Green and climate change operations are key agendas of new world order players and their plans for global, feudalistic governance. These agendas earn hundreds of billions of dollars annually for NWO partners - the WEF, BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan-Chase, the Rothschilds, Rockefeller Foundation and others. These operations are all about financial and political power. NOTHING to do with public health, or care of the planet. These agendas are based on lies and bogus "science."

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Goes back to al gore. Wonder if that clown still uses his private plane, and wastes electricity.

Sea ice is changing, win some lose some:


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In their minds the easiest and perhaps best way to reduce the human impact is to kill off a few billion people. We're seeing that live. God's Word is imperative in times as these. Read Proverbs, read Psalms, read the New Testament. The Truth sets us free.

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Why do they not set an example and ‘off’ themselves first?!?!?!

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I’m going there now! Psalm 37 to start with.

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Thanks for that :) Will share at our Bible study this week. God Bless

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What a loaf of lying, WEF/globalist bullshit from the WHO!

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Caring for the earth is an honourable way to live. Sad how the WHO is usurping the idea, and how people are thereby tossing the idea out and justifying the continued excessive overuse of resources, devastation of wild spaces, torture and murder of our animal cousins. We can care for the earth, for wilderness, for non-human animals, without turning it into a capitalist imperialistic endeavour for total control. I've been veggie for 32 years not because someone told me to, but because everything in my heart and soul tells me it's the right thing to do. Billions and billions of government subsidies currently go to prop up big oil, big ag, big pharma. Why not transfer some of that over to offer job retraining and trans"farm"ation projects, a just transition to shift people away from earth destroying and cruel animal practices, towards more sustainable and kinder options? We don't need the WHO or the WEF to do that (and they won't, it's not their intention), many of us leftie vegans have been advocating for these things for literally decades. The WHO and WEF want to steal all the land and resources and force all of us into slavery. Obviously we need to oppose all that. But do we have to throw out care and concern for the earth and the ocean and the wild spaces and all the other creatures we share this beautiful planet with? Is that what the WHO and WEF are hoping for? By denouncing everything they say just because they say it are we playing right into their agenda for world domination at any expense?

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Very eloquently said Janine. You totally make sense (ok, I'm not a vegetarian....). Then the most sustainable way of farming is like our ancestors did: yes, the vegetarians are right, so are the carnivores: We need BOTH to rotate grain and veggie crops with cattle grazing (and pooping) in order to enrich the earth. This said, we should have the choice of our next meal, and not imposed a health plan and food pyramid by lobbyists. Or pushed to trade our heirloom seeds for their Frankenseeds with disastrous sprays. With their bug eating plan, no carnivore or vegan will be pleased!!!

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Yeah, the "choice" thing would make sense if all parties involved had a voice in the decision. But there's not a single animal on earth who walks willingly and joyfully into the slaughterhouse. Neither do they consent to being forcefully impregnated (with sperm extracted how?), their babies stolen and sent to their deaths, their milk extracted unnaturally and stolen, their entire lives lived, in most cases, inside dark dirty warehouses without ever seeing sunlight. For the "plants have feelings too" crowd, consider that grains and fruit and leaves all fall from plants. It is possible to exist as a fruitarian, many do. And vegans have existed for thousands of years. The Jains, for example, take the practice of Ahimsa (absolute non violence) very seriously, even avoiding stepping on bugs or swatting flies (as I do). Veganic agriculture is a huge movement, there are many many (millions? maybe billions) of healthy plant based agriculturalists and eaters on the planet. And no good reason to ever exploit and imprison and murder our animal friends (although we're programmed, from birth, to believe that's okay and even essential). Being vegan is about educating and then liberating ourselves from the dominant ideology, the cultural program, making a truly informed choice that respects the impact of our decision on our own health, the earth's health, and mostly importantly the lives of those others involved. If you really want an awakening, watch Earthlings (online) or Dominion (on youtube) or any of the other incredible documentaries (Cowspiracy, What the Health, The GameChangers, etc) that big media, big pharma, big oil, big ag don't want you to see. And thanks for your kind words, Sophie, much good luck on your journey.

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Heat travels from warm to cold. Basic physics.

Sun warms surface, surface warms the cooler atmosphere. The cooler atmosphere can't warm the surface no matter how much it back-radiates IR. You don't add up IR to get warmer temperatures, and if we could, then we'd simply place ice blocks in our homes to heat them. Ice radiates IR, and we add that to the IR coming from our walls, and presto! Higher temperature?

So goes the radiative epicycle theory.

Incoming radiation = outgoing radiation, no heat is being trapped no matter how many photons back-radiate onto a warmer surface. The movement of IR photons does not necessarily equal heat transport: heat flows from warm to cold.

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Veganism means condemning farm animals to nonexistence.

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They still have the megaphone to hammer propaganda 24/7.

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When the Global warming failed first, try try again. WHO just picked up the con where Obama left off.

How Quickly They Bury the Truth - The Aging Viking


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On a very small scale I'm dealing with this where a small number of very negative activists are trying to legislate usage of leaf blowers, power saws, and lawn mowers- in a town that's minimum 2 acre zoning, well and septic where we all respect the environment and do our best to minimize anything to hurt our land. We're not idiots and we're well and septic so we know what we use, if anything matters. But these fascists have come into our lives and want to force compliance. These are the self same people who would force the shot on everyone. AND - what's more disturbing is, these people come up here and nuke the heck out of their lawns with chemicals because they are terrified of ticks! We are trying to fight but our town board is all Dem. Sad to say, not the Dems of old. My town was environmentally responsible from the time of Lincoln. It's very sad to have others tell me how to live on my land AND imply that I'm an idiot that can't responsibly mange it on my own.

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Joe says he wants to shut down ALL the coal plants because wind is more reliable. That would reduce electrical capacity enough to create widespread blackouts. Texans froze because they shut down gas fired plants. Joe doesn't mind destroying the economy or killng people, because he doesnt expect to be here that long. But joe isnt really the problem -- it's the millions of mindless supporters who enable him. They're the real enemies of civilization.

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Wow, bang on schedule.

Recently a journalist from CNN was caught on a concealed mic explaining that now the Scamdemic is loosing momentum, the globalists would fall back to the old faithful hoax, climate change!

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No evidence manmade CO2 significantly drives global warming


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If climate really was "THE" issue, drawing CO2 from the air would be a priority. It can be done by greening the desert (reforestation). Water for such a project can be produced by mobile nuclear power plants like the Akademik Lomonosovo (240,000 cubic meters / day). Reforestation "for free" might be more attractive for the oligarchy and there's a precedent related to a pandemic.

"Post-pandemic reforestation in New World helped trigger Little Ice Age, Stanford researchers say"


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They need to disappear. Insanity.

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They still have the megaphone to hammer propaganda 24/7.

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Ghasp, a "non proliferation" treaty fer "fossil fuels" like it wuz nuclear weapons 'er some crazy type'a missle? Really? Talk about "climate agenda" bein' weaponized---clearly against us! Who (or WHO) is really buyin' this bull-crap (actually they r' buyin' up the farms includin' the bull crap aka fertilizer an' keepin' em fer themselves!) The heat is on--it ain't climate change either!

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The simple reason that the W.H.O. feeds us a lot of banal but frightening generalizations about Climate Science and the need to combat Global Warming is simple. Climate Science is COVID Science and is brought to you by the very same sponsors.

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I don't fear global whatever in favor of fearing foolish researchers tinkering with viruses and genetics. We may have arrived at a point where such tinkering can do as much damage to humanity as nuclear weapons. Nuclear stuff is hard to do and needs considerable resources; thus, we take great care and agree on safeguards. Not so biologics. Worse a bunch of greedy companies and wealthy people wish to monitize the protection from created pathogens. Warnings from the WHO seem to be aimed at disarming and misdirecting our concerns.

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