Blows my mind how Neil hasn't been shamed into obscurity.

So Maria and the champs that rule the global health racket thinks it's still a pandemic, huh?

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. What it is, it sure as hell doesn't justify the elimination of civil liberties and introduction of the bio-medical surveillance state,

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Dr. Falsi has been around forever. Back in the 80's and 90's he was responsible for a lot of deaths with his toxic AZT protocol for HIV/AIDS. I guess when you have the power to control and kill a lot of people and are a sociopath, it's hard to step away no matter how old you are. I still see his ugly face around.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

5th year, my how time flies, apparently my skepticism has eternal shelf life.

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And imagine how much different America would be if more people would just be a tiny bit skeptical...

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Or turn off the fucking boob tubes for 5 minutes and go interact with a human.

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My doubts have turned into unequivocal certainty. Every step they take confirms their catastrophe unfolding in the world.

Censorship is the best evidence of fraud. It's like having God presiding over your marriage ceremony, in Person. Top that! If you are telling the truth you welcome debate and adversarial challenges at every opportunity. When you lie your only defense against kickback is censorship, or worse.

Ah, another chance to expose the liars. Canceling your opponents is a sure way to get me to follow them religiously, and ignore you utterly! One qualifying disclaimer, usually!

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Sep 16Liked by Meryl Nass

Not long ago one would ask "What are they smoking to arrive at such a conclusion?" but the many victims of the plandemic measures aren't a laughing matter. That the English translation of "Van Kerkhove" is "From (the) Graveyard" doesn't help either. Already with the Omicron variant it was clear that even weaponized pathogens follow the rule "survival implies evolving to nonlethal".

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No, from the Graveyard? Its a flipped world, their new oath says first do some harm. Also known as infant "vaccination".

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It's even old Dutch, from the time that nouns were conjugated according to their gender. German language still uses 3 genders (female, male, neutral) and those who also had to learn French, Spanish etc. know they only use 2, and those gender associations can differ per language. The word for "sea" is gender neutral in German but male in Spanish yet female in French.

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Either profound idiocy or profound evil or a combination of both (which there usually is, since arrogance makes you stupid). For the life of me I can't think of a 4th explanation for the insanity of these people. It's as though they worship at the altar of consensus of those with the GREATEST conflict of interests as though it's divinely inspired. Absolutely mind-boggling!

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Sep 17Liked by Meryl Nass

Van Kerkove, Tedros & Ferguson were sitting at the bar laughing uproariously when Joe Biden walks in & says; " Hey crew, what's so funny"? Tedros says; "Well JB we were just discussing the plan to "take out" over 6 billion people off the planet & 1 dolphin." JB replied; "Why the dolphin"? They all started to crack up again & Tedros said; " See I told you he wouldn't give a shit about the 6 billion."

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Drove the nail to the hilt with one blow.

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Too good to not respond to: "the drunk, the skunk, and the junk scientist." I do believe that those nomenclatures would pass muster--showing sufficient construct validity and reliability--in a randomized, double blind, controlled trial to verify their fit to these three person-subjects of the study.

I have to say, I'm not a fan of nicknames, but I will show appreciation when I see a clever use of applied linguistics--assonance in this case--three terms which also occur as three stickies for these three asses, as it were (pun intended, and hopefully not to disparage the term "assonance"). Thanks, Meryl!

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How many shots do you need for a cold?

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These people are insane. They don’t want any of the totalitarian rules to stop. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t simply shame them into obscurity. They deserve to laughed out of power.

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I resent the use of fuzzy verbiage/garbage such as One Health to suggest the WHO's takeover is in some way holistic. The WHO embody the mechanistic, destructive worldview that is anything but holistic; with the built-in greed and sociopathy One Health becomes yet another insult added to the injuries, so the WHO can shove their One Health bullshit. I hope they are aware that they've lost millions who, prior to C-19, thought the WHO were OK. I also resent having to hate the WHO when I love The Who! We won't get fooled again.

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The sort of outcome spending more on advertising than research gets you. Clearly remember the first time plugging Next, their latest album, into the tape player. Wow

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I have a *very* short list of "experts" I trust after my limited trust in "the science" was destroyed over the last 4 plus years. These monsters are not on that list. And never will be.

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"JN.1 continues to rise in detection."

Yes, but does it actually rise in TRUE incidence?

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I'm 79. I've had no jabs since 2017 when I realised I was undermining my natural resistance to illnesses.

In 2020, I realised there was a lot of fear porn about CoronaVirus (Covid19). From day one it sounded 'iffy' but I joined in with the safety rules and restrictions. In June 2020 and 2021, I began to think that mask, segregation and lock-downs were complete Government crap! I had been investigating facts and came to the conclusion there was no reason to remain locked away. I threw away my masks, ordered some tee-shirts with messages like 'Don't mention IVERMERCTIN' on and frequently went grocery shopping wearing my preferred slogan of the day. To my astonishment, people were receptive to my cryptic humour. Our Christmases were spent with extended family - just like every Christmas before!

We realised that Covid was lab modified to maximise it's impact upon human beings. his sounds like RUSSIAN ROULETTE for the poor and less well educated?

Every organisation that was supposedly involved in what used to be human wellbeing, seem now to be corrupt enough to kill people by experimenting on them!

Maybe I've just become very cynical since the Covid Scamdemic was organised and released to justify another dangerous EXPEERIMENT - Covid Vax. It's all about Profits not people's health!

!This sounds like RUSSIAN ROULETTE for the poor and less well educated?

Everybody involved in what used to be human wellbeing, seems now to be corrupt enough to kill people by experimenting on them!

Maybe I've just become very cynical since the Covid Scamdemic was organised and released to justify another dangerous EXPEERIMENT - Covid Vax. It's all about Profits not people's health!

Then came the miraculously fast invention of what they laughingly called a 'vaccine' was announced. We knew it was either complete crap made just for profit - or had been in production while the same Gain of Function Experiments were perfecting Covid for release. Probably, some of both scenario applies here = 'The Kings new clothes' comes to mind. What a great business Plan!

I became a small time outspoken commentator on what my studies had revealed and I started to tell the world that the manufacturers of Covid injections bore no liability for Injuries and Deaths that followed their 'Safe and Effective' injections.

Then we started noticing young super-fit athletes dropping like flies on the soccer pitches and athletic tracks. We started joining the dots and put our suspicions in as many internet comments as seemed relevant.

Now, 4 years on, 13 of our extended family have decline the DEADLY INJECTIOONS and all have been in excellent health since Covid was first modified for release upon the world's population.

We're a close family and have become closer as our Conspiracy Theories have, one by one, come to fruition.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) No jabs for me - No jabs = a longer and healthier life! No Liability says it all!

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I actually belly laughed through this. You are so spot on and they are so far off on everything! America is waking up!!

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Same thing got us WMDs, thanks UK.

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