What people need to understand is that the scamdemic (and it was a scam) was created for the planned agenda of a global totalitarian government. Global communist rule. None of what we have been told was true. NONE of it. It did not happen by accident. All part of the plan.

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Just watched Pascal Najadi, a Swiss banker who has filed charges against the Minister of Health/President of Switzerland. The case is filed and has a case number. This interview is with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger who once worked for the WHO, UN etc and she details how utterly useless and criminal they are. Especially on the entrance of Bill Gates. It’s fascinating and very relevant to your comment: https://rumble.com/v29k26a-k-o-n-k-r-e-t-emergency-defence-against-who-no-more-virus-psyops-the-facts.html

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Thanks. I have shared several of his interviews. I shared one with Pascal and Dr. Bhakdi who is working with the King of Thailand to withdraw their Pfizer contract for reasons of fraud. The King's 44 year old daughter had a stroke and has been in a coma for many weeks. Dr. Bhakdi says she had a reaction to the bio weapon.

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Agree - it was a PLANdemic ...

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Mostly true, except the communist part... Fascist - YES!

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they all fit.....socialist, communist, fascist, marxist....they all end up murdering people and reducing them to slaves.

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The only discussion should be on defunding the WHO. There is no ‘pandemic’ - never was one. The entire ruse was a scam designed to forward the globalists agenda for a one world government and total control over us “subjects” in every activity and pursuit we may consider doing.

For goodness sake, when will this world wake up from its trance and confront its mass formation psychosis driven by manufactured fear??

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They are digging an enormous cavern beneath our feet.They are undermining the floor of the medical, financial, and social structure we stand on. The floor has never been thinner. When it caves in we all fall into a technocratic hellscape from which there will be no escape.

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Yup. Hitting us with attacks on food, energy, currency devaluation, social values, vaccines and diseases. And they will totally pull out the rug when they are ready. And we have to stop fighting, learn discernment as someone said, and be ready.

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don't get caught up in fear. stay strong and non compliant. there are far more of us than them. never give in.

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So true! I dig (no pun intended) your architectural metaphor. It underscores the increasing peril in which our collective ignorance places us. Once that floor collapses, we will have reached the point of no return.

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My speculation is that the world will wake up to the LOUD ROAR of the awaken beast: the US. WE THE PEOPLE will free ourselves, rule ourselves and live free. Others may choose their own destiny: we will not care for the FUTURE of their choosing (specially monetarily). AMERICA FIRST!

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The world ‘s media are owned by extremely rich individuals who want to use their money to mislead everyone into believing their propaganda. Truth is the only remedy but it is constantly deleted. WEF is fascist and psychiatrically incapable of feeling for other people. When they contemplate creating starvation by destroying farms and raising taxes they don’t care even a tiny bit for all the suffering it will cause.

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Psychopaths, literally.

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...unless the rollout of wireless tech can be considered a "pandemic"...

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That’s a pathogen for which the cure is simple: Just Say No!

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Maybe we haven't been saying it loudly enough?

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Dear WHO: Leave me alone. I don't need or want your assistance. I would rather die than give up my personal and national sovereignty to you psychopathic lunatics. I will do everything I can to defund and dissolve your organization. And, by the way, you are criminals, and I hope you get whatever you deserve.

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This is completely wrong-headed. The world should get back to the pro-health approach of ensuring people have basic needs met: housing, food, clean water, safety, participation in society. We don't need "medical countermeasures", a military-like phrase that suggests the correctness of theories that SARS-CoV-2 and associated vaccines are actually a covert military effort to depopulate the underclass.

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hello Meryl

This may be out of context but I would like you to know the following:

Referring to talks on the biolabs in Ucraine, it is a fact that the Swedish globalist, Jacob Wallenberg, when those labs were detected, went down there and brought 5-6 of those labs with him back to Sweden. Together with our then Minister for Education, a Bilderberger, he placed them at 5-6 state universities, without discussion in the media nor elsewhere.

For me I got the Covid in Februari 20, an evil hitting my weak spots on and on. Skipping the willy-nilly Swedish docs I took to listen to webb doctors from US, UK, Mount Sinai and the like, especially a music journalist Gez, UK, with research shows on Youtube ever so often. For my long covid I thus found B3 or Niacin, took 1000 mg and got my life back! So now 3 years later on 500 mg a day I am fine ….of course without vaccination. May be it can help more!

Best regards and do take good care!

Anita Soderman

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Yes, heard that about the Ukraine samples or scientists coming to Sweden from others. Thx.

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Have you heard the story that Ukraine became the new Iraq after the first gulf war. No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq because it was all moved to Ukraine, a puppet state of the US deep state and globalists.

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thank you Dr. Nass for this important update. If we change the words "safer" and "healthier" that they are using here, with "more control", then, it all makes sense. Because we know they don't care about our health or our safety!

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It seems to be a popular, covert, warlike psychological tactic, to deliberately use DOUBLE SPEAK (often in the form of antonyms) when describing programs of cruel and unusual treatment or policies.

Poison presented as CURE, Lies as Truth and on we go.

They are trying to make people off balanced. (Trans Men are women, women are known as birthing “people”,…)

This is why courageous, truth bound strength of character is needed now more than ever.

The assertion by us of FACT over “feelings”, needs to be emphasized “calmly”,

to thwart the nefarious plans of the sociopathic, unhinged 1%,

and their unthinking emperor “has” clothes, minions.

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Nothing more than member states handing over sovereignty to a communist regime and a redistribution of wealth. And make no mistake the US is leading the way.

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It seems that the US govt has declared war on its own citizens. We need to accept that now.

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In America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin faced when he became president in 2000. The entire West is now in the grips of billionaire elites who have a stranglehold on the media, the political establishment and all of our important institutions. In recent years we have seen these oligarchs expand their influence from markets, finance and trade to politics, social issues and even public health. The impact this group has had on these other areas of interest, has been nothing short of breathtaking. Establishment elites and their media not only stood foursquare behind Russiagate, the Trump impeachment, the BLM riots and the January 6 fiasco, they also had a hand in the Covid hysteria and the host of repressive measures that were imposed in the name of public health. What we’d like to know is to what extent this group is actively involved in the shaping of other events that are aimed at transforming the American Republic into a more authoritarian system?

In other words, are the mandated injections, the forced lockdowns, the aggressive government-implemented censorship, the dubious presidential elections, the burning of food processing plants, the derailing of trains, the attacks on the power grid, the BLM-Antifa riots, the drag queen shows for schoolchildren, the maniacal focus on gender issues, and glitzy public show-trials merely random incidents occurring spontaneously during a period of great social change or are they, in fact, evidence of a stealthily orchestrated operation conducted by agents of the state acting on behalf of their elite benefactors?

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They have been very very very busy in education going back to 2010, at least. Even then, they were busy planning for what is happening now.

If you know about the fin/tech elites efforts around mass customized learning and the digitization of education by putting kids on screens you would realize just how long they have been strategizing for the 4th Industrial Revolution and the coming gig economy. It preceded the pandemic. But they ran into problems. The public was resisting remote learning and a remake of education. But with the pandemic, we no longer had a choice now did we?

Meanwhile, they have also ramped up the time kids spend on screens which lends itself to propaganda and the next generations not thinking for themselves. Of course, some will escape the cradle to grave pipeline of assess, track and trace that they were building but the vast majority would be relegated to limited options through this attempted remake of public education.

My research revealed all but a national effort that was hardly on the up and up on this front. Apple computers was busted in the Lis Angeles district for making deals behind the scenes regarding getting kids on iPads loaded with curriculum. This nonsense was also in my district here in Maine that touted itself as the first district in the nation to put forth a 1:1 iPad initiative for kindergarteners. Can you imagine that was the supposed priority? Put a screen in the 6 year olds hands.

And now, what we know all so well is kids are attached to screens and the content is controlled by the same ones who pushed to get the propaganda machines in their hands. Gates was deep into this. He gave millions to Nellie Mae & 2009/2010 to “effect a systems change” in education in the Northeast.

Now he and his proxies are just building a biopharmaceutical corridor and insisting that the rise of technology will be the death knell for humanities. In short, one way or another they will build the pipeline for employees for their machines. They do not care about education as a means of self fulfillment and realization of one’s potential based on one’s choice and passion.

Watch this video. This was a lecture delivered in 2018 by a guy who has close ties to Gates, very close. He has been busy in Maine since 2010 (same time Gates began meddling in Maine and New England’s education system). He is busy building the biopharmaceutical corridor in the northeast.

Notice how in the second half of the lecture he says that we now have the means to “engineer the evolution of mankind” and says that basically tinkering with humans and choosing what traits they will have will be the issue of our times and that the abortion debate will be eclipsed. He also maintains that the agenda will not be stopped due to the unscrupulous businessmen and corrupt politicians. Watch the question and answer part as well.

Yeah, as best I can tell he is dictating terms to our governor who is in bed with these guys. What we the people want does not matter.


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The control over our education system actually goes back to the mid 1800s. More recently Charlotte Iserbyt during red ronnie's administration. she tried to eliminate the department of ed but got no where. Bless her soul, she died about a year ago. http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/

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Yes, I remember Charlotte Iserbyt!! I used to listen to her on a variety of alternative radio shows. Yes, bless her soul. She was a true hero.

fwiw, Congressman Massie introduced a bill to get the Feds out of the classroom by ending the Department of Education (that's when the downhill slide and deliberate dumbing down started)

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Yes. It’s know. But I was speaking to the most recent efforts that go hand in hand with the invasion of tech into all aspects of our lives. Infusing public education with it and its propaganda tendencies gives a great deal of power over the masses to those who control the machines/technology and content they promote.

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Not to mention the negative impact on the attention span of the average citizen.

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No - we do NOT accept it! Just Say NO!

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...ONLY the non-rich citizens.

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accepted it after nine 1 one when we could have prevented this. it's an extension of nine 1 one. the american people gave them a pass. it opened the door for them to get away with what they're doing today.

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Same playbook they used in their efforts to digitize education.

Arguments and blather about the importance of standardization across grade levels with regard to curriculum. Going on about the need for equity and leveling the playing field for the disadvantaged through standardization and centralized control. Blah, blah, blah.

Then there is the hood old Delphi Method....whereby an “independent” committee of experts helps to advise countries on the proposals.

The Delphi method is when they have experts make the case, thereby relieving those in the decision making role of doing any independent research. No asking questions and healthy debate with opposing positions argued, nor outside gathering of evidence. Rather passing the buck and virtue signaling get the job done. What it amounts to is a group of “experts” leading the decision makers to the desired and foregone conclusion, no questions asked, do not pass go--straight to jail. And because they control the narrative and discussions they can amplify perceived benefits and bury any red flags or concerns legitimately raised.

Their tactics are well known to us that have been in the trenches and pushed back in the education front.

This is exactly what one would expect them to do based on their playbook.

Up next will be the sound bites and press releases about the decisions arrived at after “vigorous debate” and an examination of the merits. As they back us into the decision they want and need.

Would love to know who the “independent” advisors are....based on my experience, if you dig hard enough and follow the $$$ as well as web of connections you are likely to find they are not so “independent.”

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Oh.....and how this whole thing works is they "define" a problem and they create/ or have created in anticiaption or in the run up to the problem or crisis that "needs" fixing....all kinds of incestuous organizations or consultancy groups through their established byways of networking within the industry (you scratch my back, I scratch yours) and they then point to these entities as authorities or evidence of the need for the matter to be addressed and that they are ready to go....for our benefit of course. It comes down to just convincing the masses to let their hard earned tax dollars and monies being poured into the pre-fab solutions of the grifters.

Here is the thing.....once they have the majority of the global wealth, what do they do next? How do they continue to maximize their position and influence? Well, now it would appear that we are bargaining with our rights. We are held hostage to their ideas/solutions around the "problems" we must fix or fear for our individual and collective lives. They are even willing to foot the bill (soon what will be ushered in is the social impact markets and public/private partnerships in earnest as a means of affording the solutions they are proposing). What or how do we pay? You guess it....with medical freedom, freedom to travel, ability to pay bills without complying to some requirement, giving up privacy will be requried.....

In other workds, this time they are going for the whole kitten kaboodle. Caveat Emptor. Once you give up your weath (means to be independent and self reliant) AND your freedoms---well, it does not bode well because it will be impossible to defend against the power, influence, control and wealth these bastards are busy acquiring.

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Everything that’s happening is funneling into end times prophecy. I like to keep on top of it being in healthcare, especially, but I do see the inevitable as inexorable. I just would love some ability for healthcare to still be a merciful institution amongst all the chaos that will ensue and I don’t see that and that’s depressing.

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I agree. Most unfortunate. At the age of 54, I realize that drugs and solutions that were sold to me on a few different fronts are now on a list of concerning medications of big pharma and health wise I sure have paid the price. It’s unconscionable that these drugs were never fully vetted and the risks downsides are often hidden from view in the rush for big pharma to make $$$$ and men to play god.

I don’t know if we are entering the end times, but I find it hard to see how we are going to stop what is unfolding before our fate is sealed.

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WHO and Bill Gates are part of an international mafia intent on manipulating every aspect of human life on the planet from climate to food to medicine. Basically, we know that humans cannot possibly govern the universe yet these people want to give it a shot because their egos demand satisfaction. Let’s not be fooled by any kind of make the world safer rhetoric

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Trojan Horse at the gate....all the talk of equity, diversity and inclusion. Safety and helping the fellow man is a hollow and empty promise. They know it. They did not get to where they are being kind and looking out for the little guy.

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Nope not here Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness prevails. Their death imprisonment and sad existence is the polar opposite. if the crooked Democrats push this it’s Aufwiedersehen . I will not be depopulated and controlled by sociopaths

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Sheer evil. But transparent now we know the talk.

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This will never work. The UN/WHO/WEF etc. are DOOMED TO FAIL. It's only a matter of time!!

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The problem with the wording of the WHO intentions and the amendments is that it sounds like a caring, rational approach. How does one take those words apart to prove malfeasance? While we think we know better, we need to prove the words are lies. How?

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Gates has been doing this since day one. I talk to people all the time they can’t believe I have anything negative to say about the guy. It’s so easy for the devil and all of his minions to sound like they’re doing good when they are doing evil that is the master maneuver

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I have socks that say KILL BILL my friends comment on “love that movie!” When I say “No, Bill Gates” they’re confused

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Start marketing those to army rangers and navy seals for a discount

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Noted and agree. What I’m looking for are ways to help dissolve the pretty skin on the devil so bedazzled folks see the ugly truth.

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One thing we could do is make more visible how he started as a thief just like Satan. Gates would not be where he is unless he used dishonesty and his loyalty and theft as his MO he still does. So I think people who would write about his early days and expose who he is would be helpful. Also, his wife and children have been silent since the divorce. I wonder if anybody could get to one of them and see if one of them is just over it and willing to expose Bill Gates for WHO he is

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gates is wanted in india for murder for his kill shots. and africa ran the who out after the murder they did to their children. do you not recall when gates got pied? he's known for his evil worldwide. philanthropist my eye. he donates tax free money to himself. how anyone can think good of him is ignorance. he's a psychopath, narcissist and his family are eugenicists. he stole DOS to create microsoft, funded/backed by IBM - and not in his rich parent's garage either.

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THEY claim a desire to make the world safer ,for US, because that is what WE want and need ........... and those of us with a clue, KNOW that we need to keep US safer from THEM.

>> " The tone of the discussions and progress made during this week’s meeting clearly show that countries understand the responsibility they have to ensure this process is successful.” <<

They have ZERO interest in what the PEOPLE of the countries desire - if the "people" would have an opportunity to 'preview' what the world might look like AFTER the WHO seizes control ..... They would want NO part of the WHO, an IHR or an UNELECTED body in a postiion of governance OVER them. Well, IMO.

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So, one of the most oppressive violators of human rights in the world, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is leading the charge? That does not bode well for humanity and bodily autonomy. We're talking about a 'kingdom and serf' type of rule, an oligarchy... riches for them basic subsistence for the 'useful'.

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I thought Trump pulled out of the WHO before he left office. Why would we be having anything to do with them.

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Biden rejoined and gave them extra money

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Who is actually pushing this agenda in the US? Who is attending meetings? Who is giving away our country with no oversight at all? How can they do this without the approval of congress???

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You really got me thinking after I posted my first reply to your comment. Here is a link to an article regarding Senate opposition. Therein is an additional link to the Bill. I also posted a page moments ago to the US rule on Treaties. I hope this all answers your questions. Peace from Detroit!

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Ron Johnson is a true patriot!! Wish we had 100 of him!

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Many Treaties the US presidents have signed into are w/out Congressional Oversight. However, Treaties are SUPPOSED to only be allowed with a 2/3 Senate voted backing. Yet many have been allowed without. ??? Perhaps that is what the current 17 Republican US Senators led by Sen Ron Johnson are arguing? I haven't seen their reason/s s for objecting. Just catching up on news or I would post a link.

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The Cabal and Globalists pushing it, evil doers

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In the US? - there must be some big names behind the push right here in the US! The DS is everywhere and here as well. Sure would like to know more!

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That is how it is supposed to work! However, this admin is ignoring most of the constitution and getting away with it! The whole enchilada needs to go!

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And one of the first things biden did is put the US RIGHT BACK IN

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Biden is not the real president, the swearing in was completely wrong. Thats not even the real Joe Biden, Im not that easly fooled.

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you're so right. there are multiple mask wearers. even the signature is totally different.

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Trump left& defunded the WHO and said they were scandalous or thieves or both. He had nothing nice to say about WHO or CDC. Then he told us hydroxychloriquine was effective if taken early

Then the Lancet came out with their BS article & the MSM SCREAMED, ORANGE MAN BAD!!!" When the article in Lancet was declared a fraud the MSM said NOTHING. For the life of me I do not understand why Trump has not publicly renounced the Vax/Warp Speed and called out all the criminal behavior? Perhaps he will. I haven't given up hope but if he allows it to stand as it is...Well, he is guilty by omission & for Warp Speed and no better than the worst of them.

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He just did not know any better at the time. Did you listen to the Ed Dowd/Tucker Carlson interview? He says it all!! Being a born skeptic helps a lot! Also being determined not to contaminate one's body with poison helps even more! Knowing what has happened in the past with drugs and vaccines, the harm done, seals the case against it. I don't believe Trump knew this. In fact Ed Dowd said he immediately knew that Operation Warp Speed would be a disaster. All you have to do is review the history of Big Pharma and immense harms of the past. This was certainly no different. Many, many people did not know or suspect either. The price has been - and continues to be - horrific.

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