't allow the children to have it!!!!" (raised voice of incredulity). Every time. The other declaration he'd loudly yell at me was "This amounts to scare tactics!" (Not said in front of others.) The bill passed the House, but lost by a little in the Senate. A lot of legislators got it, over time, but even the doctors who were legislators didn't know or understand the ingredients that were in them and have hurt many, and just followed Jeff Austin's pleas. When I was out of the legislature, and my district "redrawn" into the shape of a salamander, running through 4 towns, Austin was honored with being appointed President of the MMA.

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When you see them quote Peter Hotez as any sort of reliable source, you can pretty much ignore the article.....

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can't stand the Hotez thing! A traitor/complicit to crimes against humanity !

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