Scientists today are not be trusted...They are paid to produce the results their employers want. We have a lot of sickos running the world who would like to put America out of commission. Destroying millions of birds, because they declare that chickens exhibit some symptoms of this "Avian bird flu???" "Scientists" created these vaxes which have killed billions of people, too.
Commonly grad students do the work, provide the results and the supervisor writes the reports. Often the report submitted for peer review, goes through a back and forth juggle,
where revisions are made. That is supposed to resemble a scientific process.
It ends up as part of the grift. If one can decipher who funds the research it becomes clear.
Barbara, it is not just today. Peer Review is the holy grail for the best educated.
We drank the kool aid and requested refills. Then it became clear that pay to play was the grift. It taints the entirety of research. That has been true for at least 20 years, now patently obvious.
Bob Marley sang: the only solution is total destruction...
To understand how "Peer Review" works, Google, "America's Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription." By John Abramson, from Imprimis it's very educational!
Culling human beings is going to be next. Or more likely our pets first and then us. Any crackpot narrative they can invent to fulfill their Malthusian dreams. Letting people who despise humanity control our governments is a recipe for mass murder, genocide on an unprecedented scale, and the politicians who are allowing this to go one are guilty of high treason, the biggest traitors in the entire history of the Republic. And those cretins have the audacity to endlessly tout "national security". They are the national security risk by two orders of magnitude.
And what can possibly be said of people who make war(s) for profit and stand by counting 'casualties,' i.e. masses, of young people sent to kill and be killed in tragically unnecessary combat.
You mean sort of like if they invented a fake “virus”. A “virus” they already had a “vaccine” for that was designed to kill the volunteers is say 1-6 years?!
What do you know about the early Hep-B vaccines that were followed by AIDS outbreaks 3-4 years after trial were run in communities. Twice in the USA, gay communities and heroin user communities. Then in the Far East and then in monogamous rural Southern African communities. One specific batch of the vaccine was responsible for each AIDS outbreak globally and the source was not identified because it has such a long incubation period.
Apparently the HIV is a mutated form of an endemic chimpanzee virus that mutated to infect humans when chips were used to treat human Hep-B patients in live (eww!) blood transfusion treatments.
This may all be tin foil stuff but the SubStack author did seem to have references to official research and reports so I wonder.
If I get any engagement I will try and dig up the post if someone else does not link to it first.
Further, nobody publicly noted that Dr. Prince’s chimps were used for “liver dialysis” since the 1960’s providing a mechanism for the native chimp variant of the virus (SIVcpzus) to evolve into the deadly HIV-1B in New York undetected.
It’s the same lot referenced by apartheid scientists to be administered to exclusively black communities in Africa as part of an expanded WHO program well into the 1990’s[6.08,6.23,6.24]:
Recovering this data will settle whether they caused the AIDS pandemic, and their lack of accountability let the same scientists get away with it again in the 2014 Ebola outbreak and 2020 COVID pandemic. Critically, this will prove if, after knowing that the chimpanzee-blood-based lots transmitted HIV, they watched and said nothing while South Africa's “highly motivated” apartheid regime provided “enthusiastic support” for an expanded WHO program to administer the leftover 1970's chimp-blood lots exclusively to black communities across Sub-Saharan Africa[6.23].
First, they/ the evil culled 6 million Jews, then the culling spread like a pandemic, We/ the evil ones now cull 70,000,000 human babies each and every year! [fact] That is the pandemic death elephant in the room, no one mentions!
It was a correlation of, "First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist, Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist, Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist, Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew, Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me! source/ Author; Pastor Martin Niemöller! Source for the 73 million abortion/ murders [not 73K] Google; [abortion statistics worldwide] Where do you get your, Original/ sourced info from?
Do not misunderstand my sarcasm for a proposed solution. I am mere pointing out the ridiculousness of the (so called) elite’s predictable next “logical” move in their zeal to cull the entire population of “useless feeders” by 95%
Bc it makes them feel like God's. Ask s0r0s, he has a video clip where he says he felt like a god. He had the choice to live and out his neighbors to the nazis. In his whacked up past mind, I suppose, he felt like the god who got to chose who lives. He can't fathom that he's really the devil roaming the earth, looking for those he can devour.
My suggestion. Call the bluff. There is no Bird Flu, there is toxicity. Make some sick, use the fraudulent PCR test, take control, and exterminate.
All of this because People were not having the virus of the day hoax, soooo attack the food supply. That is the grift. These criminals and agencies need to walk the plank.
I say burn 'em at the stake, but sometimes I'm a mean, vengeful person.... I've been on to their tricks since 9/11, which is a long time and may be messing with my head by now. ;-)
I'd prefer public drawing and quartering. For Gates, Fauci, Bourla and other Pfizer and Moderna exec's, heads of FDA and CDC. Do this and the madness would stop now.
The reason the drug companies keep killing people is that no one is held responsible, no one goes to jail. Merck did fraudulent trials to get VIOXX approved. VIOXX killed hundreds with heart attacks. That was manslaughter at the very least, but you could also argue it was premeditated murder. Merck was handed a huge fine, billions. But why weren't the perpetrators prosecuted for murder?
I completely agree. If just a few of these "high and mighty" criminal scumbags are made examples of, that would move mountains. (I wish Trump would unleash the FBI and DOJ on a Soros or similar type, for example, for fomenting and funding domestic terrorist violence in the US.)
The fact that utterly fictitious corporate personhood is an accepted legal entity/status is far worse than a tragedy; it is a complete anathema to our Constitution with respect to people's individual rights and privileges of citizenship. Corporations have more rights than real people, and C-level / board officers are above the law.
#4 makes way too much sense. Remember we're dealing with people who are akin in thought process to those who cull humans in hospitals via the three Rs (Remdesivir, Respirator, Rest in Peace).
I'm a holistic veterinarian. I've been trying for months to get hard data on how many domestic cats in the US have developed serious illness or died while testing positive for any of the currently circulating strains of H5N1. I cannot find any official numbers; just that map and its associated XL spreadsheet which documents DETECTIONS of HPAI in various mammalian species, both domestic and wild, since early- to mid-2022.
There is no way to tell how many of those "detections" involved domestic cats who were ill or deceased at the time of sample collection; how many were healthy but exposed; how many were healthy but with no known exposure; how many were exclusively indoor cats. Those data just are not available on the CDC, FDA, or USDA websites. And a very detailed report from the WA state vet last week had nothing useful, either. Just the total of 78 "detections" in domestic cats.
Why would these clinically relevant details not be made available to veterinarians?
Here is what we do know: there have been 78 "detections" (i.e., PCR-positive swabs) of an HPAI strain in domestic cats in the past 3 years. As of 2022, the AVMA (American Vet Med Assoc) reported that there are an estimated 73.8 million domestic cats in the US. So, that works out to be 1 "detection" of an HPAI virus of one sort or another per 2.84 million domestic cats per year since 2022.
And for that, vets all over -- conventional and holistic -- are losing their minds, advising that cats not be fed raw, meat-based diets or raw milk. Even though cats are designed to eat raw, meat-based diets. In fact, they are obligate carnivores. Unlike dogs, who are facultative carnivores, cats must eat other animals primarily or exclusively.
Meanwhile, the journal of the American Holistic Vet Med Assoc (JAHVMA) published an article on using insects as a replacement for chicken meal in foods for dogs and cats, in their latest issue (Jan 2025).
Neither of the two authors are vets; both are industry insiders. One is the CEO of Jiminy Cricket, a cricket-based petfood. The other is a PhD in companion animal nutrition (which is an industry-sponsored, and industry-focused degree) who works for a multinational food ingredient supplier that holds a patent on black soldier-fly larvae as a food source.
The JAHVMA sold out to the One Health agenda a few years ago, routinely publishing articles supportive of this ridiculously anthropocentric front for ... whatever the technocrats' vision of the world may be. (It's still unclear to me what they envision for animals.)
Our tax dollars have supported a few dozen insect meal factories but no one wants to eat the insects, so the factories have pivoted to selling them for pet food.
Are they selling the bugs to insectivore birds? Maybe ones that are in public zoos? Could they use them for compost? I wouldn't want my pet eating factory farmed insects!
I wonder who will replace Ancel Keys' and Edward Bernays as the sheeples new food gods? I.e. delivering us "The new healthy breakfast consisting of bugs, recycled fetal tissue, soylent green, and road kill?
About 15 years ago, I attended a one-day training seminar in WA state on biosecurity for veterinarians, co-hosted by the USDA and the Department of Homeland Security. One of the speakers was practically engorged as he talked with great relish about the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in the UK in 2001 and the toll it took on farmers, on herd genetics that had been carefully cultivated over generations, and on the workers who had to kill -- that's the correct spelling for "cull," by the way -- all the at-risk animals and burn their bodies in vast piles. As FMD can be spread on the wind, the radius of "at-risk" animals is broad.
I grew so disgusted that I finally burst out with "This can't be the best we can do!!"
The speaker stopped in utter astonishment; and sadly, the room, filled with other vets, was silent, including, alas, my friend who worked for the state vet's office at the time.
In the break, my friend took me aside and introduced me to her boss, the state vet. They quietly -- too quietly! -- said that they were reviewing this "scorched earth" approach and coming up with something better should FMD ever make its way to their state.
Where is that measured, intelligent, scientific, and compassionate approach when it comes to poultry? It's as if these production birds are completely expendable. It both sickens and saddens me. I think we all need to burst out with "This can't be the best we can do!!"
FYI, the same thing is going on with egg shortages here in Australia, even though H5N1 has not been identified in Australia. Instead, the manufactured crisis is/was over an H7 "highly pathogenic" avian influenza virus.
Current situation
On 3 February 2025, Australia self-declared freedom from high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H7 to the World Organisation for Animal Health, effective 23 January 2025.
HPAI H7 has been eradicated from Victoria, NSW and the ACT and there have been no new detections of HPAI H7 in Australia since 12 July 2024.
In 2024, a response to three strains of HPAI H7 took place. There were 16 infected premises including 8 in Victoria, 6 in NSW and 2 in the ACT.
Testing of samples from the infected premises found that the viruses were similar to LPAI [low-pathogenicity] viruses detected in Australian wild bird samples.
Thanks for this post, Dr. M! This is exactly what I have been saying: WTF happened to scientific methodology and any concern for developing disease resistant animals??? That is the plan at our small farm in case we experience an "outbreak." The absence of such an effort across the country by "the authorities" makes the real motivation behind this scam obvious. (But I preach to the choir!)
never share with anyone publicy that you have animals of any kind, or that you grow food in your garden. it will be a time it might be destroyed for hellth...
Gods design. They hate God and they hate anything he made. Interesting that they want to make it their own by theft and destruction. Kinda like bug guts. Evil that he is.
Get down on your knees and repent. Pray and plead w the Lord for his protection and provision. He will answer you!
Without God, I.e., just like without Mon and Dad, we wouldn't even be here! So thank God Jesus for ALL we have and his sacrifice and promise of everlasting life in Heaven!
How silly, "anything" would include living plant "life"! If? you knew "anything" about our Creator or his Bible [Ecclesiastes 3:3] you could understand about killing and eating animals! Also killing humans! [I.e. #3]
1 There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
9 What does the worker gain from his toil?
10 I have seen the burden God has laid on men.
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time.
And if you could understand God's plan for you, paid for by his crucifixion and resurrection you could understand God's [not new age] meaning of Life everlasting life in God Jesus' Heaven! Vs Satan's default, torment full Hell
5. Whichever is convenient for the current narrative.
Since testing positive means nothing in the world of science when the scientific method is applied, maybe we should dig deeper into what really makes some birds sick, especially those that test negative for avian flu in the same flock of “positive tests”…
BTW: As a child I spent most of my summer vaccinations on a real farm my grandparents owned, which today would be called uncertified organic. Interestingly, no animal was ever sick and no chickens ever dropped dead unless they chocked on a big chunk of food or pebbles. I never understood why free run chickens ate pebbles. Still don’t.
The more sickness there is, the higher insurance rates can be jacked up. Sure, some payments will go to medical expenses, but the main takeaway is that it's easier to skim a large pile than a small pile.
As reported by local Fox News: County has been "flagged by the CDC for having reported cases of potential bird flu in wild birds". Potential.
"While the risk for humans getting the disease is still low, several species of birds...are at risk." Key phrase "still low" - fear mongering.
Akron zoo has moved their birds inside -or- if outside in the aviary, no human vistors. Park no longer allowing visitors to hand feed birds. Themes: stop the spread; isolation.
Zoo's director of animal health: “If situations were to change in the future, if different species were to become species that could transmit the disease one to another, we might have to change our protocols." Themes: fear mongering; protocols to include what exactly?
In the video, the park person states things that falls into the themes of: no one is safe until everyone is safe; do your part.
Summit County Board of Public health has 2 articles posted on their site about how to avoid bird flu (links follow). My question: how much $$$ are the zoo and park getting from the government?
“Stop all GOF research on bird flu (and everything else) immediately.” - For the love of God, yes! Turn off the proverbial faucet and find these fools a new and less destructive hobby ASAP.
Scientists today are not be trusted...They are paid to produce the results their employers want. We have a lot of sickos running the world who would like to put America out of commission. Destroying millions of birds, because they declare that chickens exhibit some symptoms of this "Avian bird flu???" "Scientists" created these vaxes which have killed billions of people, too.
Commonly grad students do the work, provide the results and the supervisor writes the reports. Often the report submitted for peer review, goes through a back and forth juggle,
where revisions are made. That is supposed to resemble a scientific process.
It ends up as part of the grift. If one can decipher who funds the research it becomes clear.
Now the funding is obfuscated.
Scientists Are As Cheap to Buy As Politicians - Argue Oysters Thrive in Crude Oil Spills: [4mins]
Barbara, it is not just today. Peer Review is the holy grail for the best educated.
We drank the kool aid and requested refills. Then it became clear that pay to play was the grift. It taints the entirety of research. That has been true for at least 20 years, now patently obvious.
Bob Marley sang: the only solution is total destruction...
To understand how "Peer Review" works, Google, "America's Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription." By John Abramson, from Imprimis it's very educational!
Right… we may need to cull some pseudo-scientists…. And the government officials that grift their way through manufactured pandemics as well…
Well now I am curious. Are we going to cull the technicians (and their children, partners and pets) who tested positive after culling the chickens?! 🤔
Culling human beings is going to be next. Or more likely our pets first and then us. Any crackpot narrative they can invent to fulfill their Malthusian dreams. Letting people who despise humanity control our governments is a recipe for mass murder, genocide on an unprecedented scale, and the politicians who are allowing this to go one are guilty of high treason, the biggest traitors in the entire history of the Republic. And those cretins have the audacity to endlessly tout "national security". They are the national security risk by two orders of magnitude.
And what can possibly be said of people who make war(s) for profit and stand by counting 'casualties,' i.e. masses, of young people sent to kill and be killed in tragically unnecessary combat.
You mean sort of like if they invented a fake “virus”. A “virus” they already had a “vaccine” for that was designed to kill the volunteers is say 1-6 years?!
What do you know about the early Hep-B vaccines that were followed by AIDS outbreaks 3-4 years after trial were run in communities. Twice in the USA, gay communities and heroin user communities. Then in the Far East and then in monogamous rural Southern African communities. One specific batch of the vaccine was responsible for each AIDS outbreak globally and the source was not identified because it has such a long incubation period.
Apparently the HIV is a mutated form of an endemic chimpanzee virus that mutated to infect humans when chips were used to treat human Hep-B patients in live (eww!) blood transfusion treatments.
This may all be tin foil stuff but the SubStack author did seem to have references to official research and reports so I wonder.
If I get any engagement I will try and dig up the post if someone else does not link to it first.
Found the post.
Here a few quotes.
Further, nobody publicly noted that Dr. Prince’s chimps were used for “liver dialysis” since the 1960’s providing a mechanism for the native chimp variant of the virus (SIVcpzus) to evolve into the deadly HIV-1B in New York undetected.
It’s the same lot referenced by apartheid scientists to be administered to exclusively black communities in Africa as part of an expanded WHO program well into the 1990’s[6.08,6.23,6.24]:
Recovering this data will settle whether they caused the AIDS pandemic, and their lack of accountability let the same scientists get away with it again in the 2014 Ebola outbreak and 2020 COVID pandemic. Critically, this will prove if, after knowing that the chimpanzee-blood-based lots transmitted HIV, they watched and said nothing while South Africa's “highly motivated” apartheid regime provided “enthusiastic support” for an expanded WHO program to administer the leftover 1970's chimp-blood lots exclusively to black communities across Sub-Saharan Africa[6.23].
They're poking a stick at a snake. Bad idea.
First, they/ the evil culled 6 million Jews, then the culling spread like a pandemic, We/ the evil ones now cull 70,000,000 human babies each and every year! [fact] That is the pandemic death elephant in the room, no one mentions!
[fact]? source?
It was a correlation of, "First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist, Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist, Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist, Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew, Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me! source/ Author; Pastor Martin Niemöller! Source for the 73 million abortion/ murders [not 73K] Google; [abortion statistics worldwide] Where do you get your, Original/ sourced info from?
And why is murder/death so often the go-to solution to any 'problem' for the international elite?
Do not misunderstand my sarcasm for a proposed solution. I am mere pointing out the ridiculousness of the (so called) elite’s predictable next “logical” move in their zeal to cull the entire population of “useless feeders” by 95%
My reference was meant to be general, not necessarily a direct response to your post. Sorry if it was unclear.
Because they are Malthusian, Globalitarian, Misanthropic Psychopaths.
Bc it makes them feel like God's. Ask s0r0s, he has a video clip where he says he felt like a god. He had the choice to live and out his neighbors to the nazis. In his whacked up past mind, I suppose, he felt like the god who got to chose who lives. He can't fathom that he's really the devil roaming the earth, looking for those he can devour.
That shoukd say "whacked up ptsd mind". Babel bot, you know, comes to confuse
My suggestion. Call the bluff. There is no Bird Flu, there is toxicity. Make some sick, use the fraudulent PCR test, take control, and exterminate.
All of this because People were not having the virus of the day hoax, soooo attack the food supply. That is the grift. These criminals and agencies need to walk the plank.
Walk em on the plank...
I say burn 'em at the stake, but sometimes I'm a mean, vengeful person.... I've been on to their tricks since 9/11, which is a long time and may be messing with my head by now. ;-)
I'd prefer public drawing and quartering. For Gates, Fauci, Bourla and other Pfizer and Moderna exec's, heads of FDA and CDC. Do this and the madness would stop now.
The reason the drug companies keep killing people is that no one is held responsible, no one goes to jail. Merck did fraudulent trials to get VIOXX approved. VIOXX killed hundreds with heart attacks. That was manslaughter at the very least, but you could also argue it was premeditated murder. Merck was handed a huge fine, billions. But why weren't the perpetrators prosecuted for murder?
I completely agree. If just a few of these "high and mighty" criminal scumbags are made examples of, that would move mountains. (I wish Trump would unleash the FBI and DOJ on a Soros or similar type, for example, for fomenting and funding domestic terrorist violence in the US.)
The fact that utterly fictitious corporate personhood is an accepted legal entity/status is far worse than a tragedy; it is a complete anathema to our Constitution with respect to people's individual rights and privileges of citizenship. Corporations have more rights than real people, and C-level / board officers are above the law.
PCR tests are a fraud
They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
#4 makes way too much sense. Remember we're dealing with people who are akin in thought process to those who cull humans in hospitals via the three Rs (Remdesivir, Respirator, Rest in Peace).
I'm a holistic veterinarian. I've been trying for months to get hard data on how many domestic cats in the US have developed serious illness or died while testing positive for any of the currently circulating strains of H5N1. I cannot find any official numbers; just that map and its associated XL spreadsheet which documents DETECTIONS of HPAI in various mammalian species, both domestic and wild, since early- to mid-2022.
There is no way to tell how many of those "detections" involved domestic cats who were ill or deceased at the time of sample collection; how many were healthy but exposed; how many were healthy but with no known exposure; how many were exclusively indoor cats. Those data just are not available on the CDC, FDA, or USDA websites. And a very detailed report from the WA state vet last week had nothing useful, either. Just the total of 78 "detections" in domestic cats.
Why would these clinically relevant details not be made available to veterinarians?
Here is what we do know: there have been 78 "detections" (i.e., PCR-positive swabs) of an HPAI strain in domestic cats in the past 3 years. As of 2022, the AVMA (American Vet Med Assoc) reported that there are an estimated 73.8 million domestic cats in the US. So, that works out to be 1 "detection" of an HPAI virus of one sort or another per 2.84 million domestic cats per year since 2022.
And for that, vets all over -- conventional and holistic -- are losing their minds, advising that cats not be fed raw, meat-based diets or raw milk. Even though cats are designed to eat raw, meat-based diets. In fact, they are obligate carnivores. Unlike dogs, who are facultative carnivores, cats must eat other animals primarily or exclusively.
Meanwhile, the journal of the American Holistic Vet Med Assoc (JAHVMA) published an article on using insects as a replacement for chicken meal in foods for dogs and cats, in their latest issue (Jan 2025).
Neither of the two authors are vets; both are industry insiders. One is the CEO of Jiminy Cricket, a cricket-based petfood. The other is a PhD in companion animal nutrition (which is an industry-sponsored, and industry-focused degree) who works for a multinational food ingredient supplier that holds a patent on black soldier-fly larvae as a food source.
The JAHVMA sold out to the One Health agenda a few years ago, routinely publishing articles supportive of this ridiculously anthropocentric front for ... whatever the technocrats' vision of the world may be. (It's still unclear to me what they envision for animals.)
Our tax dollars have supported a few dozen insect meal factories but no one wants to eat the insects, so the factories have pivoted to selling them for pet food.
Are they selling the bugs to insectivore birds? Maybe ones that are in public zoos? Could they use them for compost? I wouldn't want my pet eating factory farmed insects!
I wonder who will replace Ancel Keys' and Edward Bernays as the sheeples new food gods? I.e. delivering us "The new healthy breakfast consisting of bugs, recycled fetal tissue, soylent green, and road kill?
About 15 years ago, I attended a one-day training seminar in WA state on biosecurity for veterinarians, co-hosted by the USDA and the Department of Homeland Security. One of the speakers was practically engorged as he talked with great relish about the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in the UK in 2001 and the toll it took on farmers, on herd genetics that had been carefully cultivated over generations, and on the workers who had to kill -- that's the correct spelling for "cull," by the way -- all the at-risk animals and burn their bodies in vast piles. As FMD can be spread on the wind, the radius of "at-risk" animals is broad.
I grew so disgusted that I finally burst out with "This can't be the best we can do!!"
The speaker stopped in utter astonishment; and sadly, the room, filled with other vets, was silent, including, alas, my friend who worked for the state vet's office at the time.
In the break, my friend took me aside and introduced me to her boss, the state vet. They quietly -- too quietly! -- said that they were reviewing this "scorched earth" approach and coming up with something better should FMD ever make its way to their state.
Where is that measured, intelligent, scientific, and compassionate approach when it comes to poultry? It's as if these production birds are completely expendable. It both sickens and saddens me. I think we all need to burst out with "This can't be the best we can do!!"
FYI, the same thing is going on with egg shortages here in Australia, even though H5N1 has not been identified in Australia. Instead, the manufactured crisis is/was over an H7 "highly pathogenic" avian influenza virus.
Current situation
On 3 February 2025, Australia self-declared freedom from high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H7 to the World Organisation for Animal Health, effective 23 January 2025.
HPAI H7 has been eradicated from Victoria, NSW and the ACT and there have been no new detections of HPAI H7 in Australia since 12 July 2024.
In 2024, a response to three strains of HPAI H7 took place. There were 16 infected premises including 8 in Victoria, 6 in NSW and 2 in the ACT.
Testing of samples from the infected premises found that the viruses were similar to LPAI [low-pathogenicity] viruses detected in Australian wild bird samples.
That bears repeating: there have been no new detections of HPAI in Australia for almost 7 months.
Commercial laying hens are producing eggs by 4-5 months (16-20 weeks) of age.
And yet, the grocery store shelves are still mostly empty where the eggs should be.
In case anyone thought this is actually about bird flu.
Gotta' build up gradually to openly culling humans, ya'know?
Don't forget sinners cull 70 million [God's not moms] innocent human babies each year!
How sick is that in light of "Thou shalt not kill" [Exodus 20:13].
Thanks for this post, Dr. M! This is exactly what I have been saying: WTF happened to scientific methodology and any concern for developing disease resistant animals??? That is the plan at our small farm in case we experience an "outbreak." The absence of such an effort across the country by "the authorities" makes the real motivation behind this scam obvious. (But I preach to the choir!)
never share with anyone publicy that you have animals of any kind, or that you grow food in your garden. it will be a time it might be destroyed for hellth...
And "Never give a sucker an even break" is P.T. Barnum's advice.
Don’t kill any thing! It’s ridiculous/horrific the way they just want to kill everything!!
Gods design. They hate God and they hate anything he made. Interesting that they want to make it their own by theft and destruction. Kinda like bug guts. Evil that he is.
Get down on your knees and repent. Pray and plead w the Lord for his protection and provision. He will answer you!
Without God, I.e., just like without Mon and Dad, we wouldn't even be here! So thank God Jesus for ALL we have and his sacrifice and promise of everlasting life in Heaven!
How silly, "anything" would include living plant "life"! If? you knew "anything" about our Creator or his Bible [Ecclesiastes 3:3] you could understand about killing and eating animals! Also killing humans! [I.e. #3]
1 There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
9 What does the worker gain from his toil?
10 I have seen the burden God has laid on men.
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time.
And if you could understand God's plan for you, paid for by his crucifixion and resurrection you could understand God's [not new age] meaning of Life everlasting life in God Jesus' Heaven! Vs Satan's default, torment full Hell
Avian flu smoke and mirrors?
5. Whichever is convenient for the current narrative.
Since testing positive means nothing in the world of science when the scientific method is applied, maybe we should dig deeper into what really makes some birds sick, especially those that test negative for avian flu in the same flock of “positive tests”…
BTW: As a child I spent most of my summer vaccinations on a real farm my grandparents owned, which today would be called uncertified organic. Interestingly, no animal was ever sick and no chickens ever dropped dead unless they chocked on a big chunk of food or pebbles. I never understood why free run chickens ate pebbles. Still don’t.
The more sickness there is, the higher insurance rates can be jacked up. Sure, some payments will go to medical expenses, but the main takeaway is that it's easier to skim a large pile than a small pile.
Summit County Ohio - 3 Dead Birds
As reported by local Fox News: County has been "flagged by the CDC for having reported cases of potential bird flu in wild birds". Potential.
"While the risk for humans getting the disease is still low, several species of birds...are at risk." Key phrase "still low" - fear mongering.
Akron zoo has moved their birds inside -or- if outside in the aviary, no human vistors. Park no longer allowing visitors to hand feed birds. Themes: stop the spread; isolation.
Zoo's director of animal health: “If situations were to change in the future, if different species were to become species that could transmit the disease one to another, we might have to change our protocols." Themes: fear mongering; protocols to include what exactly?
In the video, the park person states things that falls into the themes of: no one is safe until everyone is safe; do your part.
Summit County Board of Public health has 2 articles posted on their site about how to avoid bird flu (links follow). My question: how much $$$ are the zoo and park getting from the government?
“Stop all GOF research on bird flu (and everything else) immediately.” - For the love of God, yes! Turn off the proverbial faucet and find these fools a new and less destructive hobby ASAP.
Like a deep dark dungeon, forever. Alone. Fully vexxed. Fully masked. Naked wouldn't hurt my feelings, as long as I didn't have to see em.