No one speaks of a worldwide health mission based on wellness. Why? Or on spiritual health. I do have a personal physician and that's her focus. All the WHO stands for, along with FDA, NIH, and CDC is shots, pills, and lockdowns. It's not just sub-human, it's anti-human.

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When I tell people about the repugnant aspects of the International technical guidance

on sexuality education /Comprehensive sexuality Recommendations coming out of the WHO/UNESCO, it sickens them - - within its 139pg DOC, it states:

A)- children are able to masturbate and should be taught this between the ages of 2-4 yrs old

B)- children are able to choose sex partners of any age but don’t have to inform the adults if they have HIV - only the adults would

C-informed parents aren’t necessary in these situations, children have the right to have sex as they are sexual beings, according to the WHO documents….

I think anyone asserting this litany of garbage on kids/societies should be mentally evaluated and thereafter incarcerated for an unearthly LONG time.


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The funding structure, where more than half of the budget of the WHO comes from private/corporate donations is an open door for Regulatory Capture, which is what has happened in this case,

"health agencies have long proven that they can fall victim to the human frailties of error, bureaucratic lethargy, political bias, and hubris".

Regulatory Capture instrumentalizes the captured bureaucracy to the purposes desired by the donor(s) in the paymaster position.

There are no checks & balances. This is direct control by a unitary entity, such as Bill Gates, who may be an instrument of the world of deep state entities served by Jeffrey Epstein, a recruiter of high-level functionaries and billionaires for the Mossad. The CIA is deeply interwoven in that dark consortium,

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Next to covid The WHO 'one health' nonsense is one of the biggest con jobs of all time. The WHO has no proven expertise in ANYTHING as judged from its past history of failures. And now it wants to control the countries of the world and their people. Furthermore, the WHO suddenly has become a self proclaimed "expert" in wildlife and ecosystem conservation despite having zero past history in those fields. Only totally corrupt and/or moronic politicians and other such incompetent "leaders" would attempt to get on The WHO bandwagon.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

The WHO and the medical industry makes me sick! Shoot that's what they want.

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The Who is a criminal organization run by criminal eugenicists, with Bill Gates at the top of the so called (corrupt) pyramid & his head puppet master, Tedros. As soon as his entire crime syndicate is taken down & these two monsters are put down, the rest of the criminals will go into hiding. Perhaps for good, like Nazi war criminals. But they, too, will be sniffed out. And the world will know peace, until the next batch rears their ugly heads. Humans must always be alert of these demons from hell who enjoy ruling our Earth!

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The WHO is a criminal organization that needs to be defunded and destroyed. It's web of supporting organizations, penchant for hiring unfit war criminals and psychopaths, private funding from billionaires, etc., makes it ineligible for reform. [Amazing Polly has a run down on the interlocking relationships].

Trust WHO - Documentary - YouTube


A deep dive into the WHO & it's past activities revolving around pandemics & disasters!


Speaking of Amazing Polly, she surfaced at the beginning - that Anthony Fauci is married to the woman who runs NIH's department regulating human experimentation. You can't make this shit up.

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I didn't even get passed the 'Headline' topic!

Nobody who has a brain should trust the now defunct, corrupt and extinct World Health Organisation.

As of 30th November 2023, we the people, determined that The World Health Organisation is now terminated and therefore can no longer make false declarations regarding their pre-planned Scamdemics.

For decades Fauci has financed and organised the DEADLY practice of 'Gain of Function' experimentation to modify viruses in order to maximise the potential of these viruses to maximum impact upon human beings! Why is he allowed to undertake this ridiculously dangerous practice - at the US taxpayer's expense?

The only explanation for the introduction of the Fauci-modified Covid virus, must be - to profit from supposed cures = they call 'vaccines'. And at the same time, severely CULLING the planet for the benefit and desire of the 'insane' World Economic Forum's depopulation plans!

In addition, the Elitists believe planet Earth is overpopulated and the useless injections guarantee the removal of thousands of vax takers in the Planned CULL = DEPOPULATION and PROFIT from Vax is Fauci's 'Double Whammy'. He is pure EVIL and should face the DEATH PENALTY for his actions.

NO LIABILITY means this depopulation program can continue uninterrupted by legal claims that should be brought for EVERY Injury, long-term health defects and DEATHS caused as a result of their useless Covid injections (called Vax).

The medical profession is now really evil, mercenary and CORRUPT!

Since the Covid farce became apparent, we have lost all faith in the medical profession, especially Big Pharma and their lust for profit instead of human wellbeing.

We, 'proud Conspiracy Theorists' participate in the mission to inform the masses of the true CORRUPTION within the World Economic Forum and their world of medicine.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I hope when Trump gets back in he pulls us out permanently

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023

Your first sentence is garbage and probably everything else afterwards.

They did NOT take center stage. It is you people that are giving it to them now. Stop!

They are third rate African criminals. And a few other criminals cherry picked for their corruption around the globe.

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Once these things go off the rails, they can never be put back on. Best to let them crash and burn and think really, really hard about ever replacing them. The UN and WHO have been useless for many decades and have not saved any lives for any reason. WHO has nothing to do with anyone's health except to take it away to ensure death.

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023

No heart for this article.

Selling consciousness.

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Peanuts compared to what is paid to The Global Fund. Same horse different jockey.


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Gives new meaning to the phrase ""gross revenue."

"The WHO has fared very well post-pandemic, increasing its gross [yearly] revenue by some $300 million in 2022 to $4,354,000,000"

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While I disagree on most of the points by which you're critical of the WHO and other "globalist groups", I find it obvious that this is an attempt by the organization to acquire power.

Health is and must remain only individual health.

Anything that has to do with society and the environment has obviously effects on everyone's health, but it can't be managed by a health organization unaccountable to national laws and whose expertise can't deal with such complexity.

WHO mission should be that of advising policy and decision makers - exactly as experts from every other relevant field should do - not issuing recommendations or - worse - decrees.

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