Yes, yes, yes and totally. World Health has nothing to do with health just as World Trade has nothing to do with trade. Since everyone's body and makeup are different, One Health will never be a healthy concept for this world. They always try to do this to us, making everyone fit into one specific outline. It will never work. In fact, I would work with a holistic nutrition coach before going to any doctor. They have more time to listen and help before spending tons of your money.

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No foreign entity should be in charge of what is going on in the United States. Our Constitution did not condone giving money to any foreign country. What is going on right now with Congress sending money to Ukraine and other countries, even if it were for aid...would be treason!. Taxpayer money is only to be used for American infrastructure, military, and our own needs...It is very clear that our money is not to be used to support WHO , the UN or any other entity.

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🎯 I question whether the mountain of money is going anywhere but into laundering accounts for highly-placed gov entities. As he was wont to do as "overseer" for the Obiden Recovery Act, Brandon now cannot account for BILLIONS in UKR aid! What in hades is happening under our noses, while our pockets are repeatedly picked for every nation's causes BUT OUR OWN?

Fair and open elections are no longer our right, as primary debates also fade to black.

Are live U.S. voters even still necessary?

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That includes NATO as it functions today. We're not just poking the bear of Russia, we're poking the dragon of China who's teaming up with the bear and that is a march off a cliff.

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It is another excellent article concerning W,H,O agenda. The only problem these days is finding countries, I do not mean people, but governments that value freedom. The degree of corruption and collusion between governments, judiciary systems academia, Big Business is overwhelming. Post communist countries in Eastern Europe have never shaken off the Russian corruption and smoothly transitioned into global collusion between Big Agents. I am loosing hope.

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This is essential information.

My question is, "What can I do about all this?"

Nobody asked me about the WHO and no politician is going to follow whatever people want; that sort of thing has never happened.


So, how exactly can "countries" leave the WHO? Mercola bailed out about two years ago, posting that he was mortally afraid for himself and for his family...

What can be expected?


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I am getting people together to come up with strategies.

Right now there are 48 Congresspeople who are cosponsors of HR79 "Exit the WHO" --so badger your Congress critters to join them.

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It sounds all nice, but when was the last time politicians sided with the people?

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Only when an uprising can endanger them, their position or that of their financial sources. Few have noticed that the control grid infrastructure for prison-planet is highly vulnerable, can't be protected easily and must remain profitable. That suggests, the only terrorism on the planet is sponsored by the (deep) state.

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Yes, the grid is very vulnerable. high tech can be defeated with low tech, and people tend to forget this.

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Not just the power grid: the mobile communication infrastructure is even more vulnerable because it can be taken out "from a distance" - similar to what Electronic Warfare does. As that infrastructure is privatized, it has to be profitable enough to continue and reliable enough for the 24/7 surveillance to be effective. It's "THE" Achilles heel.

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The globalist bankers control the global money flow, which enables them to control governments. They own or control everything that matters. Interrupting the supply chain would (will?) result in catastrophic famines, water and energy shortages, and civil unrest (but the latter, as you are suggesting it, can also cause all the rest). The big dogs don't live in this country, and their enablers and enforcers are protected by technologies that are light-years ahead of the average gun-owner's arsenal. 4F turned up alone can cause mass deaths, mimicking a "pandemic," and inviting new "emergency measures." A singly microwave gun mounted on an armored vehicle can fry a whole crowd, and I haven't mentioned drone warfare of foreign mercenaries deployed against the people.

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Here Here!!!

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Actually, Kristi Noem, governor of SD, was the only governor, who never introduced plandemic restrictions. However, she apparently didn't need people calling or writing to her... To me, it looks like politicians usually vote for whatever they are told to. They usually go as far as possible, so enforcing WHO's "authority" will inevitably require another crisis that will be a lot worse than the "covid" scam was. Dr. Buttar's idea that it will be 5G-generated (even most "covid" symptoms were) sounds likely...

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Please people, also send mails to Stella Kyriakides; Her mail address = cab-kyriakides-contact@ec.europa.eu / 'Based on the EU Global Health Strategy and WHO Global strategy on digital health, the initiative follows the November 30, 2022, agreement between Stella Kyriakides, EC Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, and Dr. Tedros.'


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Why was our WHO exit—and absolute WHO defunding—NOT leveraged in the debt ceiling “negotiations”? If Congress fails to step up, as they did in silence regarding the vax mandates, no lapel pins will validate their purpose nor their salaries! Have they not taken oaths to uphold our Constitution?


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#ExitThe WHO

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It’s not Mercola’s job but Somebody has to start alerting us about what grocery/ product ce items and e already poisoned with mRNA / graphene oxide/ nanotechnology hydrogels that are turning peopl’s healthy blood into synthetic clots

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Dr. Mercola Is another angel. He was definitely my first step in learning how to protect myself. I follow all his advice on diet and nutrients, and then he showed me what is best for detox. Bless him!

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from what you’re saying, death will come as a merciful release rather than something to be fended off at all costs, and until then, to me anyway, common sense dictates getting away from the city and suburban epicenters of madness - advantages of country living: clean air, the quiet, the stars at night, cheaper properties, gardens and orchards much more doable, people talk to each other, no crowding...

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Masters were lusting over this for decades.

Obamacare was to be da bomb homies ;-)

We THE GOoD do Win! ONWARD--->

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One health will be replaced by death for millions which is its true goal under the direction of billy gates.

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Meryl, are You using Chrome? That's Google, and I urge you to abandon chrome and all Google products. Use brave .

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I will excerpt this in my blog today. It fits right in, somehow.


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Who could have exposed the true colour of The World Hell Organization, Better than what they are doing themselves?

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Every NGO and every multinational corporation must be taken down and apart...root and branch.

There is no other way. These STAKEHOLDERS need a STAKE driven through their hearts.

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