Sachs and Offit are both operating as circuit breakers in the current environment, and we should expect more of this type of thing going forward. As the evidence (and injuries and deaths) pile up, more and more pressure will come to bear on the systems that built the pandemic response (amongst other debacles). This is the next layer of defensive coercion, after media propaganda is exposed and the public face-men (Fauci, etc) are defamed: out come the jackals.
People who don’t know these men from their pasts will be tempted to view them as virtuous, but the people that have been paying attention know what they really are.
"People who don’t know these men from their pasts will be tempted to view them as virtuous, but the people that have been paying attention know what they really are."
Professional warfighting is highly technical in this age and not something a journalist from the NY Times could remotely understand. Or even it seems many US and NATO senior military officers, never mind people like Biden or Pelosi or the other clowns. I hope you will find these thinkers useful. They helped me put things in perspective when I freak out of all the propaganda that even I can not sometime block. I wanted to provide links but this system does not allow it, so here are the names:
Andrei Martyanov
Larry Johnson
Another retired US colonel that is a proper professional, educated and experienced.
Douglas MacGregor - YouTube
This site was started by "The Saker" for his own writings a good many years ago but it has grown to attract many good contributors and is quite a focal point for non-mainstream analysis of geopolitical and civilizational affairs.
Have been a fan of the Saker all through the Syrian debacle and the quality of discourse is far beyond any other source. The newcomers are quite good too.
Jeffry Sachs reminds me of an ex-brother-in-law. Very easy on the eye, offering up things that have finally reached a critical mass and will soon go mainstream as common knowledge. Hard to argue with as they seldom reveal any core belief.
It's more about calling the latest fad than predicting anything. Like old pop music. No risk taken, stealing others' ideas. Andrei would certainly wipe that smirk off Jeffy's supremely confident face. Either of the Andreis.
Meryl - after reading what you wrote plus the nine comments, I urge everyone to consider a governance structure with strong decentralism, bioregional coherence, and minimum necessary global governance. People who are concerned about top heavy global governance seem not to grasp the
"how to" of strong decentralism. For one thing, it means no longer paying wage taxes into a largely corrupt US federal government with the stated foreign policy of full spectrum dominance..
I sometimes use the made-up term "relocalism", though I think I've seen others using it.
For some, it may be good to begin building a business now that is focused on a community need, or on weaving communities together for when supply lines get tough.
Watching interview with Bobby Kennedy -I thought Sachs came across as a man who is trustworthy, benign, fair - non threatening and identifiable (like your favorite uncle at thanksgiving). But listen to him - he said our nation states are not transparent, lack oversight, are engaging in reckless experiments and refuse to cooperate. He is basically a commercial for the WHO -let them solve our individual messes. I worried that Kennedy gave him A platform and expressed my concern on a similar substack written by Dr Malone. He said kennedy is authentic, and not controlled opposition.
So - next steps: now is the time to raise voices to congress /senate - Disengage from the WHO. Make your message - LOUD AND CLEAR AND INCESSANT. Forget about the other midterm issues - make this a priority.
RFK Jr gave Dr Zach Bush a platform (as did Bigtree/Highwire) and Bush is directly participating in the development of a Fourth Industrial Revolution Human Capital Market project for the "Great Reset" global technocracy. HCM researcher Alison McDowell publicly pointed this out and wrote an open letter to Bush. wrenchinthegears (dot) com/2021/01/06/an-open-letter-to-zach-buch-about-impact-agriculture/ McDowell also discovered RFK Jr is a partner in capital venture project aligned with 4IR HCMs and usual suspect corporate entities. This economic undercurrent is gigantic and powerful ushering in the NWO, UN Agendas, etc, but the vast majority of dissenters don't recognize this threat because controlled op is distracting us with other issues as they run out the clock. BTW, I saw I video clip of RFK Jr making a speech in which he said "climate change deniers deserve three hots and a cot" meaning skeptics of official AGW scientism should be punished and jailed.
I know RFK Jr. and there is no one I would trust more with my life. He is learning, as are we all, about the climate change scam. I will write more about that soon.
An immersive community and learning experience to integrate the foundations of intrinsic healing.
As an innovation hub, Seraphic develops and scales root-cause solutions to positively impact human and planetary health.
Converting waste into Regenerative Fuel™️ to scale alternative energy innovation and improve planetary health.
This is what I read: Whenever I see lots of buzz words with no actual meaning I run in the opposite direction. Isn't Zach the guy selling water with dirt in it? Ever seen the play/movie The Music Man?
I don't have to reach too far to find a resemblance 'tween Robert Preston and Zach. Zach was part of a multi-part documentary that came out last fall(?) and what started out as a seemingly honest and wise-for-his-years persona soon devolved into New Agey platitudes and conversational air balls. My being a chronological contemporary of yours no doubt accounts for our shared skepticism. There's some "sketch" to be found with Bigtree too, as described by a former employee Greg Wyatt who shows a money shower/lavish lifestyle surrounding that operation fairly obviously based on the Christian revivalist constant call for donations. It's obviously worked. Not to be just going all negative, but there's so much to be cautious about in these times of "messaging for profit." Limited hangouts abound and meld seemingly effortlessly once a 'practitioner' understands the readily observed and predictable stages of human response to stimuli.
Yes, cautious, David. I observed something concerning on the Highwire early 2020 when there were several physicians trying to get the word out about other options for early C19 treatment besides hydroxychloroquine. This included Dr Richard Bartlett and his nebulized budesonide protocol, and Ivermectin being used in some S. American countries and in India with excellent results. Hydroxychloroquine had been polarized, tied to Trump, then attacked with rigged studies. Bigtree could have leap frogged past the flash point and educated his audience about a clear pattern of suppression of early treatment options that went well beyond political partisanship. I tried several times to get his attention on this matter, and Jeffrey Jaxen too, to no avail as they continued to harp on HCQ. They also opted to not expose the shocking details behind the Lancet retracted Surgisphere fake HCQ study. That was also disappointing. I happened to look up Highwire's science reporter Jeffrey Jaxen on Twitter and noticed he follows Dr Steve Pieczenik, a psychiatrist who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and directed a US Psychological Warfare division. IMHO, the memes and narratives we are being fed are very elaborate, carefully molded and tweaked to herd us towards the digital gulag. Next level Tavistock-type productions. I've always recommended asking questions and being aware of possible limited hangouts rather than attacking suspected gatekeepers. Better to use them as springboards for greater truths. Takes time to digest the long history of mind control and societal molding. I started as a young medical neuroscientist in training. Twenty years later I'm still learning every day. Lots of repeating patterns.
Pieczenik was a source for Alex Jones. Jaxen Report maintains a similar program of citations. Jones was just a guest on Highwire last week. It’s my understanding that Bigtree is exploring diverse perspectives to raise discourse, as opposed to advancing a particular narrative. I cannot speak to their coverage of early treatments, but it is impressive that ICAN funds legal action. Aaron Siri has been a helpful advocate of transparency with respect to the vaccine trials and damages.
I understand, we all are faced with learning curves once we realize our society was hijacked a very time ago. However, Dr Nass, it's very concerning when a very prominent and well-educated person suggests critics and/or people with contrarian views should be punished. There were academics calling for jailing contrarian climate researchers and one even called for a death penalty. I am reminded of the unfair treatment you and many other ethical physicians suffered.
As for Bush, I caught the Highline episode in real time and was aghast to watch him say he knew for a fact that SARS-CoV-2 did not come from a laboratory (yet offered no scientific evidence), rather, it evolved as a natural response to human pollution (filth, overpopulation, etc). As he spoke images of dense squalid cities were shown along with extreme industrial pollution and smokestacks. It was a Club of Rome-esque type message. He concluded his long interview with "don't fear death" paired with a scene of a person on a bed with an amorphous light/spirit floating overhead. It's as though the message came from Bill Gates and others of that eugenics ilk. BTW, the two 'founding fathers' of Silicon Valley, Terman and Shockley, were very closely involved with eugenics.
Many people are being confused when the charlatans bring in spirituality. I agree with you, he is selling a product (the product being himself) and his schtick could have come from the mouth of Klaus himself.
Thank you Dr. Nass. That is a reassuring endorsement. Having seen him face to face at the Ron Paul Institute "War on Us" conference of September 2021, and having read/viewed as much of his thinking as I could, it is also my impression that he is genuinely sincere, courageous man. I think he is who he purports to be.
Stating anyone questioning the official climate science narrative should go to jail is a huge concern. No matter the pedigree or how polished. That's a direct attack on the First Amendment. But, also, it's important to give benefit of the doubt to seemingly well-meaning persons, ask them why they would say such a thing. The question of financial involvement in the rise of Human Capital Markets for 4IR Technocracy and promoting Dr Zach Bush who is directing HCMs is another concern. But the issue should not be RFK Jr, rather beginning the process of researching a powerful undercurrent sweeping in to destroy human freedom forever in the most insidious manner imagined. It's happening now with major reform in the criminal justice system - which is why Soros financially backed DA races and also why enforcement is being replaced right now in pilot projects with new P3 corporate behavioral modification (surveillance) programs. And schools and health care switching over to HCMs globally. You can verify this easily via the research presented by Alison McDowell on her blog wrench in the gears and her youtube channel.
I'd agree that imprisoning climate deniers is an extremely unwise suggestion. Brief perusal of a few articles and vids seems to indicate RFK was targeting large, industrial outlaw environmental polluters and not skeptics of "climate science" dogma. Anyway your point is well taken that "Green Earth" fanaticism is a slippery slope toward globalist technocracy.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. For the record, in the video clip I saw he said "Climate change deniers should get three hots and a cot". I appreciate his criticism of outlaw corporate industrial polluters. We're being distracted in enticing ways, especially those of us in the medical sciences, myself included. The globalists are masters of the double bind. We need to analyze covid deceptions but also shouldn't get mired in issue frameworks carefully molded and maintained as corrals. Meanwhile, powerful undercurrents are transforming society via P3 and banking maneuvers. It's like an Escher print, if you can visualize, for instance, Day and Night which starts out as agricultural parcels & a chessboard and then becomes flying geese. Another would be Relativity, the staircases. Radical yet visually subtle transformations, and separated realities, respectively. Slippery slope fanaticism indeed. Thanks again for your input.
it might require disengaging from the UN, which could only be done by an act of Congress and maybe an amendment to the Constitution. We have treaties with the UN, and such are considered automatically 'incorporated', which has a specific meaning in that context.
The quotes you provided don't support the implication that Sachs is subtly manipulating the world into a single tyrannical government. Multilateralism and cooperation to solve big problems is exactly what all democratic non-superpowers want - a multipolar world order under international law. It is also what Russia has consistently been working and advocating for; i dont know as much about China, but they certainly arent the ones promoting war all over the world. America is the evil empire and its hegemony is crumbling, though not fast enough to prevent more wars and disasters.
Freedom of speech and open scientific inquiry are not guaranteed under either of the above scenarios however. Sadly that is a separate struggle for all of us who value such things. Perhaps having many competing countries is the only way to guarantee freedom survives somewhere. I dont like the consequences though - tragedy of the commons and strife.
Sachs and Offit are both operating as circuit breakers in the current environment, and we should expect more of this type of thing going forward. As the evidence (and injuries and deaths) pile up, more and more pressure will come to bear on the systems that built the pandemic response (amongst other debacles). This is the next layer of defensive coercion, after media propaganda is exposed and the public face-men (Fauci, etc) are defamed: out come the jackals.
People who don’t know these men from their pasts will be tempted to view them as virtuous, but the people that have been paying attention know what they really are.
"People who don’t know these men from their pasts will be tempted to view them as virtuous, but the people that have been paying attention know what they really are."
Just to repeat it.
food for thought.
Guys like Sachs are the upper echelon of the Western Mandarin caste whose primary mission is...sustainable development of the Western Mandarin caste.
Some links to people that you might find useful.
Professional warfighting is highly technical in this age and not something a journalist from the NY Times could remotely understand. Or even it seems many US and NATO senior military officers, never mind people like Biden or Pelosi or the other clowns. I hope you will find these thinkers useful. They helped me put things in perspective when I freak out of all the propaganda that even I can not sometime block. I wanted to provide links but this system does not allow it, so here are the names:
Andrei Martyanov
Larry Johnson
Another retired US colonel that is a proper professional, educated and experienced.
Douglas MacGregor - YouTube
This site was started by "The Saker" for his own writings a good many years ago but it has grown to attract many good contributors and is quite a focal point for non-mainstream analysis of geopolitical and civilizational affairs.
The Vineyard of the Saker
Have been a fan of the Saker all through the Syrian debacle and the quality of discourse is far beyond any other source. The newcomers are quite good too.
Jeffry Sachs reminds me of an ex-brother-in-law. Very easy on the eye, offering up things that have finally reached a critical mass and will soon go mainstream as common knowledge. Hard to argue with as they seldom reveal any core belief.
It's more about calling the latest fad than predicting anything. Like old pop music. No risk taken, stealing others' ideas. Andrei would certainly wipe that smirk off Jeffy's supremely confident face. Either of the Andreis.
Meryl - after reading what you wrote plus the nine comments, I urge everyone to consider a governance structure with strong decentralism, bioregional coherence, and minimum necessary global governance. People who are concerned about top heavy global governance seem not to grasp the
"how to" of strong decentralism. For one thing, it means no longer paying wage taxes into a largely corrupt US federal government with the stated foreign policy of full spectrum dominance..
I sometimes use the made-up term "relocalism", though I think I've seen others using it.
For some, it may be good to begin building a business now that is focused on a community need, or on weaving communities together for when supply lines get tough.
WEF tool. Klaus cabana boy.
Thank you, Dr. Nass, for keeping it real.
Watching interview with Bobby Kennedy -I thought Sachs came across as a man who is trustworthy, benign, fair - non threatening and identifiable (like your favorite uncle at thanksgiving). But listen to him - he said our nation states are not transparent, lack oversight, are engaging in reckless experiments and refuse to cooperate. He is basically a commercial for the WHO -let them solve our individual messes. I worried that Kennedy gave him A platform and expressed my concern on a similar substack written by Dr Malone. He said kennedy is authentic, and not controlled opposition.
So - next steps: now is the time to raise voices to congress /senate - Disengage from the WHO. Make your message - LOUD AND CLEAR AND INCESSANT. Forget about the other midterm issues - make this a priority.
RFK Jr gave Dr Zach Bush a platform (as did Bigtree/Highwire) and Bush is directly participating in the development of a Fourth Industrial Revolution Human Capital Market project for the "Great Reset" global technocracy. HCM researcher Alison McDowell publicly pointed this out and wrote an open letter to Bush. wrenchinthegears (dot) com/2021/01/06/an-open-letter-to-zach-buch-about-impact-agriculture/ McDowell also discovered RFK Jr is a partner in capital venture project aligned with 4IR HCMs and usual suspect corporate entities. This economic undercurrent is gigantic and powerful ushering in the NWO, UN Agendas, etc, but the vast majority of dissenters don't recognize this threat because controlled op is distracting us with other issues as they run out the clock. BTW, I saw I video clip of RFK Jr making a speech in which he said "climate change deniers deserve three hots and a cot" meaning skeptics of official AGW scientism should be punished and jailed.
I know RFK Jr. and there is no one I would trust more with my life. He is learning, as are we all, about the climate change scam. I will write more about that soon.
From Zach Bush's website:
An immersive community and learning experience to integrate the foundations of intrinsic healing.
As an innovation hub, Seraphic develops and scales root-cause solutions to positively impact human and planetary health.
Converting waste into Regenerative Fuel™️ to scale alternative energy innovation and improve planetary health.
This is what I read: Whenever I see lots of buzz words with no actual meaning I run in the opposite direction. Isn't Zach the guy selling water with dirt in it? Ever seen the play/movie The Music Man?
I don't have to reach too far to find a resemblance 'tween Robert Preston and Zach. Zach was part of a multi-part documentary that came out last fall(?) and what started out as a seemingly honest and wise-for-his-years persona soon devolved into New Agey platitudes and conversational air balls. My being a chronological contemporary of yours no doubt accounts for our shared skepticism. There's some "sketch" to be found with Bigtree too, as described by a former employee Greg Wyatt who shows a money shower/lavish lifestyle surrounding that operation fairly obviously based on the Christian revivalist constant call for donations. It's obviously worked. Not to be just going all negative, but there's so much to be cautious about in these times of "messaging for profit." Limited hangouts abound and meld seemingly effortlessly once a 'practitioner' understands the readily observed and predictable stages of human response to stimuli.
Yes, cautious, David. I observed something concerning on the Highwire early 2020 when there were several physicians trying to get the word out about other options for early C19 treatment besides hydroxychloroquine. This included Dr Richard Bartlett and his nebulized budesonide protocol, and Ivermectin being used in some S. American countries and in India with excellent results. Hydroxychloroquine had been polarized, tied to Trump, then attacked with rigged studies. Bigtree could have leap frogged past the flash point and educated his audience about a clear pattern of suppression of early treatment options that went well beyond political partisanship. I tried several times to get his attention on this matter, and Jeffrey Jaxen too, to no avail as they continued to harp on HCQ. They also opted to not expose the shocking details behind the Lancet retracted Surgisphere fake HCQ study. That was also disappointing. I happened to look up Highwire's science reporter Jeffrey Jaxen on Twitter and noticed he follows Dr Steve Pieczenik, a psychiatrist who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and directed a US Psychological Warfare division. IMHO, the memes and narratives we are being fed are very elaborate, carefully molded and tweaked to herd us towards the digital gulag. Next level Tavistock-type productions. I've always recommended asking questions and being aware of possible limited hangouts rather than attacking suspected gatekeepers. Better to use them as springboards for greater truths. Takes time to digest the long history of mind control and societal molding. I started as a young medical neuroscientist in training. Twenty years later I'm still learning every day. Lots of repeating patterns.
Pieczenik was a source for Alex Jones. Jaxen Report maintains a similar program of citations. Jones was just a guest on Highwire last week. It’s my understanding that Bigtree is exploring diverse perspectives to raise discourse, as opposed to advancing a particular narrative. I cannot speak to their coverage of early treatments, but it is impressive that ICAN funds legal action. Aaron Siri has been a helpful advocate of transparency with respect to the vaccine trials and damages.
That's very important information, blue, thank you for taking the time to air it. Many thanks, indeed.
I understand, we all are faced with learning curves once we realize our society was hijacked a very time ago. However, Dr Nass, it's very concerning when a very prominent and well-educated person suggests critics and/or people with contrarian views should be punished. There were academics calling for jailing contrarian climate researchers and one even called for a death penalty. I am reminded of the unfair treatment you and many other ethical physicians suffered.
As for Bush, I caught the Highline episode in real time and was aghast to watch him say he knew for a fact that SARS-CoV-2 did not come from a laboratory (yet offered no scientific evidence), rather, it evolved as a natural response to human pollution (filth, overpopulation, etc). As he spoke images of dense squalid cities were shown along with extreme industrial pollution and smokestacks. It was a Club of Rome-esque type message. He concluded his long interview with "don't fear death" paired with a scene of a person on a bed with an amorphous light/spirit floating overhead. It's as though the message came from Bill Gates and others of that eugenics ilk. BTW, the two 'founding fathers' of Silicon Valley, Terman and Shockley, were very closely involved with eugenics.
Many people are being confused when the charlatans bring in spirituality. I agree with you, he is selling a product (the product being himself) and his schtick could have come from the mouth of Klaus himself.
Thank you, blue.
Thank you Dr. Nass. That is a reassuring endorsement. Having seen him face to face at the Ron Paul Institute "War on Us" conference of September 2021, and having read/viewed as much of his thinking as I could, it is also my impression that he is genuinely sincere, courageous man. I think he is who he purports to be.
Stating anyone questioning the official climate science narrative should go to jail is a huge concern. No matter the pedigree or how polished. That's a direct attack on the First Amendment. But, also, it's important to give benefit of the doubt to seemingly well-meaning persons, ask them why they would say such a thing. The question of financial involvement in the rise of Human Capital Markets for 4IR Technocracy and promoting Dr Zach Bush who is directing HCMs is another concern. But the issue should not be RFK Jr, rather beginning the process of researching a powerful undercurrent sweeping in to destroy human freedom forever in the most insidious manner imagined. It's happening now with major reform in the criminal justice system - which is why Soros financially backed DA races and also why enforcement is being replaced right now in pilot projects with new P3 corporate behavioral modification (surveillance) programs. And schools and health care switching over to HCMs globally. You can verify this easily via the research presented by Alison McDowell on her blog wrench in the gears and her youtube channel.
I'd agree that imprisoning climate deniers is an extremely unwise suggestion. Brief perusal of a few articles and vids seems to indicate RFK was targeting large, industrial outlaw environmental polluters and not skeptics of "climate science" dogma. Anyway your point is well taken that "Green Earth" fanaticism is a slippery slope toward globalist technocracy.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. For the record, in the video clip I saw he said "Climate change deniers should get three hots and a cot". I appreciate his criticism of outlaw corporate industrial polluters. We're being distracted in enticing ways, especially those of us in the medical sciences, myself included. The globalists are masters of the double bind. We need to analyze covid deceptions but also shouldn't get mired in issue frameworks carefully molded and maintained as corrals. Meanwhile, powerful undercurrents are transforming society via P3 and banking maneuvers. It's like an Escher print, if you can visualize, for instance, Day and Night which starts out as agricultural parcels & a chessboard and then becomes flying geese. Another would be Relativity, the staircases. Radical yet visually subtle transformations, and separated realities, respectively. Slippery slope fanaticism indeed. Thanks again for your input.
The fox is in the chicken coop. Can we identify him/them yet?
it might require disengaging from the UN, which could only be done by an act of Congress and maybe an amendment to the Constitution. We have treaties with the UN, and such are considered automatically 'incorporated', which has a specific meaning in that context.
Thanks for exposing what APPEARED to be a change of heart in his recent piece.
Sachs is also very high up in the Vatican. We need more scrutiny on this man.
Sustainable away with crickets and roaches
The quotes you provided don't support the implication that Sachs is subtly manipulating the world into a single tyrannical government. Multilateralism and cooperation to solve big problems is exactly what all democratic non-superpowers want - a multipolar world order under international law. It is also what Russia has consistently been working and advocating for; i dont know as much about China, but they certainly arent the ones promoting war all over the world. America is the evil empire and its hegemony is crumbling, though not fast enough to prevent more wars and disasters.
Freedom of speech and open scientific inquiry are not guaranteed under either of the above scenarios however. Sadly that is a separate struggle for all of us who value such things. Perhaps having many competing countries is the only way to guarantee freedom survives somewhere. I dont like the consequences though - tragedy of the commons and strife.
Back home we'd call that a wolf in sheeps clothing
I will share this article by Sachs which was published as he began criticizing the lack of investigative journalism into the lab leak hypothesis.
Here’s a link I’ll be diving into this weekend... enjoy
Is he on the Council of Foreign Relations? or Trilateral Commision or WEF
He has given talks for CFR and writes for the CFR journal Foreign Affairs.
Recall, he is a poseur for the poor. So he cannot appear to be part of the mandarins directly.