Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

I truly feel sick to my stomach.

Are these people ALL sociopaths bent on destruction of others, or Jekyll and Hydes horror?!

Outwardly normal, inwardly wicked.

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Wonderful investigations and puzzle piecing Meryl!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Thanks for this. More background for legal suites and fights against the WHO possible power grab in their new proposal.

As I recall, the USA is behind the expanded powers of WHO.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

Boom. Accountability. Integrity. Thanks, doc, excellent work ! Are we keeping a running list of the scumbags we sass out?

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*mass formation has become mass amnesia...

-copyright CIM 3/17/23

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This is simply a new incarnation reenforcing the truism "birds of a feather flock together" it seems their feathers are impervious to tar.

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so... I'm retired military (2007), who had the "usual"hearing problems from flying jets. Never put in for it because at the time it was ETD, not even sure I can accurately state if right ear tinnitus was there, yet. Fast forward to about 2010, when I really could note tinnitus, but not an impediment. Move forward to 17 months post vax (initial Moderna), and 27 Jun 22 I experience sudden profound sensorineural hearing loss (like, in between seeing patients in the 0900 hour) and the tinnitus is now amped up to 7-10/10. I wear an earplug where it may be loud, but it doesn't always help. I'm due to be evaluated as a candidate for single ear cochlear implant at UofR (Cleveland is backup), have started a VA claim, and have have tymp-/audigram and brain MRI, and have no vestibular complaints. I'd be curious if any other testing available to check CN-8, similar to an EMG I use for median and ulnar neuropathies. Just putting it out there for any leads to chase.

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Thank you for so clearly putting this together for those unawares. Easy to follow and so disgusting to learn. We have one heck of a fight but if nothing else, now there are more aware to help join the fight against this terror on humanity.

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The only way we fight back to this fake WHO system can only be the masses (peoples) of the countries. Forming coalitionsI . Otherwise we are all experiments for future elites.

The ones with the power seem to be nuts to say the least.

Will do massive damage to humanity on a scale that would make world war look small.

No joke!!

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You know, nothing really shocks me anymore. Like playing with a Rubic's Cube, I keep getting closer to the solution, only to find a basic premise is upended and start again. This should keep me going for awhile!

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The Endotoxin in mRNA jabs attacks nerves and leads to demyelination. It also alters the Brainstem secretions. I will gather material on that aspect.

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Great. Now I can't help wondering if the vaccine contributed to recent worsening of my tinnitus and BPPV. I got the original vaccines in spring 2021 but no boosters. Have not had Covid.

This in addition to wondering if the vaccine contributed to my brother's recent passing from a rapid malignancy. He also got the original vaccine but never got Covid. Never went to the doctor otherwise, so no pharmaceuticals.

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Fantastic summation! Although the path to uncovering and fixing this seems insurmountable, we must trudge on through the snow storm because it is the right thing to do...not because we are focused on an end result. It was just that kind of melioristic/teleological/pragmatic focus that got us into this predicament to begin with. Thanks again for the hard work Meryl!

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Same old names:

On the 04th February 2020 there was a teleconference held that was initiated by Jeremy Farrar (Wellcome trust) that discussed “desired outcomes”.

I requested information from the UK’s Government Office of Science, the department that Chief Science Officer Vallance is head of, on what these “desired outcomes” were.

The questions asked:

1 - About or on the 01st February 2020 the Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance was involved in an e-mail discussion with Jeremy Farrar and Marion Koopmans amongst others (full list of names available) with the subject “Teleconference”.

Please supply the e-mails in the e-mail chain and conversation with the subject line “Teleconference” or “Re:Teleconference".

2 - About or on the 01st February 2020 the Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance was involved in a teleconference call with Jeremy Farrar and Anthony Fauci amongst others (full list of names available).

Please supply the written minutes of this telephone call, any written notes that were taken during this telephone call and any audio recordings that were taken during this telephone call.

3 - About or on the 01st February 2020 the Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance was involved in an e-mail discussion and a teleconference call with Jeremy Farrar and Marion Koopmans amongst others (full list of names available). In one of these e-mails Jeremy Farrar stated:


• Introduction, focus and desired outcomes - JF

What were the “desired outcomes” he was referring to as discussed in the teleconference call?”


There answer was:

1 - the call did take place on the date stated

2 - there were no records taken of what was discussed

3 - They could not supply all the e-mails due to Section 41 of the Official Secrets Act due to personal information being included.

The quote:

“I confirm we do not hold the information you request in Question 2. No additional notes or minutes were recorded outside of the email correspondence provided in answer to Question 1. Nor do we hold any audio recordings of the conference call. “

This call was also admitted to in a FOI release of Fauci’s e-mails with no further information included. The file is 386 MB but can be downloaded here:

https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20793561-leopold-nih-foia-anthony-fauci-emails - page 3200 area.

This is the call that initiated the use of PCR tests using a paper written by Drosten and that was accepted without challenge by Government’s worldwide and that then led on to restrictions on individuals and businesses based on that paper plus over £400 BILLION of Government spending in this country alone.

I have made the Public Accounts Committee aware of this call and they replied they were interested in it but whether they did anything further I don’t know.

Why was this call not thought important enough for notes to be taken?

Something to hide by Vallance?

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