In Europe, 5 countries will introduce a vaccin ID in September. First on a voluntary base. Linked to the ID later: everything which concerns you. You won’t be able to get your money without your ID if the vaccines are not done. You will not be able to travel. Etc.
I bet that 99,99% of the european herds of modern moron slaves don't know about it, and even if they knew they would SUPPORT IT!
After all they will provide a "Digital Tool: A cross-border vaccination card, enabling lifelong continuity of care.", and which modern moron slave doesn't want "lifelong continuity of care"?!
They can introduce the prophesied mark of the beast however they want. I'm not even religious, but believe there is something to prophesy. Good luck in certain US states.
DId anyone expect those who want to winnow out the "useless eaters" to make the gauntlet easy for the chosen ones? If it means speakeasys instead of public clubs, avoiding distant vacations, or even selling my place and moving to somewhere where a vast majority value liberty, such as certain US states, until the inevitable collapse and revolution, so be it.
Time to pop the popcorn and watch the show, figuratively speaking (though I don't eat popcorn).
Also, beware of a Blood Transfusion because, like the UK, many Blood banks don't discriminate between tainted mRNA VAX contaminated Blood and 'clean' blood taken from the unjabbed. Mick (UK).
Here in Canada, separate blood banks don't exist (yet) so I'm indefinitely postponing knee replacement surgery, which sometimes requires a blood transfusion. Incidentally, I've reduced my pain more 75% by avoiding inflammatory foods, and am starting to question whether I even need to get the knee replaced.
I no longer donate blood and have taken myself off the organ donor list. The unvaxxed were denied transplants and died as a result.
I won't donate again unless and until separate blood and organ banks are created specifically for the unvaxxed.
My husband is also supposed to be having a knee replacement but has decided against after the first one didn't work so well. He is using Castor oil rubbed into his knees which is working really well for his pain. My daughter is also using it for her arthritis and her knees have not been this good for years now. I would definitely give it a try rather than surgery.
I took myself off the organ donation list years ago after watching Dr. Paul Byrne on YouTube explain how no organs can be used from a cadaver. You must be alive for the harvesting and your in extreme paralytic pain. during the process. I feel now it goes against God. Good luck with your health.
If you've realised how mercenary the corrupt medical industry can be, when PROFIT comes before human safety and wellbeing, you will also realise that they would steal your organs without a seconds thought if someone was prepared to pay well for your 'spare parts'. Whether you're ALIVE or DEAD! Mick (UK).
I heard in BC Canada there is talk of a new vaccine registry. ☹️ (Or so I heard on librti - Odessa Orlewitz - ) but the good news here was that we were getting so low on health care workers they invited non vaxxed back to work… so it’s very confusing here. And I really hope dr do better this time around.
You may be invited back to work, but must submit "all" vaxx records plus submit to immunity testing.
I am too old to have had many of the shots but fortuitously survived mumps, measles, chickenpox, and a CCM 1-speed without a helmet in the 1950's. If I had rubella it wasn't noticed. I pursued Hep B shots in the late 80's after the pooled (HIV contaminated?) shots were replaced by vat grown products and Hep A as a convenience for Asian travel in 2008.
This is a political smokescreen to pretend that Adrian and Bonnie are "doing their best." The next step is disparaging those who have not bent over, with an election this fall. Have look at Lex Acker on Substack from May 6 and and Feb. 22, 2024.
Well the health care system has idolized vaccines as infallible, (always assumed) safe and always effective is their mantra and their understanding of immunity (shot must give great immunity because that’s what they were told) is trying to force people into accepting their paradigm (set of assumptions that creates a viewpoint of the world). People need to understand that the science done around vaccine safety and efficacy is really historically quite pathetic and even with the alleged robust trials for the new “vaccines?” for covid (which had at least seemed to attempt providing some evidence of proof of efficacy and safety- ) it doesn’t seem to matter if they do trials when they hide adverse events (ie Maddie de Garay) and misrepresent the data…
So you can’t trust the science behind the advice given to nurses or unions or governments- what we have is lies. Corruption on many levels yes but the whole paradigm of what is health care is seemingly based on lies (big ole money making lies).
I see these as their last desperate flailings as the house of cards is beginning to come down. Or, to use another metaphor, they don't have many more Jenga pieces to pull out.
Since pharma funds all of our healthcare agencies I figure pharma holds sway. Pharma tells the government and the government’s obey. This mistrust in our institutions is crippling. I believe pharma has been building on this dominance for decades. I believe they even have a hand in the GOF labs. This is all so screwed up. I have no idea how this story ends.
So I guess what I am saying is the right to opt out is of paramount importance. And all of our rights that protect that and allow for free speech are part of this fight.
The U.S. needs someone like Nayid Bukele to arrests the MF’s who have committed atrocities against humanity. He is NOT CLOWNING AROUND NOR PLAYING GAMES and makes most bought and owned Western Leaders look like the Imbeciles that must of them are…..
Some states are passing laws to protect themselves from the tyranny that has been going on and for future tyranny. Anyone reading this, look up on sheriff powers in your state.
I'm more thankful than ever to live in the US, in which we have states in which a vast majority value Liberty, and even states that haven't gone completely totalitarian have oases of liberty.
But the only candidate with a realistic chance of winning who is not only for health freedom, but will staff his cabinet accordingly. Trump, contrary to his promise of "draining the swamp," appointed the usual sort of corporate swamp creatures to head the "health" agencies last time around. (shrugs)
August 24 edit: Perhaps Trump will follow through properly this time. Seeing as how the fate of our nation depends upon it, and I'm sure he wants to be on the right side of history. Viva la coalition!
Hijacked? That's putting it mildly. They are 100% CORRUPTED, down through the state governments and many cities. WE CAN VOTE and change state governments.
At this point, whatever numbers the W.H.O. puts forth, their agenda is best ignored or opposed not because of the data but because the policies are supported by W.H.O. W.H.O. is an anti-humanist killing machine, a criminal cartel masquerading as a public health organization. Their pronouncements about health have zero reliability and in fact, the opposite of what they say is more likely to be the truth.
here's to your complete recovery. My sister likely had myo or pericarditis after the 2nd shot. Her symptoms were first being deathly ill for a week, and then she started waking in the night with her heart racing. She could no longer walk up a short steep hill near her house without stopping to catch her breath several times on the way up. She didn't get treated right away, but some weeks later, seeing a doc for another issue, her BP was high so they put her on BP meds. She was on these meds for 2 years, but titrated off of them. Now seems to be okay, but still out of breath more quickly than prior to getting the jabs.
I know of 3 deaths and 13 serious injuries from the jabs. That's out of about 200 people I know who took them.
Never in my life over a 2 year span of time have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnoses, 5 are now dead. In my own neighbourhood, the guy next door’s doctor had a heart attack, she’s in her 40’s and gave up her practice. The neighbour behind me included in the 9 people with a cancer diagnosis was hospitalized then died 6 days later. His grieving wife was shocked because he showed no signs of illness and they were about to go on a vacation to Portugal. A guy in his mid fifties down the street has just been diagnosed with small branch ocular occlusion, which I know is one of the scads of injuries, he had two shots. Further down the street a woman had a heart attack and kidney injury 3 or 4 shots. The guy next door’s father in law had slight hearing issues has lost his hearing after 3 shots. He’s depressed. The woman behind me was diagnosed with macular degeneration. She told me it runs in her family but didn’t have it before the shot. Her sister who has rheumatoid arthritis has it much worse now since the shots. Then you see the 1000’s of medical journals on injuries. Doctors seeing and agreeing about patients injuries. I am injured myself. The injuries aren’t rare. How can there be so many people within my own neighborhood. Doctor’s are seeing this but “afraid” to report it?
I find it shocking that the majority of doctors I’ve seen about my injury all tell me they see others with injuries. There are 1000’s of medical journals outlining a dizzying array of injuries from these shots. Why is this still hushed, un acknowledged?
I will never take another so-called vaccine as long as I live from these criminals. It’s election time so they’re going to make up another fake emergency so they can do paper ballots again, and lock us down and steal another election.
Gun control by executive order. 4 Trillion dollars printed out of thin air. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses closed for good. Churches shuttered. Limits on family gatherings. "Mask" mandates. National parks closed. Beaches closed. A president getting on their helicopter and saying, "They *have* to get their shots." A President saying that they are going to use the military to deliver the "vaccines" and make sure that everyone gets one. A president who gave an award and medal to Anthony Fauci for his handling of the "pandemic". This all happened in 2020 before the fake election that year. Who was the president then? Are we really sure that if we vote "dem" we will get forced "vaccinations"? Or could it be that no matter who gets (s)elected, medical tyranny will continue? I sure don't hear any of the two front runners talking about any of it or relenting what was done in 2020. I say, if a person feels they really must vote for an El Jefe, go for it. But I also say, "but don't join a cult". That is what these presidential (s)elections have become for a couple of decades now. The cult of the R's or the cult of the D's and whichever person is "our guy" nothing bad can be said against them. I get what you are saying because the "Rs" say they won't "mandate" "vaccines". But, are they railing against any of it? Are they railing against the digital IDs that will (if not at first) eventually be required to have "vaccine" status included and will be needed just to be able to get our money? Let's stop listening to what these people are saying and pay attention to what they *aren't* saying. That speaks more to me than any amount of rhetoric.
Right on. Great slant on a critical topic. Brilliant. It's not what they say, it's what they don't say. Trump never rails on Time Warp, why not? Becuz' he'd deserve another go-round with Jack Smith and a jail sentence. We are staring depopulation and financial Armageddon and Jerome Powell is mum......
You are becoming more aware. Shove the last of thinking about right and left off, you will feel so much lighter.
Then it becomes a situation where you are making plans as if the grid was going to go down for 6 months. I'm not talking about the end of the world type thing.5 ML
Vote and you support the system that doesn't support you, but you'll be blamed for "voting for the wrong side," no matter which one is elected; it's just business as usual...
I dislike ALL politicians. The Drumpf just happens to be the one to avoid at this moment! He's remains as unacceptable as he was in 2016. Actually, he's gotten much worse! SMH.
Hey, nobody's perfect. I FEEL MUCH THE SAME. It's a choice between idiot 1 or idiot 2.. I saw an article claiming RFK literally begged Krazy Kamala for a job in her administration should she win/purloin the election. How crazy is that?
That's why the carefully planted rumor of an RFK Jr deal with Kamala is a joke. It completely ignores his position with Children's Health Defense, not to mention his stand on vaccines and medical freedom. Of course, it's _possible_ that someone wanted to make it less likely that RFK Jr. would take a bullet, but then it's also _possible_ for pigs to fly.
I have a question for you? Why do you think the PEOPLE can't stand up and speak TF out?
Scared, want someone to fix the problems, don't know any better, etc.
The puppet masters sit gleefully clapping their hooved hands, probably clap their hooved feet as well. Every time y'all use the language of our oppressors, they clap. Here are a few examples
Migrants, guidelines substituted for rules, minors instead of children
(parents gave up their parental authority a long time ago, it's why those yes people litter the school boards and kick the parents out, or call the police when they try to wrestle back some control?
The word woman and it's definition.
All the distractions that have been foward and center or so it seems. It's all been ORCHESTRATED to garner your attention and DIVIDE people. If it were not serving a purpose, you can damn well bet the puppet masters (TPM) would not be allowing it. Federal gov totally corrupted and have been for years, TPM run them. The WEF is their shill. I noticed the dumbing down of society 36 years ago give or take one. Conspiracy theorist is what I was called, each time I pointed something out that didn't make sense.
It's all been ORCHESTRATED, I now believe that it's good vs evil..
Whether these people believe they are disciples from the devil or they react are, it makes NO differenc. Actors, famous athletes (think LeBron and Jamie Fox both could have saved people has they stood TF up and spoke TF out. They got more money than God. Pathetic) I believe they sold their souls a long time ago for fame and fortune. Think about both of their successes. So athletes, stars, CEO's, etc.
After GenX, teaching the 3 R's was pushed to the back burner and abstract concept teaching was ushered in, starting in kindergarten. 3 R's - reading promotes comprehension skills, in conversation in helps ones about to pick up on nuance. Humor, sarcasm, satire, helps one navigate socially. Abstract is indoctrination..
You are seeing the effects right in front of your face .
Bless their hearts, I know that it came from a good bc I was taught using the 3 R's..BUT mofo, they literally have no idea that Palestinians would lob their heads off, they will not 'research' (that's what they call reading) and it is what it is.
Deliberately done.
At the same time period, after GenX, is when the recom CDC's shot list started increasing. So did medical issues and mental issues. These gens do not get enough magnesium and a couple other important vitamins and minerals.
Deliberately done.
ORCHESTRATED. The only reason to dumb people down is so that they can be manipulated. But through the news they lied manufactured reasons, and basically were able to incorporate other generations. However it's much easier to for these ppl to be able to clear the cobwebs than those after GenX.
I mean those people, around 70% of them are UNABLE to.tell what is real and unreal online and on tv.
STOP RIGHT THERE. Literacy is important. This type of alt-left reordering my words inside your head, writing your comment as if this nonsense above ☝️☝️ is what I said.
This is not a game I will play with you.
The word rant should be stricken from everyone's vocabulary. If someone has something to say, let them say it. Several reasons why someone would use the word rant either their own words or someone else words.
YOU do not possess the power to SHAME ME, I want you to re-read that, if you have the time.
But you can bet if Kamala wins in November, she will make the vaccines mandatory. Because that's what Democrats do. You know, for the Greater Good, and all that.
I would love to believe RFK has a shot at winning, but I don't. It will be either Trump or Kamala. We know Kamala will mandate vaccines. Trump will not. The choice is obvious.
okay, let me put it this way: With Kamala we know she will be what Democrats are at their core: totalitarian, and she will implement mandates. Democrats are much more totalitarian than Republicans because they are blind to it. They believe they are the party of compassion, the Greater Good, but who gets to decide what the Greater Good is? They will force everyone to take a vaccine because they have been brainwashed to believe it will help everyone. they will force everyone to drive electric cars or give up driving altogether because they want to "save the planet" (as if the planet is in need of saving). Democrats are at their core, totalitarian, fascist. But they will never admit it, never see it, and that's why they see it in others, calling Trump Hitler! But they are the scary ones, the real fascists.
Republicans in general believe that individual freedom and liberty are to be preserved. At least in theory.
It's certainly possible that Trump will mandate vaccines but I think he's far less likely to do that than Kamala. Trump want to downsize the Federal government, turn over to the States a lot of what the Fed's are now doing. So under Trump, vaccine mandates, if they happen at all, are likely to be decided at the state level
Another issue which is hugely important is the wars. I believe Trump will do what he can to end the Ukraine war. But Gaza? all of them, Trump, Harris, and RFK, they all stand on the side of continuing the slaughter and starvation. Still, ending the Ukraine war would be huge, and is yet another reason to support Trump.
They all will. Blue or Red. Look what happened with Mr Warp Speed the first time around.. Uniparty. This is down to us to stand firm to whomever with a clear Hell No!
yes, Trump was Mr Warp Speed and he continued to talk up the "vaccine" long after it was known to be killing people, a lot of people. But he did not mandate that people had to get it. I think it's unlikely Trump or any Republican President will mandate a vaccine. I could certainly be wrong. The Democratic Party is pretty much exactly the opposite of the party it used to be. So maybe the Republican party has flipped too and it's no longer the party of individual rights... ??
And no, states won't be able to say no, while the Federal Government is captured, because a new "state of national emergency" can be declared anytime for any trumped-up reasons (pun intended):
Every one who works at the WHO should be at the very least imprisoned for the rest of their life! Especially the person who funds it, the Evil Billy pedo Gates!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They know we’ve wised up to mRNA. If people comply and allow vac passes to this they’ve got all their ducks in a row; next step mRNA of course. Softly softly catch your monkey but highly doubtful, the pox variant..
You'll never know, because $$ has been prioritized over health long ago, so all underhanded tactics (and worse) are allowed. This might be an indication:
RETRACTED ARTICLE: An overview on mRNA-based vaccines to prevent monkeypox infection
I have no intention of ever getting another vaccine again. EVER.
In Europe, 5 countries will introduce a vaccin ID in September. First on a voluntary base. Linked to the ID later: everything which concerns you. You won’t be able to get your money without your ID if the vaccines are not done. You will not be able to travel. Etc.
I bet that 99,99% of the european herds of modern moron slaves don't know about it, and even if they knew they would SUPPORT IT!
After all they will provide a "Digital Tool: A cross-border vaccination card, enabling lifelong continuity of care.", and which modern moron slave doesn't want "lifelong continuity of care"?!
They can introduce the prophesied mark of the beast however they want. I'm not even religious, but believe there is something to prophesy. Good luck in certain US states.
DId anyone expect those who want to winnow out the "useless eaters" to make the gauntlet easy for the chosen ones? If it means speakeasys instead of public clubs, avoiding distant vacations, or even selling my place and moving to somewhere where a vast majority value liberty, such as certain US states, until the inevitable collapse and revolution, so be it.
Time to pop the popcorn and watch the show, figuratively speaking (though I don't eat popcorn).
This is why you must find ways to keep yourself off the digital board or as small of a connection as possible.
Your claims are Based on what ?
There are billions of sleepy heads!
Also, beware of a Blood Transfusion because, like the UK, many Blood banks don't discriminate between tainted mRNA VAX contaminated Blood and 'clean' blood taken from the unjabbed. Mick (UK).
Here in Canada, separate blood banks don't exist (yet) so I'm indefinitely postponing knee replacement surgery, which sometimes requires a blood transfusion. Incidentally, I've reduced my pain more 75% by avoiding inflammatory foods, and am starting to question whether I even need to get the knee replaced.
I no longer donate blood and have taken myself off the organ donor list. The unvaxxed were denied transplants and died as a result.
I won't donate again unless and until separate blood and organ banks are created specifically for the unvaxxed.
My husband is also supposed to be having a knee replacement but has decided against after the first one didn't work so well. He is using Castor oil rubbed into his knees which is working really well for his pain. My daughter is also using it for her arthritis and her knees have not been this good for years now. I would definitely give it a try rather than surgery.
I took myself off the organ donation list years ago after watching Dr. Paul Byrne on YouTube explain how no organs can be used from a cadaver. You must be alive for the harvesting and your in extreme paralytic pain. during the process. I feel now it goes against God. Good luck with your health.
If you've realised how mercenary the corrupt medical industry can be, when PROFIT comes before human safety and wellbeing, you will also realise that they would steal your organs without a seconds thought if someone was prepared to pay well for your 'spare parts'. Whether you're ALIVE or DEAD! Mick (UK).
im going to say im jv
Same here.
I heard in BC Canada there is talk of a new vaccine registry. ☹️ (Or so I heard on librti - Odessa Orlewitz - ) but the good news here was that we were getting so low on health care workers they invited non vaxxed back to work… so it’s very confusing here. And I really hope dr do better this time around.
You have missed the point.
You may be invited back to work, but must submit "all" vaxx records plus submit to immunity testing.
I am too old to have had many of the shots but fortuitously survived mumps, measles, chickenpox, and a CCM 1-speed without a helmet in the 1950's. If I had rubella it wasn't noticed. I pursued Hep B shots in the late 80's after the pooled (HIV contaminated?) shots were replaced by vat grown products and Hep A as a convenience for Asian travel in 2008.
This is a political smokescreen to pretend that Adrian and Bonnie are "doing their best." The next step is disparaging those who have not bent over, with an election this fall. Have look at Lex Acker on Substack from May 6 and and Feb. 22, 2024.
Well the health care system has idolized vaccines as infallible, (always assumed) safe and always effective is their mantra and their understanding of immunity (shot must give great immunity because that’s what they were told) is trying to force people into accepting their paradigm (set of assumptions that creates a viewpoint of the world). People need to understand that the science done around vaccine safety and efficacy is really historically quite pathetic and even with the alleged robust trials for the new “vaccines?” for covid (which had at least seemed to attempt providing some evidence of proof of efficacy and safety- ) it doesn’t seem to matter if they do trials when they hide adverse events (ie Maddie de Garay) and misrepresent the data…
So you can’t trust the science behind the advice given to nurses or unions or governments- what we have is lies. Corruption on many levels yes but the whole paradigm of what is health care is seemingly based on lies (big ole money making lies).
I see these as their last desperate flailings as the house of cards is beginning to come down. Or, to use another metaphor, they don't have many more Jenga pieces to pull out.
Since pharma funds all of our healthcare agencies I figure pharma holds sway. Pharma tells the government and the government’s obey. This mistrust in our institutions is crippling. I believe pharma has been building on this dominance for decades. I believe they even have a hand in the GOF labs. This is all so screwed up. I have no idea how this story ends.
So I guess what I am saying is the right to opt out is of paramount importance. And all of our rights that protect that and allow for free speech are part of this fight.
Same here!!
You think?!
Let the SRF & Billionaires CLOSE THE SKIES & RESTAURANTS and the herds will be begging for those JABS and complying like previously.
You're one of those!
That plan needs quite a bit of planning, because lots of things only hurt the people:
They don't care about the people. PLEASE GET AWARE, find your people and make a plan. Say if the grid goes down for a time period.
When is someone going to try and imprison these lying morons?
The U.S. needs someone like Nayid Bukele to arrests the MF’s who have committed atrocities against humanity. He is NOT CLOWNING AROUND NOR PLAYING GAMES and makes most bought and owned Western Leaders look like the Imbeciles that must of them are…..
Some states are passing laws to protect themselves from the tyranny that has been going on and for future tyranny. Anyone reading this, look up on sheriff powers in your state.
I'm more thankful than ever to live in the US, in which we have states in which a vast majority value Liberty, and even states that haven't gone completely totalitarian have oases of liberty.
certainly none of the 2 major dems and reps candidates, except maybe for RFK, hopefully...
He is a climate changer .
But the only candidate with a realistic chance of winning who is not only for health freedom, but will staff his cabinet accordingly. Trump, contrary to his promise of "draining the swamp," appointed the usual sort of corporate swamp creatures to head the "health" agencies last time around. (shrugs)
August 24 edit: Perhaps Trump will follow through properly this time. Seeing as how the fate of our nation depends upon it, and I'm sure he wants to be on the right side of history. Viva la coalition!
I expect the justice they end up getting when enough who fall for the scam get hip will be more direct.
Like who?
"bird flu" "monkeypox" "COVID-24"
they're just throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks, huh?
The problem is that the government is hijacked. Still, no retreat, no surrender:
can never surrender to these psychos
NEVER. I'm going down fighting
Hijacked? That's putting it mildly. They are 100% CORRUPTED, down through the state governments and many cities. WE CAN VOTE and change state governments.
That's what lying shitwitz do!
At this point, whatever numbers the W.H.O. puts forth, their agenda is best ignored or opposed not because of the data but because the policies are supported by W.H.O. W.H.O. is an anti-humanist killing machine, a criminal cartel masquerading as a public health organization. Their pronouncements about health have zero reliability and in fact, the opposite of what they say is more likely to be the truth.
You got the biggest thing. They are basically Gates shill.
Vax injured From the Covid Jab! Never Again!!
good for you for recognizing the cause of your injury. You've treated it, and you're okay now I hope.
Yes thank you. Minor myocarditis. Ok now
here's to your complete recovery. My sister likely had myo or pericarditis after the 2nd shot. Her symptoms were first being deathly ill for a week, and then she started waking in the night with her heart racing. She could no longer walk up a short steep hill near her house without stopping to catch her breath several times on the way up. She didn't get treated right away, but some weeks later, seeing a doc for another issue, her BP was high so they put her on BP meds. She was on these meds for 2 years, but titrated off of them. Now seems to be okay, but still out of breath more quickly than prior to getting the jabs.
I know of 3 deaths and 13 serious injuries from the jabs. That's out of about 200 people I know who took them.
Never in my life over a 2 year span of time have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnoses, 5 are now dead. In my own neighbourhood, the guy next door’s doctor had a heart attack, she’s in her 40’s and gave up her practice. The neighbour behind me included in the 9 people with a cancer diagnosis was hospitalized then died 6 days later. His grieving wife was shocked because he showed no signs of illness and they were about to go on a vacation to Portugal. A guy in his mid fifties down the street has just been diagnosed with small branch ocular occlusion, which I know is one of the scads of injuries, he had two shots. Further down the street a woman had a heart attack and kidney injury 3 or 4 shots. The guy next door’s father in law had slight hearing issues has lost his hearing after 3 shots. He’s depressed. The woman behind me was diagnosed with macular degeneration. She told me it runs in her family but didn’t have it before the shot. Her sister who has rheumatoid arthritis has it much worse now since the shots. Then you see the 1000’s of medical journals on injuries. Doctors seeing and agreeing about patients injuries. I am injured myself. The injuries aren’t rare. How can there be so many people within my own neighborhood. Doctor’s are seeing this but “afraid” to report it?
Sounds like A-Fib.
Listen to the Dr ARdis show, so much informaton about healing. Are you taking Cardio Miracle? Have you tried Nicotine patches?
Congratulations in not being gas lit by the murderers, I wish you all good health x
I find it shocking that the majority of doctors I’ve seen about my injury all tell me they see others with injuries. There are 1000’s of medical journals outlining a dizzying array of injuries from these shots. Why is this still hushed, un acknowledged?
So much money to be made...
I will never take another so-called vaccine as long as I live from these criminals. It’s election time so they’re going to make up another fake emergency so they can do paper ballots again, and lock us down and steal another election.
This problem is worldwide not just one country.
Right on queue!! I will never trust again. I will not comply. NEVER.
Vote Dem and you will get forced "vaxxinations."
Remember what I wrote.
It's a Uniparty; politics is only a show for the masses...
Gun control by executive order. 4 Trillion dollars printed out of thin air. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses closed for good. Churches shuttered. Limits on family gatherings. "Mask" mandates. National parks closed. Beaches closed. A president getting on their helicopter and saying, "They *have* to get their shots." A President saying that they are going to use the military to deliver the "vaccines" and make sure that everyone gets one. A president who gave an award and medal to Anthony Fauci for his handling of the "pandemic". This all happened in 2020 before the fake election that year. Who was the president then? Are we really sure that if we vote "dem" we will get forced "vaccinations"? Or could it be that no matter who gets (s)elected, medical tyranny will continue? I sure don't hear any of the two front runners talking about any of it or relenting what was done in 2020. I say, if a person feels they really must vote for an El Jefe, go for it. But I also say, "but don't join a cult". That is what these presidential (s)elections have become for a couple of decades now. The cult of the R's or the cult of the D's and whichever person is "our guy" nothing bad can be said against them. I get what you are saying because the "Rs" say they won't "mandate" "vaccines". But, are they railing against any of it? Are they railing against the digital IDs that will (if not at first) eventually be required to have "vaccine" status included and will be needed just to be able to get our money? Let's stop listening to what these people are saying and pay attention to what they *aren't* saying. That speaks more to me than any amount of rhetoric.
Right on. Great slant on a critical topic. Brilliant. It's not what they say, it's what they don't say. Trump never rails on Time Warp, why not? Becuz' he'd deserve another go-round with Jack Smith and a jail sentence. We are staring depopulation and financial Armageddon and Jerome Powell is mum......
You are becoming more aware. Shove the last of thinking about right and left off, you will feel so much lighter.
Then it becomes a situation where you are making plans as if the grid was going to go down for 6 months. I'm not talking about the end of the world type thing.5 ML
I apologize, my ChooChoo jumped into my lap right where this appears . '5 mil' and it got sent, lol.
I have no idea what 5 mil is, represents, however if that is 5 million and in my account, it's mine and I'm withdrawing it immediately. 😂🤣
I was going to do finish up my comment with it's far better to have a plan and not need it than need a plan and not have one.
Well said. They’re all playing both ends against the middle with a collective aim that’s never going to benefit any of us.
Vote republican and the country is DEAD! THE DRUMPF is liar, traitor, felon and more that we don't need!
Vote and you support the system that doesn't support you, but you'll be blamed for "voting for the wrong side," no matter which one is elected; it's just business as usual...
Why do you let anyone blame you in that manner.
Though I disagree that it's business as usual.
Anytime you want to march on WASHINGTON WITH ME, JUST LET ME KNOW
Non compis mentís you are. Your post is pure projection. Everything you assert is true but contingent on voting Democrat.
This is way past right/left.
yeah, sure. vote for krazy kamala instead.
If you can tell me how to avoid Trump without voting for Harris I'm all ears. Hmm?
Are you kidding me. Kamala is not a good person. Start observing her..
I dislike ALL politicians. The Drumpf just happens to be the one to avoid at this moment! He's remains as unacceptable as he was in 2016. Actually, he's gotten much worse! SMH.
all politicians want liketime jobs so they can practice insider trading.
Amen! 🤣
Yeah. We're all gonna die.
Hey, nobody's perfect. I FEEL MUCH THE SAME. It's a choice between idiot 1 or idiot 2.. I saw an article claiming RFK literally begged Krazy Kamala for a job in her administration should she win/purloin the election. How crazy is that?
RFK has completely denounced that he had any discussion with Harris. It’s all made up…
Well, I would ask you what publication was it? Do you know who really supplies the money for said publication..?
You do realize that you have a voice and if you stand up, and speak TF out, their power begins to dissipate.
That's why the carefully planted rumor of an RFK Jr deal with Kamala is a joke. It completely ignores his position with Children's Health Defense, not to mention his stand on vaccines and medical freedom. Of course, it's _possible_ that someone wanted to make it less likely that RFK Jr. would take a bullet, but then it's also _possible_ for pigs to fly.
rfk is waiting to show his duplicity. he's waiting for a job to make him important. some good aspects but as a Dem, there's dormant insanity lurking.
I find that story hard to believe.
doubting Thomas, eh?
I have a question for you? Why do you think the PEOPLE can't stand up and speak TF out?
Scared, want someone to fix the problems, don't know any better, etc.
The puppet masters sit gleefully clapping their hooved hands, probably clap their hooved feet as well. Every time y'all use the language of our oppressors, they clap. Here are a few examples
Migrants, guidelines substituted for rules, minors instead of children
(parents gave up their parental authority a long time ago, it's why those yes people litter the school boards and kick the parents out, or call the police when they try to wrestle back some control?
The word woman and it's definition.
All the distractions that have been foward and center or so it seems. It's all been ORCHESTRATED to garner your attention and DIVIDE people. If it were not serving a purpose, you can damn well bet the puppet masters (TPM) would not be allowing it. Federal gov totally corrupted and have been for years, TPM run them. The WEF is their shill. I noticed the dumbing down of society 36 years ago give or take one. Conspiracy theorist is what I was called, each time I pointed something out that didn't make sense.
It's all been ORCHESTRATED, I now believe that it's good vs evil..
Whether these people believe they are disciples from the devil or they react are, it makes NO differenc. Actors, famous athletes (think LeBron and Jamie Fox both could have saved people has they stood TF up and spoke TF out. They got more money than God. Pathetic) I believe they sold their souls a long time ago for fame and fortune. Think about both of their successes. So athletes, stars, CEO's, etc.
After GenX, teaching the 3 R's was pushed to the back burner and abstract concept teaching was ushered in, starting in kindergarten. 3 R's - reading promotes comprehension skills, in conversation in helps ones about to pick up on nuance. Humor, sarcasm, satire, helps one navigate socially. Abstract is indoctrination..
You are seeing the effects right in front of your face .
Bless their hearts, I know that it came from a good bc I was taught using the 3 R's..BUT mofo, they literally have no idea that Palestinians would lob their heads off, they will not 'research' (that's what they call reading) and it is what it is.
Deliberately done.
At the same time period, after GenX, is when the recom CDC's shot list started increasing. So did medical issues and mental issues. These gens do not get enough magnesium and a couple other important vitamins and minerals.
Deliberately done.
ORCHESTRATED. The only reason to dumb people down is so that they can be manipulated. But through the news they lied manufactured reasons, and basically were able to incorporate other generations. However it's much easier to for these ppl to be able to clear the cobwebs than those after GenX.
I mean those people, around 70% of them are UNABLE to.tell what is real and unreal online and on tv.
STOP RIGHT THERE. Literacy is important. This type of alt-left reordering my words inside your head, writing your comment as if this nonsense above ☝️☝️ is what I said.
This is not a game I will play with you.
The word rant should be stricken from everyone's vocabulary. If someone has something to say, let them say it. Several reasons why someone would use the word rant either their own words or someone else words.
YOU do not possess the power to SHAME ME, I want you to re-read that, if you have the time.
Here we go again.... Sigh....
But you can bet if Kamala wins in November, she will make the vaccines mandatory. Because that's what Democrats do. You know, for the Greater Good, and all that.
so important to come out to vote for Bobby KennedyJr 🇺🇸
I would love to believe RFK has a shot at winning, but I don't. It will be either Trump or Kamala. We know Kamala will mandate vaccines. Trump will not. The choice is obvious.
You really believe that? Mr. warp speed won't comply? They ALL answer to the same master....please wake up.
okay, let me put it this way: With Kamala we know she will be what Democrats are at their core: totalitarian, and she will implement mandates. Democrats are much more totalitarian than Republicans because they are blind to it. They believe they are the party of compassion, the Greater Good, but who gets to decide what the Greater Good is? They will force everyone to take a vaccine because they have been brainwashed to believe it will help everyone. they will force everyone to drive electric cars or give up driving altogether because they want to "save the planet" (as if the planet is in need of saving). Democrats are at their core, totalitarian, fascist. But they will never admit it, never see it, and that's why they see it in others, calling Trump Hitler! But they are the scary ones, the real fascists.
Republicans in general believe that individual freedom and liberty are to be preserved. At least in theory.
It's certainly possible that Trump will mandate vaccines but I think he's far less likely to do that than Kamala. Trump want to downsize the Federal government, turn over to the States a lot of what the Fed's are now doing. So under Trump, vaccine mandates, if they happen at all, are likely to be decided at the state level
Another issue which is hugely important is the wars. I believe Trump will do what he can to end the Ukraine war. But Gaza? all of them, Trump, Harris, and RFK, they all stand on the side of continuing the slaughter and starvation. Still, ending the Ukraine war would be huge, and is yet another reason to support Trump.
Bravo, the truth comes out. Drumph will be forced to accept Deep State diktat. He's fully compromised, fair game for DS coercions.
That’s what the exit polls said about Perot. If Everyone who likes Bobby Votes for him He WILL WIN! Vote your Conscience.Vote for. Bobby 🇺🇸
How DO YOU KNOW THAT? is this rhetoric that is wine else said? Because she hasn't said it.
You know why that is?
Bobby Kennedy Jr still believes in the climate emergency scam.
Right on Frank, which makes me leary in what else lurks inside him.
How can anyone believe in this scam? He should know better or maybe he is on it?
That elects Kamala mandate !!!
They all will. Blue or Red. Look what happened with Mr Warp Speed the first time around.. Uniparty. This is down to us to stand firm to whomever with a clear Hell No!
yes, Trump was Mr Warp Speed and he continued to talk up the "vaccine" long after it was known to be killing people, a lot of people. But he did not mandate that people had to get it. I think it's unlikely Trump or any Republican President will mandate a vaccine. I could certainly be wrong. The Democratic Party is pretty much exactly the opposite of the party it used to be. So maybe the Republican party has flipped too and it's no longer the party of individual rights... ??
People are far too tied up in the left/right blue/red paradigm. Wake up and smell the coffee.
She can't make a damn thing mandatory.
Quick buy stock in Monkey condoms!
#Let Bobby Debate
Thanks for the alert. Resist.
Of course, viruses have never been proven to exist.
In spite of that fact, the monkey pox "virus" allowed itself to be photographed already two years ago:
It kind of resembles "omicron" for the "moronic":
I expect this a diversion again. There are sooo many ways to prevent people from thinking:
And no, states won't be able to say no, while the Federal Government is captured, because a new "state of national emergency" can be declared anytime for any trumped-up reasons (pun intended):
Of course it's what these demons wanted to do.
Every one who works at the WHO should be at the very least imprisoned for the rest of their life! Especially the person who funds it, the Evil Billy pedo Gates!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are these new vaccines MRNA based like the C19 Jonestown Jabs?
Not mRNA but Jynneos also causes heart inflammation
They know we’ve wised up to mRNA. If people comply and allow vac passes to this they’ve got all their ducks in a row; next step mRNA of course. Softly softly catch your monkey but highly doubtful, the pox variant..
You'll never know, because $$ has been prioritized over health long ago, so all underhanded tactics (and worse) are allowed. This might be an indication:
RETRACTED ARTICLE: An overview on mRNA-based vaccines to prevent monkeypox infection