Sep 21, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass


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"The first day in office, I will send everyone a 2000 dollars check"...

Promising is cheap.

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Yes, but I have RFK, Jr. In mind, and I don't think he will promise if he isn't sure of what he'd do. When asked on zoom if he would exit the WHO, he said that we would do better to change the WHO "from the inside." He seemed to feel we should not exit the WHO because "the WHO helps poor countries," as he put it.

Since then, he did not even address Dr. Nass's comments from a few days ago in an interview she had with him about the harm the WHO will be causing in the future. He just listened to her, and then changed the subject. So, I am suspicious. So, I worded my urging the way I did because:


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All corrupt agencies need abolished no matter the good they may do. Just as an abuser in a relationship can sometimes be okay. Even nice. Other times so not okay. The next punch is always coming. You don't know when, where or even how, but it is coming. So what they have done nice things. That is how abusers hook people.

This is like saying, "That person isn't all bad. They made dinner last night. After dinner they punched the hell out of their spouse, and the spouse barely survived the attack, but the victim shouldn't leave as sometimes they are nice. and make dinner." NOOOO. Get the F out!

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RFK, Jr. is protecting the WHO for some reason because (1) he won't say he will Exit the WHO, and (2) he stated, he's "positive there is Climate Change."


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Better make that $15,000...inflation, ya know.

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There is NO inflation; Bidenomics works Grrrrreat :P!

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Hooray for the 11 countries who voted "No" on the odious Pandemic Declaration at the UN:

Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, the Russian Federation, the Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

They prevented it from being approved by consensus and morphing into international law.



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So did the UK say yes if true he's ignored the people's wishes I suppose royalty said yes because of c.shwab.i really thought Britain would say no...tedross led us up a bad path.

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Charles is one of them. The Crown owns a lot of the world via Blackrock Vanguard etc.

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Sounds to me like the WHO has a religion and they want to suppress belief systems that differ from theirs. Wait a minute ... where have we heard that before??? Their religion is vaccinology.

On another note: can there now be any doubt that totalitarianism doesn't arise from the mechanistic thinking of the masses (Desmet: this is his central theme) but instead from massive censorship, such as what the WHO wants to practice upon us? It's the censorship that induces the mass formation through its propagandistic counterpart of constant fear and anxiety.

In reality, if we let doctors be doctors during any pandemic, then with existing rapid communication doctors will talk and solutions will be found. The best solutions will rise to the top, back by clinical evidence and logical thought processes. But that isn't what the WHO wants, is it? They don't want solutions. They certainly don't want logic, except the logic of their doublespeak. They want to tear things down so that the way is prepared to Build Back Better according to their own idiosyncratic and evil religion they want to impose on the entire world.

We need the WHO like we need a hole in the head.

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And their High Priest is apparently Big Gates.

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Who would bribe people to say yes.

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You misspelled evil leader.

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The same thing is what has been going on with cancer. There are better treatments with higher success rates then cut, poison and nuke the person. However the treatments are suppressed as the agenda was genocide with a side order of profit to the big wigs.

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... another ... .

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“The lived experience of people who suffered through the COVID-19 pandemic must be at the forefront of our minds going forward in order to realize the clear direction provided by world leaders,” said Dr Tedros. [WTF does that sentence mean?]

here's what it means: "we muzzled you and locked you down and coerced you to take the poison jab and we'll do it again!"

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Right lol. Only "lived experience" is a Critical Race Theory buzzword like "equity" and my personal favorite "inclusion". My sense is that construction is code for all the atrocities, and people's awareness of them being something they must repress and erase, as they are so messy and all over the place, which causes the cattle in the abattoir chute to be restless and out of control, so imposing the "clear direction" (makes me think of a title of a book I read in high school, This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen), will "realize" the singular narrative people like Jacinda Arden and the global Censorship Industrial Complex are crafting and insinuating in every media ecosystem through every means possible. Asshats! Hurray for the 11 countries!

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Only the Ubermenschen live. Any experience not lived really never happened or isn't worth recording. recordIng it is an offence (offensive). The untermenschen and his experience (life) is as good as unlived and any mention or discussion of it is causing a public disturbance, insurrection or dangerous to public safety

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Whenever they say lived experience they mean to say any other experience is as good as never having been lived because it's ignored or not recognized as a valid experience. This is newspeak.

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"lived experience" in DEI word salad means ethnic minorities and residents of the global south are the primary target

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If you're not 'it' then your perception of your experience is toxic and should be prefaced by a confession eg. i acknowledge my privilege and promise to reallign my experience .. Recalling your experience is offensive, an abuse or your privilege. You should forget you lived it.. you must strive to unlive your toxic experience

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Doublespeak redux?

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He misspelled murder and dysfunction they caused.

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Preparedness, countermeasures, sustainability, they are the real hate speech

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"Pandemic" is the worst.

When was the last time there was a real pandemic? Ever?

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Never, but according to them we have to be prepared for it forever, and if it never happens they will produce them with our compliance. The WHO wants us to be a stakeholder-partner in GOF, more concretely we’re invited to produce bio and chemical weapons, and as a dual use also to be (domestic) terrorist when we don’t take part in their wargame….we’re all soldiers now and we must be prepared for forever wars.

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Or forever resistance!!!

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Complete Bullshit by Gates Fauci Bourla Tedros et al LOCK THEM UP!

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... before they do anymore damage.

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A fundamentally back ass word, view of reality. If you want the best outcomes for individual people, you empower them, and the people closest to them, those most invested in them, and who love the most.

Those are the people who will go out of their way, and do the most for individual people.

In the pandemic, we had people that hadn’t treated a patient in decades, if ever telling those of us who spent our career treating patients, adjusting our treatment to Changing conditions both in the community and in the individual patients what we could and could not do.

It’s soon became clear, that their motivation had nothing to do with the best for the patient or even the community, but what maximize their money, power and influence.

This is just a repeat of the same flawed recipe, built on a seam, tyrannical, centrally, planned, reasoning and philosophy, whether you call it communism or fascism, that has failed every time it has been tried.

Foolish ones, shame on you, fool us twice shame on us.

We will not comply. I will not comply.

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We Will Not Comply!!!!!

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Thanks you so much for your work Meryl- you have helped me immensely in my efforts to open the eyes of those close to me (it has been a rough 3 years!). People are finally beginning to say “You were right, and I thought you were crazy!” Now they thank me for stopping them from taking these injections. They are more open to listening to me about the rest now😉

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Do you take Klaus Schwab

As your loving dictator

And do you take the UN and WHO

As your trusting tyrants

Speak now or forever hold your tongue

Won't that be fun

Greater online censorship

Here we come

It's about time we bring the discussion

Out of our digital playpen

And make the world

Real again

Small platforms are being gobbled up

Soon there won't be much else

But silence and shut up

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They wish to prevent events like the Coronavirus outbreak?

Consider it an international crime to weaponize infectious agents of any kind.

Bring a stop to all such research RIGHT NOW.

Block any for profit entities, i.e. Pharma, from being stakeholders in Public Health decisions on any level from Village to Nation.

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Block Them All!!!!!

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Dictatorship in the making

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You misspelled being perfected.

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023

Perusing the work of Drs Mihalcea and Nixon, to name just two, it would seem we are all in a dystopian novel in which there is a worldwide conspiracy to install kill/control switches in every human being, and as recent reports reveal, livestock.

In this nightmare, the WHO is the nidus of planetary control.

If we are going to survive this as free entities, in the words of CJ Box's character Joe Pickett, it's gonna get real Western in a hurry.

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Waiting for the western!!!!!

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I'm just hoping Joe brings Nate Romanowski, or we're gonna have a lot of work to do.

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It's fantastic to see that the objective of stronger "international cooperation" and "coordination" includes "measures to counter and address the negative impacts of health-related misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and stigmatization." We can surely trust the WHO to be the ultimate arbiter of health-related facts and to generate a uniform "understanding" for cases where ambiguity exists. To permit any showing of contrary facts, or any alternative hypotheses, would not support the new scientific and [global] political model.

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World Health Organisation is totally CORRUPTED by benefactors (INFLUENCERS) like Bill Gates (who contributes over 53% of the WHO annual budget). Gates says "THE MOST LUCRATIVE INVESTMENT I EVER MADE WAS (is) VACCINES"). Gates now OWNS the WHO! Join the dots!

This all stacks up evidence that The WHO, Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC and WHO, now have no interest in Human Health, but purely in PROFITS and DE-POPULATION for the Elites invested in dubious, sometimes dangerous 'cures' (VACCINES?).

How can NO LIABILITY for 'Vax Makers' be justifiable when so many Vax injuries and deaths continue to prove world health is now there simply to make financial profits - not to help humanity?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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He owned the WHO, largest private donator anyway, when he made that comment.

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For those who wonder if the New World Order is upon us, I think this leaves little doubt.

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