We simply don't know what is being done. We do know that (Merck I think) had a livestock mRNA vaccine for livestock--the vaccine talk in the Attack on Food symposium I hosted on March 4 had a slide on mRNA vaccines for animals.
you cannot buy meat in the US that has not been vaccinated with some vaccines, 99.9% of the time, as the USDA requires its inspectors check every animal butchered.
Very concerned about animal vaccines, especially mRNA vaccines. For my dog who has to eat meat - and I only ate meat rarely, until getting thorough labs after having covid (infection, not injection), and seeing a developing autoimmune disease.
Many have reversed / keep under control autoimmunity with eating Only meat / some veggies / fruit and a few oils. An extremely limiting, red meat centered diet. And there will be a wave of autoimmunity after so many were exposed to the spike protein in whatever form, especially the vaccine. Not a good time for food choices to be either mRNA injected animals or intestinal parasite causing bugs! ! !
Do you think it will be possible to stop livestock mRNA vaccine?
On a side note- perhaps completely irrelevant and completely unrelated. But have you noticed or heard of an uptick in dog deaths lately? Starting about 3-4 months ago seems like a large amount of dogs died. Mine included. It just seemed odd that so many died in such a short period of time. In my circle of people I know of 5 dogs who died within a few months. I live in suburb of Seattle. I know probably completely off subject-speaking about livestock and food just reminded me of this head scratcher that lasted thru Feb of this year 2023.
So very sorry to hear of your loss - I feed my dogs The Farmers Dog - it is USDA human grade food - dog food is real garbage - and yes, does kill - the crap that's on those cans is not to be believed - but Farmers Dog is not cheap. If you rescue another dog and I hope you will when you are ready - for me, that's the only way to feed a dog because it's safe.
A number of your customers are concerned about mRNA vaccines being put into the meat we consume from your store. We spend many thousands of dollars per year in your store, and do not wish to have these vaccines, or mRNA agents, in either our meat, or our vegetables, without our legal, informed consent, which is the law – laws dating back to the Nuremberg trials, including the subsequent lesser known “Doctors’ Trials” in 1946, Nuremberg, Germany. Yes, I am aware that there is no mandate to vaccinate livestock, per this AP article No, farmers aren’t required to vaccinate livestock with mRNA vaccines, but that, of course, is not the question as AP disingenuously reports; rather, the question is, is this being done anyway? Do you do it with your products, and if so, are we consumers being notified? (Basically, as far as I’m concerned, AP article outright lies, writing that mRNA is “typically gone within days of receipt”; as a matter of fact, we know a fact that the mRNA from the Covid shot remains at least 60 days, if not longer – much longer To wit: Per Dr. Peter McCullough in his March 17, 2023 article, Critical Role of Pseudouridine in Synthetic mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines “Fertig et al found lipid nanoparticles with mRNA were measurable in plasma for—15 days. Recently, Castruita et al demonstrated mRNA in blood out to 28 days. Roltgen et al have found mRNA in lymph nodes 60 days after injection. None of these studies demonstrated complete clearance of mRNA from a group of patients. This is worrisome since injections are recommended in some populations just a few months apart implying there will be stacking of long-lasting mRNA in the body without adequate opportunity for clearance and elimination.” Former science editor for the NY Times Alex Berenson wrote, wrote about a little-noticed report in the highly respected, peer-reviewed journal Cell reveals that mRNA materials from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines remain in lymph nodes for at least 60 days, while “free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination.’ That’s not what the info-gatekeepers have been telling us. The famed journal Cell, itself, writes in Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination genetic materials actually remain in the body for up to two months; here, in the Journal of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, the mRNA lasts for at least a month. The man who invented the mRNA platform, Dr. Robert Malone, says “When a vaccine is injected into a patient’s arm, the RNA from the vaccine, which is a modified RNA, is supposed to last for only a couple of hours, but a study from Stanford University shows that “the RNA sticks around for at least 60 days.” Malone also says using needle biopsies, these have shown RNA persists in axillar lymph nodes for at least 60 days. They didn't test any longer than that, so it could be far longer. Japanese doctors reported summer, 2022 that mRNA-induced spike proteins from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do persist in the body for at least several months post-injection. See Persistent varicella zoster virus infection following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was associated with the presence of encoded spike protein in the lesion in the Journal of Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy.by Mayuko Yamamoto MD, PhD and Shigetoshi Sano, MD, PhD, out of Kochi Medical School, Kochi University, Japan. I could go on, but you get the point I assume.
The AP article quotes U.S. Department of Agriculture spokesperson Marissa Perry: “There is no requirement or mandate that producers vaccinate their livestock for any disease. It is a personal and business decision left up to the producer and will remain that way,” and quotes Jason Menke, a National Pork Board spokesperson, that the “decision to use vaccines and other medical treatments to protect animal health and well-being are made by the farmer under the direction of the herd veterinarian.” Again, this is subterfuge and typical government legalese/waffle-ese. I repeat: Are we, the consumers, being notified with legal informed consent if our food is “vaccinated?” NOT “it might be”; not “it is the at the producer’s discretion”; not “the decision is made under the direction of a vet (but we ain’t gonna tell you, poor unwashed rubes in flyover country”; simply are you complying with the law of informed consent, yes or no.” The AP article does quote Suresh Kuchipudi, a veterinary scientist and chair of emerging infectious diseases at Penn State University, saying animals get immunizations do not rely on mRNA technology. Fine. What are they? Where do we find this simple information? Heck, there’s a database now for almost every mosquito found on earth – certainly this list can’t be that hard to come up with?
If you read nothing else, my request is simple: Can you legally verify that no mRNA-based vaccines or agents are in the meat or fish you sell? In turn, this will be disseminated to a wide range of readers I have. AP – which as already shown itself to be misinformed as above – tells us “are no animal vaccines currently licensed in the U.S. against any disease that use the same mRNA approach as humans’ COVID-19 vaccines.” So, if this is true, the task is simple: Verify that we are not being fed mRNA in our meat or vegetables, and if we ever are, we will have informed consent. If this is true that there is no mRNA vaccines in our food, should be a 10 minute project for you.
I understand that you may well consider this to be “tin foil hat” type of concerns. To that end, I am citing studies from universities like UCLA, statements from President Biden, and more, illustrating that this issue is a valid, scientific concern. The information will be quite lengthy, with the sole purpose of proving that this is anything but “fake news.” You need not read all of this, but is there for reference. Lawyers such as Tom Renz also feel unwitting vaccinated meat being pushed onto customers without their consent or knowledge is a valid concern. See his tweet on the subject here, or his substack here. Here’s the point: the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association is 100% opposed to #Missouri #HB1169, which bars mRNA vaccines in meat. If they aren’t putting gene altering drugs in the cows why do they oppose the bill? The fact is that they probably are and want to do more. And vaccines in our veggies “fake news?” Turns out that, for example, Univ. of California Riverside scientists, collaboration with UC San Diego and Carnegie Mellon Univ are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories, per SciTech Daily here; similarly in News-Medical Life Sciences, in an article from two years ago, Researchers aim to develop edible plant-based mRNA vaccines, here, we are also told that plant based vaccines are in development. See also Edible vaccines by William HR Langridge at UCLA Note that we are not claiming Bill Gates has tweeted anything about vaccines in our food. Similarly, Dr. Peter McCullough, who is the most heavily published cardiologist in history in his cardiology field, published Data on miRNA Transfer from Food into Human Body are Inconclusive. One study he cites said “Mar-Aguilar et al, reviewed the literature on experiments that attempted to get miRNA into food, ingested, and be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into mammals. In short, the studies were conflicting largely because miRNA was difficult to measure in vivo at the time the studies were performed. As you can see selected studies from the evidence table are not conclusive, however, some were able to show absorption.” But here is the thing: what if it ends up that absorption is taking place, and it is damaging? Some may want to take that risk, but I do not – and certainly not without my legal right of informed consent.
And is this following substack true? American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month I simply don’t know, and am asking for clarification on this. Certainly, even NPR has reported on the possibility, such as here: Researchers Look To Cattle For Treatment For COVID-19 - NPR. The famed feminist icon Dr. Naomi Wolf discussed with attorney Tom Renz here. Is it “conspiracy theory” to take with sincerity something lawyers, PhDs and even the Missouri congress thinks is an issue?
The “ask” here is simply what the Missouri congress has in its bill:
a. That there is labeling and disclosure of any product that has any gene therapy qualities.
b. That if you have a product on the market that has gene therapy qualities, that anyone can call the company and say, ‘Hey, how does this spread? Does it shed? Is it spread through contact – through sexual contact? Or is there a way that this can spread?’ And they have to disclose it.”
c. That we have legal, informed consent. And informed consent includes serious events or adverse events of special interest. … that we have informed consent before you be given anything with the gene therapy or medicinal property.
... ... well, that's the max characters I can post
No, it isn't insanity in the true, clinical sense. They are utterly rational (organized, goal directed) in what they are doing, their plans & desired outcomes are clear. As the other commenter notes, this is EVIL.
Thanks Dr. Nass. These globalist people are truly insane. They always start in their favorite test bed of Africa, just like that colossal piece of scientism trash Gates. Their global eugenics plans will fail - they are collectively a bunch of idiots. Thanks for all the great work you pour out day after day. Let there be peace on this earth. :-)
Steve, The prerequisite for peace is justice; and its prerequisite is truth; and its prerequisite is honor. We need to call out dishonor every time we see it!
This is a great summary of where we stand. I have a few words to say about the difficulty in fixing it. I watched enough of CHD’s “Inside the Belly of the Beast” https://rumble.com/v2i8dv2-inside-the-belly-of-the-beast.html to register the surprise if not shock by Drs. Mumper and Setty who attended it to learn that the vast majority of folk involved in the World Vaccine Congress are sincere, not evil, ignorant, and not malevolent. So too Tupperware salespeople (except there the leaders also believe in a genuinely good product). I could not watch past the point where new strategies for reaching the inbetweeners were broached. This is hardly a new problem, and making new information available is not the key. The key is the pseudo-science of propaganda discussed in that video. Persuasion, except for a negligible minority of the population, is not a rational process.
For about a decade I mentored a 9/11 Truth activist about covert ops. He could not persuade his wife despite all the evidence of 9/11 being a PSY-OP involving the controlled demolition of three buildings in downtown Manhattan. I recently sent him the below excellent cartoon video “BEYOND THE RESET” about an impending future because its protagonist faced this same crisis with his wife. He kept handing her a copy of Klaus Schwab’s book, “The Great Reset” and she kept refusing to look at it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWkepoLUZfs&ab_channel=3DEpixInc. BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film
I was close friends with Vince Salandria, the father of the JFK researchers, whose wife loved him dearly and respected his opinion on all matters legal and geopolitical but scoffed at his ideas about the significance of JFK and 9/11. When I asked what she made of them and him in this respect the answer was “monotopical delusion.” Meryl appeared on the Dr. Drew show with Kelly Victory and related that she quickly cured her MD son of COVID with HCQ but he later concluded that the HCQ had no effect, so not only was he unable to read the research himself, he was unable to appreciate that his mother could and was a great deal smarter than he and that even if he could not follow the argument himself, he should defer. I too am a 9/11 widow of sorts. My best friend of 39 years, and co-author of two papers we wrote when he came to me with problems he couldn’t solve, was also the son of a CIA mind-control psychiatrist who experimented on a captive population of federal prisoners. I broke off the friendship after being unable to bear his stupidity and condescension on 9/11, an example of which is contained in one of my essays:
“My best friend of nearly 40 years, and former co-author, now ensconced at Harvard, has trouble taking me seriously when I discuss 911. Within the past months he admitted not knowing that a 47 story steel building (WTC7) not hit by anything, and with only a few small fires, had collapsed as a perfect implosion would, nor did he know that the 911 Commission had refused even to mention WTC7 in its report, nor did he think much of these facts nor of his ignorance of them. This is a very smart man, open-minded in many respects, but giving up the world-view he inhabits is simply too hard, especially when there is nothing coherent with which to replace it.”
At the time I failed to appreciate that the “world-view” problem was just one of two key factors, the other being that the social “self” constructed by and for most people is itself clung to with religious fervor vis-à-vis a broad range of charged beliefs even when changing those beliefs does not require radical restructuring of a world-view. To put it far too briefly in order to fit space: I love losing a debate to someone smarter than me who knows more than I do because I end up learning something; and almost everyone else in the world feels just the opposite. As I put it to a mentor:
“I made a stab at explaining this phenomenon in my last online essay in 2010, deliberately providing only an outline. Orwell does a fine job of describing the phenomenon of political self-deception at the clinical level, but errs gravely in depicting it as imposed at least initially primarily from without. Both Lippmann and Bernays provide a better understanding of the mechanics of how to induce it without the violent threats of Big Brother, but none of them comes close to seeing and understanding it as the embrace of a lover, the solution of man’s search for meaning, the buffer and succor against the enemy of the existential void – if we can be a little highfalutin here. That achievement belongs to the theologian Jacques Ellul (Propaganda, The Formation of Men’s Attitudes), which put my mind to rest on the matter (despite his book being riddled with contradictions that require frequent translations into the correct logical form, e.g., universal claims that are only pervasive stochastic generalities). Ellul makes clear that secular worldviews provide the very same sense of meaning, identity, prestige and self-respect as do religions and are clung to and defended against rational evidence which threatens them with the same tenacity and ferocity as religious faith.”
Older conspiracy theorists know that the Globalists operate via an “open conspiracy” in which they make plain in public what they are doing, how they are doing it and why they are doing it. It is there for all to see who wish to see but it does not make the headlines. It is an ongoing proof of their superiority and their right to proceed; and if they were not such motherfucking evil bastards it would be hard to disagree with them. If you read Klaus Scwab’s “COVID-19: The Great Reset” pp. 247-250, it states plainly that “the corona crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.” But it is being used as a pretext to replace “failed ideas, institutions, processes and rules with new ones better suited to current and future needs.” And this in turn explains fully why you must obey whatever you are told, as in the below “no one will be safe” video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ghKp60XvTaE3/ Is This A Threat? : Klaus Schwab “no one will be safe” until everyone is vaccinated
The final video is for those who want a look at some of the background work leading up to the consolidation of global power that Meryl so skillfully exposed in her post.
“WHO's proposed 'reform' is just the latest manifestation of an increasing cosiness between the UN and big business. This trend is often said to have started at the 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. At that time, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland influenced environmental policies in her capacity as chairperson of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Ever since, closer UN-business relationships seem to have become a leitmotif in UN reforms.
In 1997, the newly elected UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan advocated strengthening ties with the business community as a particular focus of his UN reform proposal. He launched the Global Compact initiative as the flagship of this trend at the 1999 World Economic Forum in Davos. This multi-stakeholder initiative was presented as a means to increase corporations' social responsibility with respect to nine selected principles in the field of human rights, labour and the environment.
In 1998, Brundtland, newly elected as Director-General of WHO, told member states that one of the hallmarks of her term would also be increased cooperation with the private sector under the name of public-private partnerships.”
If you really want to go back in time regarding the WHO's nefarious intentions, here's a well-known quotation from Canadian senior health official and psychiatrist Brock Chisholm, who was appointed WHO's first director in 1948:
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." (quoted in Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69)
Exactly-and well stated. It is essentially the abolishment of anything that makes one a human. Simply said a world communism- deprived of individual rights in the name of “the environment, and greater good”. It is true-during Covid they have injected their iron claws into our “citizenry” and have begun their massive chess board on which they mostly control both sides. They are throwing up outlandish laws to deprive our Heath and now take possession of our children and have been meticulously planting their own groomed and brainwashed leaders in our education system, law makers, and political arena. They own the media-they control propaganda and the un-awake follow suit joyfully while being led towards the cliff. The world is being forced to listen to their draconian hypnotic hymns and we must close our ears and resist. I’m not sure how-do far we haven’t been able to move very fast. Despite how many truths and evidence there was circulating about Covid, one would think this would have ended 2.5 years ago-or never begun at all. Yet-here we are. Now only to find we are (behind the fake tapestry) in very bad shape regarding individual rights, health freedom, and many of us may face financial crisis. It is happening-very slowly so it won’t provide much of a shock and we won’t resist. That is my perspective anyway. I feel like the last three years poll vaulted us into the prep stage of a large book I’m fond of-very last chapter.
And did you all catch Tucker Carlson eating chocolate covered crickets on his show this week?? Here's the clip in case you missed it: https://youtu.be/CLz5KH5ba2w Perhaps the globalists will be installing mRNA genetic technology in those too. Tom Renz gives details about the already existing capabilities they have to vaccinate us via the food supply this month on his substack. They are certainly capable of doing it. Not just crickets, but our vegetables too. Wondering why Tucker's not covering that 🧐🤔🤐. Can you assuage my concerns Dr. Dr. Nass? My concerns about getting the spike protein installed in me, if I go out to dinner, and unsuspectingly eat a medium rare burger that's been injected with the technology? Or, perhaps my body will receive the mRNA genetic instructions to manufacture spike proteins if I put some cow's milk in my coffee at a hotel where there's no alternative milk substitute available. Or maybe they'll be contaminating the almonds I use, for my almond milk too. Please, if you can speak to this medically, I'd really love you to write a substack about it.
Yes indeed and they are already doing a lot of dastardly things in my opinion. Like using genetically engineered ingredients in food that's labeled "organic" and calling them "natural flavors." Fake vanilla is one such example.
Do you think the mRNA would degrade in the cow's milk too? i.e., how concerned are you about McCullough's recent report regarding the Chinese being able to transfer the mRNA via consumption of "tainted" milk? Aren't some babies getting sick drinking their vaccinated mother's breast milk? Although perhaps if the milk is not raw, but pasteurized, then that would destroy that option to administer it to us. I guess if I get any more raw milk, I'll just have to make sure I trust that the person giving it to me hasn't injected the cow with mRNA. What do you think? What about cheese made with raw milk that we can buy in regular supermarkets like whole foods?
Ahhhh, come on, give your microbiome diversity ;) Actually, it is quite interesting to ponder the various mechanisms through which we get different critters down into our colons. You & I came were trained so long before we had a clue about the GI tract & immune function, it has been a fascinating development.
I am going to write about this in the next few weeks, along with something that I believe can make a huge impact on gut health.
You probably have more access to that in Maine than I do right here in Boston. I met a woman to buy from who participates at a farmer's market in my neighborhood in Boston (her farm is just outside of Worcester), but now she's sending all her cattle through FDA facilities to be butchered. So I had already been thinking it was time to look a little harder for a cleaner source. I've been seeing bumper stickers on cars for years that say "know thy farmer." That's becoming more and more imperative!
Where did they and Mandela get the idea to call such elder statesmen ‘stakeholder’ NGO ‘The Elders’? Well yes it could be a reference to the elders of the church but that’s unlikely as none have ever pronounced themselves as Jesus’ followers.
More likely it is from the Chinese Communists’ Eight Elders. “ the Eight Elders(Chinese: 八老; pinyin: Bā lǎo), were a group of elderly members of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) who held substantial power in the last two decades of the 20th century.”. And created AT THE SAME TIME!
That a British spook was involved in taking over the entire globe via a mechanism like Agenda 2030/Sustainability Equity BS is no surprise. New Colonialism . All built up for our new Pagan Green King?
As he said in his WEF speech ‘he now has enough billions to reset the globe. And he has enough military power’. Who is he? If it was Charles he’d have said ‘we’.
Is He the Antichrist? Because these plans fit revelations very well.
Aah. So it was. Yet another dystopian film. With daily doses of drugs and euthanasia. Worse, those that killed had rationalised that what they were doing was moral. Tbh I know nurses now who do the same thing. ‘It’s ok to give Midazalam and morphine as the 45 year old who walked in here is now end of life’. Btw euthanasia is illegal in the UK!
No place to run and no place to hide from CEPI’s Joint Coordination Group (JCG). Could this be a synonym for The Hunger Games? I am sure almost everyone saw at least a sequel to this movie.
These people have been letting us know what their plans are for us and the world for a long time.
It's hard to know who to fight. We have a veritable extinction protocol coming at us from all sides.
Gro Brundtland was also an avowed socialist (communist). In 1983, Brundtland was invited by then United Nations Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar to establish and chair the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), widely referred to as the Brundtland Commission. She developed the broad political concept of sustainable development in the course of extensive public hearings, that were distinguished by their inclusiveness. The commission, which published its report, Our Common Future, in April 1987, provided the momentum for the 1992 Earth Summit/UNCED, which was headed by Maurice Strong, who had been a prominent member of the commission. The Brundtland Commission also provided momentum for Agenda 21. She is RED through and through. I keep telling people everything we are facing today is UN Agenda 21 (with new titles it is still A21) and I have been screaming about it for the past 20 years but people refuse to acknowledge our own government signed on to a pact with communism. She is also on the board of WEF.
In point of fact, Maurice Strong, founding director of the UN Environment Programme and the U.N. climate chief in 1992 stated “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse,” and “The rise of atmospheric CO2 above 450 ppm can be prevented only an unprecedented depression of the global economy.” He concluded his anti-human diatribe by noting “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t our responsibility to bring that about? If that is the goal, then cap and trade schemes are the ideal solution.” Not a problem for rich, limousine liberals like Mr. Strong, but a problem for us poor, unwashed masses and riff-raff Mr. Strong passes every day going to his UN sinecure. Mr. Strong sounds eerily like that quote from the Vietnam era (which was later proved to a complete fabrication by leftist reporters), “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” The irony is that leftists really did say this, while in Vietnam, this never occurred, and was only made up by leftist reporter Peter Arnett
Karen Don't you realize that the ruling class lies about nearly everything, but ESPECIALLY about the ideology that is their antithesis and mortal enemy. That would be a genuine socialism that removes the imperial class from power, and replaces it with legitimate forms of cooperation. Yes, tragic violations of this principle have indeed been made--false starts. But the idea this the Great Reset has anything remotely 'socialist," much less "communist," is absurd. Learn the difference between genuine socialism and what Mr. Fauxi et.al. propose.
There is no difference between socialism and communism. Socialism takes the road of the slow boil while communism takes the road of ramming in your face. The most important fact is that UN Agenda 21 is behind all of this and it was created to control all human activity. No matter what "ism" you wish to call it, it is evil.
This is the same nonsense that called for the worker's paradise that never comes. Socialism, communism and capitalism are all used by the money power for one thing. Ownership and control.
BTW, who decides what is "legitimate" cooperation? It ain't you or me.
I am a chemist dealing with the most advanced nanotechnology involved in semiconductor manufacturing, and I understand most everything about the shots that we know, including the fact that the mRNA is codon-optimized and has the uridines replaced with pseudo-uridine for long life. I have no idea what you are talking about, but it's not in the realm of science. The shots are bad enough without this kind of distraction. You probably don't even realize that "5G" is not one set of frequencies, but rather the somewhat evolutionary < 6 GHz variety, and the higher bandwidth, but more problematic (from a signal propagation standpoint) 28 GHz, mm wave variety.
I have attempted to address issues of frequency/wavelength and necessary antenna size before - Catherine Austin Fitts is a good economist but a TERRIBLE scientist. When she & others were talking about 'uploading an operating system' I kept trying to clarify this in various comments.
Sustainable, Inclusive, no one is allowed to opt out and “mobile vaccine factories” Sick, simply thoroughly sick. And, whereas the US claimed mobile bio weapons labs of Iraq never existed, it appears that the concept has been purposefully picked up to be used as “mobile vaccine factories”, this time for real. Why mobile? Because they would be valid targets for destruction.
We simply don't know what is being done. We do know that (Merck I think) had a livestock mRNA vaccine for livestock--the vaccine talk in the Attack on Food symposium I hosted on March 4 had a slide on mRNA vaccines for animals.
you cannot buy meat in the US that has not been vaccinated with some vaccines, 99.9% of the time, as the USDA requires its inspectors check every animal butchered.
Very concerned about animal vaccines, especially mRNA vaccines. For my dog who has to eat meat - and I only ate meat rarely, until getting thorough labs after having covid (infection, not injection), and seeing a developing autoimmune disease.
Many have reversed / keep under control autoimmunity with eating Only meat / some veggies / fruit and a few oils. An extremely limiting, red meat centered diet. And there will be a wave of autoimmunity after so many were exposed to the spike protein in whatever form, especially the vaccine. Not a good time for food choices to be either mRNA injected animals or intestinal parasite causing bugs! ! !
Do you think it will be possible to stop livestock mRNA vaccine?
No. Approval of animal vaccines is cursory; there is nothing to stop them. Not at present.
On a side note- perhaps completely irrelevant and completely unrelated. But have you noticed or heard of an uptick in dog deaths lately? Starting about 3-4 months ago seems like a large amount of dogs died. Mine included. It just seemed odd that so many died in such a short period of time. In my circle of people I know of 5 dogs who died within a few months. I live in suburb of Seattle. I know probably completely off subject-speaking about livestock and food just reminded me of this head scratcher that lasted thru Feb of this year 2023.
So very sorry to hear of your loss - I feed my dogs The Farmers Dog - it is USDA human grade food - dog food is real garbage - and yes, does kill - the crap that's on those cans is not to be believed - but Farmers Dog is not cheap. If you rescue another dog and I hope you will when you are ready - for me, that's the only way to feed a dog because it's safe.
Portable vaccine factories should be afforded the same treatment as Kid Rock's pile of Bud Light.
Whole Foods Headquarters
550 Bowie St. Austin, TX 78703
Attn.: Sam Ferguson, VP, Mark Ehrnstein, VP
A number of your customers are concerned about mRNA vaccines being put into the meat we consume from your store. We spend many thousands of dollars per year in your store, and do not wish to have these vaccines, or mRNA agents, in either our meat, or our vegetables, without our legal, informed consent, which is the law – laws dating back to the Nuremberg trials, including the subsequent lesser known “Doctors’ Trials” in 1946, Nuremberg, Germany. Yes, I am aware that there is no mandate to vaccinate livestock, per this AP article No, farmers aren’t required to vaccinate livestock with mRNA vaccines, but that, of course, is not the question as AP disingenuously reports; rather, the question is, is this being done anyway? Do you do it with your products, and if so, are we consumers being notified? (Basically, as far as I’m concerned, AP article outright lies, writing that mRNA is “typically gone within days of receipt”; as a matter of fact, we know a fact that the mRNA from the Covid shot remains at least 60 days, if not longer – much longer To wit: Per Dr. Peter McCullough in his March 17, 2023 article, Critical Role of Pseudouridine in Synthetic mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines “Fertig et al found lipid nanoparticles with mRNA were measurable in plasma for—15 days. Recently, Castruita et al demonstrated mRNA in blood out to 28 days. Roltgen et al have found mRNA in lymph nodes 60 days after injection. None of these studies demonstrated complete clearance of mRNA from a group of patients. This is worrisome since injections are recommended in some populations just a few months apart implying there will be stacking of long-lasting mRNA in the body without adequate opportunity for clearance and elimination.” Former science editor for the NY Times Alex Berenson wrote, wrote about a little-noticed report in the highly respected, peer-reviewed journal Cell reveals that mRNA materials from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines remain in lymph nodes for at least 60 days, while “free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination.’ That’s not what the info-gatekeepers have been telling us. The famed journal Cell, itself, writes in Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination genetic materials actually remain in the body for up to two months; here, in the Journal of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, the mRNA lasts for at least a month. The man who invented the mRNA platform, Dr. Robert Malone, says “When a vaccine is injected into a patient’s arm, the RNA from the vaccine, which is a modified RNA, is supposed to last for only a couple of hours, but a study from Stanford University shows that “the RNA sticks around for at least 60 days.” Malone also says using needle biopsies, these have shown RNA persists in axillar lymph nodes for at least 60 days. They didn't test any longer than that, so it could be far longer. Japanese doctors reported summer, 2022 that mRNA-induced spike proteins from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do persist in the body for at least several months post-injection. See Persistent varicella zoster virus infection following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was associated with the presence of encoded spike protein in the lesion in the Journal of Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy.by Mayuko Yamamoto MD, PhD and Shigetoshi Sano, MD, PhD, out of Kochi Medical School, Kochi University, Japan. I could go on, but you get the point I assume.
The AP article quotes U.S. Department of Agriculture spokesperson Marissa Perry: “There is no requirement or mandate that producers vaccinate their livestock for any disease. It is a personal and business decision left up to the producer and will remain that way,” and quotes Jason Menke, a National Pork Board spokesperson, that the “decision to use vaccines and other medical treatments to protect animal health and well-being are made by the farmer under the direction of the herd veterinarian.” Again, this is subterfuge and typical government legalese/waffle-ese. I repeat: Are we, the consumers, being notified with legal informed consent if our food is “vaccinated?” NOT “it might be”; not “it is the at the producer’s discretion”; not “the decision is made under the direction of a vet (but we ain’t gonna tell you, poor unwashed rubes in flyover country”; simply are you complying with the law of informed consent, yes or no.” The AP article does quote Suresh Kuchipudi, a veterinary scientist and chair of emerging infectious diseases at Penn State University, saying animals get immunizations do not rely on mRNA technology. Fine. What are they? Where do we find this simple information? Heck, there’s a database now for almost every mosquito found on earth – certainly this list can’t be that hard to come up with?
If you read nothing else, my request is simple: Can you legally verify that no mRNA-based vaccines or agents are in the meat or fish you sell? In turn, this will be disseminated to a wide range of readers I have. AP – which as already shown itself to be misinformed as above – tells us “are no animal vaccines currently licensed in the U.S. against any disease that use the same mRNA approach as humans’ COVID-19 vaccines.” So, if this is true, the task is simple: Verify that we are not being fed mRNA in our meat or vegetables, and if we ever are, we will have informed consent. If this is true that there is no mRNA vaccines in our food, should be a 10 minute project for you.
I understand that you may well consider this to be “tin foil hat” type of concerns. To that end, I am citing studies from universities like UCLA, statements from President Biden, and more, illustrating that this issue is a valid, scientific concern. The information will be quite lengthy, with the sole purpose of proving that this is anything but “fake news.” You need not read all of this, but is there for reference. Lawyers such as Tom Renz also feel unwitting vaccinated meat being pushed onto customers without their consent or knowledge is a valid concern. See his tweet on the subject here, or his substack here. Here’s the point: the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association is 100% opposed to #Missouri #HB1169, which bars mRNA vaccines in meat. If they aren’t putting gene altering drugs in the cows why do they oppose the bill? The fact is that they probably are and want to do more. And vaccines in our veggies “fake news?” Turns out that, for example, Univ. of California Riverside scientists, collaboration with UC San Diego and Carnegie Mellon Univ are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories, per SciTech Daily here; similarly in News-Medical Life Sciences, in an article from two years ago, Researchers aim to develop edible plant-based mRNA vaccines, here, we are also told that plant based vaccines are in development. See also Edible vaccines by William HR Langridge at UCLA Note that we are not claiming Bill Gates has tweeted anything about vaccines in our food. Similarly, Dr. Peter McCullough, who is the most heavily published cardiologist in history in his cardiology field, published Data on miRNA Transfer from Food into Human Body are Inconclusive. One study he cites said “Mar-Aguilar et al, reviewed the literature on experiments that attempted to get miRNA into food, ingested, and be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into mammals. In short, the studies were conflicting largely because miRNA was difficult to measure in vivo at the time the studies were performed. As you can see selected studies from the evidence table are not conclusive, however, some were able to show absorption.” But here is the thing: what if it ends up that absorption is taking place, and it is damaging? Some may want to take that risk, but I do not – and certainly not without my legal right of informed consent.
And is this following substack true? American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month I simply don’t know, and am asking for clarification on this. Certainly, even NPR has reported on the possibility, such as here: Researchers Look To Cattle For Treatment For COVID-19 - NPR. The famed feminist icon Dr. Naomi Wolf discussed with attorney Tom Renz here. Is it “conspiracy theory” to take with sincerity something lawyers, PhDs and even the Missouri congress thinks is an issue?
The “ask” here is simply what the Missouri congress has in its bill:
a. That there is labeling and disclosure of any product that has any gene therapy qualities.
b. That if you have a product on the market that has gene therapy qualities, that anyone can call the company and say, ‘Hey, how does this spread? Does it shed? Is it spread through contact – through sexual contact? Or is there a way that this can spread?’ And they have to disclose it.”
c. That we have legal, informed consent. And informed consent includes serious events or adverse events of special interest. … that we have informed consent before you be given anything with the gene therapy or medicinal property.
... ... well, that's the max characters I can post
These people are insane.
...or evil.
For sure. I think it's both...
Try "criminally insane!"
No, it isn't insanity in the true, clinical sense. They are utterly rational (organized, goal directed) in what they are doing, their plans & desired outcomes are clear. As the other commenter notes, this is EVIL.
And soon to be dead.
Thanks Dr. Nass. These globalist people are truly insane. They always start in their favorite test bed of Africa, just like that colossal piece of scientism trash Gates. Their global eugenics plans will fail - they are collectively a bunch of idiots. Thanks for all the great work you pour out day after day. Let there be peace on this earth. :-)
Steve, The prerequisite for peace is justice; and its prerequisite is truth; and its prerequisite is honor. We need to call out dishonor every time we see it!
This is a great summary of where we stand. I have a few words to say about the difficulty in fixing it. I watched enough of CHD’s “Inside the Belly of the Beast” https://rumble.com/v2i8dv2-inside-the-belly-of-the-beast.html to register the surprise if not shock by Drs. Mumper and Setty who attended it to learn that the vast majority of folk involved in the World Vaccine Congress are sincere, not evil, ignorant, and not malevolent. So too Tupperware salespeople (except there the leaders also believe in a genuinely good product). I could not watch past the point where new strategies for reaching the inbetweeners were broached. This is hardly a new problem, and making new information available is not the key. The key is the pseudo-science of propaganda discussed in that video. Persuasion, except for a negligible minority of the population, is not a rational process.
For about a decade I mentored a 9/11 Truth activist about covert ops. He could not persuade his wife despite all the evidence of 9/11 being a PSY-OP involving the controlled demolition of three buildings in downtown Manhattan. I recently sent him the below excellent cartoon video “BEYOND THE RESET” about an impending future because its protagonist faced this same crisis with his wife. He kept handing her a copy of Klaus Schwab’s book, “The Great Reset” and she kept refusing to look at it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWkepoLUZfs&ab_channel=3DEpixInc. BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film
I was close friends with Vince Salandria, the father of the JFK researchers, whose wife loved him dearly and respected his opinion on all matters legal and geopolitical but scoffed at his ideas about the significance of JFK and 9/11. When I asked what she made of them and him in this respect the answer was “monotopical delusion.” Meryl appeared on the Dr. Drew show with Kelly Victory and related that she quickly cured her MD son of COVID with HCQ but he later concluded that the HCQ had no effect, so not only was he unable to read the research himself, he was unable to appreciate that his mother could and was a great deal smarter than he and that even if he could not follow the argument himself, he should defer. I too am a 9/11 widow of sorts. My best friend of 39 years, and co-author of two papers we wrote when he came to me with problems he couldn’t solve, was also the son of a CIA mind-control psychiatrist who experimented on a captive population of federal prisoners. I broke off the friendship after being unable to bear his stupidity and condescension on 9/11, an example of which is contained in one of my essays:
“My best friend of nearly 40 years, and former co-author, now ensconced at Harvard, has trouble taking me seriously when I discuss 911. Within the past months he admitted not knowing that a 47 story steel building (WTC7) not hit by anything, and with only a few small fires, had collapsed as a perfect implosion would, nor did he know that the 911 Commission had refused even to mention WTC7 in its report, nor did he think much of these facts nor of his ignorance of them. This is a very smart man, open-minded in many respects, but giving up the world-view he inhabits is simply too hard, especially when there is nothing coherent with which to replace it.”
At the time I failed to appreciate that the “world-view” problem was just one of two key factors, the other being that the social “self” constructed by and for most people is itself clung to with religious fervor vis-à-vis a broad range of charged beliefs even when changing those beliefs does not require radical restructuring of a world-view. To put it far too briefly in order to fit space: I love losing a debate to someone smarter than me who knows more than I do because I end up learning something; and almost everyone else in the world feels just the opposite. As I put it to a mentor:
“I made a stab at explaining this phenomenon in my last online essay in 2010, deliberately providing only an outline. Orwell does a fine job of describing the phenomenon of political self-deception at the clinical level, but errs gravely in depicting it as imposed at least initially primarily from without. Both Lippmann and Bernays provide a better understanding of the mechanics of how to induce it without the violent threats of Big Brother, but none of them comes close to seeing and understanding it as the embrace of a lover, the solution of man’s search for meaning, the buffer and succor against the enemy of the existential void – if we can be a little highfalutin here. That achievement belongs to the theologian Jacques Ellul (Propaganda, The Formation of Men’s Attitudes), which put my mind to rest on the matter (despite his book being riddled with contradictions that require frequent translations into the correct logical form, e.g., universal claims that are only pervasive stochastic generalities). Ellul makes clear that secular worldviews provide the very same sense of meaning, identity, prestige and self-respect as do religions and are clung to and defended against rational evidence which threatens them with the same tenacity and ferocity as religious faith.”
Older conspiracy theorists know that the Globalists operate via an “open conspiracy” in which they make plain in public what they are doing, how they are doing it and why they are doing it. It is there for all to see who wish to see but it does not make the headlines. It is an ongoing proof of their superiority and their right to proceed; and if they were not such motherfucking evil bastards it would be hard to disagree with them. If you read Klaus Scwab’s “COVID-19: The Great Reset” pp. 247-250, it states plainly that “the corona crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.” But it is being used as a pretext to replace “failed ideas, institutions, processes and rules with new ones better suited to current and future needs.” And this in turn explains fully why you must obey whatever you are told, as in the below “no one will be safe” video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ghKp60XvTaE3/ Is This A Threat? : Klaus Schwab “no one will be safe” until everyone is vaccinated
The final video is for those who want a look at some of the background work leading up to the consolidation of global power that Meryl so skillfully exposed in her post.
Jacob Nordengård at Northern Light Convention Malmo
Hitler's sincerity provided a great comfort to Jews who read "Mein Kampf!"
Excellent expose on UN and WHO getting in bed with private interests, and Brundtland's pioneering role:
“WHO's proposed 'reform' is just the latest manifestation of an increasing cosiness between the UN and big business. This trend is often said to have started at the 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. At that time, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland influenced environmental policies in her capacity as chairperson of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Ever since, closer UN-business relationships seem to have become a leitmotif in UN reforms.
In 1997, the newly elected UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan advocated strengthening ties with the business community as a particular focus of his UN reform proposal. He launched the Global Compact initiative as the flagship of this trend at the 1999 World Economic Forum in Davos. This multi-stakeholder initiative was presented as a means to increase corporations' social responsibility with respect to nine selected principles in the field of human rights, labour and the environment.
In 1998, Brundtland, newly elected as Director-General of WHO, told member states that one of the hallmarks of her term would also be increased cooperation with the private sector under the name of public-private partnerships.”
good info
If you really want to go back in time regarding the WHO's nefarious intentions, here's a well-known quotation from Canadian senior health official and psychiatrist Brock Chisholm, who was appointed WHO's first director in 1948:
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." (quoted in Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69)
Exactly-and well stated. It is essentially the abolishment of anything that makes one a human. Simply said a world communism- deprived of individual rights in the name of “the environment, and greater good”. It is true-during Covid they have injected their iron claws into our “citizenry” and have begun their massive chess board on which they mostly control both sides. They are throwing up outlandish laws to deprive our Heath and now take possession of our children and have been meticulously planting their own groomed and brainwashed leaders in our education system, law makers, and political arena. They own the media-they control propaganda and the un-awake follow suit joyfully while being led towards the cliff. The world is being forced to listen to their draconian hypnotic hymns and we must close our ears and resist. I’m not sure how-do far we haven’t been able to move very fast. Despite how many truths and evidence there was circulating about Covid, one would think this would have ended 2.5 years ago-or never begun at all. Yet-here we are. Now only to find we are (behind the fake tapestry) in very bad shape regarding individual rights, health freedom, and many of us may face financial crisis. It is happening-very slowly so it won’t provide much of a shock and we won’t resist. That is my perspective anyway. I feel like the last three years poll vaulted us into the prep stage of a large book I’m fond of-very last chapter.
"For the greater good":
the phrase that always precedes
the greatest evil."
-- Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski
Notice most are INSANE ( satanic) and doddering in their 80’s! I’m no spring chicken, however.... look at them!!!!!!!
I'm wondering why they feel the need to do this since the plan is just to put it in our food
And did you all catch Tucker Carlson eating chocolate covered crickets on his show this week?? Here's the clip in case you missed it: https://youtu.be/CLz5KH5ba2w Perhaps the globalists will be installing mRNA genetic technology in those too. Tom Renz gives details about the already existing capabilities they have to vaccinate us via the food supply this month on his substack. They are certainly capable of doing it. Not just crickets, but our vegetables too. Wondering why Tucker's not covering that 🧐🤔🤐. Can you assuage my concerns Dr. Dr. Nass? My concerns about getting the spike protein installed in me, if I go out to dinner, and unsuspectingly eat a medium rare burger that's been injected with the technology? Or, perhaps my body will receive the mRNA genetic instructions to manufacture spike proteins if I put some cow's milk in my coffee at a hotel where there's no alternative milk substitute available. Or maybe they'll be contaminating the almonds I use, for my almond milk too. Please, if you can speak to this medically, I'd really love you to write a substack about it.
I cannot. It’s not going to be messenger RNA in food because it degrades that’s my opinion but you can put a lot of other things into food.
Yes indeed and they are already doing a lot of dastardly things in my opinion. Like using genetically engineered ingredients in food that's labeled "organic" and calling them "natural flavors." Fake vanilla is one such example.
That would explain why they are still pushing so hard to get shots in arms. No pun intended. Mercola just wrote a good article about how they've been using mRNA injections in pork for the past 5 years. He refers to Renz' recent substacktoo. Here's the link https://yournews.com/2023/04/11/2552226/are-you-eating-pork-injected-with-mercks-mrna-livestock-vaccine/
Do you think the mRNA would degrade in the cow's milk too? i.e., how concerned are you about McCullough's recent report regarding the Chinese being able to transfer the mRNA via consumption of "tainted" milk? Aren't some babies getting sick drinking their vaccinated mother's breast milk? Although perhaps if the milk is not raw, but pasteurized, then that would destroy that option to administer it to us. I guess if I get any more raw milk, I'll just have to make sure I trust that the person giving it to me hasn't injected the cow with mRNA. What do you think? What about cheese made with raw milk that we can buy in regular supermarkets like whole foods?
I would think you are pretty safe with raw milk farmers but ask them. They will tell you.
Burgers have the most microorganisms per ounce, Say goodby to chopped meat.
But a whole cow from your neighbor, butcher it yoursel, andthen if won't have to gothroh all inspections.
Ahhhh, come on, give your microbiome diversity ;) Actually, it is quite interesting to ponder the various mechanisms through which we get different critters down into our colons. You & I came were trained so long before we had a clue about the GI tract & immune function, it has been a fascinating development.
I am going to write about this in the next few weeks, along with something that I believe can make a huge impact on gut health.
You probably have more access to that in Maine than I do right here in Boston. I met a woman to buy from who participates at a farmer's market in my neighborhood in Boston (her farm is just outside of Worcester), but now she's sending all her cattle through FDA facilities to be butchered. So I had already been thinking it was time to look a little harder for a cleaner source. I've been seeing bumper stickers on cars for years that say "know thy farmer." That's becoming more and more imperative!
Tucker, and any other mass-media person is a complete fascist idiot. They stand for nothing. What a consummate tool. Peace. :-)
I know. I just can't help but peak. At the very least, I do learn about things on his show that I haven't heard about elsewhere!
Where did they and Mandela get the idea to call such elder statesmen ‘stakeholder’ NGO ‘The Elders’? Well yes it could be a reference to the elders of the church but that’s unlikely as none have ever pronounced themselves as Jesus’ followers.
More likely it is from the Chinese Communists’ Eight Elders. “ the Eight Elders(Chinese: 八老; pinyin: Bā lǎo), were a group of elderly members of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) who held substantial power in the last two decades of the 20th century.”. And created AT THE SAME TIME!
That a British spook was involved in taking over the entire globe via a mechanism like Agenda 2030/Sustainability Equity BS is no surprise. New Colonialism . All built up for our new Pagan Green King?
As he said in his WEF speech ‘he now has enough billions to reset the globe. And he has enough military power’. Who is he? If it was Charles he’d have said ‘we’.
Is He the Antichrist? Because these plans fit revelations very well.
I think “The Elders” was also used in “The Giver.”
Aah. So it was. Yet another dystopian film. With daily doses of drugs and euthanasia. Worse, those that killed had rationalised that what they were doing was moral. Tbh I know nurses now who do the same thing. ‘It’s ok to give Midazalam and morphine as the 45 year old who walked in here is now end of life’. Btw euthanasia is illegal in the UK!
No place to run and no place to hide from CEPI’s Joint Coordination Group (JCG). Could this be a synonym for The Hunger Games? I am sure almost everyone saw at least a sequel to this movie.
These people have been letting us know what their plans are for us and the world for a long time.
It's hard to know who to fight. We have a veritable extinction protocol coming at us from all sides.
We need God on our side or we won't survive.
"CEPI was founded by.... the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the WEF"...
Gee, what could go wrong?
Gro Brundtland was also an avowed socialist (communist). In 1983, Brundtland was invited by then United Nations Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar to establish and chair the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), widely referred to as the Brundtland Commission. She developed the broad political concept of sustainable development in the course of extensive public hearings, that were distinguished by their inclusiveness. The commission, which published its report, Our Common Future, in April 1987, provided the momentum for the 1992 Earth Summit/UNCED, which was headed by Maurice Strong, who had been a prominent member of the commission. The Brundtland Commission also provided momentum for Agenda 21. She is RED through and through. I keep telling people everything we are facing today is UN Agenda 21 (with new titles it is still A21) and I have been screaming about it for the past 20 years but people refuse to acknowledge our own government signed on to a pact with communism. She is also on the board of WEF.
In point of fact, Maurice Strong, founding director of the UN Environment Programme and the U.N. climate chief in 1992 stated “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse,” and “The rise of atmospheric CO2 above 450 ppm can be prevented only an unprecedented depression of the global economy.” He concluded his anti-human diatribe by noting “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t our responsibility to bring that about? If that is the goal, then cap and trade schemes are the ideal solution.” Not a problem for rich, limousine liberals like Mr. Strong, but a problem for us poor, unwashed masses and riff-raff Mr. Strong passes every day going to his UN sinecure. Mr. Strong sounds eerily like that quote from the Vietnam era (which was later proved to a complete fabrication by leftist reporters), “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” The irony is that leftists really did say this, while in Vietnam, this never occurred, and was only made up by leftist reporter Peter Arnett
Maurice Strong is a Rockefeller agent. See James Corbett's great summary of him and his climate change efforts.
Karen Don't you realize that the ruling class lies about nearly everything, but ESPECIALLY about the ideology that is their antithesis and mortal enemy. That would be a genuine socialism that removes the imperial class from power, and replaces it with legitimate forms of cooperation. Yes, tragic violations of this principle have indeed been made--false starts. But the idea this the Great Reset has anything remotely 'socialist," much less "communist," is absurd. Learn the difference between genuine socialism and what Mr. Fauxi et.al. propose.
There is no difference between socialism and communism. Socialism takes the road of the slow boil while communism takes the road of ramming in your face. The most important fact is that UN Agenda 21 is behind all of this and it was created to control all human activity. No matter what "ism" you wish to call it, it is evil.
This is the same nonsense that called for the worker's paradise that never comes. Socialism, communism and capitalism are all used by the money power for one thing. Ownership and control.
BTW, who decides what is "legitimate" cooperation? It ain't you or me.
I'll say it over and over agin, the ONLY way genuine socialism (or communism) can work is if EVERY party is participating voluntarily.
Why are they so intent on getting a mRNA vaccine into EVERYONE??
Net Zero, people.
I am a chemist dealing with the most advanced nanotechnology involved in semiconductor manufacturing, and I understand most everything about the shots that we know, including the fact that the mRNA is codon-optimized and has the uridines replaced with pseudo-uridine for long life. I have no idea what you are talking about, but it's not in the realm of science. The shots are bad enough without this kind of distraction. You probably don't even realize that "5G" is not one set of frequencies, but rather the somewhat evolutionary < 6 GHz variety, and the higher bandwidth, but more problematic (from a signal propagation standpoint) 28 GHz, mm wave variety.
Thank you for this. We need more info from people like you who are educated on the subject, AND committed to freedom.
I have attempted to address issues of frequency/wavelength and necessary antenna size before - Catherine Austin Fitts is a good economist but a TERRIBLE scientist. When she & others were talking about 'uploading an operating system' I kept trying to clarify this in various comments.
no choice but to dismantle the apparatus.
Sustainable, Inclusive, no one is allowed to opt out and “mobile vaccine factories” Sick, simply thoroughly sick. And, whereas the US claimed mobile bio weapons labs of Iraq never existed, it appears that the concept has been purposefully picked up to be used as “mobile vaccine factories”, this time for real. Why mobile? Because they would be valid targets for destruction.