Jul 5Liked by Meryl Nass

The collateral damage of Covid lies were fathers , mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters .. husbands and wives. My husband was murdered by the lies , by the hospital protocol mandated by Fauci, the gov.. down to the doctors and nurses..they pumped poison into his body , without being informed , without consent . That poison along with death row drugs killed him . I kept asking for alternative treatments.. I was mocked .. I was told no.. I was told that by that doctor “I will not do it, took an oath to do no harm” as he was killing my husband . Remdesivir , Barcinitib ,( both black label poisons given EUA status). Both useless after the first few days of infection .. malpractice. Drugs caused him to code, was vented .. continued to give him the poisons .. Barcinitib is contraindicated if there are heart issues . I’d call that a heart issue..gave him 13 days more of it. He was on fentanyl , propofol, medazolam , vecuromium , physically restrained as well . Layer haldol and phenobarbital was added. He was isolated and not getting much nourishment. I finally saw him on day 19 after I was harassed by palliative care into making him a DNR. Unknown to me they started dosing him with morphine , to be increased by 1 mg per 30minutes . Along with fentanyl, vecuromium.. I walked into that room shocked by what I saw .. his tongue was huge and hanging out of his mouth.. eyes bulging , jaw frozen out of place. He heard me say “oh Richard what did they do to you?” Tears rolled down his cheeks.. the nurse jumped in front of me before I even got close to him and shot something into his IV… no more responses from him after that. I guess I witnessed them euthanizing him.. Nobody had a palliative meeting with me , which I later found out should have happened, actually the doctors barely communicated with me… in 19 days , I think I talked to a doctor maybe six times ..maybe…nobody told me they were going to actively kill him.. I just stood there and watched him die .. that is what collateral damage looks like . This has happened to thousands . See chbmp.org for more stories , written and video. We are all heart broken, we are traumatized. The families are also collateral damage . We aren’t really heard, but we are trying to make noise, we haven’t found help ,though we ask and seek . The legal branch mostly won’t help , mostly lawyers say no.

These lives matter !! We will never forget what was done !

As for me , I rest in the Lord . I know that He is on the throne and He will judge and do justly. Vengence is mine says the Lord.

My husband is safely with the Lord . I am held by the Lord , and am safe in Him.

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Depending upon how pissed you are and whether you feel up to it: Get copies of his records and contact VSRF or Jeff Childers (writes Coffee & COVID SubStack for lawyers recommendation of those interested & competent to sue : in spite of the legal immunity set up for the medical teams that goose stepped to the beat, there are evident violations of informed consent and other behaviors that are likely actionable, just from a quick review of your brief retelling, not to mention possible fraud charges as outlined in a recent VSRF webinar.

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Thank you , I am angry , I am tired. It’s going on three years on 9-8-21.

I do have his records .. I will consider reaching out to your contacts . There are many of us, most of us who did not give consent, let alone informed consent.. for anything . We weren’t informed about anything.. doctors rarely communicated . I am just unable to wrap my head around what these people did .. so evil and heartless .

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reach out ASAP as there will be statute of limitations issues if you wait too long! I always tell people, better to get the info and have it to digest than wait and have regrets.

I am a patient advocate and I witnessed this murder by protocol succeed by the hospital with 6 of the 8 families I tried helping. It was gruesome in its evilness and how doctors and nurses could look patients or their family members in the eyes and outright LIE to them. I am so sorry for your husband's, and your,, story. My now 17yo was vax injured and they got lots of practice getting the lying done with no regret with all us parents prior to covid.

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Thank you , I have his records ..it’s almost 3 yrs (9-8-21). I think there is 6yr statute for fraud . We’ll see .

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It breaks my heart when I hear another story. So many lives were taken in such a horrible way. Judgement will come.

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Yes , judgement will come .

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I feel your anger deeply. Our trust in our medical institutions have been shattered deeply. I have been writing about the great harm hoping that it helps change what is transpiring. Unfortunately the Biden Adm just gave Moderna 176 million dollars to deliver a RNA flu injection this fall. The truth of what transpired and will happen in the future is being ignored by the deranged medical men and the money men like Gates who is heavily invested in pushing injections. It is reported that Trump if elected will investigate Big Pharma. I hope it is not just political rhetoric! What happened to your husband must be rectified. Big Pharma is the culprit that educates the physicians on the use of drugs without concern about the harmful effects. I believe the medical protocol used was handed to them from the CDC and had financial rewards for the hospital if they followed them. Looking for someone to publish the CDC directives. Lawsuits are coming!

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There was money .. bonus for PCR Test, bonus to diagnose as Covid , whether it was or not. Bonus to admit, bonus to use remdesivir, bonus for venting , 20% bonus on entire bill if you kill them . I think his bill was $600,000. Or more .. FEMA gave money toward funeral expenses .. what does that tell you? I did get his records , I needed to know what happened during those 19 days … it was awful. Things happened and nobody called me or told me . It was horrific . We do have this chbmp.org at least a thousand stories there. The Former Feds group has worked on a class action against Gilead ..about remdesivir . Don’t think it has gone anywhere , need to attempt again .

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Trump took at least one million from pharma to put their man at the FDA and drop RFK, Jr as a choice. He has originally bragged about how fast he got the Covid bioweapons approved and called it one of the greatest achievements of mankind which he has never renounced. He will not be investigating Big Pharma.

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How soon you forget he sent two naval ships to LA and NYC, medical personnel, PPE, ventilators, built a temporary hospital, etc. When Gov. Newsom sent ventilators back, he then sent them to foreign countries in need. He has no medical background and was up against Dr. Fauci, who had served 6 Presidents and was considered an authority. All of this happened during an election year. So, did you expect him to start talking about the protein spike and how it could cause clotting, neurological adverse events, cancer, and a host of other things when he had no idea? Did you think he understood this was not a real vaccine and the definition was changed to provide legal immunity? What do you think the response would have been if Trump publicly stated that Dr. Fauci was wrong and Pfizer was just in it for the money? The media trashed him 24/7 as it was. Dr. Fauci told a terrified populace that the ONLY treatment was a “vaccine” and approximately 70% of them fell for it. If Trump had one anything but support the production of that vaccine, he would have just been trashed more for not following “America’s doctor”.. Dr. Fauci banned Ivermectin. He blocked doctors from publishing the real research.

This is over 3 years later and a lot more information is out there. Plus Senator Ron Johnson would be effective in getting him to do an investigation. I never heard before that “Trump took at least one million from pharma to put their man at the FDA and drop RFK, Jr”. I would like to validate that. It would seem to me that would have gone viral, just like Russia, Russia, Russia.

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Was he hood winked or is unprincipled? Biden is amoral. Is Trump the same? I pray not! We need to change course to survive.

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Trump was not hoodwinked. His daughter assured many in the health freedom movement that he knew what their plans were for the vax and that he wouldn't mandate. Well he didn't mandates but he did everything else, include incentivize death.

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Is his bragging political puffery or does he believe all of what he says in public. He he just trying to get more votes than JB?. We need someone we can trust in the Oval office. It certainly is no JB.

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Janet, sincerely I am so very sorry and also pissed off that you had to even endure this.

My family and I very early on decided no to take the jab. There were far too many initial studies and doctors stating they couldn’t and wouldn’t endorse its safety or efficacy. My wife is a career nurse and pulled down the massive amount of data available to convince me and many others that this was not a good idea.

We were labeled as “anti-vaxxers” told we would be spreading the virus by not accepting the jab; harassed on social media and even threatened with our jobs if we didn’t “voluntarily comply” with TPTB mandates and our jobs were in jeopardy.

Now the same scenario is beginning all over again with the so called H5N1 Bird Flu. The global elite are again pushing for vaccine development and preparing for another Plandemic or Scamdemic as part of Agenda 2030; the WEF, UN, CFR, WHO, etc., and the like are all about control and a population reduction. Read it for yourself on any of their websites. Anyway…

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I agree , we did not get the jab either. We were harassed by family , doctors etc. in the hospital we were both ridiculed and treated worse because we weren’t jabbed. We also saw friends getting it and having serious reactions . We did some research and decided against it. My husband died because of the mandated hospital protocol.. people blamed us for his death because he didn’t get jabbed . Really heartless

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Many people believe the Holocaust arose simply out of anti-Semitism when in fact, that was a relatively late ingredient in the brew. It mainly arose out of 25 years or more of eugenics, in which public health and medicine believed they should decide which lives were worthy of life, and which lives were not. Which is why doctors and nurses were, naturally, the professions most devoted to the Nazi party. All of this became gut-level intuitive to me during covid. I feel now that I properly know the enemy and the evil.

I am so terribly sorry for what happened to your husband and to you. My father died from two "bad batches" of the Moderna vaccine, in June 2021. But he died in a small hospital in Trump country and I think everyone there genuinely tried to help him, although they were baffled all along. I, my husband and my brother were all allowed to be with him, as the nurse allowed us to violate the visitors limit, and when I stayed behind after to sign paperwork and I tearfully asked her for a hug she immediately hugged me. Your story is far more heartbreaking and I'm just so sorry. In most hospitals they are being instructed by hospital administrators to do evil -- for the money -- and they are simply doing it, "following orders," pretending to themselves that it is not evil. Some are psychopaths, but most will someday have to admit to themselves what they did. And all of them will, as you say, someday have to admit it to God.

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Thank you , it was all evil and so very wrong . It was just heart wrenching to not be able to be with him . So many of us went through this .. I’m just trusting God to make it right one day. I’m sorry for what you went through and your loss . They knew the jabs were bad and they pushed them anyway. I’m so sorry 🙏🏻

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There ARE lawyers that are interested and willing, and there are many ways to legally get these bastards in my profession.

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It is heartbreaking to read this Jane!

I, here in Belgium lost 15 people (family members and friends) just after the vaccination rollouts. I wish you much strength.

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Thank you , I’m sorry for your losses . It’s heart breaking .

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It broke my heart to read your story. The ending was uplifting though. Your faith is an example for us all.

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Thank you .. God is good , even in all this He is good. He has been faithful, He has protected me, provided for me , He is with me in my grief and in my joy. He carried me and held onto me when the grief and deep dark pain was almost unbearable… and I was sure that I wouldn’t make it one more day .. God was there . I trust Him and rest in Him . He is who He says He is . My husband is with Him , and one day I will be too.

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Janet - this story is so awful to read..

A BIG hug to you...

The people who committed these crimes MUST stand trial.

What was done to your husband was murder.

The organization you're part of, CHBMP, seems to have lots of evidence. There must be lawyers now who can take on such cases.

I agree with Roger Kimber, also replying to your post, that you might contact Jeff Childers - easy to find if you search for coffeeandcovid - and ask him for advice.

Maybe CHBMP is able to find legal advice too?

There HAS to be legal action against those responsible for the MILLIONS OF CRIMES committed under cover of "covid measures".

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Are you familiar with this website?: https://1000widows.org/

It’s all women like yourself who watched their spouses euthanized during Covid 19.

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No I don’t know about that one. I did share my story on chbmp.org There are probably over a thousand written and video taped stories , mostly about those who died , but also a few who survived. I will look into that site as well . Thank you .

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I know a nurse who told me the same story you described. She is now suing the hospital. But how can these doctors and nurses live with themselves? I expect the general public not to be able to get all the facts during a time of high stress, but the doctors should have been questioning what was being mandated in the hospitals and the nurses should have refused to give dose after dose of drugs that they knew would kill the patient. I am a doctor and told my staff to stay away from the vaccine, educated them on the con job going on, prescribed Ivermectin and Budesonide inhaled treatments. I never got the jab and kept my husband and son from those that tried to push it.

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I am so sorry.

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Thank you

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Here is the section of US Law that can be very helpful for the Legal team who is looking into correcting the callous actions of the Hospital and doctors and nurses that caused your husbands death: 21 U.S.C. Section 360bbb-3(e)(I) (A)(ii) (III) which reads in part; "of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product..." The title to the entire U.S.C. 21 Section is Authorization for Medical Products for Use in Emergencies. If any of the drugs used on your husband were under emergency Use Authorization (EUA) this section says that there was to option to refuse those drugs. If that option was not given him or you when he was incapable of giving Consent himself, those persons caring for him were in violation of US Law.

I retired some 12 years ago as a 40 year Health Care provider and a 12 year Attorney.

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Thank you. I don’t think he was informed or consented . There are no consent forms signed .. unless they use the forms they make you sign upon admission . I was also in the hospital for observation , I was given Remdesivir , without my knowledge, no information , no consent . They just gave it . Yrs it was used under EUA.

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Before giving any medication under EUA there would have to be an Informed consent discussion and a signed Consent Form.

I would guess that it was likely the Hospital, doctors and Nurses would not be told about this US Law requirement because they thought they did not need consent to give a medication.

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That is what I thought at first. But no--the only requirement is to give a "fact sheet" to the patient, accordng to the Prep Avt

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Nope , no discussions , no consent . The Drs and nurses thought they were covered by the prep act .. if they stayed conformed to the mandated treatment.

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Nothing signed .

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You need to include your story in a Forest of the Fallen display.

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Upon reflecting on just how much we have been lied to over just the last 4 years, just imagine the number of things we've been lied to about since JFK?! Yeah, we can go WAY further back, but let's just go back to the 60's. We are a managed and manipulated society my friends. Wake up and smell....well...ourselves. Dupes.

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Building 7

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9/11 as a whole. Very deep disturbing dive down Hell's Rabbit Hole.

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Oklahoma City

TWA 800

Vince Foster

Ron Brown

Las Vegas mass shooting

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We could go on for days.

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99% of the sheople in America have no clue about bldg 7. You’re in the same sheet of music as me.

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Go back to 1913, I say.

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Dear Dr. Nass, Thank you, thank you, thank you for your honesty, integrity and belief and concern for the American people. Who have been abandoned by their putative leaders. You are a shining light of integrity. In a society gone mad.

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I recall how the DNC Rules prevented the most popular candidate in 2016, Bernie Sanders, from getting the nomination - "super delegate" shenanigans that magically anointed Hillary. She was almost as debiltated as FJB, but this same Evil Media ignored, lied, and censored any Truth about her performance issues. My takeaway is that it matters very little who is in the WH as long as the demands of the Permanent State Bureaucracy prevail.

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Yes, this is definitely Obama’s 3rd term. There are 5 of his previous cabinet in the WH.

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What I don't get is what exactly they're hoping for re.: the debate? They pumped Biden with drugs and set him "free" on the debate stage now, knowing full well that he'd be even worse as the time passes. Frankly, pitiful as this show was, I was expecting even worse. I voted Democrats in the past elections, I won't vote Democrats again, "as long as we both shall live."

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Midwest Doc suggests that the cognitive decline could be accelerating because of being injected with the RNA that reprograms cellular function. I don’t think brain cells are exempt. The deranged RNA pushers will of course deny it!

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I read what the MWD said and I gotta question if Biden got an MRNA shot. It seems to me that it would be too risky for the deep state to give him a shot with a high probability of killing or mentally injuring him. IMO he never got the real jab.

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That is if the left hand knew what the right hand was doing.

OTOH, while undoubtedly Obama is likely the proximate puppeteer re political and international decisions, ‘Dr’ Jill is likely in control of his person. I doubt that she is savvy enough to understand that the jabs are trouble with a capital T, & she may have insisted that he get the real jabs to protect his health (& more importantly for her, her position as FLOTUS).

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In one sense it is not important whether Biden was jabbed. If he was, then the jabs very likely contributed to his state of preforming at last weeks debate.

On the other hand, if he was not jabbed, then his dementia , to reach the level that was demonstrated at last week's debate, has been in a declining state for a large part of his pResidency.

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He suffered two aneurysms early in his life.

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I used to think that as well, but then I read an article by A Midwestern Doctor saying Biden did get the jab and at least one booster and he was attributing that to the Imposter-in-Chief's swift mental decline.

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Nah...he was toast back in 2020 even before the shots started.

He hid in the basement.

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Bet he got saline.

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Brain cells are not exempt. The protein spike crosses the blood brain barrier, and in fact, has detrimental effects on the hippocampus which has a lot to do with memory. Dr. Michael Nehls, M.D., PhD., discussed it in “The Indoctrinated Brain”. Dr. Peter McCullough discussed in a recent Substack the onset of accelerated cognitive decline after the injection. At first, we all just heard about “brain fog” after Covid 19 or the shot, and of course we heard about cerebral hemorrhages, strokes, myocardial infarctions and a whole host of adverse neurological events, but now the information on cognitive decline is being written about.

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President Biden May be a prime example and they will deny! Deny! Deny! They have been all in to push RNA injections that reprogram cellular function with unknown negative consequences!

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You are on it Dr Nass. Evil is upon us for sure. However, I am a fan of DJT. I know about him, but he has common sense and I believe he can help put our country back on the right path with God’s help. Never forget what God did with King David. David killed the husband of his mistress. God forgives and uses people. Trump is not evil. I loved the Bush’s, but they were under the WEF and CIA influence and they harmed America, terribly. Soros, Kissinger and their WEF have been trying to destroy us since WW2.

DJT loves America. He is smart and I pray for God to guide him and not let the demons kill him. Just remember all the evil the Clintons and Obama have done to this nation. Lies and more lies. Greed and power is their motto. Bill Clinton destroyed much childhood innocence in America with the media’s help with his escapades. Our country has been damaged by these people. DJT is not as bad, as you and my sister perceive. He does have a caring heart and a brilliant brain. The media psychos have brainwashed many against him. Bill spoke with a silver tongue and so did Obama. Evil folks in my thinking. Trump speaks the truth out loud. He sees the worms in the deep state and judicial system. We desperately need a tough man like him. No more sneaky, silver tongues for America. I pray God returns to America, elects DJT, and we put God first in this country. If not, then we are destroyed by Satan , and God will be allowing it. It will be OVER for this once blessed country that many have died trying to protect. Oh how I love America. 🙏🇺🇸

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Meryl if your a Democratic supporter in the past you have responsibility for what the system is doing to you. The tyranny only lives on the democratic side of the political divide. The only solution is Trump or a protest vote for RFK Jr.

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Trump 2024

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Amen…. Please God save us! Elect DJT.

I know the Dems are planning to cheat like last time. Illegals voting, mail in ballots. Why do we put up with this evil cheating. Go work the polls people. Integrity first!!!!!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

The uniparty is real. Republicans talk a good game, but many are RINO do-nothings or corruption-enablers. But the Democrats have been corrupted through and through. They never met a woman they wouldn't cancel or a kid they wouldn't confuse.

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I love Kennedy’s work “ Children’s Health Defense”; however he is a lawyer, not a business man. He is also big into climate change on other big Dem policies . He’s done good things but still too liberal. He Would follow many Dem policies I disagree with. He’s not tough like DJT. Now, we need tuff. We are fighting evil demons everywhere. This is spiritual war.

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Jim's use of "Joe Biden" still tickles me to this day. Always raises a chuckle or two to read his work. He is quite dry.

With regard to Trump, I am reminded of Voltaire's comment that I may disagree with what the gentleman has to say but I will fight to defend his right to say it.

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Oh yes! Always

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Will there even be an election?

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They’ll probably lock us down. They must take over and have a dictatorship and rule us like China. Fight. Do not comply

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The Fall Of Democrats:

Something Significant

Died In These People.

Or Worse,

Never Lived.


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I’m “borrowing” this Thomas!!!

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Part 2 of 2

Russia now being backed, cheered, called upon, willed to repeat their efforts off the recent past global conflagration and kinetic endeavour 1943 -45 culminating their all but single-handedly defeating Hitler and his Nazis, yet despite Russia’s role being denied, ignored, we live to witness that very evil being supported en masse from every Baltic State, to the Western European states all once invaded Hitlers Nazis, though many like Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine had a history of forming death squads that Himmler himself said were more brutal in facilitating his Jewish, Homosexual, intellectual, Political Opposition, Romany, Intellectually Handicapped, Physically Handicapped solution, through Canada lauding and giving standing ovations to avowed former Nazis, their deputy P.M Freeland herself via her immediate family part of that evil, neck deep in it and on to the U.K and U.S arming, financing and playing minder over the very same Nazism they have rekindled in that corrupt Nazi shithole and true bastion of Western democratic values… Ukraine, makes you wonder just how many of the liberals backing Ukraine realise the role they played in gleefully eliminating homosexuals and Queer and transgender untermenschen from humanity… funny that, still better to pin Ukraines Flag to your social media or on your bumper, in your lapel, on your pole in the Yard😂😂😂😂.

It is worse than odious, it as an insult to intelligence, just as we witnessed have witnessed Al Qaeda and ISIS being Western intelligence constructs, used as proxies to facilitate regime change and destabilising the Middle East as well as being reta8ned for using as a convenience to further attack legitimate and democratic states they controlling them, CIA and CIA SAC/SOG paramilitaries, the U.K’s MI6, as well as Western Intelligence Agencies throughout Western Europe all knowing and going along with this banal evil, for evil it is.. alas though recent events have outed them, exposed them, what was once unknown, now known, a bright light shone upon them, just as we witness the Trojan Horse that our Westphalia, Westminster Democratic system actually is, nothing more than a control mechanism by and for the elites, their collective gotcha to the masses, the system a sham, controlled always as such is, in every jurisdiction and former colony that WON 😂😂😂😂 independence 😂😂😂😂 so called because the elites know it’s a scam, as we witnessed leaders, unelected appointed, smell the fear of the elites loss of control sans the Biden debacle as they threaten withholding funding unless their “pick” for presidential candidate wins, Whitmer, Newsom oh they’ll also be ok if the V.P gains the DNC nod to run as well, so much for primaries 😂😂😂 and the people choosing… how many nations have been suckered the Trojan horse bearing the shiny, new, nice liberal lifestyle as espoused the aforementioned think tanks, Foundations, NGO’s, US Aid 😂😂😂 a misnomer if ever there was one as they invariably overthrow democratically elected governments… how is it going in Ukraine nowadays, as they all dreamt 2014 in Maidan.. ?

As many agree it’s a cluster of the highest order.. one disaster after another, but then there is nothing like a good bit of fu.ked up mismanagement costing hundreds of thousands of lives to ensure your climb up the PMC ladder, or just looking past that which you ought hold your fingers tightly squeezed upon in order to avoid the stench given off… Stepan Bandera anyone… all just to win you that coveted FDA, CDC, FAA, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed, Pharma, board seat, or Sec State, Sec Defense, or any other Cabinet or PMC Dept Head or Permanent Deputy Position, a judgeship, University, Academia remainder of lifelong role appointment , or the coveted Media placement, Book Deal, the Permanent role in the Think Tank, Billionaires ubiquitous Foundation, one of the Councils, or NGO’s where the salaries are so much bigger than the remuneration in public service and therein is the payback, as alluded to in my opening, this is the promised reward, for doing the bidding of those truly calling the shots, the Western Nation States including the E.U, U.S all Dollarcracy’s, their sovereignty ceded to the call of the dollar… services rendered, I guess that what politicians all truly meant when they espoused the economic shift to a services based high value economy 😂😂😂😂😂, if only they told us, we might have had something to say about it.

The entire edifice is broken, is in need of being torn down, bottom up, top down it matters not, just to be rid of so much filth, fraud, corruption of the politicising of everything from currency to Justice, to law and order, through municipalities, Congress, the senate, the courts, the Whitehouse and virtually every capital in the West, compromised, having sold out, the biggest crime, doing so, so cheaply… they at least could have really driven a hard bargain, but alas no, a handful of dollars, an easy role, a promotion, anything but the level these cheapskates and lazy arses were prepared to sell you and me out for… your future, my future, it’s sick, but one thing remains, these people are stupid, fools, we won’t let them forget, it’s incumbent upon us all to remind them always of the role they’ve played taking from you, me, your kids, your friends, Colleagues, workmates, communities and nation, everything you’ve lost, that you are going to have to endure in order to reset as it ought be, what has been taken from you…

Little wonder Russia is seeing unprecedented numbers of applications to migrate into Russia than in their entire history, not for them liberal values, many in the West share and want the very same despite the prop and rhetoric we are fed.. pray Putin continues despite the provocations in the Middle East, Ukraine, impacting the Russian homeland via the tried and true trope of terror, sowing division and divisiveness continues to remain resolute, I won’t be surprised though as this Western beast gravely wounded threshing as it is instigates a false flag, blaming favourite bogie man … Russia, when it happens just ask why would a nation that has repeatedly avoided confrontation escalation with the West, that is hands down as measured every possible metric, winning across the battlefield? They won’t, but they are determined to win, decisively in the process and as a consequence of defeating Ukraine/ NATO in Ukraine defeating NATO, dismantling it and the E.U along with it the journey into this evil and nefarious liberal experiment and nightmare we have been living this past decade, the last 4 years especially … pray it happens then watch the destruction of this globalist agenda go into overdrive… we are living empirical change, seldom witnessed and lived, a time to behold and remember forever…underscoring the worst of humanity, showing us what we cannot ever become or touch again…. Multipolarity a new paradigm, learn about it, understand it, educate yourself, embrace it, pray it succeeds… or prepare to live a vicarious life peering at reality through a lens, a headset viewer.. Apple, META anyone.. that’s the future if Russia do not win, thankfully they are, pray it continues..

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Reading your work feels like reading Alistair Cooke's letter from America (UK based report from an Eng,ishaman in New York, ended in 80's) truth served up in digestible dollops and to the point,We in UK fear for US - when America sneezes Europe catches a cold. Trump is the only solution but ihis record was not so bad - high rates of human trafficker convictions and he gave hope to many for a better life it seemed last time,

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Trump was Great! And the entire time he had evil people , traitors within, trying to destroy him. If he had stayed president there would be no war, no energy issue, good stock market. Low gas prices, His policies were great and he worked 24/7 to help America and gave his salary to the Veterans. He is street smart, brilliant and now he knows who the evil ones are. I pray for him daily. It is not about personality. We are no longer in High School. It is about policies and protecting American citizens. The Dem administration is trying to destroy America and kill off its citizens thanks to Hillary, Nancy P, Gates, the WEF, The WHO, The greedy narcissistic politicians that lack brains, big pharma , the CIA, and DOD. I can’t believe they can’t see they are destroying their own families, also. They all must be hypnotized with some drug Soros bought for them. He is the image of Satan, but they all worship his money. They surely can’t take that money with them to “The Eternal Lake of Fire”. It is written…. God is sending each one of them there. It will be a most unpleasant eternity. They don’t have a clue because they believe they are Gods. It’s insane what evil does to humans.

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Remarkable essay from Mr. Kunstler, remarkable that I had never before run across his writing. Remarkable how many issues of concern you find then relay to we, the truth-hungry public. Dr. Meryl, you are truly the energizer bunny of truth-seekers. Keep on trucking!

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This will be a must-watch interview!

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Dr Nass, thanks for this.

Hadn't heard of Kunstler.

His summary of the Dems/MSM since 2015, 2016 is accurate. I for one will be having a look at his substack.

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