They need to be abolished adding UN as well

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Jan 7Edited
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Abolish the W.H.O. & the U.N. before they abolish U.S. !

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The real crime is what has been done to Africa by the likes of Bill Gates and the U.S. Using those human beings as lab rats. I hope there is a special place in Hell for the ppl responsible for all the death and misery in that country.

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Like the genetically modified mosquitos that Gates is trying to make into flying vaccination delivery systems? If they do this they are in violation of the Nauenberg code.

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Buying up so much farmland so people can't eat meat, eggs, dairy!

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And Fauci experimenting/torturing/killing orphan children. How the hell can that be legal and he gets away with that?

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Answer; In Godless neo-Sodom Gamorra nations (like the U.S.A.) where Godless taxpayers vote for Godless politicians to fund the killing of over 60 million human babies! It teaches us that "Death is the wages of sin Vs. the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord! [Romans 6:23] But we do have Satan's Hell option!

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Africa and India!

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And the Philippines. And and and...

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I agree with that 1000% and add India also..

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Bill Gates is just copying Nazi Bayer/ I.G. Farbens Dr. Josef Mengele's protocol!

Evil Bill Gates wants to capture that, "Angel of Death" title!

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Dear W.H.O., please cancel our subscription. Thank you.

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Also, give US our money back that you defrauded U.S. out of!

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Well, yes, that too, but America regrettably has to simply accept cutting losses as our best hope when we interact with the world and its organizations. To expect more is like expecting repayment from a down-and-out person who is also a heavy smoker. Those dollar bills have been used to, literally, to make smoke. Poof, it is all gone. They'll just shrug and say: "Hey, you print it all, just print more."

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Cutting losses yes! Expecting repayment from a down-and-out Godless government that stoled our real gold & silver Money in exchange for fake Ponzi scam notes best demonstrates what happens when you go from a Creator-inspired, one nation under God, to a Godless Marxist Leftist Democrat free stuff for suckers, Hell-bound Government! (As the good book tells us!)

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Bingo back at you, for I'm a fellow, PHD/ Post Hole Digger!

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Have self-respect for your PhD. It means something despite the abuse that we get for it. Some M.D.s, J.D.s both really deserve scorn given what we've seen in the last few years, especially---but, no, people are always ready to kick around the PhD. I am proud of the work and sacrifice that I did to get the degree, the effort I continue to make educating myself and what I have provided to both academic and civic societies. They'll never repay me, but that is not why I did it and do it still.

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Dump and defund the WHO. Next would be the UN - including kicking them out of the country. They can move their HQ to somewhere in the EU, Mays even Belgium. Frees up some NY real estate. I’m sure Trump would have some ideas on how to develop that property.

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I approve this message.

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I want them arrested prosecuted and jailed for Fraud! Has should have happened to our 50 billion in fraud fines Big death Pharma!!!

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Dump the WHO America!

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We don't need the WHO...its primary interest is our financial support...and we don't need to send billions of our taxpayer dollars to them, when we have many suffering Americans iin the Appalachian region who have been ignored. America does not need any organization, which would dictate to America and take precedence over our Constitution.. Many UN members hate America and would like to see us destroyed. Why should we continue to support the UN and the WHO?

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Barbara, if we want to stop giving foreign people reasons to hate us we should make a commitment to defunding NATO and the US military too. With over 700 bases world wide we are not defending democracy, but enforcing tyranny.

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Agreed! It is a crime to use taxpayer money for the purpose of establishing military bases worldwide. Taxpayer money is for taking care of the infrastructure and the needs of the American people Taxpayer money being used by those in charge in any other manner is illegal. Our government must focus on the needs of Americans...It is a crime what happened in Appalachia and in Maui...overreach by unscrupulous crooks who wound up in positions of power, out to feather their own nests; harming multitudes of Americans to take over their land. .

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We don't need no stinking W.H.O.!!! Only Satan's boys do!

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GAVI = BMGF right? so those two should be added together. its a Gates operation. period.

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I am pretty sure no one...wants money spent on funding the WHO any more.

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It’s the “elite” that need to be abolished. #not sorry

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Totally agree!

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Defund the WHO, BDS ANY CORPORATION Sponsor of the WEF, DUMP THE UN till it gets of being the global anointed savior of humanity.

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Amusing to see the basic psychology employed to convince the US that "we're all in this together!".

This tells the US a lot about the organizations OSTENSIBLE goals- vaccinate EVERYONE, digital identity (although not specifically addressed) and REGULATION. These guys get power over the world, in Africa it's going to be a complete dystopia.

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Educator John Gartto wrote the book on the basic psychology used in school brainwashing! He said school is just to make "Cogs to support the industrial complex."

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Jan 7Edited

We already have enough Marxists trying to run the US. It needs a black box warning for nasty side-effects! Offloading the WHO is a no-brainer.

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WARNING: Woke Godless Leftist Marxism can and will cause mass death and misery wherever and whenever tried! [But that won't stop Godless fools from retrying it again & again!] (I.e. to demonstrate the definition of lunacy!)

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“A key difference between the Marxist Left and everyone else is that the Marxist Left is willing to destroy the institution it's trying to take over if they can't have it, while no normal person is willing to take that risk.” —James Lindsay

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That such a man (connected at hip to Clintons/Gates) is SELECTED head of the quasi military WHO is all we need to know about this organization:

WHO Who is WHO’s Tedros Adhanom? (excerpt)

February 20, 2020

by F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook:

Who is WHO’s Tedros?

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was voted WHO Director-General in 2017 replacing the controversial Dr Margaret Chan of Hong Kong. He is the first African to head the health agency and the first one not a medical doctor. According to Wikipedia, he got a BA degree in biology at the University of Asmara in Eritrea. He then served in a junior position, at the Ministry of Health under the Marxist dictatorship of Mengistu. After the fall of Mengistu in 1991 Tedros went to the UK and took a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Community Health from the University of Nottingham in 2000, with a doctoral dissertation on “The effects of dams on malaria transmission in Tigray Region, northern Ethiopia.”

He then went on to become Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012 under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. There he met former President Bill Clinton and began a close collaboration with Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI). He also developed a close relation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As health minister, Tedros would also chair the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that was co-founded by the Gates Foundation. The Global Fund has been riddled with fraud and corruption scandals.

Today the largest donors to the WHO are the Gates Foundation and its associated GAVI Alliance for vaccination. With backers like Gates and Clinton it was no surprise that Tedros went on, after a stint as Ethiopian Foreign Minister, to win the post of WHO Director-General, this despite being the first non-physician to hold the position. During Tedros’ three year campaign to win the WHO post he was charged with having covered up three major epidemics of cholera while health minister in Ethiopia, mislabeling the cases as “acute watery diarrhea” (AWD)—a symptom of cholera—in an attempt to play down the significance of the epidemics, charges he denied.

“Don’t stigmatize…”

As reports of the spread of confirmed and suspected cases of the novel coronavirus in other countries grew in the past several weeks, numerous airlines took the precaution to temporarily cancel their flights to and from China. Tedros, while officially declaring the Wuhan novel coronavirus as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC),” (in 2009 the WHO called it a Level 6 Global Pandemic), sharply and repeatedly criticized other countries for allowing air travel to China to be cut. On February 7 the China Peoples’ Daily reported Tedros stating, his disapproval of imposing travel bans on China, stressing that “such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.”

Important in containing any epidemic is taking action very early in the detection of the disease.

Ethiopian Airlines

There is one country where the national air carrier has not cut flights to China to this date—Tedros’ own Ethiopia. Ethiopian Airlines continues to fly daily into Ethiopia from major Chinese cities. At the Addis Ababa airport the passengers are only given a minimal temperature test, something for a disease with a 14 day incubation period is hardly sufficient to limit the spread of the pathogen to Africa. While 59 other air carriers from 44 different countries have all grounded their flights to China, Ethiopian Airlines insists that it will follow directives from the World Health Organization and continue its daily China flights.

The entry point for air travel between China and Africa is Ethiopia. The Chinese have built a new airport in Addis Ababa and it is the “gateway” for travel between many African countries like Zambia and China. Ethiopia’s Bole International airport sees on average 1500 passengers per day arriving from China. There are an estimated one million Chinese working in Africa from Zambia to Nigeria, and Tedros’ Ethiopia is their place to enter. The problem is that Ethiopia is an extremely poor country and it, like most of Africa is ill-prepared to handle any outbreak of coronavirus. Despite the fact that Ethiopian citizens have protested at the continuing China air travel risk, the government continues to use WHO and Tedros’ statements to keep business flowing. In an alarm signal, the first reported case of coronavirus in Botswana was of an African student who came from China on an Ethiopian Airlines plane.

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Point being: Tedros a confirmed genocidalist was the logical choice (tool) for a confirmed genocidal, depopulationist organization misnamed WHO - World Health Organization.

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WHO reminds me of an abusive spouse who punches you in the face, and then brings home flowers the next day.

LEAVE!!!! Don’t stay - they won’t change.

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Cancelled losers!

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WE/ the U.S.A. taxpayers are the Godless losers who funded the disgusting WHO!

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