My husband's alma mater, will never donate again.

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My husband is also a Michigan grad. Very disappointed that they gave money and an award to such a corrupt individual.

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same boat, no paddle. I already hated them, so you can imagine. They keep sending me credit card offers. I used to tape pennies into the SASE's but now its all online, so I can't even do that.

Wish I would have gone to State, or just not gone at all.

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Word is that State is just as bad, sadly.

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I think the scale of it would have been a better fit is all, and the cows. I lived much closer to Ann Arbor so that was the main reason.

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He doesn't care, he'll be able to kill you with a joystick like a PC gamer

Look at what is in those injections

Tungsten serves ONE purpose ONLY

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Yes. I'm U of M class of '69. This isn't the first time I've been disgusted.

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Wow I bet Anns Arbor was still kinda neato when you attended. It would be 21 years after that I graduated, much of the engineering and med schools coopted by the government or worse. ( I got a degree in Industrial Design, Art school) Also I bet you had to spend less of your credits in various studies, and more in your major. I would have been a much better candidate for a trade school, but my folks esp. my Mother insisted all her kids get a degree. One size don't fit all but there was no way to even discuss it. That seems to be changing , thankfully. Best from Oregon anti-republocrat.

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We lived in AnnArbor for seven years until my husband was transferred south in 93. It was a lovely community with lots of interesting people and things to do. After living in the south, I can say we’ve been happier in the long run down here. The south overall is more conservative, but unfortunately the crazy left is making inroads in many areas here.

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Ann Arbor was way cooler back then. Had at least a little bit of an edge to it -- used record shops, head shops, pagan shops, etc. These days, 100% corporate. No one indie can survive anymore, and it seems no audience for it anyway.

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How can a person be both “deeply humbled and proud”????

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These bums say it all the time and that is why they are always lying.

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First a full on embrace of systematic 'equity' racism and Pfizer (bribe) money, and now this. I'm not only comprehensively ashamed of my alma mater, I no longer even recognize it.

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...so I will do something about it. I will send the newly installed president a letter, along with my diploma, which I no longer need or want.

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I urge you to keep your diploma. You earned it. Your meaningful gesture would be lost on the unworthy new university president. He may even laugh, like a true villain. Michigan was once highly respected. Comfort yourself knowing that.

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Thanks. I very much agree with you about what UofM once was. Used to know a highly respected provost (now deceased ), including even after he moved on to successfully run MIT for many years. I obviously can't speak for him, but I dare say he would be turning over in his grave.

I also appreciate your sentiments, but I don't need a symbolic piece of paper. While villains may laugh, and the indoctrinated may snicker, it has a better chance of doing some good by making a small but meaningful statement this way, than collecting dust in a drawer somewhere. I certainly wouldn't want it on my wall, I can tell you that. Atb.

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I understand.

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Great idea.....

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This is really horrifying. I usually don't share any location information but I could not be more connected to this university. All four of my children's grandparents and both their parents are UM alumni, two grandparents have been faculty and staff respectively, and my husband still works there (unvaxxed -- they kept certain critical workers by simply never denying nor approving their exemption requests; it has just been held in limbo).

My daughter went there until covid, but it isn't only their covid policies that caused her to choose not to continue (she was a year away from an evolutionary biology BS degree). There were so many reasons. "We're going to force this Frankenstein vaccine into your arm but make sure you attend the yearly online training on consent." The pro-GMO propaganda in classes, the pro-Big Pharma propaganda, and the really, shockingly shitty level of teaching. My daughter -- a homeschooler K-12 who came to college with a true love of learning -- was consistently met with "don't ask" sorts of answers when she asked questions. "That won't be on this exam." "You'll learn that in the next class." "That's not on the syllabus for today." "That's a little off-topic [it wasn't, just not in the lesson plans]." She had attended a community college during high school years and had a far superior level of teaching there than at UM. Not to mention the emails from top brass, which have to be read to be believed. "We know you are all traumatized and in mourning after the events of J6, please know our student mental health services are standing by for you and your university supports you in this dark time" kinds of shit. Biased much? Narrative much?

And now this. This is the last fucking straw. The next time I am called in as a stats consultant for public health research -- which thankfully I haven't been recently because the faculty I used to work for got heavily involved in generously state-funded covid bullshit -- I am just going to say that for moral and ethical reasons I cannot any longer be associated with research coming out of UM. I don't see how I could remain professional with these people so I don't think I have much choice.

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Someone I know very well was a prof there in recent years and was explicitly told not to worry about the teaching, focus on the research (and the grants that came with it).

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Honoring Tedros is like twisting the knife in the public's fatal stab wound.

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$50,000 fine would be more appropriate as an installment of what is due.

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Genocide pays.

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I’m stunned, but no longer surprised. Everyone here in chat, you do realize it’s part of the psychological campaign—to give this guy an award. The same processes “the media” uses—referring to the WHO like it’s legit or The Federal Reserve and Powell raising interest rates to fight the stupid inflation devil, reporting on these organizations and people like they’re normal, so we should just accept it. Headline after headline, same as using the words “Terror,” or” Fighting Terror” after 911, and now the word “Pandemic” and needing to fight the virus with B.S. vaccines. They, the bloody monsters controlling media, keep saying it—in conjunction with False Flag explosive-events such as military-grade bioweapons (both the viruses and vaccines)—then “we the sheep” (me included, at one time) take it all in and accept it…then we build and accept border fences, face-diapers, and then start slinging bullets and compulsory vaccines for security. Is this country ever going to wake up or should be just accept “end of times” like zombie-imbeciles?

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Go look and see who win IHME’s Roux Prize in 2019. Anymore questions about the fraudulent study against HQC in The Lancet.

Bought and paid for....everyone seems to have their price when it comes to these billionaires, elite and corrupt politicians.

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She refers to Richard Horton, who got a $100K prize from Bill Gates' own IHME, you know, the producer of the graphs that Debbie Birx was always using that showed Pharmagheddon if we did not comply.

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Have you followed the latest at JAX? New Chairman of the Board, Timothy Dattels, there. Formerly with TPG Asia and also Trudeau’s pick to represent Canada at APEC.

What is fascinating is also TPG’s 2022 infusion of cash in 2022 into a company known as Fractal Analytics. This $$$ gave Fractal Analytics status as a unicorn company. Worth noting that Fractal Analytics acquired the company “The Final Mile” another US/India endeavor in 2018.

The Final Mile is/was a first of its kind company....marketing themselves as “behavioral architects.” That is.....they make it their business to study the intersection of data, neuroscience, behavior, computing, AI, etc. all in a bid to modify behavior or create impact.

If you visit their websites there are a few things worth noting. The Final Mile brags about no longer doing work in the private sector. They deal almost exclusively in the development and social sector.....which begs the question about who are their clients?

And a quick review of the clients and partners of Fractal Analytics and The Final Mile is revealing. Fractal Analytics works with Microsoft, Google and Amazon.....and several Fortune 500 companies. Meanwhile, note that the lists of clients and partners for The Final Mile include....to name a few...

Gates Foundation, J&J, USAID, The Clinton Health Initiative, Merck, Univ. of NC, Chapel Hill, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, AMGEN, Georgetown University Medical Center, etc.

And note that The Final Mike also has on its website a “Pandemic Playbook” that is enlightening regarding protocols and role as countermeasures. For example, masking helps remind people of the emergency and therefore has value above and beyond effectiveness in terms of changing behaviors and encouraging compliance.

I certainly wonder what states, countries or government agencies are using the services of Fractal Analytics or The Final Mile or showcasing their work in a bid to create impact for social impact bonds/investments.

And on that point, a quick examination of the entities reveals that Fractal Analytics is owned in part and influenced by the Apax Foundation. Two board members of Fractal Analytics are from Sir Richard Cohen’s Apax Partners/ Foundation.

Do you know who Sir Richard Cohen is? It is important to again understanding and pushing back against underlying agenda relative to the pandemic.

Cohen is considered by some to be the father of impact investing. He has had a significant role and career in the private equity space.

Below is an interview of him from June 2020. I find it fascinating that he, so very early in the pandemic, seemed to know all that was coming and likened it to The Great Depression and talks about the need for a change which he seems pretty confident that will largely be the result of the pandemic. Such foresight!!!!!


And it is equally fascinating because Roux did the same thing in Maine. That is Mills lost no time in appointing a committee in May of 2020 to outline the economic recovery plan (for a crisis that had just barely begun to unfold) so as to ensure future moves and policies would arise due to anticipated damage from the pandemic---how were they so confident that there would be no meds, financial ruin of small business, education losses, etc.

And then there is Roux’s own 2018 lecture speaking to a combine tsunami of innovation from social trauma.....

Nothing like laying the groundwork for the bigger agenda....the overhaul of governance and financial markets to a technocracy and social impact paradigm.

And the guy who is on the board for Fractal Analytics is also the co-ceo of Apax Partners Foubdation, Rohan Halsey. He and the other board member that Apax shares with Fractal Analytics, are graduates of Harvard Business School. You will also note that Sir Richard Cohen references Harvard’s Business School in discussing the shift in the markets that he is promoting.

***(And I can if need be argue why that shift constitutes a Trojan Horse---these guys have been busy for years in laying the groundwork in education for cradle to grave tracking/pay for success programming they hope to achieve as a way of literally managing the masses. The irony truly is that these folks have weaponized the left using DEI, and make promises about leveling the playing field....but the truth is that it is more about managing those they think have been unable or unwilling to effectively manage themselves....kinda inherently discriminatory when you look at what they are really up to and the disproportionate impact on the disadvantaged or vulnerable among us.)

****This is something those of us in the education space understand quite well and can now see the intersection and carry over into healthcare. Ultimately, the digital ID/digital currency is the blockchain/ledger for “the assets”....which are us. We will be the commodities on their new social impact markets that will be largely about social engineering, as well as biomedical engineering too-need to keep track of the data on their experiments!

But getting back to APAX....


As an aside....when somebody in a comment section on a substack said....it is curious that we never learned more about how the fake report on HCQ seemed to get published in the Lancet without proper vetting and that the study seemed to include data from several hospitals....but the authors were unable or unwilling to share where the data set came from..., well....it got me to thinking. Then I looked at who the authors on that fraudulent retracted study were....


Interestingly, the lead author (who essentially lent the credibility of his name and status to the paper) is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and is a director of Brigham and Women’s in Boston. He also seems to have emerged from the scandal with few scratches. The paper, although retracted later, successfully caused the halt or and disruption of studies related to the use of HCQ in battling COVID.


And we still don’t seem to know where the data set came from....

Hmmm.....would you venture a guess?

I would.

What concerns me, and has concerned me for sometime....as we debate the vaccine debacle....the very powerful financial forces are moving pieces on the chess board so that if and when our Great Depression moment comes (and I suspect it will....Alison McDowell has said from the start this is a controlled demolition) a very select few will hold most of the cards and it is then that they will press on with their plan and humanity will have few options other than to comply....such will be the damage they plan to inflict.

The SVB collapse....just an example of how quickly they can pull the thread when they decide.

By my estimation....all the pieces are not quite in place, but they are getting closer with each move.

Consider....if the changes to the WHO documents get made....

We might as well add economic collapse/bank rubs/government bankruptcies to the list of potential crisis or emergency that the WHO can use to invoke its position as a global authority to manage matters the world over.

Not sure if the time table, but the movement on the board with regard to the coming social impact markets are telling and perhaps an arbiter of what is to come.

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Thanks for this comment.

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What was that f value in it? Did you learn something or about somebody that you did not have on radar?

I find the comment sections helpful for understanding what others see happening where they are, etc.

As the powers that be would say, “It takes a village….”

Although I prefer my Dad’s words of wisdom, “many hands make light work.” We need more eyes and feet on the ground ferreting out the globalists, particularly those setting up social impact markets.

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Oh, and the other curious thing....maybe significant, maybe not.

When you look into what countries Fractal Analytics has offices in....there are the usual suspects or countries you would expect, large populations, economic hubs, etc. AND then, then there is Ukraine.

I find that a bit odd, except I know that Ukraine has announced in the past that it wants to be a global leader on digitizing government services, etc. If course, the conflict with Russia has served as an excuse as well to ramp up technology use in that space as well given that the battlefield makes physical presence more dangerous so technology can become the answer--at all costs.

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Check out the partners of The Final Mile and also see their Pandemic Playbook.


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Also,one should note that Tedros served on Gates’ IHME’s founding Board back at its inception in 2007.....along with a few other interesting fellows, including a Harvard Medical School guy and a Chinese official. Roux was on the founding board and has continued. So he knows Tedros or has had occasion to rub elbows in the past.

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Maybe he should invest it in personal security 😆

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Very close to home. Now I will be an ex-U of M everything fan. Totally disgusting. That $50k should have went to East Palestine OH where it could do some good.

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Wow... he is so cheap...

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Hubris -.Great comment! For ONLY $50,000!

Obviously did NOT take a page outta da Clinton playbook! 😉😆

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We can "go fund me" and buy his loyalty ourselves! Boss him around a little :P...

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The WHO director-general has always been an MD UNTIL this communist pig propped up by the CCP was voted in. He just barely beat doctor Wolfgang Wodarg of Germany for the position.

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Isn’t he some type of criminal? I still have the vid of him holding a drink dancing in his pink short shorts 🧚‍♀️

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Great post 💃

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Israel acted against it’s very core foundation.Bibi should have stuck with Dr. Michael Levitt. He was brilliant and he was right.

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