Fauci and to a certain extent Gates, were chosen to pull off the culling by the Global misanthropes. So, deception was their MO as it aways is of the dark ones.

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Very good point. They don’t care how much carbon comes from wars. So much hypocrisy.

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Did you notice the World's largest Electric Car Charging centre (built in Arizona - I think) runs on DIESEL? Mick.

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You have been given a gift to see and make connections in this evil. For such a time as this. While I personally do not believe any of this will be rolled back, the Bible says this will all happen. Rev even speaks of “the nations being deceived by their pharmakia” and here we are. Thank you for presenting truth. So that many can see lies and deceit when it is held up beside.

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Yes I can see how it all goes together. What I want to know is what all the chem trails are doing to the climate. That is what needs to be investigated. I think “they” are making climate change happen.

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That is really hidden stuff. I don't know myself what they are trying to accomplish.

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You should try to look into it please!

I think they are slowly killing us or making us sick and destroying the planet for their agendas!..

Is this plausible?

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I tried. Could not figure it out.

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The bloodline families had a plan to destroy Earth with nuclear weapons and they built underground mansions to live in until the radiation was cleared. They tried to persuade Dr. Susan Arrigo to remove the radiation with her psi abilities, but she refused. (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/01/01/veil-of-invisibility-alexander-r-putney/)

In around 1990 benevolent aliens had seen enough and disabled the nukes. (https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/aliens-disabled-all-nuclear-warheads)

John Whitberg thinks the Cabal wanted to destroy Earth so they didn't have to pay tribute to the Draco empire (John spent a lifetime as a diplomat with the Nacht Waffen -- the German breakaway empire) (https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/members-of-my-family-sacrificed-humans)

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Weather wars...they want to control the weather...same as they want to control all bio-weapons.

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Thank you tho!

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RFK JR. interviewed Dane Wiggington, who has been chasing this for decades, with an engineering background in solar panel installations. Bobby was dubious, but became convinced after a little while. This video by Dane Wiggington, The Dimming, is as good a go-to as you will readily find.


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YES, PEOPLE-- GO TO geoengineeringwatch.org to find out what's in the crap being sprayed on us and to confirm the converging narratives. It's disgusting. "They" can move the jet stream and engineer both floods and droughts. The precise burning of Lahaina was also engineered, as well as the large wildfires. Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch posted a screen shot of a declassified report from 1970, at FOIA request, of a joint report between the U.S. military and the department of forestry detailing how to drought an area and prepare it for very large "wild fire" devastation... The Plan according to Agenda 2030 is to burn everyone out of the countryside and herd us all into "stack and pack" 15-minute cities, the better to surveil and control us.

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Of course it is and more than plausible. Fauci should have been thrown out of medicine in 1986 after his first AIDS debacle, but they were keeping him around for this and more.

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This has been going on from the beginning of medical discoveries; Fauci has taken a page from the historical record of Louis Pasteur, one of the worst charlatans and plagiarists in medical history who stole most of his good ideas and promoted ones he knew to be based on fraudulent science; we had to wait for Pasteur to renounce his germs of the air theory on his deathbed before the truth was revealed; to this day we haven't recovered from that fallout and damage and we can expect Fauci to outdo him in lies and deceit because he has all of the fake medical science and their agenda behind him.

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Hi Elizabeth: I hope these links below work. I think it's the "Covid Unmasked" Documentary on CHD TV that has "Predictive Programming" about Mr. Burns on "The Simpsons" cartoon talking about blocking out the sun. This is something that madman Bill Gates wants to do. Also, "The Dimming" documentary talks about geoengineering of the weather.

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT meant to be medical advice!


Member of the European Parliament Rob Roos exposes Pfizer - YouTube


Plandemic 1 - Plandemic Series Official

Plandemic 2: Indoctornation - Plandemic Series Official

Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening (Trailer) - Plandemic Series Official


CHD-TV | Childrens Health Defense


COVID UNMASKED PART 1: THE PROBLEM | Childrens Health Defense

COVID UNMASKED PART 2: COVID, INC. | Childrens Health Defense


COVID UNMASKED PART 4: THE SOLUTION | Childrens Health Defense


CHD-TV | Childrens Health Defense


WARNING: This Documentary has heartbreaking, graphic pictures of Holocaust Victims

Part 1: Here We Go Again On Steroids | Childrens Health Defense

Part 2: Anyone Who Wants To Start A War Has To Lie | Childrens Health Defense

Part 3: Breaking The Veil Of The Real Conspirators | Childrens Health Defense

Part 4: This Time Around We’re All Jews | Childrens Health Defense

Part 5: Never Give In – Never Give Up | Childrens Health Defense


CHD-TV | Childrens Health Defense


GEORGE M. BORRELLO v. KATHLEEN C. HOCHUL Lawsuit Appeal | Oral Arguments | Sept. 13 | 10am ET | Childrens Health Defense

Planet Lockdown Documentary Film – Having the courage to face our fear (planetlockdownfilm.com)

Plandemic Series | Official Home of The Great Awakening



Door To Freedom



THE REAL AGENDA OF THE WHO (World Health Organization) & WEF (World Economic Forum)


(6) You’ll Have A Microchip In Your Head And Like It! Says Klaus Schwab - YouTube


https://youtu.be/00g51_PfZrM?si=7s6hfWnGwFBwKJ5M Comedian Jimmy Dore

(6) Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab's WEF Top Advisor, On Hacking Humans And Surveillance Under The Skin - YouTube


WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyseus is accused of aiding genocide in Ethiopia by nobel peace prize nominee | Daily Mail Online


He Who Controls The Weather Will Control The World - Lyndon B Johnson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive



(3) The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) - YouTube






1. September 20, 2023 - The United Nations plans to adopt a “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response”

2. December 1, 2023 - Deadline to REJECT the amendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted on May 27, 2022.

3. Mid-January, 2024 - Deadline for input to the 300+ amendments to the International Health Regulations that are currently being negotiated in secret.

4. May 2024 - Scheduled date for adoption of the 300+ amendments and the WHO CA+ Framework Convention (AKA: “Pandemic Treaty”)

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OUTSTANDING series! (Covid Unmasked) can't recommend it strongly enough! super well made and entertaining as well!

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Hi Warrior Mom:

YES! the "Covid Unmasked" Documentary is phenomenal!

I copied this list from my word document. I'm sorry most of the links didn't stay active. :(

These demented, delusional swamp creatures aren't even hiding their real agenda anymore and are openly mocking us. I am really starting to lose hope that they will ever be punished. There is SO MUCH undeniable evidence, yet no one has been arrested. I CAN NOT handle living as a slave.

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It's not only plausible, it's reality. Geoengineer Ken Caldera is an employee of Bill Gates, whom Gates calls his "greatest teacher..." Why do you suppose? Caldera's on record talking with an interviewer about how, when he worked for DARPA in Livermore, CA (Caldera's now at Stanford), they sat around in a room thinking up ways you could attack your "enemy" (us, or whomever) by seeding pathogens in a cloud and letting the clouds rain down over "enemy territory," to hopefully sicken and kill them. This used to be on YouTube but I'm sure it's been wiped. You can, however, find the interview somewhere at https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

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It is 100% happening imo

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Go to geoengineeringwatch.org and start reading. As the late great Rosalind Peterson of California SkyWatch.com wrote, "We have multiple agencies with multiple agendas operating with no coordination, no oversight and no public discussion." This is a rabbit hole that converges with the "natural spillover" myth when in fact it would be extremely easy to spray pathogens on us using tanker jets... how do you suppose COVID broke out in something like 84 countries, within days?

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I think they didn't even need to go that far, for the widespread 'breakout'. just introduce the use of a suspect testing method and dial it up enough to find things that were already there, like flu etc.

same with the bs fear mongering over 'polio in waste water'... hellloooo, it was probably there for decades but nobody looked for it. they will find any damn thing they want to find in waste water. pfffft.

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Excuse me very much but we in fact d.i.d. have an illness that was unusual here in March of 2020 and onward. If you're trying to imply that there is "no such thing" as COVID 19 you're either part of the denial echo machine or an outright agent provocateur. Enough of this crap. I had that shit for 8 weeks and NOBODY IS GOING TO TELL ME that it's a "figment of my imagination." PERIOD. "PFFFFFFFT," indeed.

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They were trying to destroy the planet by spraying coal fly ash in the stratosphere, and poisoning people, soil, plants and wildlife with various metals.

But the white-hats put a stop to it. "The Greatest Show on Earth"


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I believe the purpose of aerosolized poisons etc is two-fold. One, is to actually create,, intensify, redirect, and deny normal weather patterns (dimming the sun, or drought, etc),to SELL the "climate change is real fear mongering" to the masses. Another side of it may be the naturally occurring consequence of the former applications of heavy metals, toxins, bacteria, disease etc that compromise the ecology of every living creature. The soil, air, water, and all crops that grow from it. Everything the WHO / UN purports to dictate. I find it very convenient how the jabs' self assembling biostructures make excellent use of the excess heavy metals in our blood. Geoengineeringwatch.org #DaneWigington

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Lynda - are you familiar with Dane Wigington? Del Bigtree interviewed him a few months ago.


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Thanks Meryl. Was just talking with my 20 year old son tonight about how climate crisis is being used as a tool of control. Unfortunately he can't see it. He thinks every source of information I look to beats me over the head with how our freedoms are being burned up, sold off and outright stolen. At least he is right about that. I told him that being born after 9/11 and the Patriot Act, he really has no experience with the vast freedoms we used to enjoy and how contrived disasters are used to squeeze more from us. As a loving father it is very hard to deal with. In his case I just have to remember that you just don't know what you don't know. Maybe there's some subtle way to get him to see.

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They can't learn it from their parents...or maybe they can, later... Does he know COVID came from a lab?

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For my situation, the parent/child roles were the reverse of what you experienced, RpERN, in trying to get a close, dear, blood relative to wake up. I've willingly spent much of my life doing this with both my parents.

Guess what started to undo that progress...digital this-n-that tech use!

Also, I haven't been able to be there in person with them to counter those effects since CLOVEN-ClownWorld destroyed careers like mine and harmed or destroyed family relationships and friendships that were previously chugging along just fine.

My point is that the tech use is a big part of why some folks are or become unreachable. That stuff--wifi, TeeWee Snooze emanating from a 'smart'-enabled flatscreen, so-called 'smart'-phones and the incessant entrainment of anti-social media, so-called 'smart'-meters--can effectively rewire a person's thinking.

One solution is obvious: Ditch or at least minimize the tech use.

'Course, how many of us are willing to make that change?

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Quite right about the negative effects of high tech which Marshall McLuhan warned about in the 60's; he accurately predicted the mass media and technological control which would become tyrannical forces in shaping culture and society, especially in the hands of nefarious actors; there are no solutions in turning back or turning off; the only hope is in restoring individual freedom and personal identity and resisting group think; at its root it is a spiritual problem which all addictions are when we try to "outsmart" our Creator with human hubris(it all started in the Garden of Eden!); Bonhoeffer called it the human defect of "collective stupidity" when reason or facts no longer mean anything because individual critical and analytical faculties no longer exist.

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You are not alone, Red Pill ER Nurse, I’m sad to say. ❤️🙏

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Red-pilled: maybe you can try to dispel the idea that you are being 'beaten over the head' by displaying a variety of sources that highlight the hypocrisy and wrongheadedness of 'climate change' agenda. like, if was REALLY about climate, then why aren't they planning on...? (Bret Weinstein just released a fantastic convo with Chris Martenson, on Darkhorse. no bs; just logic and facts.) I don't think its too outlandish to say that our right to own land and travel are very much on the line and the supposed reasons we are given are fishy, at best. are 20-somethings really all that keen on accepting THAT? we give up things so wealthy elites don't give up anything?? where's the 'equity & inclusion' in THAT?

thank goodness my 17 yr old, though he will likely never understand the idea of the 'digital prison', DOES understand my refusal to participate in allopathic sick care, refusal of any vax (since he was vax injured as an infant) and my insistence on being accountable for one's own health. he also is deeply cynical about politics in general, to the point of being nihilistic. I guess that's better than NO 'bullshit detector' at all.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Ultimately this leads to no private ownership of anything. In their minds: we plebes cannot be trusted to live in our own houses, on our own land, we are not capable of raising our own livestock, of planting our own gardens, of managing our forests, our rives, our lakes, and every other resource. Therefore they want us imprisoned into 15 minute open air prisons, where we can be subjected to only what they create and provide, 24/7 brain washing, more toxic medical treatments, toxic lab grown "food". One health means everything on this earth belongs to the global technocrats. This is ultimate tyranny, it is Hell on Earth.

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Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street are private ownership. All of the transnationals are private. You could say the public officials are privately owned by the transnationals as well.

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I've tried and tried to get my bff (of over 55 yrs) to realize that this is the ultimate goal. she outright refuses to believe ANY of it! her and her husband own several acres in northern Michigan, practically in the middle of a national forest reserve. they are talking about selling it, reason being that they feel they are getting too old to maintain it properly. I tell her NO! NO, no, no. do not sell that property. they have a huge garden, greenhouse, partially wood-heated house and large barn (set up by a diesel mechanic). I'll sell my house down here in urban-industrial Mordor (S.E. side of Chicago) in a heartbeat and put the $$ towards maintaining that property.

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I hope you can do that. And hopefully you can get children, or nieces and nephews to carry it on after you can no longer do that. They way way I look at my 30 acres of sugarbush, gardens, chickens, greenhouse. Barn….wood heat… You can take it but only from my cold dead hands.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Yep. Global warming was the shot across the bow at the beginning of the screw everyone great reset. This soon became a global agenda with the UN IPCC convening every few years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is clearly, from its name alone, not a scientific endeavor, but a political one. This more or less coincided with the end of the Cold War, which freed the thugs in the CIA, MI6, and the Pentagon/industrial/State Department complex from any constraints on the projection of power. They love only money and power over their fellow Earthlings. They don't give a shit about murdered women, children, and infants in southern Israel and northern Gaza. All wars are bankers wars.

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One key element is missing: It also perfectly positioned the government to swoop in as the savior (trust authority) as opposed to the culprit (zero trust). This was integral to vaccine rollout uptake

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

BINGO. This is part of the rewiring of our thought processes and steering us cattle into a corral. To get us to buy into the threat from nature as a pretext for locking us up away from it. The narrative of connecting the global pandemic with viral transfer from wild species to humans, the odds of which are increased with "greater contact between man and nature" is a pretext for "protecting us" with bioweapon vaccines and eventually isolation, or 15 minute prisons. If COVID is convincingly linked to labs as opposed to nature, it could blow up in their faces, potentially revealing the scope and depth of bioweapons research. As for why Fraudci took that on, it must be something "they" considered to be his wheelhouse.

Perhaps this is even linked to Ukraine, with the 40-some biolabs, many at them close to Russian border, which needed to be destroyed? I've heard speculation that the COVID strains originated in those labs, but no proof. Not clear, but the farflung stories they make up about that war make me think there's another piece they are hiding.

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All the evil plans are so simple, elegant, sparse and tastefully restrained, but life is messy and daring, innovative, creative and resourceful.

These plans to completely constrain the forces of life and to milk them completely as they would see fit, are against the creative essence of life, "Satanic" if you would.

I'm pretty sure I need to keep standing against them.


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I believe it is spiritually motivated.. Humans choosing evil to rule over and destroy Gods plan’s including all of nature.

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Of course it is a deliberate choice of evil by all of these Satanic actors who desire to be the "new gods" over all humanity; " I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life."(Deuteronomy 30:19) That is what the real spiritual choice is for each of us and we are called upon to choose LIFE, the very life gifted to us by our Creator! Neither God nor His natural world will be mocked with the lies and deceit of these evil manipulators no matter how much trickery they may use.

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I love the way your brain works, Dr. Nass. I bet it can get exhausting at times as you continually are connecting the dots--probably even in your sleep--but it is always interesting to read your articles and see where the dots are leading you. Thank you for sharing all your musings and continuing to care for our health and our rights as humans.

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Don't you just? The woman is a force to be reckoned with.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Great analysis on the true agenda and how the pieces, while each in itself is fairly crude, have been laid out with constant consistent messaging from all corners of the mainstream media for mass acceptance even though with a little digging the entire thing collapses. So the long range plan is to keep pounding us over and over with lies, fear mongering with everything from climate crisis to ever more deadly viruses to nuclear war while always shifting goalposts for confusion sake, and wearing the populations down to where they finally just give up and head willingly to the slaughter, digital ID's in hand.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Meryl, thank you for all your brilliance and kindness.

To add a footnote, Fauci is not worrying about risking anything. He knows he is protected by the same evil structure that has waged this genocide called covid, the wars, the hatred, he is only a pawn on a chessboard, that is owned and operated by the death cult. They will not put their necks in a noose. That can happen, but not within this existing corrupt system of government and laws run by a cabal of evil criminals known as the government of the USA. It is up to we the people to rise up and take action.

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Well stated and exactly right!

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Wow, this makes sense. Another piece of the puzzle!

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Brilliant, Dr. Nass. Thank you. And of course this ongoing delay of game in public awareness (and diminished odds of attracting any significant accountability) serves the perpetrators as well as it did when anthrax was blamed on Sadam Hussein and Muslim extremists, and eventually the "suicidal" lone wolf and just happened to also be from a U.S. military lab. Back then the propaganda, censorship and an endless war on an abstract noun provided the window and sentiment of opportunity to deliver the Patriot Act / surveillance state, Project Bioshield / biodefense funding and the Prep Act / liability coverage for "defensive" "countermeasures" and the path towards the biosurveillance state well underway today. Your keen observation of the significance of this specific crucial play at a crucial time should be ringing alarms bells for all who remember the various "advantageous" delays following the events of September and October of 2001.

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The suspicious fires being blamed on climate change. That also fits into the puzzle. Yes you have it exactly right, it seems.

Good that Fauci has been exposed. The word is out that Covid is a lab creation. Climate change is a hoax. The jab kills.

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I was a victim of such a fire in the Santa Cruz mountains in California. "Dry Lightning" they called it. (Just as a frame of reference lightning is very rare here). Once the fire was going Calfire sat around with their thumbs up their asses and let it spread through the hills and mountain forests. It could have been easily extinguished if they had acted quickly. Some 900 homes were lost. They didn't make an effort to stop it until it got to town. They wanted those properties wiped clean and the people to have to squeeze into the urban areas. Trying to get the people out of rural life.

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